The People vs the PPM
Gilbert Connolly writes: Premier Alden McLaughlin and the PPM have proven skillful at doing nothing to change the political and socioeconomic status quo that fundamentally puts the poor Caymanian family and young people in this country at a severe disadvantage. His politics is one that enriches wealthy expat professionals and big business, while ignoring the […]
Constitution dictates speaker’s removal
Ezzard Miller writes: The question Caymanians must answer is: Given our Christian heritage that has demanded very high standards of morals and ethics, particularly from our leaders, is it OK for McKeeva Bush to remain in the speaker’s position while serving a 60-day imprisonment sentence for criminal offences related to beating a woman?
Referendum, what is a referendum?
Mario Rankin writes: As we are all aware, the people of the Cayman Islands were first ignored when they raised obvious concerns about the consequences a cruise berthing facility would have on the environment and quality of our overall tourism industry. The back and forth between the political agenda of the government of the day […]
Corruption is a growing problem in Cayman
Johann Moxam writes: In my opinion, unfortunately, corruption is systemic in the Cayman Islands. The lack of leadership demonstrated by elected and non-elected leaders and the application of a sliding scale used to investigate, charge and convict public officers is consistently displayed for all to see.
Multi-generational Caymanians are disadvantaged
You (a first generation Caymanian) aren’t different under the laws, but you have an unfair advantage over multi-generational Caymanians. Your parents and your friend’s parents were smart and worldly and brave enough to move to another country and make a life there. Your average expat is always going to be a higher calibre individual than […]
A Welfare Christmas
The Ghost of Christmas Present writes: Christmas 2020 in Cayman will be like no other. Family from overseas will not be visiting, hotels will not be brimming with tourists grateful to feel a warm breeze in winter and, strangely, a vaccine will be on the wish list for many.
Gov’t must explain how it’s financing JGHS project
Johann Moxam writes: The legacy of mismanagement by former Minister of Education (2005-09) and now Premier Alden McLaughlin (2013-21) will feature many chapters on project mismanagement and his government’s penchant towards initiating institutional or infrastructural projects without the ability to manage them. This determination to build big shiny structures or black shiny roads regardless of […]
Protecting Cayman’s bubble
Aristophanes Duckpond writes: We currently live in a safe but very fragile bubble. The prudent decision-making of our government, together with the sacrifices made by our entire community, has kept us safe and has kept non-tourism parts of the economy ticking over, at least to this point.
Travelling blues with TravelCayman
So I am flying tomorrow, Thursday, on the British Airways flight back to Cayman. It’s 10:45pm at night in the UK and I still don’t have the letter clearing us to travel. They are waiting on a signature on the letters, I assume from someone high in authority. I was told we would get the […]
Political cults of personality
Johann Moxam writes: The Cayman Islands does not have political parties which are distinguishable based on some clear political ideology or vision for the country. The current political parties are best described as “cults of personality” led by a dominant public figure or a big personality, for example Mr McKeeva Bush leads the UDP/CDP. The […]
Bush’s guilty plea is a test of character for MPs
Johann Moxam writes: It is unfortunate that it has all come to this. It really does not matter which politician is involved in this sort of situation considering the details now in the public domain. This is now a test of the character of each elected member of Parliament. If the premier, the Cabinet members […]
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