Tag: Cayman Islands Humane Society

Cats going back to the wild after snip by NGO

Cats going back to the wild after snip by NGO

| 17/10/2023 | 67 Comments

(CNS): Alley Cat Allies, the international charity that founded Global Cat Day, marked on 16 October spent the day in Grand Cayman providing spay and neuter surgery for up to 100 cats and distributing hundreds of pounds of cat food to help local caregivers in a counter campaign to government’s control programme. But officials with the […]

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Animal charity gets CPA green light for new shelter

Animal charity gets CPA green light for new shelter

| 08/03/2023 | 30 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Humane Society has been given approval by the Central Planning Authority for a purpose-built animal rescue shelter in the Mount Pleasant area of West Bay. The new location is on Captain Reginald Parsons Drive and will provide space for up to 160 animals. Despite being in a residential community, the CPA […]

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Premier: Evidence shows TNR can’t solve cat threat

Premier: Evidence shows TNR can’t solve cat threat

| 12/02/2023 | 64 Comments

(CNS): Trap-neuter-release (TNR) programmes cannot address the overpopulation of feral cat colonies across the Cayman Islands, Premier Wayne Panton said, as he defended the rollout of the Alien Species Regulations and the introduction of control programmes aimed at saving Cayman’s threatened endemic and native species.

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Rules on invasive species ‘gross’, say animal activists

Rules on invasive species ‘gross’, say animal activists

| 07/02/2023 | 107 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Humane Society has called the new rules surrounding invasive species “gross” and “an unnecessary, disproportionate” response to the problem of feral animals and “a drastic regression for animal welfare”. As the public backlash continues against efforts to protect Cayman’s threatened endemic and native species, the non-profit organisation has claimed that none […]

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Humane Society’s $5.3M shelter to go before CPA

Humane Society’s $5.3M shelter to go before CPA

| 17/01/2023 | 77 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Humane Society’s planning application for an animal rescue shelter in West Bay is scheduled to be heard by the Central Planning Authority on Wednesday. The proposal faces just one objector, who has set out how the non-profit organisation could address their concerns as they appear to support the concept in principle. […]

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Feral cat issue settled, control project restarts

Feral cat issue settled, control project restarts

| 29/06/2022 | 82 Comments

(CNS): Feral cat control has resumed in Little Cayman after an agreement between the Cayman Islands Government and two local animal welfare non-profit organisations, Feline Friends and the Cayman Islands Humane Society, which had challenged the programme in the courts. The NPOs managed to stop the control project for several years, placing threatened native and […]

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Feral cats create crisis for local birds and reptiles

Feral cats create crisis for local birds and reptiles

| 21/09/2021 | 99 Comments

(CNS): Experts at the Department of Environment who focus on Cayman’s unique and rare birds and reptiles are increasingly concerned about the danger posed to many species across all three islands from feral cats. The threat to the endemic rock iguana on Little Cayman has been well documented but these animals are also a critical […]

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Burglar targets animal charity again

Burglar targets animal charity again

| 23/09/2019 | 9 Comments

(CNS): Ricky Johnny Alvarado (26) has admitted breaking into the Humane Society and stealing cash while he was serving a suspended sentence for a previous burglary at the same charity, where he once worked. Alvarado pleaded guilty Friday to one count of burglary in relation to a break-in at the animal shelter and offices on […]

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Quillan and Quinn find puppy love at Fire Service

Quillan and Quinn find puppy love at Fire Service

| 06/09/2019

(CNS Local Life): A pair of three month old puppies from the Cayman Islands Humane Society were recently taken on a field trip to the Central Fire Station, raising awareness of their need for a new home while getting a little extra attention from the fire officers on duty. Last week the Humane Society said […]

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Humane Society closes shelter doors

Humane Society closes shelter doors

| 28/08/2019 | 33 Comments

(CNS): After receiving nine dogs over the last few days, surrendered by owners, the Cayman Islands Humane Society has been forced to close the animal shelter doors. Given the problem of unwanted or stray dogs and cats in Cayman, the charity is struggling to cope with the number of animals needing care. The shelter is […]

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Charity to get CI$900 for burned dog

Charity to get CI$900 for burned dog

| 23/08/2019 | 20 Comments

(CNS): A North Side man has been ordered by a court to pay over $900 in compensation to the Cayman Islands Humane Society following his conviction for causing unnecessary suffering and failing to exercise proper care and supervision of a dog that was very badly burned on his property. James Challenger and his son Andrei […]

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