Tag: Department of Environment
Turtle nests hit hard by last year’s storms
(CNS): Endangered sea turtles face a number of serious threats to their existence, which now includes climate change. Already at risk from poaching, coastal development and human activity, especially lighting that disorients hatchlings, the turtles must now contend with rising summer temperatures, rising sea levels and increased storm activity, which undermine their nesting season.
Sharks taking refuge from humans in deep water
(CNS): Three Caribbean reef sharks were caught on camera at a depth of around 300 feet off the coast of West Bay, Grand Cayman, last week. Experts from the Department of Environment said the footage of the three healthy sharks, two female and one male, demonstrates that while they remain one of the dominant predators […]
DoE opens bid on new approach to invasive iguana
(CNS) The Department of Environment (DoE) is hoping to find a new way to manage the invasive green iguanas and move away from the current bounty system, transitioning the current cull to a lower cost operation, given the reduced population. According to a bid recently opened on the government’s procurement website, this is envisioned as […]
Suspect poachers caught at Rum Point
(CNS): Four men are facing a list of possible criminal charges for poaching offences after conservation officers from the Department of Environment intercepted their boat last week in a protected marine reserve. On Wednesday, 2 February, DoE officers responded to a report from members of the public about suspicious activity in the Marine Reserve in […]
New ideas needed to keep green iguanas in check
(CNS): An army of around 320 registered cullers have managed to kill almost 1.35 million invasive green iguanas over the last three years since the project first began, but there has been a decline in interest from cullers despite an increase in the bounty. This is largely because the estimated number of iguanas has dropped […]