Tag: Cheryll Richards

Driver jailed for 55 months for fatal text while driving

Driver jailed for 55 months for fatal text while driving

| 17/07/2023 | 44 Comments

(CNS): Jordan Telford (40) was handed a prison term of four years and five months on Friday after killing Shemiah Grant on North West Point Road in May 2021. Telford admitted to causing Grant’s death due to dangerous driving, as he was texting while navigating a bend. Telford swerved across the centre line and smashed […]

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Driver jailed as he awaits sentence in fatal crash

Driver jailed as he awaits sentence in fatal crash

| 20/06/2023 | 34 Comments

(CNS): Jordan Telford (40) was remanded in custody Friday, as he awaits a judge’s sentencing ruling for causing the death of Shemiah Grant more than two years ago. Justice Cheryll Richards said she would deliver her decision on how long he will serve in jail at the end of the month. Telford has admitted texting […]

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Traffickers used sneakers to smuggle 3kg of cocaine

Traffickers used sneakers to smuggle 3kg of cocaine

| 06/04/2023 | 26 Comments

(CNS): Two women and one man from Suriname began serving lengthy prison terms Wednesday following their conviction for importing around 3kgs of cocaine hidden in the soles of ten pairs of sneakers in suitcases they brought to Cayman in October. The trio travelled from Suriname through Trinidad and Jamaica, pretending not to know each other. […]

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Hung jury in murder trial, Dixon to be retried

Hung jury in murder trial, Dixon to be retried

| 07/03/2023

(CNS): After more than two days of deliberation, the seven women and five men of the jury in the trial of Javon James Dixon (29) for the murder of Jovin Omar Fuentes (32) confirmed Tuesday that they were unable to reach a verdict. Justice Cheryll Richards dismissed the jurors after they sent a final note […]

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Customs officer admits having two illegal guns and ammo

Customs officer admits having two illegal guns and ammo

| 01/02/2023 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Timothy Earle McKenzie (45), a customs officer for more than two decades, has admitted to the illegal possession of two handguns and over 50 rounds of ammunition. The veteran civil servant, who has no previous convictions, appeared in court Wednesday and entered guilty pleas to two counts of possession of an illegal firearm and […]

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Driver’s failed forgery turns ban into crime

Driver’s failed forgery turns ban into crime

| 10/10/2022 | 28 Comments

(CNS): A driver who was stopped for speeding in West Bay last year landed himself a criminal conviction after he produced a forged insurance certificate for the court in an effort to dodge a driving ban. Theodore O’Neil Morgan had been given tickets for speeding and driving without an inspection certificate, vehicle licence or insurance, […]

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Boat captain found guilty in deadly crash

Boat captain found guilty in deadly crash

| 03/08/2022 | 34 Comments

(CNS): Sean Michael McDonald (39) has been found guilty of two counts of manslaughter and one of endangering life in connection with a deadly night-time boat crash in the North Sound near the Harbour House channel three years ago. Manuel “Manny” Brown (49), a former police officer from George Town, and his business partner, John […]

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Drug smuggling witness attacked in jail

Drug smuggling witness attacked in jail

| 22/06/2022 | 32 Comments

(CNS): Andrew Beckford (42) was attacked in prison on Monday by the man he had given evidence against in a drug and guns smuggling case. However, at his sentencing hearing, Justice Cheryll Richards reduced the ten-year mandatory sentence Beckford was facing to just 30 months due to exceptional circumstances, which means he will soon be […]

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Repeat sex-offender admits indecent act on beach

Repeat sex-offender admits indecent act on beach

| 29/04/2022 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Ronnie Rodney Ebanks (53) pleaded guilty in Summary Court last week to an indecent act in relation to an incident in January when he was caught on video exposing himself on the beach in front of children. He is a known offender and was under a sexual harm prevention order from 2017, which was […]

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Woman jailed over drivers’ licensing fraud

Woman jailed over drivers’ licensing fraud

| 17/12/2021 | 64 Comments

(CNS): A former civil servant who worked at the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing (DVDL) was jailed on Friday for nine months and two weeks, following her conviction earlier this year for corruption offences relating to dozens of licences she gave out to drivers who had not passed a driving test.

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Ex-soccer star jailed for 44 months for violent rampage

Ex-soccer star jailed for 44 months for violent rampage

| 03/12/2021 | 47 Comments

(CNS): Derrin Kennedy Ebanks (32) was sentenced on Thursday to three years and eight months in jail, having been convicted this summer of several charges relating to a violent, drunken rampage against three women last September. Ebanks had been bailed following his conviction by a jury in August and therefore began serving his prison term […]

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