Tag: consumer protection

Consumer bill finally on parliament’s agenda
(CNS): Speaker of the House Sir Alden McLaughlin has notified MPs that the third meeting of the 2023-2024 session of parliament will start at 10:00am on Monday, 26 February. Because of the need to pass the 2024/2025 budget, MPs will be presented with several pieces of legislation at this first meeting of 2024 that weren’t […]

Ebanks quits OfReg council, refusing to be ‘seat warmer’
(CNS): Just a few months after George Ebanks was appointed as chair of the Consumer Council, created to advise the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) and feed in consumer concerns, the local businessman has resigned, saying he refuses to be a seat warmer and describing the council as a “cheap employee” of the regulator. […]

OfReg invites Caymanians to join Consumer Council
(CNS): The Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) is creating a Consumer Council to advise it on issues involving utilities that significantly affect consumers and is looking for suitably qualified Caymanians interested in serving on this new body. It will be made up of six members, one from each of the districts across all three […]

OfReg proposes consumer protection rules
(CNS): Three years after its launch, the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) has announced that it is conducting a public consultation on the proposed consumer protection regulations for the energy and water utilities under its remit. This was one of the main motivations for creating the beleaguered office, which has since its inception created […]

Consumer protection still in consultation
(CNS): Work on consumer protection legislation that was first circulated as far back as 2015 remains in the consultation phase, as the business community had asked for even more time to submit proposals. Answering a question from opposition MLA Chris Saunders (BTW) in the LA last month, Attorney General Sam Bulgin said that the Law […]

What is my recourse for a consumer complaint?
I’ve been dealing with a store clerk for over a month now about an unravelling designer bag that is still under the designer’s warranty. The clerk has told me the manager is dealing with my complaint however the manager has not responded to me or returned any of my requests for her to call me. […]

Consumer bill consultation extended in face of backlash
(CNS): Concerns from the business community that the implementation of a consumer protection bill to protect shoppers from bad trade practices will impact their bottom line has led to an extension of the public consultation. The Chamber of Commerce requested the extension period to allow more of their members time to weigh in on the […]

Business urged to wade in on consumer protection
(CNS): The new Chamber of Commerce president, Paul Byles, is urging all businesses to engage in the consultation process for the proposed Consumer Protection and Guarantees bill because he believes it will be much more difficult to ask for change once the law is passed. The bill is designed to give consumers some legal protections […]

More public input sought on consumer protection bill
(CNS): More than two years after work began on drawing up a Consumer Protection and Guarantees Bill, the Law Reform Commission has extended the public consultation period until the end of March. The idea of having a piece of legislation to protect consumers has considerable public support but the process of getting to a workable law appears […]

Consumer protection bill goes public
(CNS): A new piece of legislation designed to safeguard the interests of consumers when it comes to the supply of goods and services has been published for public comment. The draft bill follows an earlier public consultation on a discussion paper to formulate the law and assess public sentiment on the issues affecting consumers. The bill covers procedures […]
Door wide open for white collar crime
A CNS reader writes: Although it’s valid that our police lack a compelling strategy to deal with escalating violent crime, the door to blue and white collar crime has also been left wide-open and duped consumers merit some recourse. The existing judicial structure of our court system caters to small claims under $20k, and then […]
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