Bryan: Restrictions will be reviewed as COVID cases fall

| 04/06/2022 | 191 Comments
Cayman News Service
Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan

(CNS): The number of new COVID-19 cases each day has been in decline over the last week, with the rolling daily average on Thursday down to 70. There are an estimated 1,423 active cases, which is also down from a high of over 1,800 people in lockdown on 24 May. Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan has hinted that June may well be the last month for the current virus-related restrictions, such as mask mandates and the requirement for unvaccinated travelling Caymanians to quarantine.

Calling into Radio Cayman ON Wednesday, Bryan said that some of the restrictions were still holding the tourism recovery back and he was hoping that when Cabinet reviews them later this month, based on Public Health advice things could change, especially now the numbers are dropping.

As of Thursday, just five people were in hospital due to COVID-19 causes, three of whom were vaccinated.

In the health ministry’s first weekly Public Health Spotlight on communicable and non-communicable diseases, between the 22 and 28 May, new cases of COVID-19 dropped by 32% from the previous week and the test positivity rate was under 25%.

Public Health officials said that while the COVID-19 pandemic might not be over, all indicators are showing decreases and a downward trend has begun here in the Cayman Islands. “There have been encouraging signs of decline in the current wave of infection. The next few weeks will be crucial to confirm the declining trend,” they stated in the report.

Meanwhile, over 94% of the population aged over five has had a least one shot of a vaccine. Everyone is still being encouraged to get a shot or a booster depending on their situation as it is clear that while the vaccines may not prevent infection, they have been fundamental in preventing people from being seriously ill.

Cayman has seen over 26,000 infections since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, with over 25,000 of those being infected since last September. In total 28 people have died where COVID was a significant factor, two of whom passed away before vaccines were available. The majority of the remaining victims of this pandemic here in Cayman suffered from serious comorbidities or were unvaccinated.

See the new Public Health Spotlight in the CNS Library.

CIG COVID-19 information and resources

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Report positive lateral flow test results

See current vaccine and testing schedule

An Isolation Support Line is available to help by delivering groceries or other essential supplies for people required to isolate suddenly, and who do not have other resources and support.

For Isolation Support call 946-3530 or 1-800-534-3530 or email

Operational hours 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm on Saturday.

For mental health support, the Mental Health Helpline can be reached on
1-800-534-6463(MIND) from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

If you have flu symptoms contact the 24-hour Flu Hotline at 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077
or email

If you are having difficulty breathing, call 911

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Comments (191)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Laughing stock of the world

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Mr Bryan for your consideration of helping us to get back to some form of Normalcy. These travel restrictions is definitely not working. If the vaccinated is the only person’s allowed to travel then it should not be any doubt that we are the ones carrying and transmitting this virus.
    What am most worried about is the among of ‘normal health persons’ dying from liver damage In the last year since WE have been taken this vaccine. And yes I have taken the vaccine, but I am scared-cat that not afraid to say maybe it was my mistake!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Remember when Kenny blocked the vote of no confidence and saved McKeeva Bush from the consequences of punching a barmaid? I remember that every time he opens his mouth.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The UK gave up on masks and testing for travel months ago. Covid cases continue to fall. Just lunacy that you have to take a test to fly to Cayman then sit in one of the world’s busiest airports plus a packed plane for about 16 hours in total.

  5. Lucy says:

    I would love to see some common sense in respect to the vaccine requirement. I have two family members with HIGH antibodies without the vaccine. For now they are not allowed at our CI home without a quarantine. Lab test should be accepted in lue of two shots.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or just get rid of the restriction, period.

    • watcher says:

      Without a serology test, how do your family members know they have HIGH antibodies. Were they high in both the IgG, and IgM PPAs? Do you even know what that means?

      I think you use an anecdotal tale to try to prove a bent point.

      • Anonymous says:

        I did mine at Integra & they said I didn’t need a vaccination for upto 6 months as I had high levels of antibodies

    • Ask and ye shall receive says:

      How do you feel about the bloodyminded, stupid members of your family who get their world views from forwarded Facebook posts?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Over 1400 people in forced quarantine for a disease so dangerous that less than half of 1 percent of those with it (passing over the fact that’s only the ones that the HSA even know have the disease since its highly unlikely people will voluntarily report it) are in hospital.

    • Anonymous says:

      So those people are acceptable losses. Got it. Such is the cruel state of the world.

      • Anonymous says:

        Got it. So it’s acceptable to impose restrictions on travel on 70000 and forcibly confine people to home because a tiny proportion of the population may become ill particularly those that have voluntarily chosen not to get vaccinated.

      • Reeta says:

        By this one’s logic we would be banned from driving, be in permanent lock down because of the flu, and you can forget about drinking, smoking etc too.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hey Kenneth, where’s that lovely public transport system you promised us?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Reading all the comments is scary, so many people are utterly convinced they are correct. And they don’t even seem to be able to consider that they may not be so. This is not good.

    The simple fact of the matter is that Covid19 has turned out not to be as dangerous for everyone as initially feared. That’s unarguable. Whether it is due to it being a complete hoax, or the incredible success of vaccinations, or something in between or a mixture of everything, i couldn’t care less.

    But i worry greatly for our society when people demonize eachother based on health choices and then double down on their demonizing despite years of information – at the very least – suggesting that their initial rationales are perhaps not based on as solid a footing as they believe them to be.

    The vaccines are not doing what we were told they would do. This is fact. For some reason, people refuse to believe or remember that they were repeatdly told that the vaccines would prevent transmission, prevent you from even getting it, they work 95% of the time, etc, etc. None of this is true. None of it. You can find the head of the CDC or the US President or Dr Fauci or thousands of others saying it in writing or video. And yet, its not true. Deliberately false? I don’t know.

    But it results in what we have today – the vaccinated (especially those who have taken 1 or 2 ‘boosters’) steadfastly refusing to accept they may be wrong in labelling those who did not take the vaccines as stubborn, wrong, fools, conspiracy theorists, etc. When there is so much information showing that the vaccines don’t really work very well as had been sold, and as of today, they do not prevent those already old or frail or ill from getting severely ill from covid19 ANY BETTER than prior infection or no vaccine at all.

    The more worrying thing is the bizarre increase of all-cause death in highly vaccinated countries – i would strongly urge anyone who’s had 2 vax + at least a booster to get checked for micro blood clotting. You’re also witnessing huge increases in cancers – the immune systems of multiple jabbed is strangely off in the past year or so.

    Whether its a right wing or left wing online newssite, or a well read journal like the Lancet or the BMJ or Forbes magazine – they are ALL telling you that the vaccines do not do much of anything against OMICRON. They wane astonishingly quickly. This is fact.

    It makes a total mockery of any policy to restrain/quarantine anyone based on vaccination status. I am shocked there are no legal fights in Cayman and i do wonder where the HRC are?

    People screaming that unvaccinated are making insurance premiums increase for all? You are so misguided its sad, and in the coming years it is looking like insurers will be asking how many mrna jabs you had – because they may very well be damaging your immune system tot he extent you’re always going to be very susceptible to being ill.

    Young people (anyone under 60!) never needed any covid19 vaccine if they were remotely healthy. That’s what is becoming apparent.

    Anyone else, why not take one IF you were also concerned about seasonal flu – so many struggle with flu based on their age and underlying health, so why not also for covid19.

    But the blind and total refusal of vaccine worshippers to even accept that they may not have all the correct answers, to continue to demonize those that didn’t want any part of the vax programs for whatever reason? It needs to stop.

    Nobody is 100% right all the time. Most of us are not anywhere near as intelligent as we think we are. And labelling a Trump supporter as a ‘fox news’ guy is no worse a slur than labelling someone a ‘cnn gal’ – just because it’s on the TV doesn’t mean its true. And just because you watch it does not mean its right.

    It may be. BUt the likelihood is, its only partially.

    Go look at the simple facts that vaccinated people are in the hospital. That in itself tells you that its not sterlizing. And then go look for the dead unvaccinated clogging up the streets each morning – they’re not there! The unvaccinated are not collapsing and dying.

    The threat of Covid19 was way overblown. Try to accept that and then try to calm down and learn to love everyone. Stop thinking you’re right all the time, its boring.

    And wrong. Be wrong like me, because sometimes I’m also right.

    • Anonymous says:

      You wrong

    • Anonymous says:

      Do tell how many millions of people globally have died and are still dying.

      • Anonymous says:

        There’s a chance they’re not all dying FROM covid19…but you need to open up and accept that before assuming they are. Maybe they are. But maybe they are not

        Did you know 60Million people die every single year?

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you for this insightful and balanced piece of writing.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m very impressed by this piece. I may not agree with it all, but thank you. I have a brother who mentioned to me earlier that ‘you have to earn the right, to be right’.I think you’re helping me here. Who’s right? Maybe not me after all

      • Anonymous says:

        You shouldnt be. Its an eloquent way of denying that vaccines are effective and downplaying the severity of Covid for millions of humans.

    • Anonymous says:

      You make good points about people not being open-minded and willing to consider other viewpoints. This is unhealthy and discouraging.

      But let’s see if you’re as open to rational discussion and examining your own beliefs as you claim to be.

      You say “Covid19 has turned out not to be as dangerous for everyone as initially feared”

      This is true. I think we all remember the initial projections – 900 to 1200 dead in Cayman alone! There was plenty of fear-mongering and bad predictions.

      But you’re sneaking in plenty of statements that you claim to be clearly true which are at best, debatable.

      Yes, the vaccines don’t work as well as advertised. But remember. Yes, they are no longer very helpful against Omicron. Let’s not forget that they were very effective against OG Covid and Delta. Those were the strains at the time and they were more severe at the time. Covid is acting as most viruses do – it mutates and gets better at transmission and is less likely to kill the host, which betters its chance of survival.

      “It makes a total mockery of any policy to restrain/quarantine anyone based on vaccination status.”

      Maybe this no longer makes sense but at the time they made the policies, credible scientific agencies said that that the vaccine was working and this was supported by most studies. To not follow that advice would have been folly.

      “Go look at the simple facts that vaccinated people are in the hospital. That in itself tells you that its not sterlizing.”

      Nobody credible is suggesting this anymore. But I’d ask you to consider that if a population has, say 80-90% of eligible people vaccinated, but there are about the same numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in the hospital, over a long period of time, does that not suggest to you that the vaccine would seem to confer some advantage against serious illness? I’m not saying that it does or doesn’t, especially with all the mutated viruses, but to cherry pick the fact that the vaccines may be poor at preventing transmission ignores what they may do which is more important.

      And finally this statement:

      “You’re also witnessing huge increases in cancers – the immune systems of multiple jabbed is strangely off in the past year or so.”

      If you’re going to essentially claim that vaccines cause cancer, I’d really like to see at least a little bit of supporting evidence for that. You may be able to convince people that the vaccine is of little or no benefit – but this is a pretty outrageous claim to make without support.

      You’re obviously an anti-vaxxer and that’s fine. For my part, I respect your right to choose what to do with your body and I don’t think the government should tell you what to do and discriminate against you for choosing not to take it.

      Covid may indeed be overblown. People may not need the vaccine anymore. But in your attempt to make your points I think you go too far. You don’t believe in the vaccine, that’s fine. But if you’re going to convince people that it doesn’t do anything for anyone you’re going to have to upgrade your arguments.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ah, the old ‘anti-vaxxer’ slur. I’ll let it go, but FYI i took the AZ in UK although i have no intent to ever take another one or ‘boost’. For sure i’d be against forcing any of the vaccines now, problem i see is that so many governments/authority entities continue to either mandate or shadow mandate it, and/or use it as a prohibitive to travel and/or community acceptance.

        it’s wrong, as you state above, the vaccines are not working against current variants. And i would strongly suggest you cannot be as certain as you are that they ever really worked against OG and Delta – they didn’t come out for OG, that had already mutated. And as for Delta, well, there’s an argument that OG had already taken out the ‘dry tinder’ of the most susceptible anyhow so any perceived success is at least questionable.

        As for sterilizing – unfortunately its not about anyone credible suggesting it, its simply an example of how so many are certain based on what they’re relentlessly told over past 2 years.

        There’s currently a video showing Bill Gates stating that they were wrong about fatality rates, etc. The ‘anti vaxxers’ were saying this for 18 months at least. But now Gates is saying it too. Easily found online.

        I hear you about vaccine and population %’s but it doesn’t negate the fact that unvax’d are not dropping dead everywhere like that original video from Wuhan. It also doesn’t negate the fact the old, ill, obese, etc are getting severely ill regardless of vax status and always have done, just like from flu. Also ignores the waning.

        My point remains – so many folk simply cannot even fathom that the people in power got this wrong. I’m not saying the did get it wrong. I’m saying it looks more and more like they did, and its easily arguable that many of them deliberately did so but i’m not comfortable with that argument currently.

        I’ve not said it doesn’t do anything for anyone btw, i said why not take it if you’re ill, old, obese – like a flu jab. My entire issue is simply that we were told to take it to save our Grandmother, right? And it turns out us taking it has nothing to do with saving Granny and never did.

        Now we’re all taking these, they don’t have long term or even meidum term research into them (obviously due to time), cancers ARE up, heart attacks ARE up, blood clots ARE up (just ask HSA here how are the blood clots stats recently, the Doc’s are talking off the record about the increase). Is it due to the jabs? Maybe. Covid? Maybe. But did we have to take these jabs in the first place? Most of us no. Not at all.

        Appreciate the to and fro, objective reasoning needs to spread far and wide.

        • Anonymous says:

          Health care professionals are also talking off the record about the many suspected Long Covid cases here, but no one in an official capacity is breathing a word about that to the public. Modern western countries, including the UK, and even the WHO, have been actively addressing the issue of Long Covid for a good while now, but not the Panton-PACTless Clown Car. Hell, they can’t even get a damn radar fixed in a reasonable time frame; they reward a Cabinet member who committed a serous infraction by giving him a paid holiday from work, so what should we expect out of them? Competence?

    • Anonymous says:

      Very impressive, but you are a person of authority.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth bryan-a clueless waste of space…..

    • anon says:

      I have to agree – he has lots of space.

    • Anonymous says:

      Covid cases are on the rise in the States. Florida over 13000 a day. we have to learn to live with it but don’t be so quick to get rid of masks. Your summer tourism has come and gone Kenneth maybe you can salvage Winter. Postpone pension till December 2022 we don’t have the extra money for pension onto of rising gas food cuc to name a few

      • Anonymous says:

        I have a friend who wears two…..EVERYWERE!
        Still caught it.
        They are useless.
        Worse then useless (pollution wise)
        If you think they work, wear one to protect yourself. Otherwise drop the mandate and get back to seeing faces.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The reality is that if you’re vaccinated you are not at risk of serious illness. Only the unvaccinated are at risk, and that is their choice. What business is it if yours if someone chooses that risk, it makes no difference to you as your vaccination status only protects you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Citations needed

      • Anonymous says:

        Get lost.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you need someone to provide you with a “citation” for the fact that being up to date with the vax reduces risk of serious illness, you must have just slithered out from under a rock. Crawl back in, you belong there.

      • Anonymous says:

        The takeaway from the article is what the doctor who was interviewed had to say:
        “These data should not be interpreted as vaccines not working,” John Brownstein, PhD, an epidemiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, told ABC News. “In fact, these real-world analyses continue to reaffirm the incredible protection these vaccines afford, especially when up to date with boosters,” he said. Vaccines and booster shots continue to provide significant protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death, Brownstein said.
        Thank you for taking the time to provide anti-vax cretins evidence that the vax is still working as designed.
        For those anti-vax morons with math disability here is an interesting tidbit to confound your pea brains: Every vax is prone to breakthrough infections, none are 100% effective at preventing the disease it was designed for. When the vax rate of a population reaches 100%, then 100% of the people who suffer Covid infections and those hospitalised for Covid will be those who have had the vax.

    • Anonymous says:

      It does matter because the unvaccinated increase our health insurance premiums. CINICO and health insurers should not pay for any treatment required by the unvaccinated.

      • Iamnotatypo says:

        Absolutely. We should not pay the price for the stupidity of others.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why don’t we add smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse and obesity to your warped dystopian ideology. For that matter insurance should also refuse to insure homes that are built in hurricane prone areas. Let’s make it so that the actuary business takes no risks whatsoever and insure only the healthiest of people, but if they develop disease, cancel their policies.

        • Anonymous says:

          Excellent suggestions. OK with me.

        • Great idea says:

          That is how a properly functioning insurer works. Let those that don’t look after themselves pay for the costs of their choices rather than externalising those costs by piling them onto those who do look after themselves.

        • Anonymous says:

          The reason is simple. Everyone is being offered the vaccine for free. And insurers do charge higher premiums for houses in perilous positions. It is called underwriting. In the same way smokers pay higher health insurance and life insurers than non smokers

          • Anonymous says:

            Underwriting is simply spreading the risk. The original post was about the ‘stupidity of others’. Insurers know pretty much everyone has a level of stupidity. Many people simply lie about smoking when taking out policies, there are no checks. When was the last time you completed an insurance application that asked your vaccination status? It is more important to them to know if you have had disease or genetic traits.

          • Anonymous says:

            Agreed, but they are not being excluded as the original poster suggested.

        • Anonymous says:

          Allow me to come up with a practical suggestion that correlates to real world conditions:
          Life and health insurers charge a higher premium related to smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse and obesity. It would be an excellent idea for them to charge a higher premium to cover those who are not up to date on their vax schedule. Those who do not have a higher risk profile should not subsidise those who do stupid chit.

          • Anonymous says:

            The original post is advocating ‘no treatment’ so your supporting argument is not valid. If you pay for something, you get something in return regardless of premium.

            • Anonymous says:

              If we accept that you get what you pay for in regard to health insurance then you have essentially supported my suggestion. I believe that one indeed should get what one pays for but only what one pays for and no more lest the cost gets passed on to others. Those who indulge in higher risk activities, if their premiums are not higher are in effect subsidised by those who do not take such risks. Therefore, it is only fair that if the non-vaxed are indeed at risk for higher hospitalisation rates, then they should pay higher premiums. My response was to 7:40 not the original comment in this thread and was made in regard to the insurance/actuarial issues involved, not treatment. In any case even if we accept that my response was to the wrong person–which it was not–my underlying reasoning is sound. Can you refute that? Let’s hear it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not for tourists who must attest that they have independent Covid-19 coverage on their travel insurance.
        And if you’re going down the route of selective healthcare, try doing the same with obesity, diabetes, alcoholism, smoking, or bad driving, all of which are overwhelmingly down to poor life choices.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The ‘vaccinated’ are no such thing if their last jab/booster was over 3 months ago but let’s pretend 6 months ago. They’re actually showing to be far more susceptible globally to infection and now severe illness than anyone either never vaccinated or those who stopped at 2 of the mrna’s. These are UK and Israel data sets that are showing this.

    Continuing the extreme discrimination depending on medical health choices is not only borderline criminal, but its based on a stunning misundertanding of the true threat from covid19. The longer this goes on, the more obvious it is that there never was a threat.

    The fact people keep lining up for more jabs that were formulated against an initial strain that is no longer in circulation is stunningly naive.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for the insight, Doc. Did you write that from the golf cart?

    • Anonymous says:

      Your comments on garbage ‘data sets’ are incorrect. Go back to school. Vaccines are far more long-lasting that you imply. Yes, they do not last forever, but you are spreading blatantly false FOX news garbage. Shame on you for spreading ‘stunningly naive’ mis-information. To say there was ‘never a threat’ is the extreme of your base ignorance.

    • Anonymous says:

      WOW. Do you exist on our planet? “Never a threat???????????”

      Tell that to the millions who have died world-wide. Tell that to the millions with long-covid. Your comments need to be repudiated! You are truly listening to mis-information (I’m being polite). Giving you a free pass to spread ignorance is not right.

    • Anonymous says:

      Science evolves. Vaccine formulations evolve. Apparently the ignorance such as you hold does not evolve! Oh well, Darwin explained how your kind would eventually end up.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have several relatives that were unvaccinated. This past month 4 of them caught Covid. 2 are in serious condition. I have heard they would now have wished they had gotten jabbed, and that the ‘threat’ is real!!! I am dismayed at your comments and ignorance of real science.

    • Anonymous says:

      Garbage statistics.

    • Anonymous says:

      There was never a threat? I get the point that Covid is no longer as lethal as it was, but never a threat? Really? All those millions of dead people just a figment of the imagination?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Great example of ‘kicking the can down the road’ and why nothing gets done. No political balls.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Absolute insanity! Guess they have to keep the 100’s of Travel Cayman employees employed to avoid political fall out. Loss of future votes, if you know what I mean.

    • Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

      Can anybody tell me of any other country in the world apart from possibly North Korea that requires permission from their own Govt to fly back to their country of their birth?.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:41. You could never be a civil servant with that disastrous low level of knowledge.

        The answer: almost every country in the world developed a pre arrival process during the height of the pandemic.

        Our politicians leaders have taken the stance that lives are more important than portals and high tourist numbers.

        Don’t worry our brave civil servants will continue to keep you safe. Ta ta

        • Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

          6.38pm Your description of “brave” is on a par with “world class”, even if I had a modicum of knowledge I would still never want to be a civil servant.

        • Anonymous says:

          The answer: almost every country in the world developed a pre arrival process during the height of the pandemic….Yes, but that was then. What is the rationale now? We are not talking about conditions for entering the country, like quarantine or LFT tests – we are talking about getting permission to fly at all even if you do meet the conditions (but strangely enough, not if you arrive by cruise ship).

        • G says:

          “brave civil servants will continue to keep you safe” LOL calm down please.

  14. Anonymous says:

    End the nonsense. No one cares anymore. Take care of yourself like you always do when sick.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those who dont care if fhey make others ill as long as they have a good time dont care anymore.

      There. I fixed it for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Get vaccinated and take care of yourself. It’s not my responsibility to protect you if you decide to decline the vaccine and become seriously ill.

        • Anonymous says:

          Right. Its not on you to be a responsible citizen on a small island.

          • Anonymous says:

            The responsible citizen is one who takes responsibility for their own protection so as not to burden others.
            The protection lies with the vaccinated, not the individual who chooses not to take up the offer. It is their health and their choice; whether you are vaccinated or not has no bearing on their decision as the virus is transmissible either way.
            Living on a small island doesn’t mean you can’t think for yourself.

  15. Anonymous says:

    So guessing PACT doesn’t read these posts. If you are reading them, your terrible at what you do BTW.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I missed Mr Bryan’s call in to Radio Cayman and whilst that doesn’t mean I was necessarily doing something useful or productive, it does mean I wasn’t idle 🥱

  17. Anonymous says:

    Every time I enter fosters and the lady at the door yells at me to
    Sanitize and then sprays me down with bottled water I laugh, I even tried to tell her I used my own sanitizer when I was exiting my car but she said she didn’t care it was her job to ensure everyone sanitized, I complied so I could go in and get my groceries but, honestly The Whole situation was a little creepy!

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s water.

      • Anonymous says:

        it is actually surface cleaner, on the cosh warnings it says not to use it directly on skin!!

    • watcher says:

      She is doing her job. Do you expect her to realise the consequence of not doing her job, just to assuage your angst? Don’t want the spray, don’t shop there.

      If you really do use your own sanitiser, you shouldn’t object, unless it’s just your hobby to be a PITA to the working class.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well said. There are thousands of guest workers here who practice this daily disdain for the working class.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unless you spray the sanitizer down your throat, it does absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of Covid. It does however, ensure that the disgusting individuals who refuse to wash their hands on leaving the restroom aren’t spreading their germs around as before.

  18. Question says:

    “the requirement for unvaccinated travelling Caymanians to quarantine”

    So only unvaccinated travelling Caymanians won’t have to quarantine? PR, ex-pats, and traveling tourists that are not Caymanian will?

    I know it sounds like a stupid question. It would not surprise me in the least that this would be a requirement that PACT would publicly broadcast with a straight face.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 8:10 can’t make this shit up. Then again, that’s what they’re doing, making up stupidity week after week.

    • Anonymous says:

      An unvaccinated ‘anybody’ isn’t a risk to vaccinated individuals, they are the ones at risk from the vaccinated who still transmit the virus.
      It is your responsibility to ensure your own protection, it is of no consequence to the population or government if someone is taking a risk with their own health.
      If it were, fried chicken, smoking, and alcohol would be banned tomorrow.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Why is Minister of Tourism (Kenneth Bryan) speaking on lifting COVID-19 Travel Restrictions, and not the Minister of Health (Sabrina Turner) in conjunction with Premier Wayne Panton?
    I suspect there’s alot of “Chiefs” who don’t communicate well within the PACT.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne has absolutely zero control over his “cabinet”. They are all jockeying for position for when the coup comes and they throw him out. Kenneth fancies himself as next Premier. Just watch.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because Kenny wants to lift the restrictions to please the tourist industry, Sabrina wants to keep them so it looks like she is in charge, and Wayne is completely ineffective at getting his cabinet ministers to act in unison – or listen to a word he has to say.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is he speaking. Period.

      • Ole fart says:

        And Jay wants to bring in breadfruits from Jam. Go figure with all the breadfruit trees we have here. Was this what we wasted money on, having him in Jamaica negotiating the supply of breadfruits?”?? PACT equates to Pure Atrocious Clueless Team.

  20. Anonymous says:

    What is being done about the high inflation/cost of living AND an imminent recession that is predicted to shake-up these Islands in the very near future?
    We’re talking about wage cuts, layoffs, foreclusures, continued rise in essential consumer products, reduction in the national GDP i.e. significantly reduced spending per household -even a further deterioration of the Cruise-Tourism Industry.
    Can anyone sitting member of parliament speak to these current issues and potential issues? 😕

  21. Bert says:

    End all restrictions as soon as possible. They serve no policy purpose now.

  22. Little Cayman Shadow Minister says:

    Free us up na bloodz!
    Unna na realize the effecs on individual and childrens mental health awa?

    So…… wa time unna goin staat reading bloodz?

    Unna na thinkin bout where dem masks coming from and the further effekz awa?

    Keep extendin your mandate cause communizims is still alive in 2022. Fascizm socializm and all the izims still alive cuz unna stopped thinkin. You all became dictators and not a shot was fired…… unna neva read that book na true?

    Unna keep being dictators, the future lookin bright and like any dictator you blind towards the harm of your dictates.

    Yeah bloodz I gone……..

  23. Anonymous says:

    Each time I park my car I sit there in the drivers seat for an extra hour with my seat belt on and the engine off. Safety first. This makes a lot of sense to me.

    • Anonymous says:

      I carry a spare seatbelt around so I can strap myself in wherever I may have to sit. Safety first.

      • Anonymous says:

        Love these comments but truth is, “safeguarding”, especially at schools, has gotten ridiculous. We now have paid security guards at primary schools with less than 70 students, to make sure no parent enters the premises, just to walk to the reception area, a few meters away. The guard accepts the free lunches from the vender and assures that each student gets what is “rightfully” theirs.
        Not to mention that safety seems to include not running on the playground, limited use of balls, and telling parents what they can and cannot feed their children. Disgrace.

  24. Anonymous says:

    What, you mean I may no longer get the magic spray spritzed on one of my hands at Fosters upon entry?

  25. Anon says:

    Saved by Bryan.
    Utterly useless politician.
    PACT have no logic to any decision
    Other than keeping travel time employees employed and making the rest of us pay

  26. Anonymous says:

    This is waaaay overdue. I mean, they can’t even label their charts correctly…

  27. Anonymous says:

    Let me share my story so the fear mongering of our utter embarrassing Minister of Health and acting CMO can shut their traps on this who “pandemic”. I’ve been vaccinated and received the booster got COVID (latest one) ended up with flu like symptoms and extremely tired. My sibling who has chosen not to be vaccinated because they consider themselves to be in very good health contracted the Delta variant and the only symptoms was their loss of taste and smell nothing more. To date they have been exposed to countless people who had different variants and have been able to remain healthy and well. The point I am trying to make is, it does not matter at this point as anyone can contract COVID. At this point in time, all policies and procedures need to be dropped and we all need to move on with life as we knew it before 2020. Those that want to continue wearing their mask well to each their own, but stop putting rules on the rest of us who want to just move forward with the freedom to breathe fresh air and make our own judgement. It’s time to free Cayman and end all testing, Travel Cayman etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      @5:23pm Wow,Cayman should make you Minister of Health and CMO. Maybe even the CDC should hire you for your vast knowledge of the Covid Virus. I’m sure there is no epidemiologist in the world that can compare with your credentials. Damn, where were you when this pandemic started? The entire world has missed out. We had the expert right here all the time..

      • Anonymous says:

        Likely the same genius who paraded at the Governor’s House holding a stupid sign with China spelled as Chyna.

      • Anonymous says:

        An epidemiologist deals in patterns, statistics, and tracing in order to influence strategies, and as such they do not diagnose or treat patients, nor do they invent cures or treatments. But you knew that really, I guess.
        The poster is quite correct when they ellude to their fact that the virus is now less harmful due to natural weakening, vaccines and natural immunity. So why are you convinced you know better when clearly based upon the evidence from numerous countries, you don’t?
        Infections are no longer the priority when a population is vaccinated to a high level. So life must return to normality before the cost of living crisis becomes a disaster for Cayman.

        • Anonymous says:

          Which business do you own?

        • Anonymous says:

          Increasing tourism will have zero impact on increasing inflation and stagnant wages. Its a false narrative driven by business interests as a last ditch effort to maintain profits.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh wow, if only they had this information sooner! You and your sibling got covid and you were both ok? So why do we have all these restrictions!?

      Let’s go down to the government building right away and tell them. They’ll probably call a press conference the same afternoon.

  28. Anonymous says:

    We are led by unserious people. Embarrassing we haven’t followed the world on this already.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Kenny Bryan? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Cool, so after June cruise passengers will no longer have to have a pre arrival test or wear masks then?

  31. Anonymous says:

    End all restrictions now. It’s utterly farcical.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop the pre return flight testing. Imagine being stranded in a foreign country because your PcR or LFT forbids you boarding a flight.
      Thousands lost on fares, thousands spent on food and accommodation as you wait for your next test result.
      Travel Cayman has done their job, close it down, let visitors return and move on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Been there and done that. What a joke and a complete waste of my life.

      • Anonymous says:

        @1:56pm You do realize that no matter what country you are in if you have covid you will not be allowed to board a flight to another country while you have it..Hasn’t anyone been outside of Cayman since covid began? One would swear that Cayman was the only country in the world.

      • Anonymous says:

        For foreign nationals (e g. in USA), those pre-return testing is so worrying. It’s expensive, time-consuming & extremely problematic; particularly, when travelling with children, elderly persons, disabled persons, or indigent persons.

        • Anonymous says:

          Indigent does not mean what you think it means… if you can afford to travel by air you are by definition not indigent…

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree,this is me now in UK trying to get home needing a test 24 hours before boarding (should be 48). Easy if you live in London but if you’re spending most of the previous day travelling to get to London for a flight first thing the next day, extremely difficult to organise. If I then test positive, stuck in London needing a small mortgage to cover cancellation and extended London hotel stay. Scary and vary stressful. If it was 48 hours could test before setting off to London.

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly…good luck buddy.

        • anon says:

          It’s not 24 hours, it’s the day before – but agree it’s pointless as you’ll be on a plane full of people travelling to NAS who only have to test 72 hours before they travel.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s the day before boarding, not 24 hours, so you actually have longer to get the test.

        • Anonymous says:

          Book an LFT test at Heathrow T5 two hours before check-in, they cost £35 and you should get your result within the hour. No need for 24 hour PCR tests anymore.

        • C'Mon Now! says:

          Do an Azova test online… pretty simple

      • Anonymous says:

        You still have to test to fly into the US, so until that changes tourists will still risk being stuck in a “foreign country”

  32. Anonymous says:


  33. Anonymous says:

    Finally we are catching up with the rest of the world. It will also boost our tourism immensely

  34. Anonymous says:

    3 out of 5 in hospital are vaccinated. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can catch and spread COVID. Stop the mandatory quarantine of unvaccinated travelers! They have arrived with negative tests, what is the point of the quarantine? Punishment for not following the masses?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hard to now justify Caymans approach to keeping Travel Time, pre-flight testing and mask wearing, when just the other day I see 3 giant cruise ships in G.T. Harbour and their compliment of passengers walking about having largely dodged all protocols we are still mandating for the residents & visitors arriving by air.

  35. Anonymous says:

    What part of its not going away do these idiots not understand?

    Take off the stupid masks and dissolve Travel Cayman now.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Travel Cayman is dissolved what will all the workers assigned to it do for a job?

      • Anonymous says:

        Burger King, like the rest of us.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe they could build more security huts. One leaving the airport would be a good use of funds.

      • Anonymous says:

        I was at the Westin for a beer today and NO-ONE other than the doorman was wearing a mask. Cancel the mask crap now!!! No-one is giving a monkeys ass!

      • Anonymous says:

        150 of them are app so already working with WORC to process the work permit backlog. With the same degree of success they managed Travel Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Uh, get a job? Learn a trade? Go back and get a diploma? Take free money from the local Minister in exchange for a vote for the MacBeater? Many lucrative options to the newly unemployed who had no sense to read the months of tea leaves that their cushy job was about to end. So sad, I shed tears for them.

        • Anonymous says:

          These days, much more than days gone by, you have to be politically connected for gainful employment. Nepotism [😳?] is a very real & integral part of rising, keeping-up & staying-up in Cayman Society; even in a time
          when almost the entire Islands Nation is in survival mode.
          Let’s just call it, “the Cayman way of living.”

      • Anonymous says:

        They will work in the department created to dissolve Travel Cayman.

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