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UK Lord in Cayman for UKOT security conference

UK Lord in Cayman for UKOT security conference

| 08/02/2024 | 13 Comments

(CNS): Lord Sharpe of Epsom, the UK’s Home Office Minister for Public Safety and National Security, is currently visiting the Cayman Islands to attend the third annual Cyber Security Conference for the Overseas Territories, which is being hosted by Governor Jane Owen here in Grand Cayman. Andrew Sharpe, a Conservative member of the House of […]

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Minister hedges over tourism recovery for 2024

Minister hedges over tourism recovery for 2024

| 08/02/2024 | 40 Comments

(CNS): The total number of visitors to the Cayman Islands by air and sea in 2023 easily exceeded the tourism ministry’s original target of 80% of the figures for 2019, the last full year before the borders were closed as a result of the pandemic. Last year, 429,284 stayover visitors arrived, which is 85% of […]

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Brac, NWP, GT harbour, Sth Church St pummeled by storm

Brac, NWP, GT harbour, Sth Church St pummeled by storm

| 07/02/2024 | 59 Comments

(CNS): Government officials began ariel damage assessments on Tuesday afternoon in the wake of the winter storm and found that Cayman Brac, North West Point in West Bay, parts of South Church Street and the George Town Harbour had borne the brunt of the huge waves. Pictures and videos of the sea surge and flooding […]

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Protestor conditionally discharged for minor offences

Protestor conditionally discharged for minor offences

| 07/02/2024 | 14 Comments

(CNS): A local woman who is well known for her attention-grabbing protests over the way she has been treated by medical and other authorities was conditionally discharged on Tuesday in relation to charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest during one of her protests in 2022. Although Lovell Marriott (53) was found guilty of the […]

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Caymanians, the people that time forgot

Caymanians, the people that time forgot

| 07/02/2024 | 54 Comments

Reckoning2025 writes: I attended the 2024 Economic Forum and came to the conclusion that they were not addressing the 800-pound gorillas in the room while inserting some crumbs for Caymanians. To put the speeches in perspective given by the three politicians, namely the premier, the deputy premier and the minister of tourism and ports, I sum […]

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Officer cleared over death of K9 at GT Police Station

Officer cleared over death of K9 at GT Police Station

| 07/02/2024 | 33 Comments

(CNS): A police constable charged with animal cruelty following the death in 2022 of Baron, a police dog in the RCIPS K-9 Unit, has been acquitted after a magistrate found he was not to blame. The dog died of heat stroke after he was left outside the George Town Police Station in the sun without […]

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Premier U-turns on luxury property duty increase

Premier U-turns on luxury property duty increase

| 06/02/2024 | 112 Comments

(CNS): Plans to increase stamp duty on luxury properties appear to have been dropped just a few weeks after it was suggested by Premier Julianna O’Connor-Connolly. The possibility of increasing stamp duty was raised in parliament in the UPM leader’s budget address in December, with the implication that the new government was considering raising the […]

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Storm mashes north shorelines of Cayman Islands

Storm mashes north shorelines of Cayman Islands

| 06/02/2024 | 67 Comments

(CNS): The storm currently passing the Cayman Islands brought extensive damage and severe flooding to the north shore of the three islands. However, in a video posted on social media, Henry Scott showed how some properties on Cayman Brac were saved from extreme damage by the seagrape trees left to grow on the beach in […]

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RCIPS says flooded roads remain closed

RCIPS says flooded roads remain closed

| 06/02/2024 | 22 Comments

(CNS) Updated 5:52pm: The roads on Grand Cayman that were closed due to the severe weather conditions will remain closed overnight, police say. These are North West Point Road (vicinity of Cracked Conch), Junction of North West Point Road/Town Hall Road, Eastern Ave/North Church Street, Bodden Road, Mary Street, and Broiler Road. On the maps […]

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UPM ‘playing catch-up’ on public project spending

UPM ‘playing catch-up’ on public project spending

| 06/02/2024 | 26 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly defended the UPM’s first budget, once again, on Friday when she told the business community that public spending on capital projects over the next two years was about “playing catch-up” with local infrastructure, which is necessary because of the significant population spike over the last few years. The premier, who has […]

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Residents urged to heed warning over gale force winds

Residents urged to heed warning over gale force winds

| 05/02/2024 | 18 Comments

(CNS): The National Weather Service and Hazard Management Cayman Islands have said that as the strong cold front expected to affect the Cayman Islands tonight moves closer to our area, residents should expect near gale force winds and very rough seas. Weather conditions began deteriorating Monday and will get worse into tomorrow. Wave heights of up […]

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