CIG should make terms of dump deal public

CIG should make terms of dump deal public

| 28/03/2023 | 31 Comments

Smiley Whiley Take Your Timey writes: When this bid call was put out by CIG IN 2017, the final bids were down to Decco-Dart (a newbie to waste management) and a French-led consortium of several experienced international waste management and waste-to-energy operators. In the final analysis and in a process not open to public scrutiny, […]

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Dart seeks 7MB setback waiver for bar toilets

Dart seeks 7MB setback waiver for bar toilets

| 10/05/2022 | 148 Comments

(CNS): One of Dart’s networks of companies has made an application to revamp the beach bar formerly named Calico Jack’s and is seeking a number of waivers to planning rules, including a high water mark setback in order to place a toilet block on Seven Mile Beach.

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Four more years before WTE facility opens

Four more years before WTE facility opens

| 14/04/2022 | 74 Comments

(CNS): Cabinet has approved a new negotiation deadline to finalise its deal with Dart for the proposed waste-to-energy facility and a new system to manage the Cayman Islands’ rubbish, including recycling. Government and the islands’ wealthiest investor now have six more months to iron out the details of the ReGen project.

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Deal for Dart bike trails on Trust land halted

Deal for Dart bike trails on Trust land halted

| 15/02/2022 | 139 Comments

(CNS): A proposed agreement between the National Trust for the Cayman Islands and a Dart-owned company to establish bike trails on Trust land has been withdrawn, the non-profit has stated. A notice issued to members last week indicates that whatever deal had been on the table has now been halted, but a special meeting, as […]

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Dart: WTE won’t hurt incentive to reduce or reuse

Dart: WTE won’t hurt incentive to reduce or reuse

| 10/06/2021 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Dart executives have stated that the plan to incinerate and convert the bulk of Cayman’s future garbage into energy will not undermine efforts to reduce and reuse the 100,000 tons of rubbish that the Cayman Islands produce on average each year. The projections for the anticipated increase in waste have emerged from government’s predictions […]

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Dart reports detail $24M dump work

Dart reports detail $24M dump work

| 08/06/2021 | 57 Comments

(CNS): Two recently published reports commissioned by Dart outline the CI$24million worth of work paid for with public cash for the islands’ largest investor to cap the George Town landfill and control the leaching and gas coming off it, based on the deal struck with the previous government just weeks before the election. According to […]

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Helipad stirs up trouble in North Side

Helipad stirs up trouble in North Side

| 30/03/2021 | 103 Comments

(CNS): A proposal by one of Dart’s network of companies to construct a helicopter landing pad in the Hutland area of North Side has stirred up concerns across the district, and the local MP has submitted a formal objection on behalf of his constituents, including neighbouring landowners directly impacted by the proposal. The helipad appears […]

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Dart dump deal still not signed

Dart dump deal still not signed

| 24/02/2021 | 50 Comments

(CNS): Government’s planned deal with Dart to take on the country’s waste-management issue has still not been signed. Decco, Dart’s general contractor, alongside a number of other local and international partners were selected as the preferred bidder three and a half years ago, but to date no agreement has been made or a contract signed […]

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Dart’s hotel to go before CPA with no DoE input

Dart’s hotel to go before CPA with no DoE input

| 15/02/2021 | 122 Comments

(CNS): Hotel Indigo, which will anchor Dart’s proposed ‘new town’, will be before the Central Planning Authority (CPA) on Tuesday as a separate application, but it will not have any input from the Department of Environment because no new National Conservation Council (NCC) members have been appointed. The project comes against the backdrop of public […]

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$20M dump works to start but still no full deal

$20M dump works to start but still no full deal

| 13/10/2020 | 63 Comments

(CNS): The Dart-led consortium selected as government’s preferred bidder for the national waste management project over three years ago has signed a sub-contract with government worth over $20 million. But there is still no full deal agreed for the entire project. This preliminary works contract is to cap and remediate the George Town dump, create […]

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Dump deal ‘soon come’, claims minister

Dump deal ‘soon come’, claims minister

| 23/09/2020 | 60 Comments

(CNS): Government is said to be close to signing a deal with the preferred bidder on the long-awaited waste-management project. It has been almost three years since the Ministry of Health selected DECCO and a consortium of waste experts to take on the project, but to date almost nothing has happened on the tender remit […]

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