RSSHealth Insurance

CINICO boss backs failing insurance system

CINICO boss backs failing insurance system

| 14/11/2017 | 30 Comments

(CNS): Despite myriad problems associated with the current health insurance environment in Cayman and government’s plans to review the system, the CINICO chief told Finance Committee Friday that he believed it was “ideal”. Lonny Tibbetts said he did not support a single pay system and that the existing mix of private sector firms and the […]

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Minister stumped over lack of healthcare for kids

Minister stumped over lack of healthcare for kids

| 03/11/2017 | 90 Comments

(CNS): Health Minister Dwayne “John-John” Seymour has said he doesn’t understand why children do not have free healthcare. But despite being in a position to shape policy on healthcare and cover, he offered no solutions to address the very difficulties he outlined about families trying to ensure their children have access to healthcare. “I am […]

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Opposition calls for single pay healthcare

Opposition calls for single pay healthcare

| 02/11/2017 | 25 Comments

(CNS): Both Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller and opposition MLA Chris Saunders have called for a universal healthcare system for Cayman as a way of dealing with the mounting challenges and costs of healthcare provision. During the budget debate Wednesday, Miller pointed to statistics in CIMA’s 2016 annual report that indicates the local health insurance sector […]

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CINICO reform to open up access

CINICO reform to open up access

| 01/11/2017 | 13 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands National Insurance Company, the government’s health insurance provider, is to undergo a reform that will allow the public-owned authority to offer cover to a broader cross-section of the population, the premier has said, During the election campaign earlier this year, Premier Alden McLaughlin promised that a Progressive government would be focusing on […]

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Lawyers hired to collect HSA debts

Lawyers hired to collect HSA debts

| 12/10/2017 | 74 Comments

(CNS): As the hospital continues to battle with outstanding debt, officials told the Public Accounts Committee this week that a firm of local attorneys has been hired, following a request for proposals, to go after the outstanding cash, which may see people who haven’t paid their medical bills dragged through the courts. After two failed […]

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Insurance obstacle preventing necessary treatment

Insurance obstacle preventing necessary treatment

| 03/10/2017 | 0 Comments

I need an expensive procedure which is over the limits of my health insurance. I have negotiated a reduced price with the hospital if I pay them cash. However, my insurance company refuses to authorise me to proceed with the treatment, saying they will only reimburse the hospital directly, not to me. This means that […]

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Health remains costly challenge for CIG

Health remains costly challenge for CIG

| 08/09/2017 | 29 Comments

(CNS): The most recent financial report from the Health Services Authority has demonstrated that from health insurance cover issues to the management of the hospital’s accounts, as well as continued inefficiencies and access problems, managing healthcare in Cayman remains a major and costly challenge for government. When the Legislative Assembly met recently, the new health […]

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Miller’s proposed health review rejected

Miller’s proposed health review rejected

| 24/08/2017 | 24 Comments

(CNS): The government rejected a proposal by the opposition leader to have a joint select committee review what he has described as the crisis in local healthcare provision in all areas. Ezzard Miller filed a private member’s motion asking for a six member panel made up of four government members of the LA and two […]

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Miller: Healthcare in crisis

Miller: Healthcare in crisis

| 21/08/2017 | 87 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader is calling on government to form a special select committee made up of members of the Legislative Assembly from both sides of the aisle to take look at the country’s healthcare system as he believes it is now in crisis. From the numerous issues relating to health insurance and the massive […]

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The state of healthcare in Cayman

The state of healthcare in Cayman

| 18/07/2017 | 20 Comments

Anonymous writes: We can only pray that Mr Seymour (the new health minister) takes time to educate on the healthcare industry. The HSA is a good facility and with the correct funding, capital and foresight has the ability to be excellent. Being a health minister is a monumental job and his decisions affect outcomes and […]

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Health minister aiming for ‘adequate’ cover

Health minister aiming for ‘adequate’ cover

| 17/07/2017 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Dwayne “John-John” Seymour, a critic of the Progressives during the campaign who then joined the coalition government as health minister, believes everyone in Cayman should have “adequate health insurance coverage”. The Bodden Town MLA is understood to have been the second member to break from the independent group during the horse trading in the […]

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