Land Habitat
Students’ Climate March aims to pull activists together
(CNS): Students from Protect Our Future are holding a Climate March on Friday around Government House on the West Bay Road to remind everyone that the existential threat from climate change has not gone away. They also want to pull together all the activist groups in Cayman into one event to show the government the […]
Campaign starts to get public behind habitat protection
(CNS): Local environmental activist group Sustainable Cayman has started a social media campaign to spread awareness about the National Conservation Council’s recent call for nominations for Protected Areas across the Cayman Islands. In a press release, the group said that they wanted to ensure that everyone knows about this opportunity and to encourage people to […]
Turtle nests hit hard by last year’s storms
(CNS): Endangered sea turtles face a number of serious threats to their existence, which now includes climate change. Already at risk from poaching, coastal development and human activity, especially lighting that disorients hatchlings, the turtles must now contend with rising summer temperatures, rising sea levels and increased storm activity, which undermine their nesting season.
Protection of five wetland habitats approved
(CNS): A selected number of wetland areas across the Cayman Islands are to be placed under formal protection following Cabinet’s recent approval of National Conservation Council recommendations relating to five locations that are home to mangroves and other threatened habitats.
DoE opens bid on new approach to invasive iguana
(CNS) The Department of Environment (DoE) is hoping to find a new way to manage the invasive green iguanas and move away from the current bounty system, transitioning the current cull to a lower cost operation, given the reduced population. According to a bid recently opened on the government’s procurement website, this is envisioned as […]
Mangrove destruction is existential threat to Cayman
The Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers write: Despite laws protecting Cayman’s mangrove habitat and the proven utility of wetlands in mitigating climate change impacts, mangrove destruction continues at a dangerous pace. The Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers are alarmed by the ongoing practice of speculative and premature land clearing, rubber-stamped by the Central Planning Authority (CPA), which […]
Activists clean-up West Bay turtle nesting beach
(CNS): A group of 40 volunteers cleaned up around 336 pounds of garbage, most of it plastic, from an important turtle nesting beach in West Bay last weekend. The clean-up at Turtle Beach, just off of Sand Hole Road, is an annual event for Plastic Free Cayman before the turtle nesting season begins.
Deal for Dart bike trails on Trust land halted
(CNS): A proposed agreement between the National Trust for the Cayman Islands and a Dart-owned company to establish bike trails on Trust land has been withdrawn, the non-profit has stated. A notice issued to members last week indicates that whatever deal had been on the table has now been halted, but a special meeting, as […]
Ministry plans to plant 1,330 trees for Jubilee
(CNS): The Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency is launching a national tree-planting project to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations this year and benefit future generations. The goal is to plant 70 trees in each of the constituencies across all three islands, including 70 mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) selected by Premier Wayne Panton.
Conservation consultation is important opportunity
(CNS): The National Conservation Council is inviting members of the community to nominate natural areas for potential preservation. This period of public consultation allows a fresh perspective to consider land that could be protected for future generations.