Reopening spells return of masks, social distancing

| 30/08/2021 | 290 Comments
Cayman News Service
An officer hands out a reusable cloth mask at a local supermarket in May 2020

(CNS): When the Cayman Islands’ borders reopen to vaccinated visitors who will not be required to isolate, residents can expect to see a return of mask mandates, social distancing protocols and a reduction in the permitted size of groups both inside and outside. Government ministers have said that as the risk of community transmission of the coronavirus increases in October when the current quarantine restrictions begin to be lifted for travellers, the relaxed virus protocols will likely be tightened up again.

The return of more frequent virus testing and tried and tested protections will be used to boost the community protection from the vaccine if Cayman can exceed a national immunization rate of over 80% and as much as possible reduce the risk of serious illness or possible deaths.

Speaking at Wednesday’s press briefing, Premier Wayne Panton, Health Minister Sabrina Turner and Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan all pointed to the likelihood of a reduction of permitted numbers in group gatherings and possible mask mandates after 14 October, given the concerns over how contagious the Delta variant is and the risks posed by this latest mutation. The premier stressed that COVID is real and it is coming.

“We know we are taking risks with the opening of our borders,” Panton warned. “Government continues to make decisions based on the best available information and scientific evidence and advice, but we are also cognizant that we simply cannot afford to keep our borders closed indefinitely. Like so many things in life, we are trying to strike the right balance, being aware of the risks that we are taking with the decisions that we are making, but also making sure that we are doing everything we can to limit and mitigate those risks and their potential impacts.”

Noting that the vaccine is the best possible protection, he added, “When we open our borders we have to understand that community transmission of COVID, which we have been able to successfully limit with the measures we’ve had in place, will be inevitable.”

But even if the vaccine rate increases, the Delta variant can infect those who are fully vaccinated who are able to spread the virus. Given the risk from this variant, the need for stringent anti-COVID health and safety protocols will return.

Panton said that the opening plan calls for the consideration of social distancing and mask mandates. He said it was very likely that there will be new mandates and a decision about masks and social distancing will be made by government ahead of 14 October, when the quarantine requirements will be lifted. All of the government ministers said that social gathering numbers will also almost certainly be decreased.

“When we go towards increasing the risk of COVID spread, we are going to be reducing the numbers,” Minister Bryan said. The health minister said the allowable size of groups would definitely go down in the first part of the opening plan but she said the details would be based on advice given by public health officials.

At the moment people can gather in groups of up to 1,000 outside and 500 inside, and no one is required to wear a mask except at healthcare facilities. However, in October the public might be required to wear masks in all public indoor places, such as supermarkets. Restaurants may be required to move tables further apart indoors or be restricted to outdoor service only.

The premier has also said that government supports private sector businesses requiring people to be vaccinated in their efforts to keep their staff and customers safe.

Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez said that testing will be increased at that point and all front-line workers and healthcare workers will be tested on a regular basis. He said he was expecting cases of community transmission but the Health Services Authority is prepared for that. However, they hope the vaccine and protocols will prevent any major surges.

Panton has said that government will reassess a possible return to a lockdown if there are outbreaks that require people to be hospitalised and will be monitoring the impact of the community spread on the hospital.

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Comments (290)

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  1. John says:

    Propaganda….TV….it’s tiring.

    Where I am in Florida, there is less than 1% of people that have been affected. Less than 1%.

    Lets check that stat vs. Cardiovascular Disease/Obesity/Type 2 Diabetes issues. Let that one sink in.

    This will blend into the “flu” season. That will be interesting.

    I’ve gave up doing flu shots….why? “Oh this year, its about 20% affective” yadda yadda.

    • Anonymous says:

      Correct. If you follow worldwide news, People are turning on media, they had enough with fake and twisted news. The thing that drives me nuts is when they report that covid is always the cause of death, but a vaccine is never. The latest sudden death of Serge Onik, 33, a competitive dancer, IS NOT disclosed. I bet he got the jab. Yet media goes wild, can’t resist a touch of Schadenfreude when someone who is against covid jabs dies.

      To be fair, CNS still represents what journalism used to be, except Covid19 coverage of course and that is maddening.

      Compass threads very carefully trying not to stir much ripples and that is very annoying.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dude you should worry about FLorida, don’t fret about us in Cayman.

      • John says:

        Again- it’s the standard media that has you under the impression that Florida is on a dumpster fire with The Rona-Delta. Its a political battle. Thats it. Plain and simple.

        As a Caymanian, I like to stay in tune.

        I dont fret nor fear this BS. I walk outside everyday like Connor McGreggor before he get his ankles buss’up.

        What I do concern myself here is the well-being and physiological affects it has on people and local small businesses.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What about the unvaccinated children? Are we going to wipe out the next generation? It’s ok to placing our elders who are unable to take the vaccines?
    It’s ok to going back to masks and social distancing, how is this better to what we currently have?

  3. Anonymous says:

    More stupidity. Are we praying for a cure now? Is that how we return to our lives? Anyone saying there’s a cure on the horizon? This is ridiculous.

  4. Anonymous says:

    2nd pension fund withdrawal to get the vaccine shot is the solution to all the problems. Money talks.

  5. Anonymous says:

    We are never getting to 80 per cent by October 14 and it’s clear we are going to open up, so the government have two options:

    1. Accept lower than 80%
    2. Vaccine passports

    Now we have the app which can easily verify vaccination and scan codes to enter places, it’s clear and sensible we will likely go with 2. Pretty easy to just mandate bars, restaurants, shops, banks and cinema etc. are for vaccinated and make them scan on entry. It would also massive.y increase vaccine take up as seen in other countries.

    Problem solved.

    • Anonymous says:

      Make sure hospitals are ready, properly equipped and staff is trained and open borders without restrictions. There’s no other way.

      Mandate all obese people in CIG and civil service to lose weight.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This government has failed to do what is necessary to minimize the risks of importing Covid –

    Remember the change to the work permit rules requiring vaccination for new and renewed WPs that they promised in May – still has not happened.

    Everywhere else governments are introducing domestic vaccination passports for non-essential activities – ours is asleep

    Remember all the promises about plans to increase vaccination uptake – nothing more than photo-ops.

    Now they are proposing to allow Covid in just to please some hotel owners.

    I am very disappointed in them.

    • Anonymous says:

      The reopening is not about tourism, it is about restoring freedom of movement for all Caymanian.

      Allowing us to travel easily, do business, visit family, seek medical treatment and send kids to school.

      Crime is rising, because there is not enough velocity of money at the moment on island.

      Covid-19 is here to stay for many years to come, we can no longer continue to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world to mitigate an inevitable impact.

      We must vaccinate, and invest in therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies and rejoin the rest of the world.

    • Anon says:

      Requiring expats to take the vaccine while not requiring locals is discrimination by nationality. It is illegal. As was stopping people with Aids. But CIG, of whatever colour, persist with divisive policy. And I am not an anti-vaxxer, just someone who is p1$$#d off with the constant go to of division propagated by CIG.

  7. Anonymous says:

    There is an excellent article on allocating the costs of their decisions to those that refuse to vaccinate without any valid medical reason.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Very few of these politicians have children under 12. If they did there is no way that they would be proposing to let Covid loose in Cayman just to please some foreign hotel owners.

    • Anonyo says:

      Plenty of kids in hospital with delta in the US. Cayman should move away from low wage tourism.

    • Anonymous says:

      Some foreign hotel owners – you mean the former US citizen, now Caymanian, who owns over a third of our land mass and the majority of pur hotels? That one Because whether or not he is “foreign” is not really the point – the fact that he has a massive domestic impact on our economy is. But its not just the hotel owners – its all the caymanian owned water sports operators, and the financial services industry, who are finding keeping going virtually a major problem if they can travel to see clients and persuade expat employees to stay if they cant send their kids to school or see relatives.

  9. Anon says:

    Why should only caymanians and not expats who are half the population get a say?

  10. Anonymous says:

    #nocaymanlockdowns #nomaskingthevacinated

  11. Anonymous says:

    Quebec has announced that all residents will need a vaccination passport to enter restaurant, bars and other essential services.

    Those unvaccinated will not be allowed in to these places and many are now scrambling to get vaccinated.

    It’s time for Cayman to do something similar. Enough carrots, we need a large stick!

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyday there is some pratt quoting articles on who is doing what and who gives a crap. We are a small island that no one cares about and we do things our way. We survived a longer time in a ‘bubble’ long before this. So, I don’t care what they are doing in Quebec or any other place. If you think these places are better than us then why not move there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree, I don’t want to be going to any bars or restaurants once we reopen were either the people working there or eating there have covid.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The EU is red-listing travelers from the US from today because of the risk of Covid. In response, our government plans to encourage those same travelers to come here to infect our people.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think people really understand…the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus. It is just another layer of protection that improves your chances of not getting it. Just because some people are vaccinated doesn’t mean they should just throw caution to the wind and be unmasked. The masks, social distancing, hygiene protocols in addition to the vaccine are each layers, when put together, greatly reduce one’s chances of catching the virus and/or suffering severe symptoms if it is caught. Be smart people, please. Our lives depends on it!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Prediction: This is just a prelude to another certain lock down. The moment there is a couple of new cases (which opening will undoubtedly results in), this woke government will be tripping over themselves to lock the place down again New-Zealand-double-down style to show just how all-caring and how much better they can do a lockdown than the previous government.

    If they have no backbone, they should not open and destroy the shambles of the economy up even more than it already is. You can’t run from this, like you can’t run from the flu. Once you open, there will be cases. Period, if you can’t handle that, resign and elect someone that can.

  15. Anonymous says:

    All this for the dollar, the irony is with lockdowns and restrictions the economy will contract further.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Ignorance is bliss! Here is a more reputable source. Shows the disparity between “News” and actual reports.

    It shows that up until Aug 2, 2021. The UK has had 742 Delta variant deaths. Out of those 742 deaths, only 205 persons were NOT inoculated. The rest has either had one dose or both doses of the inoculation.

    Stop repeating the shit you hear because it supports your narrative.

    CNS: The problem is that you don’t understand what you are reading. That is a paper prepared by Public Health England, which is the main entity informing the vaccination programme in the UK and elsewhere, including the Cayman Islands. Here is an explanation by the Highly respected BMJ. You should probably read it properly before commenting on this topic again.
    Significant proportions of people admitted to hospital, or dying from covid-19 in England are vaccinated—this doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work

  17. Anonymous says:

    And the kids under 12?

    • Anonymous says:

      …will be just fine, like in the US and UK. The reason those countries aren’t rushing for an emergency use authorization for children is because they want to ensure that the vaccine doesn’t present risks greater than getting natural infection. Both of which are expected to be very, very low risk. Quite simply, this is less of an emergency for kids. Unlike some other viruses, this virus has very little impact on kids. Yes there are a handful hospitalizations, but it is very low, and even less than viral pneumonia caused by the flu.

      Kids can serve as a vector for spread, but they just aren’t getting very sick.

      That is why the FDA is asking for more data from Pfizer and Moderna on their children trials. They want to ensure that rare serious side effects aren’t greater in children, and those side effects don’t exceed the rare bad outcomes of children with COVID.

      And once/if a lower child dose is approved, many parents in Cayman will likely hold off.

  18. Anonymous says:

    If I had known we would go back to wearing masks, social distancing, and reduced gatherings! AFTER being vaccinated. I would not have gotten JABBED! Good luck getting the full 80% to do the necessary now.

    Yet no plan is in place for kids under 12 who are NOT vaccinated and will be fully exposed.

    Just lockdown as a default.. SMH let me go buy my tissue from now… FML

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that you thought masks and social distancing would not apply to you after being the vaccine says a lot about you. You are not immune to the virus so of course you will have to abide by protocols just like everyone else. It is also ironic that you would be harping on about having to wear a mask and social distance, which would help to protect children who are unable to be vaxxed, yet complain there is no plan for them. That is part of the plan to keep them safe, smh.

    • Anonymous says:

      You thought you wouldn’t?!!! What a dipshit

  19. Anonymous says:

    When the island goes back into another lockdown I for one won’t be abiding by their so-called shelter in place orders merely for the fact that
    When covid came around I just like many others gave up our rights of movement and freedom and liberty to be in this safe bubble that we have today.
    Became subjected to an experimental vaccine just so that the powers that be can start making their big money once again which btw won’t be of any benefit to the lower and even middle class caymanians, and the list goes on and on and on,
    This pact government has only proven one thing and it stems in a form of communism,
    So remember this saying when that time comes,
    When tyranny becomes justice then rebellion becomes duty.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re confusing communism with fascism,and there are many fascist posts here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Communism and fascism are the same thing. They both end up as a totalitarian state with the peoples’ necks firmly under a dictator’s boot.
        Oh, they wear different uniforms too.

  20. Unfortunate truth says:

    I’ve said it before.

    When we open up and we have a local death, the island will shut down again for months.

    What everyone has to realise is that this virus isn’t going anywhere soon, it will be like the flu and other virus, there is no cure only an vaccination that helps prevent serious illness and spread, that’s it!

    Just open the boards and let’s get on with life like the rest of the world, we can’t remain shut forever!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is important that the children are able to get vaccinated first.

    • Anonymous says:

      That would be a big ‘No Thank You’ to living like the rest of the world as a 4th wave is building. Large parts of the rest of the world are or soon will be a disaster.

      Today it was forecast that the EU will have 200,000 additional deaths with this new wave. The EU is moving to block US tourists as they pose too great a risk… and that is the good news.

    • Anonymous says:


  21. Concerned says:

    It is so ridiculous that CIG is even considering opening right as high season begins. Yes, one could argue that it is because “that is when people enjoy travelling the most”. However, when the virus (especially the Delta variant) touches down in our community, it will no doubt spread quickly in the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike. We do not have the capacity to endure this and that is a fact. Our hospitals barely have enough beds as is, let alone when people are showing up sick with Covid. Also, spare me the “well the vaccinated won’t” as all over people who are vaxxed are getting sick with this variant and still having to go to the hospital. Just look at the poor woman on the cruise ship who was vaxxed, became extremely ill, was transported to the hospital and died. I have no doubt that Cayman will be like everywhere else and have to go into another lockdown. What is going to be unfortunate is that this is a peak time for people to want to be together; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years etc. To not be able to enjoy with loved ones because we are in another inevitable lockdown is going to be horrific to endure. I do not understand why CIG did not propose their magical plan for the New Year, which would have made more sense. Allow people to finish out 2021 safely and with one another, and then have new protocols and measures in place to re-open in the New Year. Our economy and local business will suffer yet again. This government is freshly into their term and are already setting themselves up to be failures.

    • Anon says:

      What about people who don’t have family here and haven’t seen them for years, and want to travel and spend Xmas and New Years with them. Thought about them? Seems you haven’t

      • Anonymous says:

        You clearly haven’t used your brain as many are able to travel off island right now. I know 10 people in Miami right now shopping. Why don’t you go and book your ticket in advance Jack ass

      • Anonymous says:

        You won’t be going anywhere because we will be in lock down so you still won’t see your family fool.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why don’t you hope a repatriation flight like everyone else, go home, and permanently stay home with your beloveds.

      • Anonymous says:

        Fine. Go. Just quarantine for 5 days on return. Any decent employer will accommodate you.

      • Anonymous says:

        I haven’t seen my family & friends in Cayman in 2 years. Last time was August 2019. They are too old to travel and my job only gives me 7 vacation days at a time.

    • Anonymous says:


  22. Anonymous says:

    Even more dangerous South African mutation soon come…..

  23. Anonymous says:

    The vaccinated person can still catch and pass on virus. No freedom there unless the Govt decides the vaccinated person that tests positive for the virus need not quarantine. So, say all in employees in an office is vaccinated and one of these employees catches the virus then that person with virus should not have to quarantine since all the other staff have been vaccinated — right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Can anyone tell me what is going to happen when said “vaccinated” person goes home their u vaccinated child, who then goes to school with 300 more unvaccinated children..?

      • Anonymous says:

        The government have decided the tourist dollar is worth more than children’s lives, it’s that simple.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Will government be offering stipends to the next round of businesses that will be penalized by the mask wearing and social distancing mandates?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why would a business be penalized for requiring masks and social distancing if government is enforcing it?

  25. Chill says:

    OMG seriously people chill out. First of all, Panton said we still have to reach 80% vaccination rate and that isn’t going to happen

    Second – Even IF it happens the border is not going to be thrown open come October 14, we don’t even know what airlines will fly here.

    Third – People still have to get approval from Travel Time to come here, and they have to be able to show the elusive securely verifiable proof of vaccine

    Fourth – We won’t have droves of tourists here until sometime next year IF THEN. Many people have found other destinations and many are likely to never return. And if any of them read the comments on CNS articles they must surely believe Caymanians, and Cayman residents hate them and do not ever want them to return.

    I can’t believe everyone is in such a snit over opening the border. We’ve been closed for 18 months, we can’t stay closed until Covid is gone, it is not realistic. We have one of the best vaccination rates in the world but we have a government that can’t figure out how to handle allowing free travel in/out. Our tourism minister lied about reducing the tourism stipend to 750.00 come November (see Compass article,) we have a Premier that still won’t make a hard decision about reopening, and insists on using the highest possible estimate of the population. Yet we are supposed to trust these people to lead us for the next four years?

    The truth is we are not going to reopen come October. By the end of September, I predict there will be another reason for pushing back the date…always stepping back.

    BTW wearing masks and social distancing is not the end of the world. People do it all over the world and they are living life, not running and hiding under a rock in fear of Covid.

    I know this post will be unpopular with many readers but we need to get serious about opening the border and finding a way to live with Covid and stop running from it because sooner or later it WILL catch up with us. It is not possible to avoid it forever. This bubbly can’t exist indefinitely.

    • Anonymous says:

      The longer the border stays closed with Covid rampant in the places where most of our tourists come from, the better off we are as country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Américain Airlines has just started selling tickets from October 14th and Cayman Airways has daily flights.

      Also as a person taking reservations for a large SMB property we are sold out in November.

      We will be opening regardless from what I have been told.

      • Anonymous says:

        Those October daily flights are still ghost flights. A few weeks ago CAL had a larger September schedule, and those of us that booked got cancellation emails a couple weeks ago.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hope all the travelers have factored in quarantine.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has already come this far, might as well sit out another few weeks until the Moderna and Pfizer Delta Boosters are given the EUA, and start rolling out proper protection in weeks ahead. Cayman needs to look ahead, and be innovative, not behind or out the side windows at dummy-policies elsewhere that have led right back into predictable fourth waves and hospital crisis. We don’t need to live that part of this global experience. People that want to travel to/from Cayman can and are doing so regularly.

    • Anonymous says:

      All Cayman was able to do, is avoid and delay the inevitable at enormous costs to citizens. At some point, we will have to deal with the virus because it, along with all its variants isn’t going away. And the longer we avoid it, the harder it will hit us when it does.

    • Anonymous says:

      You self isolate if positive. Note how in the uk, when all restrictions ended on July 19, in the last month there has been no change in people testing themselves regularly, distancing and wearing masks. It’s called trusting the population and people being careful and responsible and protecting themselves, you would hope we can do that here especially with a large educated expat population desperate to prevent spread as much as is possible and travel again,

      • Anonymous says:

        “A large, educated, expat population” can someone please explain to me why certain classes of expats only see white North Americans and Europeans (OK include South Africans, Kiwis, and Australians) as expats. Do they actually believe anyone with some color to their complexion is Caymanian?

        Most expats are not highly educated. Far from it.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Here is a sample to refute your claims that most infections are in the vaccinated.
    More specifically let’s focus on who is being hospitalized this summer- after all that is what really matters. All medical systems have limited capacity.

    Or a snapshot from a province in Canada:

    This phase is now the pandemic of the unvaccinated. The vaccinated are now constrained while the virus runs rampant through the unvaccinated. This too shall pass but more inconvenience lies ahead for all.

    • Anon says:

      The anti vax won’t listen though … so many keep posting Lowe’s on here about the vaccinated being equally at risk and being the mains spreaders. They fail to consider that in many countries the people vaccinated first are the most at risk.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the pandemic of the traveler. Stay home wherever you are. No spread.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I would like to know how many people on this thread have children. I don’t understand people that say it is ok to wear masks again? Are you ok with your children sitting in a classroom for an entire day masked? Are you ok for them not to have normal socializing with other children because of social distancing rules? Not having access to sports, recreations, after school activities? Are you as parents ok with this? Just so you can get on a plane? Travelling is not a right. Traveling is a privilege and most people in the world don’t have the opportunity to travel until they are adults. I can’t believe the selfishness of parents who would rather see their children not live a normal life so they can get on a plane. Don’t call those that don’t want the boarders open selfish. They are only protecting their families and children. It is you who are willing to sacrifice your children’s happiness who are selfish. I to would love for the boarders to open and to live life as it was. I to miss my family but I am not willing to sacrifice my children’s schooling and happiness for that. If we were in the rest of the world we would not have a choice but to deal with Covid. The difference is that we haven’t had to deal with it here. We have been so lucky and blessed that our children don’t even know what a mask is. You are all so short sighted and selfish. And another question. What tourist is going to want to come and visit and island that is filled with Covid, where hospitals are at capacity, where they have to mask and social distance when they now don’t have to do that in their own country. None! So we are sacrificing our way of living for what?

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly!!!! I will sacrifice whatever I need to for the kids to remain in school without masks, to participate in their sports and other activities, to have birthday parties, etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes – make sure our elected officials understand that. I am telling them the same thing.

        • anon says:

          We need more people to make this clear to PACT- we do not want to sacrifice our children’s welfare for a few tourists.. feel like we need a protest!

          • Anonymous says:

            Couldn’t agree more. Let the adults do their thing. Mask up, social distance, wear a hazmat suit for all people care but do not infringe on children lives.

          • Anonymous says:

            Then, the community better stop traveling in and out of the border. Covid isn’t just something that a tourist brings in.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree. All of the sacrifices we have made have been worth it to see our children able to lead normal lives. Children elsewhere are being severely impacted by Covid restrictions.

    • Anonymous says:

      AS a parent YES, I am OK with masks. I am OK and have traveled with my child over the globe into countries that are ravaged by COVID.
      We do this as this is the new world and this virus will not go away.
      Yes we take all the precautions we can BUT I want my child to have a life as normal as possible and that includes seeing grandparent and family around the world, traveling and experiencing the world.
      Normal is NOT locked on a small island for years!

      • Anonymous says:

        How do you know the virus won’t go away? Many have in the past and completed their life cycle morphing to less virulent strains.

    • Anonymous says:

      1. Kids are resilient. They won’t make a big deal about wearing a mask unless the parent does.

      2. Tourists have been living (the key word living) with covid. Most are used to putting on a mask to go to a grocery store or wear one at an airport or in another crowded area. Most tourists spend their time on the beach. What a tourist does not want is to spend time in a hotel quarantine looking at four walls for 5, 10, 14 days.

      3. Stop the panicking. Tourists are not going to come and overwhelm the island with covid.Residents have been coming and going for months, traveling back and forth and there is no covid in the community and you know the home quarantine has not really been followed.

      4. Don’t believe all the crap you see on tv about people not wearing masks and social distancing. Some do not do that, but it is also usually the same people who do not get vaccinated and those people who will have to quarantine. The majority of people who are vaccinated will wear a mask in an airport, a store if required, in a large gathering or anywhere else that it is asked. Social distancing…..that is up to all of us to do our part.

      5. Get your vaccine. Not just because of tourists or the opening of the border, but because the Delta variance is already in Cayman brought in by residents. Residents will continue to travel. Covid is not going anywhere.

      • anon says:

        They will close down the schools as soon as there is a case and then were does that leave our “resilient” children- missing their education.

        • Anonymous says:

          There is NO need to close down the schools. If there is a case, that person goes into quarantine. The rest continue on getting their education. The student in quarantine can even learn online (remote learning) for the time period they have in quarantine. Hasn’t anyone thought about any of this or do you all just go into panic mode?

          • Anon says:

            But do you really think that will be the reaction here? Schools and classrooms are closing all over the place in the US. Not fair for our children to live with the uncertainty day to day. Remote schooling is hardly a substitute particularly for those students struggling already. I see schools closed and kids struggling with learning (and mental health) while adults travel and party. Hardly fair to the next generation.

            • Anonymous says:

              Schools are NOT closing all of the US. Schools are opening for the school year this week in my state and even earlier in other states. In my state, masks are mandated for all students and staff until Oct. 1 while indoors. We are OPEN! My school has never been shut during the pandemic except for the first month when we went remote. The rest of the time, we have been in person and it is a special education based school.

  29. Anonymous says:

    This is absolutely rubbish. So those that got vaccinated are now having their liberties restricted because of a bunch of unvaccinated dimwits?

    Shouldn’t the unvaccinated be the ones that aren’t allowed in groups, bars, restaurants etc.?

    • Anonymous says:

      If you’re been vaccinated and are scared to be in public due to catcing coronavirus maybe just stay home.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yup that will be me. I’m lucky that I can do that though, there are many others who aren’t so lucky.

      • Anonymous says:

        Think you’ve missed the point but judging by you’re grammar, i doubt it’s the first time.

    • Anonymous says:

      I understand how you feel, but we as a people need to also understand that the only people we can control is ourselves. Let us focus on what we can control which is ourselves and stop bashing unvaccinated people. (This is coming from a vaccinated person.)

    • Anonymous says:

      I think they will be. Realistically businesses will impose vaccination requirements and the government will push the private sector to take care of it. Win win for everyone as businesses won’t close and we keep unvaccinated out of busy places.

    • Anonymous says:

      If we look else where in the world. This approach has been tried and failed miserably. All it sought to do was further damage people’s already dwindling businesses. The open policy establishments were much more successful so people gave up on the vax vs unvaxxed option.

    • Anonymous says:

      The irony of the unvaccinated wanting freedom is not lost on me. I want freedom too!

    • Anonymous says:

      Just because you have the vaccine doesn’t mean you can’t spread covid! The jabs are to prevent death. How is this so complicated for people to understand. Also it’s just a mask and it’s just a little bit of social distancing until everyone can get this under control worldwide. Be a team player.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think those that got vaccinated did so to avoid dying from Covid not so that they can go about life unaffected by a global pandemic. What we’ve had for the past year has been brilliant, but it can’t last forever.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or can it?

        • Anonymous says:

          No. Because we can’t run the financial service sector with expat labour that can’t travel home to see family o r send their kids to school. And without FS and tourism we have no economy. All these posts saying they’ll sacrifice anything to maintain the current lifestyle with no social distancing limitations- wait until 2/3rds of civil servants are laid off because there is no government revenue, and no money for NAU either. Lot of people seem unable to make a connection with the benefits they are used to receiving and how they are paid for. Want to see what happens without tourism or FS – look at Cayman pre 1970s – not just the lack of tourists and the relaxed society, but all the other stuff we have because dependent on.

          • Anonymous says:

            Expats can travel home. They are doing it all the time. They just have to quarantine when they get back. I am not so sure that there isn’t government revenue. If there is a gap we have to be creative and come up with a new tax. Maybe on remittances.

            • Anonymous says:

              Not every one has the time off from work to fit in a quarantine period. Some employers are not that flexible.

    • Anonymous says:


  30. Anonymous says:

    time for cor the chamber and cita to speak out now against this nonsense asap. if you think bars/restraunts can survive this…you are sorely mistaken.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pick your poison. Reopening means tourists but your bar will have to close. Staying closed means few tourists but your bar can stay open.

      It is CITA that is screaming for reopening. Most others are fine with the status quo if it means not having to close.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t be so ridiculous.You walk in to the bar wearing a mask and then take it off once seated. Is that so damn hard. You aren’t going to drink with it on. Grow up. Same with the restaurant.
        It won’t close businesses.

        • Anonymous says:

          It will absolutely close businesses. Two unconnected clusters of community spread is the criteria for lockdown. If the cluster is in a school, the school will close. In a bank, the bank will close. Masks (unless N95’s) do NOT protect the wearer. They help protect everyone else. Delta is effectively airborne. There will no taking off of masks Vaccine passports just to access most businesses will be a reality. All of this is unnecessary. We could relax the borders and increase flights, while maintaining quarantine. That works.

        • Anonymous says:

          “You walk in to a bar wearing a mask and then take it off once seated”….bahaha you’ve just highlighted the sheer lunacy of the whole mask issue. They do NOTHING, yet muppets still want to comply.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yep. Been in Canada and US in last 2 weeks. Restaurants and bars still open. You need to wear a mask until you get to the table, and the server wears a mask. And the restaurant are busy enough. Not the end of the world. Versus a restaurant with insufficient rest to actually make a living.

          • Anonymous says:

            Idkkk which restaurants you have been going to because all the ones I have gone into are full here. Weekends especially, the only ones maybe not as full is Camana bay and that’s just because you pay a ton of money for crappy tasting food.

            • Anonymous says:

              The hotels are closed. The restaurants are closing on island. The water sports industry is bust.
              It is not hard to wear a mask into and out of a restaurant and take it off once seated. People are making an issue when there really shouldn’t be. Relax, stop the panic, let travel begin freely and enjoy life. This does not have to be hard if everyone does their part. Wear masks in high traffic areas when social distancing is not possible. Get a vaccine. Wash your hands.

        • Anonymous says:

          All those thumbs down haven’t been off the rock. That’s how it’s done in the real world.

          • Anonymous says:

            And it’s not a big deal. It’s not a big deal to wear a mask while walking into a restaurant and then take it off when seated. It’s not a big deal to wear a mask on a plane to protect those around you. It’s not a big deal to get a vaccine to protect the community. BUT, people want to complain and B**** and panic and worry instead of just doing a few simple steps: get a vaccine, wear a mask in high traffic areas when you can’t social distance, etc. If people would just do those few simple things then everyone could go out to restaurants, bars, travel, see relatives, not worry about the children, open the border (or boarder), and get back to a relatively booming economy.

            But, it’s easier to complain and b*****

      • Anonymous says:

        Not just your bar will have to close. Your office and your school as well! This is madness. We do not have to do this. Keep quarantine. There are enough snowbirds and longer term residents willing to come in through a reasonable 5 day quarantine (for the vaccinated). The risks are simply not worth the rewards right now.

    • Anonymous says:

      They wanted this now they can take what they get.

  31. Anonymous says:

    No no no to another lockdown !

    • Anonymous says:

      Then get vaccinated!

      • Anonymous says:

        Have you gotten your third vaccine shot yet? I think not! Seems like it’s a toss up even for those who already have two jabs. If it works so well why the mask? Why the social distancing? What’s the point? Are we to live like this forever?

        • Anonymous says:

          Because you can still spread Covid even if you’re vaccinated. How is it so hard for you anti-vaxxers to read.

        • Anonymous says:

          Your vaccination protects you. It decreases your likelihood of having a serious or life-threatening response should you get infected. But there’s no assurance that if you have even a mild infection you won’t infect others. By wearing a mask you can reduce the threat of infection of those you come in contact with who are not vaccinated, young children for example.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am vaccinated and happy to have a booster!

  32. Anonymous says:

    The vast majority of those dying from Covid now are the unvaccinated. Where these people have not had an opportunity to get the jab yet that is very sad. I’m sorry, but I have little sympathy for someone who dies and was eligible for the vaccine and refused it.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Little sympathy”, like for those pesky kids under 12, right? Be older, or die seems to be the battlecry among the insensitive majority, who, one would have to assume aren’t parents of school-age children. The world is already in a fourth wave, and yeah, mostly among the unvaccinated, but half of those hospitalisations are under age 40.

  33. Anonymous says:

    cig as usual doing the easiest most restrictive backward thing.
    this is the solution:
    have digital vaccine passport for thise who have been vaccinated….time to introduce social distancing and restrictions for the non-vaccinated.(like everywhere else in the world)

    • Anonymous says:

      Except it’s idiotic because most of the infections are in the vaccinated at this point. The vaccine spike is against the extinct Wuhan strain and doesn’t stop infections with Delta. And as for hospital capacity, the fit unvaccinated 20-30 year olds will not be filling ICUs, the vaccinated and unvaccinated 60+ years olds will.

      • Tom McCallum says:

        You are drawing false conclusions from the data on who is getting infected. It is called Simpson’s Paradox. Do some reading on vaccine efficacy with that term and you will see.

      • Anonymous says:

        Good God people as dumb as you should be placed on a boat and left at sea.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not to worry. COVID is going to take care of people as dumb as him. It’s the definition of a Darwinian selection event.

      • Anon says:

        That’s just not true. A fit unvaccinated 20-30 yr old will absolutely contract the Delta variant (or original Covid strain) and is far more likely to end up in the ICU than any vaccinated patient.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh please give me your source, or put your name to your comment.

      • Really ???? says:

        Can i borrow your crystal ball Sherlock.

      • Say it like it is. says:

        12.47pm What world do you live on?. In most States in the U.S.98% of the ICU patients are unvaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        Also, if ICU space is a concern, can CIG confirm if they will open the COVID Field hospital again? It only makes sense if a shortage of beds is anticipated.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are right. Less than 15k persons under the age of 35 have died of COVID in the US.

      • Anonymous says:

        Horse diarrhea with not a whiff of veracity.

  34. Anonymous says:

    as the rest of world is leaving such measures behind….cayman(with one of the highest vaccination rates in the world) is now going backwards????
    welcome to wonderland…..zzzzzzzzz

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously haven’t looked at Australia recently then. Continual lock down and mandates as Delta runs rampant.

    • anonymous says:

      Where? You mean the idiots who are just being willfully disobedient? The CDC themselves have come out saying to mask up and socially distance yourselves.

  35. Anonymous says:

    no. won’t do it. i got vaccinated and have done my part for the past 18 months. time to move forwards no backwards.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then be arrested, face fines and do jail time.

      • Anonymous says:

        That kind of comment is exactly why people are reluctant to go back to these regulations (despite the majority of the country already prepping their immune system by getting the vaccine). This virus isn’t going anywhere, so how long will we have to wear masks and constantly live under these arbitrary regulations? Honest to God, what was the point of coming all this way, just to go back to living how we were last year? The worry for me is that when people accept these regulations as the norm, they will begin to lose sight of their civil liberties (even when we’ve taken the necessary public health precautions in the past year and half to prevent all this from happening all over again!)

  36. Anonymous says:

    Great, eating outside. The only people happy about this will be the mosquitoes. Keep the borders closed.

    • Anon says:

      I think allowing residents to travel again after so long, take a break from this tiny rock and see family in Europe or wherever somewhat outweighs you pathetic worries about having to put a mask on and avoid very crowded indoor areas. Do grow up and stop being so selfish.

      • Anonymous says:

        Visiting your family in Europe, says it all! How dare you!

      • Anonymous says:

        I have an answer for you. Move back home. Why should the citizens of this island struggle and go backwards so you can go visit your family. Why should children go backward to having to wear masks in school, all day, so you can go visit your family in Europe. If you miss them so much, move back. You are completely selfish and thinking of no one but yourself.

        Also, once we go back into lockdown, which will happen, you won’t be able to visit family or live freely here. So what will you do and the majority of expatriates do. Move back to your home countries that don’t have mask mandates and live freely. You will Leave the people of Cayman stranded. We saw it in Ivan. When it gets tough you all leave.

        • Anonymous says:

          Unlikely. The cayman government would have no income without the expats.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wish I could dislike 1.34 more than once

        • Tom McCallum says:

          Offensive and untrue. I was here through Ivan and all those in cayman pulled together, nationality irrelevant.

          For reference, I also less one of the larger employers on the island and represented the accommodations side of the tourism industry. I know of what I speak.

          I encourage discourse that unites rather than divides.

        • Anonymous says:

          So Caymanians can’t have relatives in Europe??? Thought we were a UK territory????

        • Anonymous says:

          I understand your fear but a global pandemic is always going to eventually affect us. Some people have had a good run at living a normal life this past year, but there are a lot who haven’t.

        • Anonymous says:

          1:34 I wish I could like you comment a million times.

        • Anonymous says:

          Get in the real world and go do your dirty and get vaccinated so we can all travel and move on like the rest of the world.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes. Plus, we are just talking about 5 days quarantine for the vaccinated (under current guidelines). Is that too much to ask for the safety of our territory?

        • Truth says:

          We know and always knew how many Caymanians feel about us. Don’t care and don’t let it bother us. The ones bashing expats usually just end up bashing themselves in the end. Everyone else just liven life best they can. We will stick it out to the end but it is good to know we can always go home if the bottom drops out here and come back after the recession.

      • Anonymous says:

        When you speak of being selfish. Don’t you think you are being selfish? If social distancing indoors comes back restaurants, gyms, hair salons, children’s activities will be reduced. This will affect already struggling small businesses who have been severely impacted by the boarders being closed. So the boarders open, you get to see your family, but very limited tourists, if any come here. Those small businesses, primarily Caymanian owned businesses are impacted even more and hurt even more financially. So everyone will struggle. I am sure you don’t have a small business so you wouldn’t understand. I am sorry whoever you are but you are the selfish one. Open your eyes.

  37. Anonymous says:

    There are countless studies that the masks do not work how many are certain that they do – and these studies are reported in the NY Times, NY Post, major Canadian and UK medical journals and news papers, etc. Not fringe elements.

    There is proof that a well ventilated room (one that changes its air twice per 60 minutes) is more effective than any mask bar the N95. People cannot wear N95’s for long or they nearly suffocate. Your paper/plastic green flimsy mask does nothing for you as its neither sealed nor does it prevent aerosols as small as covid.

    Doctors do NOT wear masks in hospital surgeries to prevent the flu. They wear them to stop snot and spit and blood jumping in and out of their mouths and peoples open body parts. Also, they wear them ONCE. In a sterlile highly oxygenated environment.

    The masks are not anything more than a mental crutch and we need to move on from them. As to the harm they do to children, we will all be paying the price for masked kids for a generation to come.

    Please stop thinking masks work. Your lord Dr Fauci has told you they dont, they do, they will if you wear 2 or 3, you dont need them if you’re vaccinated, you do need them if you’re vaccinated, and everything else.

    its nonsense. Please see this.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you got your information from someone that wants you to die.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why are some many in these comments often so unaware of the facts? What Anonymous 11:02am has said is indeed true about the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of masks as I have followed this information for some time now. I am not the source of validity so by all means read this with skepticism but be truthful to yourself and just do a search on the effectiveness of masks against any airborne pathogen. You can easily verify what was said – whether true or false. I don’t understand why when main stream media says to do something or because government says it works all sheep have accepted this as fact. Take some time do some reading of factual, scientifically proven data.

        • Anonymous says:

          Shame, you write as if you are educated, yet the content is what scares me most about this world we live in now. SHAME

        • Anonymous says:

          Facts do not matter anymore. I can only read and gather what the CI sentiment is currently. If the majority of CI is so rabid about keeping the draconian travel restrictions in place and would rather live in a bubble until the Corona virus is gone, then I shutter to think what will happen. CI doesn’t have an economy if the Financial District and Tourism are gone. CI is about to start to see the economic trade winds shift. The FD will not and can not keep staff in the current travel conditions. Real estate will soon be next followed by the construction industry.
          The golden goose is nearing retirement. Complaining about the current job opportunities now is going to be a bitter pill later when all the opportunities are now in other countries. Countries that have already opened up.

    • Anonymous says:

      oh i just read nonsense alright!

    • JTB says:

      Post of the day

    • Anonymous says:

      “There are countless studies that the masks do not work how many are certain that they do – and these studies are reported in the NY Times, NY Post, major Canadian and UK medical journals and news papers, etc. Not fringe elements.”

      Yet you choose to not even link just one. The CDC study showed “that state-issued mask mandates were associated with significant decreases in daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates. The findings supported the premise that mask requirements help limit the potential exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which therefore reduces the spread of the disease, COVID-19.”

      “There is proof that a well ventilated room (one that changes its air twice per 60 minutes) is more effective than any mask bar the N95. People cannot wear N95’s for long or they nearly suffocate. Your paper/plastic green flimsy mask does nothing for you as its neither sealed nor does it prevent aerosols as small as covid.”

      Again, no link but I tend to agree with this. Those stupid plastic barriers they use only restrict ventilation in the buildings. Think of it like I blow cigarette smoke at those barriers. The smoke would just go around it. They should definitely rip down those stupid plexiglass barriers I see everywhere.

      “Doctors do NOT wear masks in hospital surgeries to prevent the flu. They wear them to stop snot and spit and blood jumping in and out of their mouths and peoples open body parts. Also, they wear them ONCE. In a sterlile highly oxygenated environment.”

      Yes, the masks will help with larger droplets. However, Covid is, as you mentioned, an aerosol. It will not stop the virus from being able to spread completely, but it will reduce the spread. Masks do work, but only if everyone has to wear them. It doesn’t work if only some wear it and some do not.

      “The masks are not anything more than a mental crutch and we need to move on from them. As to the harm they do to children, we will all be paying the price for masked kids for a generation to come.”

      This just sounds like hyperbolic fear to me. Masks do not cause health issues in children unless you can find something that proves this is the case.

      “Please stop thinking masks work. Your lord Dr Fauci has told you they dont, they do, they will if you wear 2 or 3, you dont need them if you’re vaccinated, you do need them if you’re vaccinated, and everything else.”

      Vaccination status should not affect whether mask mandates are needed. Covid can spread among vaccinated people. The kicker to this is the vaccinated generally won’t show symptoms at all if infected. Yet, they will be infectious. This is why a mask mandate is a good idea if travel is to be reopened in the manner the government wants. Covid will be in the community and we will be relying on the vaccines as the last line of defense. It doesn’t hurt to have a first line of defense as well for the virus to prevent transmission to those who are not vaccinated, can’t be vaccinated or immunosuppressed.

    • Anonymous says:

      You lost me after
      In a sterile highly oxygenated environment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said. The dislikes are shocking. Masks have been proven not to work yet still people cling to their comfort blankets. Every news outlet has said masks don’t work?!

      CNS: Well, that’s not true but the advice has certainly been confusing.
      Sky News – The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that wearing a mask reduced transmissions of COVID-19. Here are the studies that prove it.

      Des Moines Register – As Gov. Kim Reynolds shares uncertainty on masks, Iowa health experts say their benefit is clear

    • Anonymous says:

      And Covid does not exist and the world is flat and the vaccine has microchips put there by the alien lizard people and…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Used properly they stop you from touching your mouth and nose with infected fingers as frequently than if you were not wearing one. An added bonus is that you can mouth F you to anyone you please.

  38. JTB says:

    Anyone able to point to any study proving that masks do anything at all to prevent spread?

  39. Anonymous says:


  40. Anonymous says:

    The government has essentially decided that the financial impact/costs of keeping the virus out of the Cayman Islands is no longer acceptable. They are willing to accept the potential loss of life and the potential damage and destruction to the domestic economy due to new restrictions and potential future lockdowns.

    This is amazing and will definitely make or break this government.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is risk in almost every decision government makes. Weighing the potential loss of life vs the financial impact is a daily decision for government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well the owner of the majority of the hotels in the Cayman Islands wants the borders open so that’s it. Everybody always says that organization is the best & greatest so now you can have your Covid also!

    • Anonymous says:

      Did you hear Japan has also now backed ivermectin as a treatment for covid19, if the CIG actually do appropriate research they too don’t need to be afraid any longer

      CNS: Social media BS. The Japanese government has not backed ivermectin. Did Japan Approve Ivermectin For Use Against COVID-19? However, there are ongoing tests around the world into the use of the drug as a therapeutic for people who are showing symptoms of covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      For the love of money

  41. Anonymous says:

    this is a tough dilemma, I don’t fully get the Govt’s 1/2 foot in 1/2 out approach. We are in such a strong position to learn from hindsight that hasn’t yet to present itself. The biggest and utmost consideration above all else needs to be given to the children (not eligible for vaccination) and what the long term affects when contracting the disease will have on them which is only just beginning to be understood. We’ve already compromised their future with the destruction of the planet, we at least owe them as much as we can their best individual health & well being

  42. Yikes says:

    What about all the unvaccinated kids in schools?
    Will they have to wear masks, have windows open or learn outside?

    If re-opening is for economic reasons, is the increased revenue from reopening for a few weeks/months not going to be immediately canceled out by having to close bars, restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues, as soon as the Delta variant begins community spread?

    When the schools close, workers are sent home and lockdown begins again, we will realize how foolish we were to try to reopen with a much more transmissible variant surging.

    Yes I know Dart owns hotels and restaurants.
    Yes I know many Caymanians depend on tourism.
    But this isn’t the time to let the virus back in.

    At least wait for the under 12s to get vaccinated and for the elderly to get the 3rd booster.

  43. Anon says:

    What about schools? So many in US are closing. Are we willing to sacrifice our kids education. Wait till they can be vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, the schools in the US are NOT closing. A lot of the colleges are requiring students are vaccinated to attend. The school in my area has been open since last July running summer programs and a full year, no shutdowns. Stop watching too much tv.

      • Anon says:

        This is not from the TV. Speaking to friends whose kids actually go to school in the US… have spent half their time at home due to çlose contacts testing positive as covid is rampant.

  44. Furious says:

    NO. NO. NO!

  45. Anonymous says:

    Don’t open the borders!

  46. Anonymous says:

    One step forward and two steps back… I get the masks but why now limit group numbers? Who are we doing this for?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree. Sports stadiums are full in the US and UK, and Broadway is opening up again. The crowd size is irrelevant; it is who you are in close proximity to.

      We have to learn to live with this. This has been 18 months already. People are moving in the US, UK, Canada etc.

      Get vaccinated. Still nervous in certain crowded settings, wear an N95 or KN95 mask (now widely available, including on Amazon), which will confer the wearer substantial, near complete, particle filtration protection.

      • Anonymous says:

        11:01 exactly! Also, this move is likely to severely damage the hospitality sector, predominantly the restaurants, bars, and even places like gyms. They were able to bounce back after the local lockdown was eased but I see this as a real setback. It’s also going to have a severe effect on people’s mental health. Likely even more so than when we originally locked down.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yep. A consortium of millionaires have a whole lot less to lose than most small business owners, and they aren’t their allies at all

  47. Anonymous says:

    What we should really be doing is only allowing vaccinated to freely enter shops and bars etc., and have specific alphabet days and 2 hour windows for unvaccinated to go to the supermarket, bank etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      I totally agree. Why should the activities of the vaccinated (who have done what is required) be dictated by the inaction of the unvaccinated?? This is like the tail wagging the dog and is totally unacceptable. If the borders are reopened, then mask mandates and social distancing rules should only apply to the unvaccinated.

      • Robert Mugabe IV says:

        Your totally wrong. Be careful with your wording.
        Getting vaccinated is not ‘required’.
        It’s a choice.
        The Cayman Islands is not a fascist state.
        You’ve also forgotten that both vaxxed/unvaxxed carry the viral loads that infect others.
        It should be either all or nobody wears masks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ooh…make sure to assign us a spot at the back of the bus and an outdoor separate bathroom too!!!

      • Anon says:

        I wouldn’t allow any bus drivers or passengers to be unvaccinated, there would be no spots on the bus for you

    • Tom McCallum says:

      They did this recently in France. As soon as they announced it the uptake for vaccinations jumped ten points in a month.

      Yes, at this stage I’d introduce a domestic vaccination passport in Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tom you clearly haven’t watched the MASSIVE protests in France against the mask and vaccine mandates.

    • Anonymous says:

      Reminiscent of classical fascism. Cool

  48. Anonymous says:

    Hardly a chore or a huge inconvenience to have to wear masks and socially distance in return for the borders being open. Really not an issue.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re an idiot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes it is!

    • Anonymous says:

      ….or just move on with life and learn to live with this.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’ll take wearing a mask over being jailed on this island all day. Everyone else is the world learned to wear masks and continue on with their lives, its really not that hard.

        • Anonymous says:

          But for how long though? It’s quite dystopian that people just accept it, despite the majority of the local population making sacrifices for their civil liberties to eventually return to normality. It’s worrying that people here are simply accepting it as a new way of life, despite the majority of people here having already taken the vaccine.

        • Anonymous says:

          If this island is so awful for you why not leave? Even if you’re Caymanian, you can go to the UK. I feel so LUCKY to live here and there are many many other places I could live.

      • Anonymous says:

        People have learned to live with this by wearing a mask and social distancing.

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