Land Habitat
National Trust secures CI$421K grant for wildlife research
(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands has been awarded over CI$421,000 in Darwin Plus R10 funding for a three-year project on Grand Cayman. The research work, in partnership with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), is to preserve endemic threatened wildlife populations through effective protected area management. The sizeable grant […]
Panton ‘steps on toes’ over mangrove development
(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton will not support development in the Central Mangrove Wetlands, he stated on Friday in the wake of comments made by two Cabinet colleagues that building the East-West Arterial extension would offer opportunities for lower-cost homes in the interior. Deputy Premier Chris Saunders and Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan publicly backed the idea […]
Ministers back development in central wetlands
(CNS): Deputy Premier Chris Saunders and Transport Minister Kenneth Bryan have thrown their support behind the development opportunity that the East-West Arterial Road extension will facilitate once it’s extended to Frank Sound. Even though this means developing in the Central Mangrove Wetlands, the ministers backed the construction of homes there and told Caymanian owners in […]
Dart pledges to conserve land as it develops
(CNS): Cayman’s largest landowner has made a pledge to conserve one acre of natural habitat for every acre it develops in the future. The Dart Group, which is responsible for a significant amount of development on Grand Cayman, has also said it will not begin any new projects until the government completes the revised National […]
Plan proposed to protect nesting seabirds
(CNS): The National Conservation Council has issued a draft Seabird Conservation Plan for public consultation to protect six of Cayman’s vanishing colonial nesting seabirds. Department of Environment (DoE) Director Gina Ebanks-Petrie has warned that some of the Cayman Islands’ most recognisable birds could be lost due to habitat loss, coastal development and invasive species unless […]
Road plan poses further threat to pristine habitat
(CNS): The National Conservation Council has confirmed that the extension of a farm road in North Side will need an environmental impact assessment as the proposed route would take it through some of Cayman’s most pristine remaining forest land. Flying in the face of the PACT Government’s policy of limiting development in untouched habitat, the […]
People suggest 45 locations for conservation
(CNS): The recent solicitation by the National Conservation Council for nominations from the public for places that could become protected areas has closed after dozens of people nominated more than 45 potential sites. Speaking at the NCC’s general meeting Wednesday, John Bothwell from the Department of the Environment, which oversaw the consultation on behalf of […]
Feral cat issue settled, control project restarts
(CNS): Feral cat control has resumed in Little Cayman after an agreement between the Cayman Islands Government and two local animal welfare non-profit organisations, Feline Friends and the Cayman Islands Humane Society, which had challenged the programme in the courts. The NPOs managed to stop the control project for several years, placing threatened native and […]