Tag: COVID-19 vaccine

More than 500 people vaccinated over weekend

More than 500 people vaccinated over weekend

| 03/05/2021 | 59 Comments

(CNS): As Trinidad and Tobago deal with a surge in COVID-19 cases and impose new lockdown restrictions, here in the Cayman Islands an additional 517 people had their first shot of the vaccine over the weekend, bringing the total of adults who have had at least one dose to 36,291, or around 56% of the […]

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Please get the vaccine to save lives

Please get the vaccine to save lives

| 03/05/2021 | 215 Comments

Sara McKay writes: With only a few weeks to go before the vaccine expiry date deadline, I am hoping this article will persuade more people in the Cayman Islands community to come forward and get the COVID-19 vaccine. There is just simply no excuse not to get it and we should be grateful to have […]

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Two vaccinated travellers to date positive for COVID-19

Two vaccinated travellers to date positive for COVID-19

| 30/04/2021 | 87 Comments

(CNS): According to information supplied by Public Health, up to 22 April, 211 travellers have been both vaccinated and provided a negative test on arrival, which enabled them to take advantage of the reduced ten-day quarantine or isolation option since it was introduced. But officials said two travellers so far have tested positive, albeit weakly, […]

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Last chance to get AstraZeneca vaccine on Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac

Last chance to get AstraZeneca vaccine on Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac

| 30/04/2021 | 75 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED MONDAY: The limited supply of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is available today, Monday, on Grand Cayman at the airport clinic and on Cayman Brac at Faith Hospital. Public Health officials said that no appointment is required. Today is the final opportunity to get the first shot of this vaccine. This very limited supply […]

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OT minister adds voice to vaccine urgency

OT minister adds voice to vaccine urgency

| 29/04/2021 | 89 Comments

(CNS): In a statement issued through the Governor’s Office, the UK overseas territories minister, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, has added his voice to the chorus of officials urging Caymanians to get their COVID-19 vaccine before it’s too late. The UK has supplied Cayman with over 90,000 vials, but the supply of vaccines “cannot be taken […]

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CMO urges community to get COVID shot ASAP

CMO urges community to get COVID shot ASAP

| 28/04/2021 | 185 Comments

(CNS): People under the age of 50 have been slow to take up the COVID-19 vaccine, but Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee is urging them to get their shots now. The remaining vaccine shots will expire at the end of June, so anyone not vaccinated by 9 June will miss out on the ability […]

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Just 122 people vaccinated over last day

Just 122 people vaccinated over last day

| 27/04/2021 | 169 Comments

(CNS): The pace of COVID-19 vaccine take-up continues to slow as the number of people who got their shot over the last day fell to just 122. According to the latest figures from public health, 35,429 people aged 16 and over, or 55% of the estimated full population, have now received at least one shot […]

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Slowed vaccine take-up poses risk of waste

Slowed vaccine take-up poses risk of waste

| 26/04/2021 | 159 Comments

(CNS): As the clock ticks on the shelf life of the COVID-19 vaccine stocks, the slowed pace of the vaccine take-up in the Cayman Islands may see them go to waste. According to the latest figures from Public Health officials, only 368 people received their first vaccination shot over the weekend. As of Monday afternoon, […]

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Three more travellers positive for COVID-19

Three more travellers positive for COVID-19

| 23/04/2021 | 54 Comments

(CNS): With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging around the world, another three people arrived in the Cayman Islands over the last few days carrying the coronavirus. There are now 18 active cases of the virus among the 773 people currently in isolation and quarantine, three of them are suffering symptoms, public health officials said. According […]

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Vaccine take-up increases just 2% in last week

Vaccine take-up increases just 2% in last week

| 20/04/2021 | 59 Comments

(CNS): The percentage of the population that has received at least one does of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the COVID-19 coronavirus barely moved Tuesday, according to the latest statistics. Cayman remains a world leader in the percentage of the population who have had at least one dose, with 34,614 people vaccinated or 53% of the […]

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HRC watching COVID rules closely

HRC watching COVID rules closely

| 19/04/2021 | 41 Comments

(CNS): The Human Rights Commission has said it continues to be involved in the discussions that relate to the current COVID-19 rules regarding restrictions on travel, quarantine and the virus vaccination programme. The commission issued a statement seeking to reassure the public that the situation is being monitored. According to the latest official public health […]

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