
Suggested election improvements

Suggested election improvements

| 26/05/2017 | 9 Comments

Knot S Smart writes: This has been a vicious election cycle which has brought way too much division in our small islands. We used to be a peaceful society looking out for each other in a world filled with the many challenges of global competition and political turmoil. I believe that our current election system […]

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Ten things we learned from the election results

Ten things we learned from the election results

| 26/05/2017 | 15 Comments

101 writes: 1) The party system is not quite over just yet. Ten party candidates were returned, which shows a clear emergence of the independents but many of the party candidates, including those that lost their battles, still received a lot of votes, some losing only marginally in their constituencies.

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Our first OMOV brings some easy and tough battles

Our first OMOV brings some easy and tough battles

| 22/05/2017 | 0 Comments

101 writes: This year’s general election has many veterans but also a lot of newcomers encouraged by the new OMOV system. But based on the match-ups in the current constituencies, unfortunately too many of these political competitions are just about decided but for the formal vote on Wednesday. If you have followed the campaigns and […]

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Accident’s truth must be told

Accident’s truth must be told

| 09/05/2017 | 68 Comments

101 writes: The tragic car accident that occurred last week requires an independent enquiry into the events. Thus far we have been exposed to an immediate official (very strong) statement from the RCIPS that we, as a community, are expected to fully accept (as we normally do) without question.

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A surplus on our backs?

A surplus on our backs?

| 01/05/2017 | 0 Comments

101 writes: As the local political campaigns were heating up two weeks ago, GTC candidate Kenneth Bryan released a video via social media implying that while his competitor in George Town Central may be viewed as a good finance minister, he hasn’t actually done well by the people. Bryan used the incidences of mortgage foreclosures, […]

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How would you grade your MLAs this past term? (Part 2)

How would you grade your MLAs this past term? (Part 2)

| 27/04/2017 | 0 Comments

101 writes: Now that Nomination Day is far behind us, it’s time for the promised Part 2 of grading the other representatives. Spoiler alert: there are no A*s in here.

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I’m tired!

I’m tired!

| 10/04/2017 | 25 Comments

Sweet Pea writes: I am tired reading the news every day and reading yet again of another crime (or two or three) committed. I am tired of hearing sob stories of why society should put up with illegal behavior of others who are “just trying to make a living” (a.k.a. illegal beach vendors/illegal yard maintenance […]

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On that $200 thing…

On that $200 thing…

| 04/04/2017 | 0 Comments

101 writes: Prospect’s political candidate for the 2017 General Elections, Mathew Leslie, has been allegedly caught doing inappropriate stuff on Facebook messenger. He is running for office and in the wake of this mess, he has publicly admitted that he has “partied”, made mistakes, etc. But instead of repeating ad nauseam that “my private life […]

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Discrimination against local commercial fishermen

Discrimination against local commercial fishermen

| 21/03/2017 | 20 Comments

Seagem writes: In 2014 the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry was happy to accept the registration of some local commercial fishing boats, charging $150 per year for the privilege. Even though a new annual fee was already in the planning stages for a Casualty Investigation Fund, which would jack up the overall cost by 50% the […]

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How would you grade your MLAs this past term? (Part 1)

How would you grade your MLAs this past term? (Part 1)

| 16/03/2017 | 0 Comments

101 writes: It’s that time again, where existing and wannabe politicians gear up to tell us what they have done for us, or to tell us why their opponents have messed up and how they, if elected, will fix things. But what we think is far more important than what they are telling us. Starting […]

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Chasing candidates as election looms

Chasing candidates as election looms

| 15/03/2017 | 0 Comments

Wendy Ledger writes: It seems incomprehensible. Here I am, pencils sharpened, note books at the ready, statistics calculated, questions honed, but I can barely find a candidate for love nor money. The May 2017 General Election will be the fourth election I have covered as a reporter in the Cayman Islands, and given that this […]

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