New minister offers support to fire chief designate

| 13/06/2022 | 22 Comments
Chief Fire Officer Designate Randy Rankin (left) with Home Affairs Minister Sabrina Turner and CFO Paul Walker

(CNS): Home Affairs Minister Sabrina Turner, who was given the portfolio in April, has offered her support to Chief Fire Officer Designate Randy Rankin, who will take over from CFO Paul Walker when he leaves the Cayman Islands in September. Turner took over responsibility for the Ministry of Home Affairs from Bernie Bush in the wake of a scandal in which he was accused of interfering in the recruitment process for the new CFO.

According to a press release, Turner recently met with Cayman Islands Fire Service (CIFS) officers to discuss key priorities for 2022 and beyond. The new minister’s orientation process began last month when Rankin delivered a briefing that highlighted recent successes, key priorities, succession planning and recruitment for the next class of firefighters. 

While Rankine said the recruitment process for the next class had begun, no officials have yet explained why the previous class of recruits was cancelled and restarted earlier this year.

The briefing also included information about the newly acquired trucks and the industry training of officers. Rankin told the minister, “Given the Cayman Islands’ constantly evolving landscape, it’s imperative we ensure that our officers and district stations are equipped to safeguard our community in any emergency we are called to support, whether building, aviation or other.”

He added, “As a service, we will develop and expand our professional fire and rescue skills, and I will maintain a workplace culture where colleagues feel valued and appreciated. Having been a CIFS officer for over 29 years, I am honoured to lead the Cayman Islands Fire Service into this next chapter, and welcome the support of my CIFS colleagues, our ministry and key partners.”

During the meeting, CIFS and the ministry team discussed plans and outcomes for the next phase of the service’s development, including employee development and training, procuring and allocating resources and equipment, as well as station improvements across all three Cayman Islands.

Acting Chief Officer for Home Affairs Julian Lewis said he was impressed by all that has been achieved by the CIFS Senior Management Team in recent years. “Their drive, enthusiasm and leadership of CIFS are commendable. The transition and handover to Designate Chief Fire Officer Randy Rankin taking up the substantive CFO role in August this year is going very well with a genuine hands-on approach that is fully supported by the ministry.”

Turner said the fire service was the cornerstone of the home affairs ministry. “I have every confidence that Designate Chief Fire Officer Randy Rankin’s leadership will continue to deliver public safety priorities and to support the continuous improvement of our much-loved fire and rescue service,” she said.

Over the next few weeks, the Ministry of Home Affairs will continue these discussions as part of a series of meetings being held to orient Turner in her new job.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Build a Coast Guard building on the old Resort Sport land opposite Kirk’s, not a cafe.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can she even play dominoes?

  3. Anonymous says:

    fire service…incomptence and failure at every level.
    just read any independent report on the fire service.

  4. Anonymous says:

    More photo ops for Ministers with shiny gear and no substance. I was returning from Kaibo on Sunday afternoon and came across an overturned vessel with 3 souls in the water, called 911 and was told that there were no Coast Guard/RCIP or Air units available. A general call then went out over CH 16 for assistance from local vessels. Seriously, we have millions of dollars in shiny hardware that should be on patrol especially on a Sunday afternoon. Thankfully we were able to get all passengers out of the water and returned to shore with no help for our elite forces. I could not imagine what I could have done if any of the passengers were in distress or had serious injuries.

    • Anonymous says:

      Right up there with the “rescue” of that overturned boat that drifted to shore. Cayman Coast Guard – a 24/7 emergency service. Except on Sundays. or in emergencies. Or when its inconvenient.

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess the Fire Service couldn’t have used their shiny new boat either. Or did 911 forget that they have one?

      • S.O.S says:

        The Fire Service were too busy polishing their new airport fire trucks new tanker trucks and new special purpose vehicles, and in any event the boat was probably on a fishing trip.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Air Ops Helicopter team WERE on duty and the first emergency response unit on scene within minutes. Followed by DOE and then the Coast Guard. You are speaking nonsense.

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually you are speaking nonsense, I pulled the three people out of the water and transported them to shore. The air unit was not on station but responded from the airport as they arrived on scene as we headed to the CI Yacht Club. I did not sight a single CIG vessel on scene before I left, so they responded to an anchored overturned vessel, congrats. The worst part is that as my wife was on the phone with 911 the operator could give me no information on the availability or proximity of a DOE/RCIP or Coast Guard Vessel or even the air unit. Happy to send you a screenshot of my chartplotter and the exact timeline of events. Don’t try and defend the indefensible.

      • anon says:

        Which one do you work for?

    • Anonymous says:

      I have called the coastguard numerous times with no answer. I also reported it the next, but who’s accountable? The usual

  5. Anonymous says:

    What a joke. These people have not got a CLUE!

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps fire response training should be on the list (after failing report a few years ago) as well as regular fire suppression hydrant pressure testing, and inspections. All part of their remit already. There’s more to being a fire service worker than polishing the chrome and turning on the siren.

  8. Tina says:

    Our Confident Leader…. Again the best Choice for the Cayman Islands and most experienced in Command and Control. We are in the business of Saving Lives and Protecting Property.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think that Randy will do well if he gets the support of all the team. Fighting fire is not a “one man show” . Hope they all work together for the betterment and safety of our beloved Cayman Islands.

    • anon says:


  9. Anonymous says:

    Is she wearing a mask? H.S.!

  10. Anonymous says:

    The photo is mind boggling. You know why.


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