Tag: COVID-19 vaccine

Nearly 6,000 people now vaccinated

Nearly 6,000 people now vaccinated

| 20/01/2021 | 50 Comments

(CNS): There is still no evidence that demand for the COVID-19 vaccine has slowed down in any significant way here in the Cayman Islands, after another 697 people received the first dose of the Pfizer shots over the last 24 hours. Public health officials have now administered 5,946 vaccines in people falling into the first […]

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Over 5,300 get first dose of COVID vaccine

Over 5,300 get first dose of COVID vaccine

| 19/01/2021 | 30 Comments

(CNS): The COVID-19 vaccination plan continues apace with 5,339 people having received their first dose within two weeks of the Pfizer shots arriving here. Following government’s decision to use up all 9,750 doses of the vaccine that were delivered on 5 January for first shots and give the second from new supplies of up to […]

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Policy change over reserved 2nd vaccine dose

Policy change over reserved 2nd vaccine dose

| 16/01/2021 | 80 Comments

(CNS): Public health officials will now be using up all of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines that arrived in the Cayman Islands on 5 January. This is a change of policy, as they previously said they were retaining half of them to deliver a second dose in the middle of next month to those who were […]

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Under 800 vaccine courses left

Under 800 vaccine courses left

| 14/01/2021 | 56 Comments

(CNS): Cayman will have to wait at least one week, possibly two, before it gets more vaccines but it will likely run out of the COVID-19 shot tomorrow. This will stall the National Vaccine Programme, which has seen a rush of those in the first group take up the voluntary shot. Just a week after […]

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Next vaccines not due until end of month

Next vaccines not due until end of month

| 13/01/2021 | 88 Comments

(CNS): Demand by residents in the Cayman Islands for the COVID-19 vaccine appears to have exceeded expectations and the 4,875 courses of the Pfizer vaccine that arrived in Cayman last week will have been administered and allocated by the beginning of next week unless there is a marked slowdown in demand. Officials have indicated that […]

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Chamber pushes vaccine so borders can open

Chamber pushes vaccine so borders can open

| 12/01/2021 | 60 Comments

(CNS): Chamber of Commerce President Woody Foster is the latest voice pressing for people across the community to be vaccinated so Cayman can open its boarders. More than 40,000 adults must receive both doses of the vaccine for the community to acquire protection through herd immunity, and Foster is urging government to firm up a […]

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More than 2,000 vaccines now administered

More than 2,000 vaccines now administered

| 11/01/2021 | 53 Comments

(CNS): The number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 now stands at 2,019 after public health officials continued administering the shots to those in the first groups, in accordance with the National Vaccination Plan, over the weekend and on Monday. Meanwhile, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee said another three asymptomatic travellers tested positive for the […]

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Over 1,000 vaccinated in first day

Over 1,000 vaccinated in first day

| 08/01/2021 | 130 Comments

(CNS): Fears that Caymanians would be reluctant to take the COVID-19 vaccine may have been unfounded, as people queued up at the hospital flu clinic on Friday to get the shot. The over 70s, healthcare workers and those working with travellers made up the majority of the 1,076 people who received the jab between Thursday […]

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Rules change, pre-arrival negative test needed

Rules change, pre-arrival negative test needed

| 07/01/2021 | 100 Comments

(CNS): From 14 January, all returning residents and other categories of travellers over the age of ten who are allowed to enter the Cayman Islands under the current rules must have had a negative COVID-19 test. Evidence of a negative PCR test from an accredited laboratory taken no more than 72 hours prior to departure […]

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Island-wide vaccine plan begins

Island-wide vaccine plan begins

| 07/01/2021 | 123 Comments

(CNS): The over 70s, healthcare workers, front-line staff dealing with travellers and those with significant pre-existing conditions are being invited to attend the HSA Flu Clinic on Friday and district health facilities across all three islands from Monday, as the official vaccination plan gets underway. Several healthcare workers have already been vaccinated, along with government […]

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Officials appear unscathed after vaccine

Officials appear unscathed after vaccine

| 07/01/2021 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Government leaders and doctors who all received their COVID-19 vaccinations in front of the cameras on Thursday morning all appear to be unscathed. The publicity stunt at the hospital was designed to encourage the wider public to step up and take the shot too in order to inoculate the entire Cayman community against the […]

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