Premier hints at ‘freedom’ before end of June

| 08/05/2020 | 251 Comments
Premier Alden McLaughlin at Friday’s press briefing

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin once again urged people to be patient as government continues with the strategy to fully suppress the coronavirus before opening up the local economy and lifting the curfew restrictions. He said that, given the success of government’s strategy to prevent the virus spreading and save lives, it would be tragic to throw it all away because we were not patient. But when it works, the community will be open in June.

At Friday’s press briefing, McLaughlin talked about the pressure government was under to open the economy, but pointing to the loss of life in the US and the UK as well as Sweden, he noted the unacceptable cost of getting economies open. He questioned the ethos of those countries that were paying a high price in deaths.

“What price are you prepared to pay as a country and as a people to get business back to normal?” he asked rhetorically. “Our ethos here is that, as far as it is humanly possible, we are not prepared to sacrifice any life just to get back to normal,” he said, adding that the position was not going to change.

The premier said the plan to ramp up testing to assess the spread of the virus and isolate, trace and treat those who have it requires a little more sacrifice on the part of the wider the community. But when the strategy succeeds, we will be able to operate here in a way few countries will be able to do for a long time.

He said that if Grand Cayman stayed on track, he had “no doubt” that in another four to six weeks it will be in a position to open up, as has been the case for Little Cayman and Cayman Brac.

McLaughlin explained the strategy has been driven by the respect and admiration that Caymanians have for the elderly. He spoke of their contribution, wisdom and experience. “Elderly people enrich your lives in a way, if you let them, that young people can’t possibly do,” the premier said.

McLaughlin said the ethos here was such that Caymanians were not prepared to sacrifice their old folk for the sake of business. If suggested that for people who believe it doesn’t matter if a few older people are lost to the virus, Cayman might not be the right place for them to live, work or invest.

But with patience, the premier said, within four to six weeks Cayman could be in some “real semblance of normalcy”, as he appealed again for patience. He said that in a week to ten days, more areas of the economy will be opened and people will be able to go into more facilities.

The premier explained that there would be 14 days between the phases to enable government to see if the virus pops up, and then it could shut it down as quickly as possible. But as confidence builds regarding the prevalence of the virus, McLaughlin said things would change.

Answering a questions about why helpers and nannies are still not being allowed into people’s homes, he appealed to everyone to “hang on just a little bit longer”.

See the press briefing on CIGTV below:

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Comments (251)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The beaches should have remained open. This arbitrary rule and extortionate fines are questionably legal. Alden and the Police Commisar have deprived the public from ‘reasonable use’ of the beach. The excuse offered is to conserve the resources of the police dept. That’s a laughable reason, especially after the debacle where the entire resources of the RCIPS… several police cruisers, a motorcycle officer AND the use of the helicopter to chase a kid on a dirk bike. Great display of critical thinking. Open the damn beaches… the population knows how to act. They more than get the message… just observe the people wearing a mask while driving alone in their car with the windows shut.

  2. Anonymous says:

    WE need the plan.

    • Anonymous says:

      I do believe it’s the little folder with some nice colors on it that Alden holds up every so often- either it’s ‘the Plan’ or Jon-Jon’s little coloring book!

  3. Anonymous says:

    The leaders of the countries had two options: Herd immunity and death to a percentage of the population or Lockdown and sacrifice the worlds’ economies. The premier has chosen the latter but only some people or severely affected namely those in the private sector. The ultimate sacrifice would be where everyone suffers through lost of income or those that have lost their income (all residents) should have been assisted by the government this would have been accepted. This is not happening and only some are paying the ultimate sacrifices. Mr. Premier you must look after those that are being severely impacted, remove the tapes, and the lack of human empathy and help those that need it. This is my message to you Mr Premier, you are on the right path of the Lockdown, continue the course but do stop and throw lifelines to those who are falling along the path. This is the right thing to do and the country will rise greater from this free fall.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Can we have a vote now?

  5. steve says:

    The beaches should be open for exercising, swimming, surfing, fishing, paddle boarding, walking etc, from 5:30 am to 12:00 midday. This will allow those of us, who really want to use our beloved beach and ocean for positive activity every day, some relief during this miserable time of our lives. The limited morning time will discourage the party/drinking crowd as they will still be sleeping. A few police officers on ATVs can easily keep order. Let’s do it Premier.

  6. Anonymous says:

    We won’t sacrifice our elderly, we’ll sacrifice our youth instead- mental scars for life, PTSD, fear of confined spaces, fresh air and sunlight abcense which are mandatory for proper development of young brains and bodies. Hooray! Well done.

    Can someone please interview the elderly and see if they approve Alden’s strategy.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, I do

    • Anonymous says:

      What if this time turns out to be the best learning experience for youth?
      What if they develop improved resilience, positive coping mechanisms, and new ways to learn.
      What if they learn a greater appreciation for what they do have, rather than what they don’t?
      What if they look back on their lives 20-30 years from now and say that was a challenging unique time during my formative years, but it helped shape me into the person I am and I am happy for that.

      Of course there are youth whose home situations are not safe nor conducive to learning and likely don’t know what love looks or feels like. I accept that. My questions are directed for the majority who are in stable, loving homes.

  7. Anonymous says:

    US Coronavirus Field Hospitals shut down – most without treating a single patient — because garbage models used by US ‘Experts’.

    Cayman field hospitals just opening up. And they’re so proud of themselves.

    It seems that money spending frenzy never stops here. I bet procurement Law hasn’t been complied with due national to “emergency” . Millions also wasted on tests.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Dont let those futters out.

  9. Peeka Boo street says:

    Children are being infected now because of this terrible virus has now mutated and all some of you dingbats are worried about is your social status and getting to the beach I bet this has been a living hell for many who have had to finally take up your parental duties and responsibilities no yoga or extra marital affairs during this lock down! what a real pity eh? Another month for good measure Alden that should remove sin of coved-19 For a very long time

    • Anonymous says:

      sad, but true

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, but those kids were bound to die someday and now I get to go to the bar and play dominoes because the scamdemic is over.

    • Autonomous says:

      Would love to get back to work to get money circulating through the local economy. Would love to get back to my extracurriculars, including fundraising event for local charities so kids in need can get desperately needed surgeries and the local impoverished can get a meal.
      Many of the people you sit in judgement of are actually a benefit to the community. I assume you are a person of Christian faith as you refer to this virus as a “sin”. Perhaps you should take this opportunity to find the plank in your own eye.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are so right! This is a time to understand that things have changed all over the world and our leaders have taken it upon themselves to make difficult decisions.I admire everything they have done , no matter how inconvenient it seem so stop this pandemic in it’s tracks. Ask the families and friends of the 86,000 people who have died in the U.S. if their leaders could have handled this better. We are so lucky to be where we are!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ok we need to hear the plan now.


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