Board to re-start PR applications next week

| 15/06/2017 | 76 Comments

(CNS): Waide DaCosta, the chair of the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board (CSPR), has confirmed that next week he and his members will begin reviewing the backlog of PR applications, which stalled after a change in the law in 2013. Following almost three and a half years of various problems that prevented all but a handful of applications being dealt with through court pressure, the board now has around 1,000 applications to begin working through. Officials stated that they will be considered in the order they were made and not based on circumstances.

Officials will begin contacting applicants this week where additional information is needed to process the applications. The premier’s ministry, which has responsibility for immigration and will be supporting the board, said the intention was to process all the outstanding applications “as quickly as practical while ensuring that each application is given proper consideration”.

The new ministry’s chief officer, Wesley Howell, said a plan of action had been implemented to overcome the human resource and other challenges to get the process moving in the face of ongoing concerns.

He explained that the Department of Immigration has reassigned staff members and recruited Caymanian university graduates to advance the processing of applications and supply the board with an adequate supply of applications to consider. Several immigration administrators will shadow board members and receive critical training to help with the processing efforts. There are also three vacant positions on the board, which Howell said he expects to be filled shortly.

“I would sincerely like to thank Mr DaCosta and the Department of Immigration for working through the challenges, and the forthcoming efforts by him and his board to resolve the issue of application backlog,” Howell said, adding that the PR backlog would add to DaCosta’s “already heavy board agenda”.

DaCosta has also helped with training, and because the law authorises administrators to consider and decide on PR applications, once that training is complete, immigration staff as well as the board will be considering applications improving and speeding up the process. Compliance checks will help ensure that decisions made are sound and fair, Howell stated.

Thanking the applicants, their families and their employers for their patience, Howell added, “I want to reassure them that we are working hard to resolve this matter.”

Just three weeks into his second term as the government’s leader, Premier Alden McLaughlin said that dealing with this and other immigration issues was a top priority for the new administration. 

“I am pleased the CSPR board and immigration leaders have stepped up to the challenge and together have developed a plan for resolution that looks to guarantee a high level of speed and efficiency in dealing with applications going forward,” he said.

McLaughlin has taken a considerable amount of criticism for not resolving this issue sooner, as the main sticking point was the point systems, which after a legal ruling was found to be arbitrary and unfair. Controversies have surrounded the pace of resolution and the closely guarded secret findings of local lawyer David Ritch, who was commissioned by McLaughlin to review the PR challenges. 

In addition, there are mounting legal pressures relating to the delay on applications, some of which are over three years old. On Friday evening a local attorney from a firm representing many of the applicants circulated an update on the process and invited a class action as a result of the delays.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Maybe they are trying to curb some of the corruption that is taking place in both high and low circles, i.e., the cocktail list circle, certain bankers, accountants etc., signing reference letters. Ever visited the L.A. building when L.A. is in session and see all the trash that is hanging there waiting to get reference letters signed? (these people know that when certain people in Cayman sign these letters, no one is going to question it… sad). Most of these people signing these references know little to nothing about these people, but they continue this corruption; even a lawyer that was in hell and now is living in heaven is on the band wagon. CORRUPTION, CORRUPTION, THESE PEOPLE NEED TO GO NOW.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I say process the applications fairly, not just give PR to whoever they feel like. Some expats come to Cayman to work and then go home, some contribute to the community and are willing to help train Caymanians, then some come here and don’t give a crap, drive around in their fancy cars and live in their homes and want to stay in Cayman forever. I say why are you here if you do not care? That’s right it is all about the money and the benefits! Well I hope for Cayman sake that the Government of these Islands make the right decisions regarding the PR applications and who gets to say here, because really and truly we don’t need people like you here, you should just go back where you came from.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Dacosta, when you are assisting with this PR corruption you keep you eyes open for other corruption with certain agencies, wherein the granting of work permit that are false, i.e., these people are going through certain agencies, once they are turned down by Immigration, they are attaining short term work permits for so call clerical positions, while being paid enormous salaries for clerical jobs, (at least this is what their W/P states), attaining huge loans etc., check it out corruption. Check out these agencies and the Banks you may be very shocked. CORRUPTION!!! CORRUPTION AND MORE CORRUPTION.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Exhibit 32: another high level admission that the legitimate process to residency was deliberately arrested by this regime. Good luck in court.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Now those that PR can repay the Government’s cynical attitude by suing to reclaim any work permit equivalency fees which are illegal under human rights laws.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The reason for inaction was that politicians and the higher echelons of CIG filled majority of the board with incompetent family members or friends, which those individuals, in turn, then used the position given to them to threaten others (expats)and speak about confidential matters with friends. What a joke these boards have always been? BTW what is required to sit on a government appointed board, family connection to someone in government?

    • Anonymous says:

      12.18pm You sound confused. First you give us the qualifications needed to get selected to sit on a board..incompetent family members,bullying friends with loose lips. Then you forget and turn around and ask what qualifications are needed.That’s the problem with making up stuff, you have to make an effort to remember the stuff you made up. Sorry but you failed to maintain your original position,which suggests ,well you know.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do not be too quick to blame the boards. Alden’s ministry should explain the delays.

  7. Anonymous says:

    They have said that high school graduates will be assisting with the processing of the applications.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.01, I give up, what is your point?

    • Staying on track... says:

      Dear ‘Anonymous says:- 16/6/17 at 9:01 am’

      In the future please always carefully read before commenting because if you re-read paragraph 4 of the CNS article ‘Board to re-start PR applications next week’ you will see that Mr Howell ‘…explained that the Department of Immigration has reassigned staff members and recruited Caymanian university graduates to advance the processing of applications…’ (nothing said about ‘…recruited HIGH SCHOOL graduates!!!!!

      Thank you in advance for sharing accurately in the future whenever exercising your right to freedom of expression!

    • Anonymous says:

      9.01am Stupid is ,as stupid does. Here’s your STUPID sign.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, yeah. “Soon come.” Heard that before.

    I will believe it when I see it.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Sadly maybe a case of too little, too late. Could we please have an explanation as to why applications that clearly always scored more than 110 points have been delayed at-all?

    • Anonymous says:

      Has it occurred to you that they need to be checked?

      • Anonymous says:

        Of course they needed to be checked. Why have they not been checked over the last 3.5 years?

        • Anonymous says:

          9.59, so you have to pay more to update that information every 6 months, have you not worked that out yet? The gravy train rolls on…probably why we allegedly have a budget surplus

          • Anonymous says:

            Bingo. And the best part is the applicants now get to sue the government to recover that money, and then some.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because Caymanians do not want ANYONE to get permission to live and work here other than themselves and their family members who marry Jamaicans and Cubans and Filipinos etc etc.

      • Tell it to sitting bull says:

        Well that would make sense. 1000 pr applicants and their dependants would suggest a demographic take over. If caymanians want to secure a future for their children they would be wise to reject these applicants. If the PR is given then the applicants will job sit as the top positions in the labour market will remain with the new PR holders who can only be employed in the title of their RERC making it even more difficult to move. As such there will be less opportunities for those further form the career chain as it then hits the school leavers. Over the years I’ve seen individuals come to this island with little experience in the field they are employed and go onto high levels. A lot is due to connections from the old country. These were opportunities a local person could have had in many cases. The other crazy thing is the requirement for a PR holder to have property. This is an unnecessary demand stimulant which makes buying property for the young caymanian that much more expensive.

    • Rod says:

      Missing information? They really need to request that? Do like the state do! If the application is not completed reject it! That good old Cayman nice people crap is what’s got this thing in the mess it in now! Stop being so nice.

      • Anonymous says:

        I have not experienced that so called “nice cayman people crap”.

      • Jotnar says:

        Its not missing information. Its to update information, since they have waited up to 4 years to actually open the applications and circumstances may have changed.

        Of course, its also another excuse for not processing the applications. “I can’t process your application until its updated, but you cant update it until I ask you, which will be when I finally get around to it”. Good old nice Caymanian people crap? No. Sly sneaky scumbag politricks crap? Yup.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then leave

  10. Expat Andy says:

    So if they can do 20 a week they will only take a year to get through this.

    Good luck to all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Does this mean I will have to wait 3 years for my Status application to get listed and heard if the Board has to spend all its time dealing with PR applications? Could I sue for any delays?

    • Anonymous says:

      I met with an Immigration lawyer and it took less than an hour to determine that I would have enough points using the new system and my history and culture test.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no way a Board can do 20 a week. Some of the applications have over 100 pages of supporting documents. The Board also has other things to do!

  11. Anonymous says:

    If not already a part of the process, please call around to their place of work and speak with their colleagues on the character of the applicants. I am sure you will find some interesting views on many that have held back Caymanians and actually have no regard for this country or our people. To the deserved applicants- We thank you for your contribution and wish you the very best . When your application is successful, please continue to contribute as I am sure you have done up to this point.

    God bless you and God bless Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      Likewise can they check up on the Caymanians who with little education wish to be the MD, take sick days always on Fridays or Mondays and do bugger all except write complaints at how “unfairly” they are treated? And try firing them? Forget it…

      • Anonymous says:

        5.55 Any where in the world you go there will be problems, some people will be slackers. Did you have a perfect country, then why are you here, if your country was perfect then why are you here. Go back, and clean up your mess – carry about 20 thousand of these losers with you, Thanks.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are just a plain hypocrite, I hope you complain to the powers at been in England or where ever that half the population is living off benefits.
        Question- If I waere to apply to the UK or Ireland or where ever to be part of the society, would you accept me if I did not like the people or the country?
        Why must it be different when the table is turned?
        Every country has lazy people just check the counsel houses in UK and elsewhere but you cannot use that as an excuse as to why you should be granted PR here.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, I don’t disagree with the principle that people should not live off benefits if they are capable of work, but to be fair at least the UK has rules on the qualifying for benefits if you turn down jobs, whereas Cayman just keeps paying out the cheques. Before you accuse someone else of hypocrisy, have a close look at your own position.

          PS whilst its incidental to the main point, sadly yes, the UK does accept people with radically different views on the country and societal values.

        • Anonymous says:

          Excuse me. Our social housing is there to house people who might otherwise be homeless. Yes every country has lazy people but people in council houses are not necessarily lazy. We have the working poor in the UK which is a huge challenge. Your huge challenge in Cayman is that there is an entitlement culture. Once a Caymanian gets a degree they are on a government gravy train for life and virtually no one is performance managed out of their jobs. Please dont for one minute deflect your endemic problems away by such crass comments as “every country has problems”. I am a foreigner working at grass roots level in Cayman to make life better for its vulnerable poor.

          • Anonymous says:

            9.37am Interesting that you mention entitlement culture with regards to Caymanians , yet fail to mention that the entitlement culture is at the very centre of this of Applying for PR. Some people come and enjoy success , and good people here and somehow feel more entitled to this place than any Caymanian.So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

      • Tell it to sitting bull says:

        That’s funny as an expat I’ve seen that many of the Irish, Canadians etc in funds learnt their trade here on the job.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately, the way the rules are written, the character of applicants, short of them being convicted criminals, is pretty much irrelevant.

    • Anonymous says:

      Indeed 2.58, and whilst they are at it, could they also take a look at those Caymanians who just turn up for work, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, phone, Internet and every other break you can think of, and complain to immigration about being held back by expats.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why do expats fight so hard to remain here permanently? Just do your time, earn your money and go home. The island is way too small for everybody coming in to never want to leave.

        • Anonymous says:

          We average 20 000+ work permit holders at any given time. Over the last 3.5 years only about 1000 people have applied for P.R. so in fact it seems most do just go home. Out of the 1000 that have applied I would wager 50% don’t even come close to 110 points and never dreamt about getting P.R. but now they have been here over 10 years and you won’t be able to get rid of them.

          • Anonymous says:

            Sorry but you are totally misunderstanding what is happening. First, spouses do not have to apply so a person applying represents more than one work permit holder. Second, every time a work permit holder marries a Caymanian, or their expat spouse becomes Caymanian or a Permanent Resident, they become in effect Permanent Residents without ever applying. Third. – you have to be here for 8 years before you can apply, and no work permit holder can generally be here after 9 years, so most are yet to qualify. Fourth, the points system is so easy that 80% of applicants will be granted and anyone denied PR can simply tie up the authorities in litigation for years.

          • Anonymous says:

            Can always get rid of them if there is the political will

        • Anonymous says:

          12.49pm The answer is their entitlement mentality.Of course in their minds it is only ‘entitlement culture’ if it refers to a Caymanian wanting a slice of the pie.

      • Anonymous says:

        8.24 and…. how about the expats here on extended vacation. Off to playing golf, to the bars, volleyball, and in the office looking for gossip, etc etc. If they have children then they are off to every event, here and overseas. and….. you forgot that Caymanian also bend over backwards to train some of you!!!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    The only ‘sound and fair’way to deal with the applications is to grant PR to all of those that have been waiting in excess of one year. That unfortunately is based on a Privy Council decision which the Cayman Courts will be bound to follow.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I am not sure why everyone is congratulating themselves here for what has been a complete cluster….congratulate yourselves when it is done and you have not had to pay millions in compensation.

  14. Our turn coming says:

    Excuse me 12:33 experience you say. So we need to have experience to have a decent job; many of us are denied for lack of and we must have experience to evaluate whether a person fits an established criteria.

    This is why the great divide between us and them is forever widening, we must give and not receive. we must stay rejected while we every outsider is accepted.

    How long will my people have to cry out for natural justice and how long before …….

    • Anonymous says:

      Want some ketchup with that chip ? You came ‘by pain ‘ ?? Correction ..your great great great great great grandparents may have come ‘in pain ‘ and I bet they like many of the people applying for PR contributed a hell of a lot more to the island than you ever did

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is why our ass is up in the air now. Always looking down on our own but gazing up in the sky to the elites. No one is better that I am ( me). I am a born and bred Caymanian, not a stautus holder, parents 6th generation and I came here by pain, not by plane.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you’re probably as thick as two short planks so I wouldn’t go on about you generational interbreeding if I were you, bobo. Your pain/plane thing is about 30 years out of date.

    • Anonymous says:

      Until you let go of the past that wasn’t even yours (we all got somewhere because of something in our family history) you will never be able to move forward.

  16. David says:

    Hope Mr. DaCosta can tell me why, my status application have been denied twice despite being here on island for 19years, married to a Caymanian for 18yrs and counting, with two boys, one 9yrs and the other 14yrs a secured job, a volunteer with Junior Acheivement for the last 10 or more. Please tell me why?????

    • MB says:

      Please email Wade directly. He is more of a Compass reader.

    • Anonymous says:

      Writing your complaint on here is not going to help you at all, as my guess is immigration will work out exactly who you are…if you have an issue, take it to the courts…and not sure why you want us (the readers)to know and comment fully on this when none of us know the facts…and I wouldn’t reveal them if I were you.

      • David says:

        There is noting to hide, except for the fact that everytime the application is resubmitted it is seen by 10 different individuals and they all find something everytime, and “Status” is something Im not running down like what you think im doing. Does not make a difference to me either way! PROUD TRINI!!

    • Good Luck! says:

      It’s all about the money, money.

      Shouldn’t be but it is.

    • Anon says:

      OMG, David, now you have me worried about my status application submitted in January and which is taking them forever to look at ?

      • David says:

        Anon: The problem is red tape in immigration: I gave them references from born and bred Caymanians who are well known in society, and still they ask for photocopies of their passports, you can tell me they can search their own system to know if they Caymanian or not?? Just Lazy!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually immigration has no record of who is Caymanian.

          • David says:

            they should have some record, regardless if its immigration, passport office, hospital.. there must be some record of who is cayman citizens.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because it is privilege not a right

  17. Anonymous says:

    Firstly almost those charged with processing the applications will have xero experience in this procedure. Secondly who will carry out the compliance checks which will be crtical given the foreging. Thirdly as all the information to be reviewed is highly confidential what steps will be taken to ensure there is no leakage, particularly as there wiil be young new hires involved with little or no business experience.


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