Archive for September 20th, 2021

US opens borders to fully vaccinated travellers

US opens borders to fully vaccinated travellers

| 20/09/2021 | 33 Comments

(CNS): The US government has lifted a number of restrictions on travel from 33 countries and is instead mandating vaccinations for entry into the country for foreign nationals when the policy takes effect in early November. On Monday the White House announced the new international air travel system that will require everyone to have a […]

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Regiment gets supplies to quarantined families

Regiment gets supplies to quarantined families

| 20/09/2021 | 16 Comments

(CNS): Dozens of families had to go into unexpected quarantine last week after an outbreak of COVID-19 at the George Town Primary School, but many of them were not able to get to the supermarkets before they were locked down and found themselves short on supplies. As a result, the Cayman Islands Regiment was enlisted […]

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PPM has no special skill on reopening, says Panton

PPM has no special skill on reopening, says Panton

| 20/09/2021 | 48 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said the opposition has no unique special skill or strategy to offer the government on reopening, given that the current administration is dealing with a different set of circumstances to the previous government, who managed lockdown not opening the borders. The opposition leader and his deputy have said they want […]

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People need time to adjust, says Panton

People need time to adjust, says Panton

| 20/09/2021 | 146 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said the community needs time to adjust to the idea of living with COVID-19 after many people reacted with shock and fear when Cayman’s coronavirus-free bubble burst some 12 days ago. He said the pause in reopening would allow the government time to build up public confidence that the country […]

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No new local COVID-19 cases in latest results

No new local COVID-19 cases in latest results

| 20/09/2021 | 21 Comments

(CNS): Another 853 COVID-19 tests were carried on Sunday but there no new positive cases of the virus among people without a travel history. There were, however, eight positive cases among travellers who had been due to leave quarantine and isolation. Since the first reported case of a community transmission on 8 September, more than […]

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Vaccine or negative test needed for travel to CB&LC

Vaccine or negative test needed for travel to CB&LC

| 20/09/2021 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Anyone travelling from Grand Cayman to Cayman Brac or Little Cayman will now need to be either vaccinated or have a negative PCR test. Government has rolled out new rules in the wake of community spread in Grand Cayman in an effort to protect the Sister Islands. Those who have not been fully vaccinated […]

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Driver crashes into house on Cayman Brac

Driver crashes into house on Cayman Brac

| 20/09/2021 | 10 Comments

(CNS): A man escaped serious injury early Sunday morning when he crashed his car into a house on Cayman Brac. The single-vehicle collision happened at around 4am on 19 September on West End East Road. The driver of a white Hyundai Santa Fe had been travelling eastbound when the car left the roadway, collided with […]

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Schools included in government mask mandate

Schools included in government mask mandate

| 20/09/2021 | 54 Comments

(CNS): Children will be wearing masks in school again for a while as government rolls out a mask mandate for all of its buildings. Guidance issued on Sunday by the Department of Education Services (DES) includes a requirement for all students over the age of five to wear masks when riding the bus and moving […]

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We must prepare for reopening our borders

We must prepare for reopening our borders

| 20/09/2021 | 187 Comments

Troy Leacock writes: We weren’t ready to open our borders last week but we can be long before the end of the year. I’m a tourism business owner and operator, absolutely crushed by the border closure. I’m desperate for a safe reopening of our borders so I can start making a living again. Yes, to […]

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GTPS parent in serious quarantine breach

GTPS parent in serious quarantine breach

| 20/09/2021 | 79 Comments

(CNS): A mother of a George Town Primary School student has been found in breach of her mandated quarantine rules by selling food and doing other business that has brought her into contact with other people, despite her potential exposure to COVID-19. Dozens of households are currently in quarantine as a result of the outbreak […]

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