Science & Nature
Blue iguana stows away to George Town
(CNS): Members of the public were quick to spot that an iguana wandering around a parking lot in the industrial area of George Town was not a member of the invasive greens but one of Cayman’s rare and iconic blues. Surprised to see the animal so far from its usual habitat, they called the Department […]
Brewing storm could head for Cayman Islands
(CNS): Both the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) and Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI) are now monitoring an active tropical wave located several hundred miles east of the Windward Islands. According to the US National Hurricane Center, the disturbance has an 80% chance of development over the next five days as it moves west-northwest […]
Former National Trust GM returns as exec director
(CNS): Frank Roulstone, a former general manager at the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, will be taking over from outgoing Executive Director Annick Jackman this month. Roulstone takes the helm as Cayman’s dwindling built heritage is under significant pressure and the Trust’s protected land is being squeezed from all sides by development. He will […]
Activists launch wetlands campaign in face of EWA
(CNS): Sustainable Cayman, which became an official registered non-profit organisation just three months ago, has begun a new coordinated campaign to protect the Cayman Islands Central Mangrove Wetlands and raise awareness about the socio-ecological importance of this ecosystem and the threat to it posed by the extension of the East-West Arterial Road (EWA). The activists […]
Potential glacier collapse would fuel major sea level rise
(CNS): The potential collapse of the Thwaites Glacier, also known as the “doomsday glacier”, could cause the sea to rise by as much as ten feet, scientists are warning. The glacier, which is the size of Florida, could wreak havoc if it falls into the ocean and researchers now say it is hanging on by […]
National Trust secures CI$421K grant for wildlife research
(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands has been awarded over CI$421,000 in Darwin Plus R10 funding for a three-year project on Grand Cayman. The research work, in partnership with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), is to preserve endemic threatened wildlife populations through effective protected area management. The sizeable grant […]
New charts map seabed and marine ecosystems
(CNS): The newly completed seabed mapping survey of the Cayman Islands by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) will support marine navigation safety and provide an invaluable source of information to support the management, protection and understanding of the local marine environment, according to a release from the Ministry of District Administration and Lands.
Radar under repair as Atlantic brews new storms
(CNS): An assessment of the work needed to repair the dome of the Kearney Gomez Doppler Weather Radar, which was damaged last year, is underway, which has partially shut down the weather system, officials have said. Images will be available overnight but the radar will be offline during the daytime, just as the Atlantic begins […]