Teenager reported missing for fourth time

| 15/11/2017 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service

Roseanna Redden

(CNS): Roseanna Redden (16) from Bodden Town has been reported missing again. On this occasion, the fourth time she has run away, she was last seen leaving the Clifton Hunter High School campus Tuesday morning in a blue SUV, and the police are asking the public to help them locate her. Redden is about 5’9″, has brown hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. Anyone with information is asked to call Bodden Town Police Station at 947-2220.

Redden also went missing in September of this year. She had been taken to the hospital, where she eluded her caregivers and left without permission, which was the same way she ran away at the end of 2015. She was also missing for about a week in July 2016.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Giving the girls who do this publicity is counter-productive. That is what they are seeking. Better that there is silence and the authorities pick them up in due course, as always happens.

  2. Anonymous says:

    In those days there wasn’t the influx of criminals or undesirables like the present time. Their were visitors, but they were respectful individuals.

  3. Unison says:

    Hope to God she is safe and well

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is it possible that some of these young girls have older predators, um, “boyfriends” who facilitate their frequent absences? In addition to whatever home life they’re perhaps trying to escape from, the pertinent authorities should have Police investigate the possible predators. I’m not suggesting that they are unwillingly finding themselves in the company of older men but the fact that this is happening is itself a “red flag”. Perverts abound!

    • Diogenes says:

      If you treat someone like a prisoner, eventually they will act like a prisoner, correlation does not imply causation but surely there must be some explanation to why this keeps happening other than they are just “misbehaved” or “out of control”. There must be some sort of common variables with the multiple persons that run away, and the setting or the conditions of their environment is likely one of them.

      As for the ubiquitous but elusive “predators” and “perverts” roaming Cayman, surely if these girls are in the situation where they feel that men can take better care of them than the system that implies, something must be wrong with the system.

      Both sides of the argument have room for improvement, but of course according to some this can all be blamed on the social breakdown that occurs in the world now cause apparently a society can’t function without both parents being christian and present in a home at all times.

      I constantly hear about how the men on Cayman would go off to sea and the women would be left managing the families and households. But during the same period we hear how Caymanian society was perfect back then and their were no social ails and that we need to go back to that. So what is it? The Caymanian Utopia that we are told to aspire to was one of one parent or one gender homes and less than faithful men (as my mother put it, ” Seamen spread their semen” “a family in every port”, if memory serves)

      Insert the “society as a whole looked after everyone’s kids” , “back then we were all God fearing christians with christian values” and etc. It would appear it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be, seeing as it didn’t continue but the more nostalgic among us might have appreciated the community beatings and community run surveillance state and marl road gossip chains.

      Its either one or the other friends, can’t be both, I’m sure they will have a response, can’t wait to read it

      • JG says:

        First of all shes not 18, So that statement is invalid. If she was “legal” no one would care just like all the rest that is18 and up. I’m
        guessing you walk around in the day with a lamp, looking for an honest man like Diogenes did.

        • Anonymous says:

          16 is “legal” here….

          • Anonymous says:

            According to the law, a child is anyone under 18…

          • Anonymous says:

            16 is legal to have intercourse, She is supposed to be in school, which the age of graduating is 18 or you have to be home-schooled if im not mistaken. The article says she is 16 which should show you that its not okay for her to be missing once again.

            • Red Ranger says:

              So 16 is the legal age for sexual consent, but according to the law anyone under 18 is considered a child, ergo it is legal to have sex with children in the Cayman Islands. Fitting for a Christian nation.

            • Cos says:

              No, if finish the John Gray finger painting education your can be 17 and completely unprepared to work at Burger King.

      • rollin says:

        Your commentary started off so sensible some weeks ago.

        As for the christian values , I grew up in those days , we looked after each other including family and child. What you are seeing now a days have nothing to do with religion . Maybe you should do some checks into the new societal norms including “the rebellious teenager” the “damaged family ” or as someone else put it the perversions that have overtaken our island. Maybe consider some of your freedoms and the ill effect it is having on all of us.

        I wonder how these vulgar street dances and in your face adult content affects us all !!??

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh yes. Batabano or “vulgar street dances” as you put is exactly what is affecting Cayman in a negative way. You have unsolved the mystery.

          • Cos says:

            What the heck does Batabano have to do with Cayman culture? Nothing! But let’s snarl traffic, havie a shooting or two, and impregnate a few dimwited teens. Wow now we have culture.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not so sure about “the good old days” and I guess you could mean by, “looking after each other”, included the numerous instances of incest that occurred on this little island back in the day by our own Caymanians. We had perversions way back then as well and it was totally accepted and tolerated by most.

          • rollin says:

            You have no historical data to support your claim- I suspect it is why you spoke broadly and without specific incidents to cite. On the other hand we have many recent samples of perversion . Could there have been an instance back in the day, to that we must conclude yes. However I believe if you are honest with yourself you might agree the recent surge is ungodly and alarming.

            To tackle a separate response (two birds one stone) @12:25

            I suppose you will conclude half dressed intoxicated persons young and old somehow enhances the topic of sexual behavior and education. I am old and honest enough to admit what happens on these streets. Are you?

            Of course it is your right to behave as such considering it is lawful but to imagine it offers anything but an excuse is absurd.

            Be careful with the decisions you make .

            • Diogenes says:

              Pretend it didn’t happen I guess


            • Anonymous says:

              Yes, the HSA recommend genetic testing for two Caymanians who want to marry just because it is fun.

            • Anonymous says:

              Actually there were medical papers written about the high levels of congenital deafness in the Eastern districts in the good old days due to inbreeding. Not that there is anything wrong with that when there were just too few choices.

        • Diogenes says:

          I am not claiming to have all the answers, my comment is just that a comment, it includes a theory relating to the treatment of the kids in the group homes. The second part was me pointing out an inconsistency in the argument’s that persons use when talking about them and societal issues (absentee fathers and broken homes etc)

          It doesn’t add up and people on Cayman don’t like when you point out the illogical arguments they make notice, currently 29 dislikes but no rebuttals no counterpoints no valid information to the contrary.

          God forbid anyone on Cayman use logic and rational conclusions instead of praying and reading a 2000 year old collection of books littered with inconsistencies and questionable teachings

          I’m fine with being disliked I expect nothing less to be honest, but no one can get up and argue that the things I say aren’t logical or have no basis, unless of course I am being sarcastic or poking fun at things


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