Calls made for gov’t to save threatened skate park

| 24/08/2022 | 135 Comments
Cayman News Service
Black Pearl Skate Park

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has added his voice to growing calls in the community for government to step in and do something to save the Black Pearl Skate Park from closure after it emerged that the Grand Harbour Commercial Centre is being sold. While the future of the shopping centre and surrounding land remains in question, it appears that the park, which is said to be losing money, is due to be closed as the new owners look at redeveloping the site.

A petition was launched at the weekend and parents across the island have flooded social media with calls for someone to step in. Rufus Davies, who is now at university but grew up using the park, started the petition to draw attention to the potential loss of the largest outdoor concrete skate park in the region and one of the largest in the world. It has so far been signed by almost 2,000 residents.

The park has been seen as a safe haven for young people and a valuable community space, and has hosted competitions with appearances by stars such as Shaun White, Tony Hawk and Bam Margera. The RCIPS has also used the park for community outreach projects where officers have taught youngsters how to skate.

Davies said the petition was a request that whatever development now gets underway at Grand Harbour, the skate park remains intact. He pointed out that in an ideal world such a facility should be owned by the government, something many parents posting on social media support.

“The goal of this is petition is that while the park is put under new management, it is not subject to damage by development but maintained and well kept for the national treasure it is,” Davies said on the petition page.

CNS contacted Sports Minister Bernie Bush and his chief officer in the ministry about the potential closure and whether government was willing to help, and we are awaiting a response.

We also contacted McTaggart, MP for George Town East, the constituency where the park is located, and he, too, called on the government to step in, saying that its closure would be regrettable.

“Black Pearl opened over 15 years ago and quickly became a popular place for wholesome skating and skateboarding for Cayman’s youth. Anything that gets our kids off their electronic devices and involved in wholesome outdoor activity is a very good thing. I also recall the park attracted international skateboarders who showed their skills at organised competitions and the like because of its large size and uniqueness,” McTaggart said.

He said he was unaware of the details of the sale at this point but if the park itself is available for purchase as a stand-alone site, the government should consider buying it.

“Of course, the park’s cost and affordability, coupled with the facility’s physical condition, would play a role in any decision,” McTaggart stated. “Nonetheless, I recall that within government, the skate park was considered an asset, not only for use by residents but also for its general tourism and sports tourism potential. I would think that, at a minimum, the ministers responsible for sports, tourism, and health and wellness would be interested in looking at what can be done by government.”

See the petition here.

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Comments (135)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Great place to put a Hurley’s bypass.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Maybe government can really look at the youth for a change, this is a big issue for all people on the island.
    What are the kids supposed to be doing?
    Where are the parks, bicycle tracks, off road tracks, outdoor entertainment/activities for our youth.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Government should absolutely buy this skate park (without question)! Look at the surplus CI Government currently has. Instead of selling everything to Dart, why not build the portfolio of national treasures (which this skate park is).

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why doesnt Roy buy it? He has the money to do so

  5. Anonymous says:

    you all have some nerve telling Owners what to do with their land so you can enjoy it. put the money up or shut up.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Back in the day there was less to do but more, today there’s a lot less to do and more taken away, – todays youth are being denied and suffocated by the development and guardians around them because we know what’s best, will always know what’s best by the measure of how full is our pocketbook and what will fill it further. We need to stop the almost tyrannical madness and ask ourselves, not ‘what do I want, what do I want for my kids/youth’ but ‘what do they want, what would help them prosper as individuals and catalyse the creation of their own character’. On a whim, ‘it’s a dumping ground for boozy expats at the weekend’ or ‘a petition to stop development of private land, what nonsense’ is the mindset that fails them. The amount of young kids that have come up to me ver the years desperate for attention, desperate for some shared time in an environment that they now own, ‘hey, watch me!’ a short conversation and I have a skating/scooter partner for the rest of the night. That’s what skateboarding, scootering and the skatepark is all about and it’s pure magic and a privilege to share it.

  7. Flopps says:

    By law the developers are supposed to leave land for public use. But do they want Central skaters n bikers in their front yard now?!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    That park needs cassh$$.
    More so than the crumbling questionable schools.

  9. It’s like rain on your wedding day says:

    This is one of the most important historic and cultural sites in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      An idea for discussion:
      why doesn’t Honorable Roy who has a large pension from his KPMG days along with a fantastic salary from us the taxpayers, join up with Sir Alden and Joey Hew (they are sitting pretty in the finances as well) and purchase this for all the young people? They can name it after themselves as well. That would really be putting their talk into real action.

    • Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    Decommissioning the surf wave was the beginning of slow death of that area. Time for something else that people will use.

  11. Cayman stew conch says:

    EXCUSE ME! I take walks behind Hurleys! When was the last time you see kids using the park?! It’s a hot concrete slab! At enclosed it, give some shade, or have it removed. OPPOSITION DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO, IT SEEMS! WE NEED BETTER BEACH ACCESSES!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    The Public Work Department can’t even maintain or manage donated swing sets and slides. Water fountains are too hard. How are they supposed to absorb the public liability of a skate park? How many months and millions to just to renovate 500 feet of Cardinall Ave?! Good luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      Countries around the world can repair/ lay roads over night. Not saying we have to have that speed but less than 1 year would be nice.

  13. Mou says:

    I can understand both arguments, however, when will Cayman realise that kids need somewhere to play, hangout? There is absolutely nothing here for teenagers. Safe. Fun. Play. Idle hands and all that ….

  14. Anonymous says:

    It’s just a hangout place, where negligent parents leave their kids while they’re busy getting p!ssed at Saltys or Mike’s Bar.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you’ve ever watched or read interviews by some of the pro-skaters that’s exactly what saved them from a negligent childhood and abusive parents/parent relationship. So with that it mind it’s difficult to tell if your comment is inimical or recognises an underlying shelter for some

    • Anonymous says:

      ignorant comment! As a parent of 2 kids that love spending hours in that skatepark, I find your comment offensive. Plus, it’s nice that we live in a place where parents can feel comfortable leaving their children to skate and not be worried they’re going to be kidnapped, like is other parts of this crazy world! There are hardly any outdoorsy activities for our youth- does Grand Harbour really need more condos? FFS leave it alone!

    • Anonymous says:

      Harbour Walk 2.0 soon come. Dont miss out on this huge investment oppportunity!

      Invest in the pinnacle of luxury life and retail! Never been a better time to buy.

    • Shacka banks says:

      How many have you raised?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Let them use the Glasshouse as a skatepark. It serves no other purpose

    • Anonymous says:

      Why isn’t that thing torn down Glass House) and at least put a small green park there. It is just sitting empty (and not a peep grommet government).

      • Sunrise says:

        The reason I have been told why they are not tearing it down, there is a very high degree of mold infestation. If it is torn down without proper containment, then the mold would get airborne and potential spreading of diseases. Apparently, it is very costly and no one on island has the proper equipment. Instead of government purchasing the this park, can’t they build one on some crown property?

        • Anonymous says:

          Asbestos and mold and probably a hybrid of both as all of it has been festering for a decade now?

        • Chris Johnson says:

          So lets all bury our heads in the sand and wait until the next hurricane does it for us. Bring in the experts and take it down. Our health is at risk.

          • Anonymous says:

            We could use the same company that took down the Fish Shack and surrounding buildings; they were very efficient right Chris?

      • Anonymous says:

        Or affordable apartments

      • Anonymous says:

        Not sure if this is correct, but I was told it still house government IT equipment.

      • Big On Fun says:

        Let the Tourism Attraction Board and Kenny B come up with a plan

      • mervyn cumber says:

        I have written before on the Glass House, it can be sanitised if asbestos is the worry, and then make a perfect home for the National Museum that currently lacks space to display a huge amount of items relating to the History of these Islands. Would be educational, a tourist attraction and a public park all in one! The building is iconic and should not be torn down but utilised to beautify George Town. Much better than closing Cardinal Avenue, wait and see the results of that incredible decision!

  16. Anonymous says:

    CIG buying and running a skate park, that’s a brilliant idea. These are the same folks who run Cayman Air, The Turtle Farm and CINICO. Maybe Wayne could put DuWayne the Brain in charge

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe they will do as good a job as they did with dive school at John Silver’s in West Bay.

    • Orrie Merren says:

      An option could be a private-public partnership, where government subsidizes the skate park, provided outputs are met that have positive social (and civic) value, especially for children and teens (as well as young adults).

      See, for example, the public skate park at Brian Piccolo Park in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I do support the call for the skate park to be spared, as, although it’s a parch of concrete, it can continue to be utilized for good purposes (can’t say I’ve seen anyone using it anytime recently though).

    However, Government does NOT need to, nor should it, get involved in rescuing the skate park. We already have one money pit which started that way – called Cayman Turtle Centre!!

    Mr. Schilling?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, send Mr Schilling there rather than disrupting the tranquility on Cayman Brac. He’s asking for the people’s input, here it is.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The government should also save Canton restaurant, closing later this year.

  19. Anonymous says:

    probably the overwhelming majority of posters who couldn’t care less or support the closing of the park will also be the same ones complaining about motorcycles on the streets doing wheelies etc, – where do those that use the park go after it closes, that’s right, back to the supermarket car parks, civic buildings and hanging out where they weren’t welcome and ushered away before.

  20. Anonymous says:

    A national treasure? Lol. A petition to stop redevelopment of privately owned land? What nonsense!

  21. Greg says:

    While the park may be a great place for those who like it, investing in this park is not the role of government. Someone has to say it ! Let those who want to use it fund its purchase from the current owners and fund the ongoing loss from operations.

    • Anonymous says:

      why not 8:07, city councils the world over seem to think it’s a good idea.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why not? Governments “invest” in youth clubs, sports facilities, beach facilities etc… Not everything has to be for IMMEDIATE profit!

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s going to cost you a boatload of money. If you want a government skatepark, you could pick a cheaper spot.

        • Anonymous says:

          Like where? Out by health city because that’ll be so popular. As ever this is a failure of planning by successive governments to provide for facilities where people want them. Oh well let’s build some more churches.

      • Anonymous says:

        Immediate profit – like CAL or the Turtle Farm? Or just never ending subsidy?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Put some turtles in there and it would be protected. Oh wait … they would get eaten in no time.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I never anticipated local kids to take to the skatepark like they have over the years and it has been great to see.

    Its an excellent part of the community for such a wide cross section of our society that brings people together.

    It would be a massive shame to see another example of community exchanged for profit but it is all too common.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is privately owned. If there is such viable demand, then there should be no shortage of investors to build a mother one in less than one year. But there isn’t.

      • Anonymous says:

        Investment in the community doesn’t have to always be measured in dollars 8:40

      • Anonymous says:

        Capitalism fail. Your logic is totally flawed because there is no accounting for the social benefit of the ammenity. Where there is a tangible social benefit to an ammenity governments usually provide support; youth centres, swimming pools etc… The only issue here is the uplift in the value of the land it is sitting on which the owner did nothing to generate. Capitalism is great when we use it to serve us, not so much when people are hell bent on serving it; usually those who don’t understand it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Unfortunately, it doesn’t make much money if any at all. There will be no investors keen on building another.

        Fair enough, it is privately owned. It is still indicative of a society that places profit over community.

        I hope that the CIG can invest in keeping this skatepark going or building a new one but I doubt it.

        • Anonymous says:

          No they can put millions into building Churches and gross pageants and anything else ministers like to be seen at but fresh air and exercise, forget it.

  24. Anonymous says:

    We, the People for the Preservation of Poured Cayman Concrete (PPPCC), will not stand for this injustice!

  25. Kenny says:

    Couldn’t we advertise it as one of the tourist attractions persons come on the island and love skating. Its close to town for those who comes on cruise.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s closed during the hours which cruise ships are in port.

      • Anonymous says:

        They should consider that option. This is the large outdoor cement skate park in the Latin American and Caribbean region, and the second largest in the entire world.

  26. Anonymous says:

    If you look at the cost per acre of adjacent land, that parcel is worth several million. Also, the land values beside the park would go up if a park isn’t there.

    Additionally, the park loses money. It is not busy most of the time. The admission doesn’t cover salaries, maintenance and significant insurance cover.

    If the government truly wants a skate park, it is cheaper to build a new one on crown land. But I still dont see a business case.

    • Anonymous says:

      Families bring their kids to Salty’s and Harbour front because of the skate park. I don’t see those restaurants working without it.

  27. Anonymous says:

    But think about how many overpriced condos can be pre-sold on that space!

  28. Anonymous says:

    The islands of crazy people.
    Quality of life does not exist anymore. Who would want to visit, let alone live in Cayman? There’s nothing left but urban ugliness.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its all about investments for the wealthy, many whom will never live here, and neither contribute to or suffer the ill effects.

  29. Orrie Merren 🙏🏻🇰🇾 says:

    If the opportunity to purchase the skatepark, as a standalone asset, is available, government should acquire it (provided the budget allows).

    This is a place with very positive social value, especially where children (as well as adults) can burn off energy and time that could otherwise be negatively spent during idol-time.

    Add my signature to the Petition. Where can I sign a hard copy? I’m not on social media platforms.

  30. Michael Myles says:

    I have operated the Black Pearl Skatepark since 2013. The park was unsafe, attracted drugs and alcohol abuse, fighting and bullying. There was no order in the park. Children were getting hurt due to the park being unkept. The fencing was torn down in many places making it unsafe. There was no equipment for the children to utilize.

    In less than three months I restored order, paid for all repairs out of my income and volunteered thousands of man hours to oversee the park, built a skate shop in the park, purchased all new equipment

    To this day I operate the park 7 days per week. I recruit and train all young people in the park. I pay all of them a stipend for their services. The park is utilized as a first job for many of these youngsters. I have paid over $20,000 to put lights on the park to keep it open longer to ensure our parents and children have a safe place to enjoy. I have installed basketball hoops and courts in the park which has transform the park into a youth center.

    I have met with successive governments including the former premier to request support to continue to deliver the many youth programs we created in the park. I explained to him that the importance of the park to many of our children who need a safe space to socialize.

    The PPM Government have not contributed any support towards keeping the park maintained or open. I continue to operate the park by funding it out of my own pocket. I have paid for professional scooter riders and skateboarders to conduct clinics and summer camps in the park.

    Roy was once the Minister of Finance. If he thought the park was worth keeping open, why did he not purchase it for the the country? He has no clue what he is talking about. He has never contacted me or visited the park to understand what happens there.

    He is using the park and our children to score political points and increase the PPM visibility. This type of politics makes me ill.

    What is sad about this article is that the very people that are circulating this petition has never contacted me over the past 9 years to offer any support in maintaining or volunteering in the park. They have no clue what it takes to keep he park open much less saving it.

    Michael Myles

    • Anonymous says:

      Michael, thanks for all you’ve done. I had no idea the park was such a support for the community and its clear that it will be a huge loss. I wonder if some major developer on Island with a lot of land would consider reaching out to you and offering an alternative location on a parcel they’re not intending to develop in the coming 10/20 years? I’m sure we all know who i mean. They’re pretty vocal about community outreach, this would be a win-win.

      • Anonymous says:

        you mean like the one that offered land to the rugby club and humane society only to withdraw it so they could make more money. Don’t hold your breath.

        • Anonymous says:

          The Humane Society owns 40 acres of land in West Bay, perhaps they’d lease it for a skatepark since they don’t seem interested in proving shelter for the animals they so desperately care about on it?

          • Anonymous says:

            What the heck is the deal with the Humane Society and their refusal to move from that godawful dangerous place they’re in now?

            • Anonymous says:

              I heard that Dart was going to give some land to the Humane Society near where the Rugby Club was supposed to be, but a certain MLA who lives in the area didn’t want dogs barking or expat dog walkers in his neighbourhood.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t waste your time. They promised rugby facilities, new humane society site, camping grounds, dog park, walking & cycling trails etc etc & none have come to fruition.

        • Anonymous says:

          Factually incorrect but do carry on.

          • Anonymous says:

            DARTs Lease Agreement is what killed those deals.

            Ex-Board Member; CRFU.

            • Anonymous says:

              So in essence, the CRFU chose to look a gift horse in the mouth. Well played.

              • Anonymous says:

                5:42, not at all; try doing business with DART and let us know how that goes for you.

                Maples and DART were negotiating the terms for well over 2 yrs…..

                The Cricket Association wanted to tag along and get a free ride…

                Everything was ready to go but only an idiot would have signed on the dotted line.

                Nice try though.

              • Anonymous says:

                They were wiling to donate a piece of swamp land they will never use….wasn’t worth it in the end with the terms it came with and the work involved so we are looking to buy our own and do it on our own.

                Will we still play on Saturdays in SS too after the new club is built as we have 80yrs+{ on that lease so that might disturb the piece and quiet you were looking for when you built a house next to a sports club.


              • Anonymous says:

                5:42, DART doesn’t gift anything. You probably know that cause you work there?

            • Anonymous says:

              Sounds a lot like the attempts at dealing for private access to National Trust reserves.

    • Anonymous says:

      And down goes McTaggart. Good job Mr Myles.

    • Anonymous says:

      Orrie Merren, are you listening?

    • Anonymous says:

      Should be no surprise since PPM’s loss, McTaggart’s only job seems to be how seeing how he can spin a story against the government while ignoring that his government did nothing about the same problem for umpteen years.

  31. Anonymous says:

    in reality…a more important part of cayman community and culture than any tin roofed shack

  32. Anonymous says:

    As a parent of a child who goes to the park all the time to exercise and socialize with his his friends, this is very upsetting and I hope the government does something quickly about this sad situation

  33. Anonymous says:

    I humbly have one ask for everyone before posting especially if it may be something off the cuff or of negative tone. Watch this by a skater considered by most as the greatest skater ever but also as arguably one of the most intellectual. If what he’s saying is grabbing an MIT professors attention as well as a research scientist, just maybe the real value of the skatepark will be illuminated.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Quick, call the National Conservation Council!

  35. Anonymous says:

    An idea: Withdraw government funding for beauty pageants and put it toward saving and maintaining the skate park. Much more fulfilling use of those funds.

  36. Anonymous says:

    If it’s such a popular facility, why is it always empty?

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the land needs to be used for a road cut through – to Red Bay from behind Kings. More people would enjoy this than those using a failing skate park.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s a dumping ground for boozy expats on the weekend.

    • Anonymous says:

      Temperature outside might have to do something with that!

  37. Crab Claw says:

    Probably cheaper to get a commitment from the CIG to build a bigger and better skate park than to try and outbid for that one in prime commercial real estate, can’t agree with spending our country’s funds in this manner.

    • Anonymous says:

      Another cruise ship dock is more likely than a commitment for a new skate park. Besides, do any of the MPs skate? I don’t think they make boards or skate parks robust enough anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      Put it in the middle of east end and you definitely won’t have as much people using it

  38. Anonymous says:

    Must make way for still more houses and condos in the Grand Harbour area. Progress!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Waiting for Kenneth to show up on this discussion, shocked he didn’t beat Roy to the punch.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Bernie ?? Good night, if we can get him to stop sticking his tongue out at people I’d be happy. Sleep Bern isn’t even going to comment much less do anything

  41. Anonymous says:

    Hey Roy,

    Can you let us know how long Public Beach is going to remain public as the 3rd hotel is almost finished?

    When shall we start that petition?

    Everyone missing the big picture their with that one too.

    • Anonymous says:

      3rd hotel? You’re weird. Also, check the land registry. It’s crown owned land of which you speak so unless a government which you elect decides to sell it, you good.

  42. Everything is relative says:

    This is a historic and culturally important site.

  43. Anonymous says:

    City planners have failed miserably to reserve land for public use and this is one of very few places kids can go.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Here is an idea… The people that want to save the park should get together and buy it from the owner. The government doesn’t have to do everything.

    • Anonymous says:

      And therein lies the problem. The government not doing anything. So little public space, the only place to walk a dog is on the street.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wish Government would declare my business a national treasure and buy it

    • Anonymous says:

      Following your logic there should be no public facilities only those who use them should pay for them…. let’s start with schools, pavements, roads…

      • Anonymous says:

        But only a small fraction of people on this island ever use the skate park while the large majority use the schools, pavements and roads. Your logic is faulty.

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously dont have kids

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