
Bus donated anonymously to Sunrise Centre

Bus donated anonymously to Sunrise Centre

| 15/01/2024 | 11 Comments

CNS: A generous anonymous donor has purchased a wheelchair-accessible minibus, worth an estimated CI$85,000, for the Sunrise Adult Training Centre (SATC). Sunrise provides comprehensive support and training for adults with diverse abilities, and the Ministry of Social Development said in a release that the bus “will significantly enhance the centre’s ability to serve its clients […]

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DoE director among Caymanians receiving royal gongs

DoE director among Caymanians receiving royal gongs

| 02/01/2024 | 16 Comments

(CNS): After 40 years of relentless work, often criticised and targeted for her efforts, Gina Ebanks-Petrie, the director of the Department of Environment, has been recognised in the King’s New Year Honours List with an MBE for services to the environment and to the community in the Cayman Islands in recognition of her efforts to […]

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Jobless locals asked to sign on for NiCE clean-up

Jobless locals asked to sign on for NiCE clean-up

| 17/11/2023 | 27 Comments

(CNS): The infrastructure ministry will be funding a shorter than usual National Community Enhancement Winter (NiCE) Project this Christmas. The clean-up will offer jobless Caymanians just ten days work between 4 and 15 December, and unemployed locals can sign up now.

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Local Girl Guides ‘shocked’ as UK drops support

Local Girl Guides ‘shocked’ as UK drops support

| 21/04/2023 | 11 Comments

(CNS): Girlguiding Cayman Islands has been a branch association of Girlguiding UK since 1987, and in 2020 was moved under the umbrella of British Girlguiding Overseas (BGO), but this week Girlguiding UK announced it would be pulling its support of that organisation. On the eve of the arrival of the new UK governor, who will, […]

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Volunteers wanted to serve on disability council

Volunteers wanted to serve on disability council

| 19/03/2023 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Caymanians and residents of the Cayman Islands interested in championing disability issues are invited to apply to serve on the National Council for Persons with Disabilities. NCPD members, who are appointed by Cabinet for terms ranging from three years to six years, participate in public education campaigns and monitor the implementation of government policy. […]

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Ag shows return in wake of COVID and Grace

Ag shows return in wake of COVID and Grace

| 06/02/2023 | 8 Comments

(CNS): The annual Agricultural Shows on all three islands are returning this year after a two-year hiatus as a result of COVID restrictions and the impact of Tropical Storm Grace on produce. Cayman Islands Agricultural Society (CIAS) President George Smith is promising an even bigger and better event on Grand Cayman, as well as a […]

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Landowners gift 34 acres of land to rehab farm

Landowners gift 34 acres of land to rehab farm

| 06/12/2022 | 47 Comments

(CNS): The future of Beacon Farms in North Side, which combines sustainable food production with the rehabilitation of recovering addicts, is now secure as the land on which the farm was established has been donated to the Beacon of Hope Foundation, the Cayman-registered non-profit that runs the facility. The farm is already gaining a reputation […]

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Minister urges support for revamped Pirates Fest

Minister urges support for revamped Pirates Fest

| 08/11/2022 | 78 Comments

(CNS): Culture Minister Bernie Bush is hoping that the community will embrace this year’s Pirates Festival, the first full-scale event since 2019. With a slate of new events as well as several traditional capers, the festival will include plenty of pirate skullduggery as well as local heritage events, competitions, dances, races, food festivals and family days.

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Pageant 2nd runner-up stands in for troubled queen

Pageant 2nd runner-up stands in for troubled queen

| 08/11/2022 | 29 Comments

(CNS): The Miss Cayman Islands Universe pageant’s second runner-up, Hayley Grizzel, was at the launch of the Cayman Airways Los Angeles route this weekend because the actual holder of the beauty contest’s crown remains away from the public eye as a result of a criminal trial.

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Food security policy targets poverty and poor health

Food security policy targets poverty and poor health

| 12/10/2022 | 50 Comments

(CNS): Government has published a draft Food and Nutrition Security Policy driven by concerns about the health and well-being of residents and the growing challenge of chronic non-communicable diseases caused by poor diets as well as access to and cost of nutritional food for some families. Officials said the primary concern is the ability of […]

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Pre-Pirates Week heritage days kick off in East End

Pre-Pirates Week heritage days kick off in East End

| 06/09/2022 | 55 Comments

(CNS): The latest experiment with the Cayman Islands’ annual Pirates Week festival kicks off next week with the first-ever series of pre-festival Heritage Days. The 12-week campaign focusing on Cayman’s culture and heritage begins next week on Friday, 16 September, in East End for a daylong celebration that will showcase what the district has to […]

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