Tag: John Gray High School

Cabinet increases 2024 capital budgets by $7.4M
(CNS): Under section 11 of the Public Management and Finance Law, Cabinet has effectively added another CI$7.4 million to the 2024 budget with the approval to increase capital funding for various government projects by CI$7 million. According to brief meeting notes from 14 August, the government’s inner circle approved an equity injection of $3 million […]

CIFEC students face split learning locations
(CNS): Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC) students, who have no campus to attend as the new school year opens, will be attending classes at two different sites, education officials have said. From 16 September, practical classes will be held at the new John Gray High School from 2:00pm to 4:30pm daily, while theory sessions […]

Kids offered counselling after school bus crash
(CNS): Six John Gray High School (JGHS) students on a school bus, the driver and the bus warden sustained minor injuries on Friday afternoon when the bus was involved in an accident near the Red Bay Primary School. No details about the collision were released, but the Department of Education Services (DES) said that parents […]

JGHS campus opens 15 years after work started
(CNS): The New John Gray High School (JGHS) campus officially opened on Monday, 20 March, some 15 years after construction began in 2008. The state-of-the-art school was besieged with delays triggered by disputes with both the original general contractor and sub-contractors, as well as the government’s financial problems due to the economic crash. But after […]

JGHS inter-school athletic champs for 5th year
(CNS): For the fifth year running, John Gray High School emerged as Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Champions after three days of athletic competition at Truman Bodden Sports Complex last week. JGHS athletes beat out competitors from 14 other public and private schools and colleges to take the title with 975 points. Clifton Hunter High School (CHHS) […]

Red Bay latest school to catch COVID
(CNS): Another eight students tested positive for COVID-19 Wednesday, including the first from Red Bay Primary. The rest of the cases were students at John Gray and Clifton Hunter high schools. Another adult in the community also tested positive but public health officials did not say what connection, if any, this adult had to the […]

COVID spreads across schools and community
(CNS): Seven children, including one pre-school child, were among 13 new positive cases of COVID-19 revealed on Friday. Chief Nursing Officer Dr Hazel Brown reported that there were two travellers in the results while the rest were all community transmissions, two of which could not be connected to any of the first three outbreaks. As […]

CI$75M phase finished at JGHS
(CNS): The phased construction of the new John Gray High School saw the developers hand over three new parts of the campus to the Department of Education Services (DES) at the end of last month. As well as the administrative block, the buildings providing a home for the technology, vocational and and home economics classes […]

All three government high schools improving
(CNS): The three government high schools have all shown a marked improvement during the latest cycle of inspections by the Office of Education Standards. Following the news that John Gray was rated ‘good’ overall in its April 2021 review, the Layman E. Scott Sr High School on Cayman Brac has also achieved a ‘good’ ranking, […]

JGHS climbs up inspection ranks
(CNS): For the first time since the baseline inspections report published in 2015, which found that all government schools were under-performing, largely as a result of the poor quality of teaching, the John Gray High School has achieved a ‘good’ grade in its latest inspection. The school moved up the education ranking in every category […]