Tag: Barbara Conolly

Panton: Cayman all the better for its LGBTQ people

Panton: Cayman all the better for its LGBTQ people

| 02/08/2021 | 56 Comments

(CNS): At the first Cayman Pride Parade on Saturday, Premier Wayne Panton stressed the importance of equality and inclusion, as he became the first leader of the Cayman Islands to offer his public and wholehearted support to the LGBTQ community. Panton said it was an “incredible day”, not just for them but for the whole […]

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Double yellow lines cause dispute in Windsor Park

Double yellow lines cause dispute in Windsor Park

| 22/07/2021 | 66 Comments

(CNS): Community activist Romellia Welcome lobbied hard to get ‘no parking’ double yellow lines painted on Hawkins Drive in Windsor Park, which she believes has fixed a dangerous situation, especially for pedestrians on the road, including young children. These were recently added to the road on the advice of the Traffic Management Panel, which is […]

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Hew: PPM lost government but not election

Hew: PPM lost government but not election

| 14/05/2021 | 101 Comments

(CNS): Roy McTaggart, the new leader of the opposition, has said that his team will be taking its role as a check on the PACT Government seriously. He also said that he was over the disappointment of losing the election, though his team does not appear to be taking things as well as their leader. […]

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Last week ‘left a stain’ on Cayman, says Hew

Last week ‘left a stain’ on Cayman, says Hew

| 23/04/2021 | 163 Comments

(CNS): The member for George Town North appeared reluctant to put the election behind him when he stood to make his debut address as a member of the opposition on Friday. Joey Hew said he had been “characterized as the villain” in the recent campaign, as he pointed the finger at, but did not name, […]

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Smith Cove minutes show no reason for planning waiver

Smith Cove minutes show no reason for planning waiver

| 19/03/2021 | 50 Comments

(CNS): Five months after Alric Lindsay began a freedom of information request for an extract from the minutes of a Cabinet meeting when government made the decision to waive planning permission for its proposed Smith Barcadere project, the release of the documents gives no clue as to why it wanted to circumvent its own rules. […]

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Speaker still directing parliament

Speaker still directing parliament

| 24/05/2020 | 163 Comments

(CNS): Despite being on a leave of absence from his post as speaker of the Legislative Assembly, McKeeva Bush (WBW) still appears to be pulling the levers of the country’s parliament. Bush, who is facing charges relating to a violent assault at a Seven Mile beach bar on a female manager, has not presided over […]

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Conolly elected deputy speaker

Conolly elected deputy speaker

| 24/04/2020 | 68 Comments

(CNS): The PPM member for George Town South, Barbara Conolly, was elected as the deputy speaker of the Legislative Assembly late Thursday evening, as proceedings were wrapped up after a special sitting. Conolly is one of just three women in the House and will replace Bernie Bush, who resigned in protest when the current speaker, […]

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Smith Cove protestors demand halt to bid

Smith Cove protestors demand halt to bid

| 17/02/2020 | 122 Comments

(CNS): Hundreds of people turned up to a rally on Saturday at Smith Barcadere (aka Smith Cove) to show their support for the campaign to keep it in its natural state and stop government’s proposed enhancement project. Demanding that the current public tender be withdrawn and the entire project dramatically reduced to just a new […]

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Smith Barcadere project protest planned

Smith Barcadere project protest planned

| 10/02/2020 | 124 Comments

(CNS): A peaceful protest is planned at the Smith Barcadere this Saturday as a demonstration against government’s planned enhancement project at the site, even though the Ministry of Commerce, Planning and Infrastructure has already started the tendering process. Among the objections is that the enhancement will encourage tour operators to drop off cruise ship passengers […]

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Smith Cove revamp stirs up trouble

Smith Cove revamp stirs up trouble

| 20/01/2020 | 160 Comments

(CNS): Plans to ‘enhance’ Smith Barcadere in South Sound is stoking backlash because people want the public beach left in its natural state. Government purchased more land in what is also known as the Smith Cove area in 2016 after it all came under threat from development and a public campaign was launched to save […]

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MLA claims to be listening to voters on port

MLA claims to be listening to voters on port

| 21/11/2019 | 134 Comments

MLA Barbara Conolly (GTS) writes: When I campaigned during the 2017 general elections I asked the people to vote for me because I was willing to do what is right for the benefit of our people and these beautiful Cayman Islands. I have thought long and hard about the various issues surrounding the proposed cruise […]

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