Max 8 to take maintenance flight
(CNS): One of Cayman Airways’ still grounded new 737 Max 8 aircraft will take to the skies this weekend as part of its maintenance programme. Both planes have been sitting on the tarmac at Owen Roberts International Airport for almost a year in an active maintenance regime. But an actual flight of the aircraft (VP-CIW), […]
CAL adds flights for stranded passengers
(CNS): Cayman Airways has said that the partial opening of the Owen Roberts International Airport Monday evening did not allow inbound jet flights to land. The airline therefore added two jet flights to Grand Cayman Tuesday, one from Miami and one from Cayman Brac, as well as several domestic flights Monday evening. The ORIA runway […]
CIG restricts travel from mainland China
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has imposed travel restrictions that limit entry, by boat or aircraft, for anyone who has travelled to, from or through mainland China within fourteen days immediately preceding arrival in the Cayman Islands. Returning residents with a travel history that includes China within two weeks will be quarantined, most likely at […]
Airport seeks cash for exterior work
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Airport Authority is seeking an unsecured CI$12.4 million loan and an overdraft facility of CI $8.5 mllion to cover the cost of the planned airfield, runway and perimeter roadworks at Owen Roberts International Airports, according to a request on the government’s procurement website. An RFP has been issued to financial institutions […]
More trouble exposed for Boeing’s 737 Max 8
(CNS): US aircraft manufacturer Boeing has admitted that another potential problem with the grounded 737 Max 8 aircraft was discovered during last month’s safety audit. Hundreds of these planes have been sitting in airports and hangers around the world since March last year in the wake of two fatal crashes in which a total of […]
CAL warns travellers it is enforcing check-in rules
(CNS): Cayman Airways Ltd is warning passengers that the airline will be enforcing the rules relating to check-in times, and passengers who do not reach the desk an hour before their flight is due to leave will not be allowed on the flight. CAL VP of Airport Operations, Ivan Forbes, said the closing of check-in […]
BA adds 5th flight to schedule
(CNS): The Cayman Islands’ record-breaking overnight tourism received another boost this month after British Airways confirmed that it will be adding a fifth flight to its weekly schedule to the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands next spring. The flights from Heathrow in London will be flying into and departing from Owen Roberts Airport from April […]