Ethics commission takes no action on Bush scandal

| 05/10/2022 | 27 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush

(CNS): The Commission for Standards in Public Life (CSPL) has issued a press statement saying it remains “vigilant as to the outcome” of the police investigation into allegations against the speaker but has made no indication that it has opened its own investigation. Three weeks after McKeeva Bush was reportedly seen sexually harassing two civil servants at a government cocktail party, the body meant to monitor standards of ethical conduct of all public officials, including parliamentarians, has made no comment about the demands for Bush’s resignation by the premier, the governor, the opposition and the public.

Despite Bush’s history of inappropriate behaviour and his conviction for assault, the commission has opted not to take any action relating to the speaker, regardless of the provisions under the Standards in Public Life Act.

The commission said in the statement issued Tuesday that it was not privy to the full details of the allegations against Bush and outlined the provisions in the law relating to its obligations to monitor the conduct of public officers. But the CSPL members did not say if they had plans to open their own investigation in relation to Bush’s behaviour, as provided for in that legislation.

The CSPL has the ability to undertake an investigation into a public officer that breaches the codes of conduct under the law and publish its findings, especially where the behaviour of a public official falls short of criminality but is considered to be immoral, unethical or inappropriate.

CNS has contacted the commission and we are awaiting a response.

See the short statement below:

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Comments (27)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Have all 19 even provided full and transparent declarations? Does anyone scrutinize these declarations for completeness? Doubt it.

  2. N says:

    “Ethics commission”….that’s rich! And would be funny except that it’s so sad that the tax (er… duty and other exorbitant fees) paying people of Cayman pay for the inflated and again exorbitant salaries of so many charged with ensuring “good governance” and yet we get almost nothing for it all!

  3. Danny says:

    Who are the members of the “Commission for Standards in Public Life”?
    Maybe they are another layer of this problem of unethical behavior??
    McKeeva being the “largest” of all problems, then the rest of our legislators being not too far behind.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wasn’t this ‘Commission’ appointed by the same people desperately trying to keep Mac in power for as long as possible?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ethics commission? HAHAHA

    Wait, there really is one? Seriously?

  6. Anonymous says:

    We have an ethics committee?😂😂😂 That’s rich.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t this the same pig that pushed to have “honorable “ monicker for life??

  8. Anonymous says:

    Rules for thee not for me.

  9. WBW Czar. says:

    Time to take out the delousing powder! That wig needs it!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Muppets. Should be referred to from now on as the “Lack of Standards in Public Life Commission”. But then they have now formally clarified that if there is a standard it is not to get caught and convicted of more than one criminal offense per year. Politicians take note – the Lack of Standards in Public Life Commission have clarified that you can harrass, bully and do anything else you like as long as you don’t get convicted.

  11. Anonymous says:

    In other words, they’re waiting for someone else, with standards, to make a move.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Another private sector committee.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Makes sense to me. The Commission deals with ethical behaviour, which is outside the norm for at least 19 of the MPs, and this is a criminal matter.

  14. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    CSPL standards continue to give a soft pass.

    Nothing more to say, except that’s not the standard which most of us expect from our elected officials. Selah.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Sad times in Cayman

  16. Anonymous says:

    What a galactic embarrassment. Way beyond international now.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Lodge at work. They all have secrets on eachother.


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