Tag: Alden McLaughlin

Coast guard to get new chopper

Coast guard to get new chopper

| 28/08/2018 | 67 Comments

(CNS): Government is planning significant investment in the new Cayman Islands Coast Guard, it was revealed Monday when Premier Alden McLaughlin told the press that his administration is considering buying a new helicopter to help its mission. He said he hoped to “go further” than merely upgrading the existing RCIPS chopper to meet the needs […]

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CIG unveils new border control and coast guard leaders

CIG unveils new border control and coast guard leaders

| 27/08/2018 | 40 Comments

(CNS): Government has confirmed that Caymanians will be heading up the Customs and Border Control Agency and the Cayman Islands Coast Guard as the two new units begin to take shape. The current collector of customs, Charles Clifford, will be the director of the new border agency, which will oversee both the immigration and customs […]

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Changes are cutting bureaucracy, claims CIG

Changes are cutting bureaucracy, claims CIG

| 13/08/2018 | 36 Comments

(CNS): Officials from the elected and administrative arm of the Government of National Unity have claimed that a number of measures being introduced to the public sector are cutting red-tape, improving efficiency and helping implement the 5-Year Strategic Plan. They include the Department of Immigration extending its hours and the elimination of a customs declaration […]

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British MPs to meet press for 15 minutes

British MPs to meet press for 15 minutes

| 02/08/2018 | 58 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED: Government officials have now confirmed that four visiting MPs will meet the press Friday for 15 minutes after what was shaping up to be a stealth visit. CNS reported yesterday that we had been unable to get anyone in government to confirm when the visiting British politicians were arriving or where they would […]

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Cayman Brac to host next LA meeting

Cayman Brac to host next LA meeting

| 01/08/2018 | 44 Comments

(CNS): Members of the Legislative Assembly and staff will be travelling to Cayman Brac for the next meeting of the parliament in early September. A short three-day meeting it is expected to begin on 5 September at the Aston Rutty Centre on the Bluff. Cabinet will also meet on the Sister Island the day before the LA […]

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Poor Persons (Relief) Law under review

Poor Persons (Relief) Law under review

| 23/07/2018 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Government has confirmed a review of the Persons (Relief) Law (1997 Revision), which governors the current social welfare support provided to people by the Needs Assessment Unit. Responding in a ‘government minute’ to the findings of the Public Accounts Committee on a report by the Office of the Auditor General, which found a number […]

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CARICOM backs BOTs in constitutional fight with UK

CARICOM backs BOTs in constitutional fight with UK

| 09/07/2018 | 17 Comments

(CNS): UPDATED with comment from Premier: Caribbean leaders have expressed their solidarity with the British Overseas Territories in the region that are being adversely affected by the unilateral action of the UK to legislate domestic policy constitutionally devolved to them without the consent and involvement of their people. According to a communiqué released by CARICOM at the […]

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Premier admits conundrum of poverty

Premier admits conundrum of poverty

| 05/07/2018 | 116 Comments

(CNS): Despite what appears on paper to be a growing economy and falling unemployment rates, in Finance Committee on Tuesday the premier accepted that more people are seeking support from the Needs Assessment Unit, as he asked the members for almost $2 million more in supplementary appropriations. In his role as community affairs minister, Alden […]

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CIG resurrects SE Asian office idea

CIG resurrects SE Asian office idea

| 02/07/2018 | 16 Comments

(CNS): The lure of Asian investment has placed the idea of opening a Cayman Islands office in Hong Kong back on the government’s agenda. Premier Alden McLaughlin has said it is time to explore again the possibility of an Asian presence, given the increasing importance of that market to the financial services sector. “About 70% of all companies listed […]

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Premier seeks CARICOM help with UK dispute

Premier seeks CARICOM help with UK dispute

| 02/07/2018 | 19 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands premier is turning to regional organisation CARICOM for help in its fight with the United Kingdom over what he has termed as the “constitutional overreach” by the British government after it passed legislation imposing public beneficial ownership registers on the overseas territories. Alden McLaughlin and Attorney General Samuel Bulgin are heading to […]

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Cayman waiting on timeline for constitutional talks

Cayman waiting on timeline for constitutional talks

| 28/06/2018 | 55 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin told his colleagues in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly on Thursday that he has already requested a time frame from the British government for when constitutional talks can begin and said he had been assured that the dates would be settled soon. The decision to approach the UK about removing the […]

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