Protect Cayman’s marine life
Courtney Platt writes: Nassau Grouper recovery in the Sister Isles is going well, which is wonderful news for their tourism attraction. But, please notice the very brief mention of the less than 500 remaining island-wide in Grand Cayman. The other five species of large groupers are not much better off here either. We closed the […]
Looking back, moving forward
CPR Cayman writes: With the holidays around the corner and the referendum delayed, CPR Cayman wishes to take this opportunity to ensure that the public understands what has happened and that individuals are aware of what they can do to continue to advocate for transparency and a brighter future for Cayman.
Constitutional changes a ‘power grab’
The Constitutional Critic writes: This entire package is just an attempt to prop up governments in future because the PPM knows they will have a hard time forming majority governments; they essentially only win in George Town and the Sister Islands.
First-generation Caymanians
Nicky Watson writes: I am a first-generation Caymanian. You can call me a paper Caymanian or @#$%^& driftwood if you like but it doesn’t change this fact: I am a Caymanian. I have lived in the Cayman Islands longer than any multi-generational Caymanian under the age of 32 and I have been a Caymanian for […]
Current state of the cruise port question
Candy Whicker writes: As it has been just over a year since I wrote about the proposed cruise-berthing facility in George Town harbour, I thought it would be useful to review what has happened in the interim, look at how much more we now know — and what we still don’t.
Vote for your own future, not the politicians’
101 writes: Reading the many comments on social media, a lot of the opposition to the new cruise berthing facility stems from our reaction to how the government has handled the proposed project. There isn’t a person on this planet who would argue that the government did not screw up in terms of information sharing, […]
MLAs must listen to their constituents
Allison Lovinggood writes: Having attended in person at the Legislative Assembly, and watched on television and on the CIG channel on YouTube the live debates regarding the cruise berthing facility, my heart is broken, broken beyond repair. I only gathered from a few elected officials that they surveyed their constituents to find out their views […]
A wounded Constitution
Leonard Raznovich writes: The failure of the Court of Appeal to apply correctly the Constitution and to find appropriate and adequate constitutional remedy for Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden is bad news for all Caymanians, including religious groups. It is also a bleak day for the jurisdiction and its future because this decision leaves not only […]
Questions about the cruise port need answers
Anna Peccarino writes: So last night I couldn’t sleep and did a Google search for pros and cons of cruiseships. I tried my best to keep as much of an open mind as possible because I didn’t want anyone to accuse me of not doing my homework and opposing the port without good reason.
Civil suits in the Cayman Islands
Anonymous writes: The bar is set astonishingly low to bring a case or claim in the Cayman Islands, and the statute of limitations means a vexatious claim can hang out there in the fog for over six years before getting to any type of evidentiary review, like a preliminary case management hearing.
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