RSSGovernment oversight

Taxes missing from all public accounts

Taxes missing from all public accounts

| 02/03/2018 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Government departments are still not reporting on the cash that is collected from taxpayers in their individual financial and management accounts. Although civil service management and even the Public Accounts Committee has been congratulating financial officers and their teams of government accountants for finally submitting their financials on time and reaching clean audit opinions, […]

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Procurement website launched after year of work

Procurement website launched after year of work

| 01/03/2018 | 16 Comments

(CNS): The Central Procurement Office has finally launched its new website after a year of working on it. The site provides a central portal for stakeholders inside and outside government who are involved in the supply and provision or acquisition of public services, and offers a platform where the public as well as public servants […]

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Miller: Health ministry being mismanaged

Miller: Health ministry being mismanaged

| 26/02/2018 | 43 Comments

(CNS): The opposition leader and chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Ezzard Miller, raised his concerns about the mismanagement of the health ministry after yet another scandal emerged regarding finances at the hospital. Still reeling from the CarePay debacle and more recent and unexplained issues surrounding the Department of Environmental Health and the management of […]

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No date decided on co-pay benefits in CS

No date decided on co-pay benefits in CS

| 22/02/2018 | 36 Comments

(CNS): The civil service management has not set a date to introduce co-pay health or pension benefits for government employees, the financial secretary has confirmed. Government has been in talks with its staff for several years now about the possibility of them co-paying in the first instance for their health insurance cover. But the Cayman […]

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Court boss tells PAC situation is ‘dire’

Court boss tells PAC situation is ‘dire’

| 21/02/2018 | 21 Comments

(CNS): Court Administrator Suzanne Bothwell, appearing before the Public Accounts Committee Wednesday, told members that the situation at the court was dire. Called as a witness by the committee to talk about the qualifications for the audit of the judicial administration’s books, Bothwell was asked many questions about the management of the courts and the […]

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Roulstone moved to HR job weeks after OMB appointment

Roulstone moved to HR job weeks after OMB appointment

| 20/02/2018 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Less than four weeks after Sharon Roulstone was appointed to the Office of the Ombudsman to handle complaints about the civil service, senior officials have announced that she is being seconded to the National Human Resources Department to head up the new department. Government began the recruitment process for an interim director for the […]

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PWD: Cruise port won’t exceed $180M

PWD: Cruise port won’t exceed $180M

| 25/01/2018 | 70 Comments

(CNS): Max Jones, the director of government’s Public Works Department, which oversees the Major Projects Office (MPO), has said the cruise berthing facility would cost between $150 and $180 million, as set out in the outline business case, and he was confident that it would not exceed that price tag. Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell told […]

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Auditor general warns SAGCs are under strain

Auditor general warns SAGCs are under strain

| 23/01/2018 | 57 Comments

(CNS): Well over half of all statutory authorities and government companies that are managed as autonomous public sector entities are running at a loss and under considerable strain, the auditor general has warned. Sue Winspear said more than eight SACGs had ended the last five years with deficits in contravention of the Public Management and […]

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Government still breaking spending rules

Government still breaking spending rules

| 17/01/2018 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) has concerns that government officials are still not following the proper process when it spends public money especially when contracting sole suppliers to do government business. In her latest report reviewing government’s financial reporting, although she acknowledged improvements on preventing fraud, Auditor General Sue Winspear raised the […]

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CIG accounts almost there after a decade of trying

CIG accounts almost there after a decade of trying

| 17/01/2018 | 24 Comments

(CNS): The auditor general has produced a report analysing the government’s financial accounts for the year ending June 2016 and for the first time since the accounting system changed in 2005, none of the 42 entities audited received an adverse or disclaimed opinion and 30 managed an unqualified one. But a number of long-term problems, such […]

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Consultants and education in OAG sights

Consultants and education in OAG sights

| 08/01/2018 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Auditor General Sue Winspear has revealed that the use of consultant services by government will be one of the first performance audits to be published this year and that her office will also be taking a look at education spending with a view to producing a report before the end of 2018. Speaking to […]

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