Tag: curfew

How to boil a frog and why it should terrify you
‘Oz’ writes: When the lockdown started the government talked about suppression and flattening the curve as the reasons for introducing widespread restrictions on our freedoms. Reducing the number of COVID-19 cases happening at once made perfect sense; everyone could easily understand the rationale of doing this and we happily complied. But somehow, and without our […]

Premier hints at ‘freedom’ before end of June
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin once again urged people to be patient as government continues with the strategy to fully suppress the coronavirus before opening up the local economy and lifting the curfew restrictions. He said that, given the success of government’s strategy to prevent the virus spreading and save lives, it would be tragic to […]

Brackers cleared to go fishing
(CNS): Cayman Brac residents can look forward to an easing of curfew restrictions on Friday, after Premier Alden McLaughlin confirmed that the shelter-in-place order for that island was moving to level three, which means Brackers can go fishing again. With almost a third of the population on the Brac having been tested for COVID-19 and […]

Sister Islands curfew release imminent
(CNS): Residents on Little Cayman and Cayman Brac will soon be allowed to go to restaurants and the beach, as Cabinet is preparing regulations that will pave the way for curfew restrictions to be lifted Tuesday on Little Cayman and then soon after that on Cayman Brac. Premier Alden McLaughlin said at Monday’s COVID-19 press […]

CIG coronavirus response saved lives
‘BTC is King and ETH is Queen’ writes: I’m a bit perplexed by the response from some posters in many CNS articles, specifically as they pertain to the government’s response to Covid-19. To begin, I don’t like Alden, I don’t like any of his cronies, nor most politicians here or abroad. I have some respect […]

New curfew opens up mixed bag of access
(CNS): There will be some relief for the community with the new shelter-in-place order (soft curfew) regulations that come into effect Monday but not everyone will be getting what they want. Premier Alden McLaughlin pressed home the message on Friday that, given the sacrifice that everyone had made so far, the lifting of curfew restrictions […]

Pets get relief but no-go on repairs
(CNS): It will be another two weeks at least before maintenance and repair services will be allowed to resume, according to the government’s phased plan to re-open the Cayman Islands from the lock-down imposed to curtail the coronavirus pandemic. Premier Alden McLaughlin is expected to reveal details of phase one at today’s COVID-19 briefing, which […]

No briefing as gov’t works on ‘new rules’
(CNS): What has become Cayman’s top daily show in recent weeks, the COVID-19 briefing, was cancelled Thursday as Cabinet worked on the new rules for the next curfew phase coming into effect Monday. Premier Alden McLaughlin is expected to announce a number of changes to the shelter-in-place order (the soft curfew) on Friday, but it […]

Coming curfew changes based on least risk
(CNS): The next phase of the shelter-in-place order, or soft curfew, which begins Monday will allow access to more services, based on the least risk of people gathering in one place, Premier Alden McLaughlin said Wednesday. Revealing some details about this first phase of eased restrictions from the COVID-19 lockdown, he said that many more […]

Inquiry opens into alleged curfew breach
(CNS): The police have opened an inquiry into the alleged breach of curfew at the health minister’s home, after his wife posted footage of herself on social media last week working out with a personal trainer, in possible breach of the COVID-19 curfew rules. As well as asking the minister if there was any truth […]

Seymour ‘doing incredible job’ claims premier
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin went to town with his praise for Minister Dwayne Seymour on Tuesday, claiming he was “doing an incredible job” and that he was “proud to have him” as his health minister. The plaudits came as McLaughlin backed Seymour, despite the response he gave on Monday to a CNS inquiry about an […]