Gov faces backlash on bullying allegation as protests roll on

| 20/04/2021 | 75 Comments
Governor Martyn Roper with Elections Supervisor Wesley Howell

(CNS): Many voters across Grand Cayman have expressed anger at the governor’s statement issued on Monday, which was described as undermining their right to protest and express their wishes clearly to the 19 elected MPs. Most activists groups were outraged by Martyn Roper’s suggestions they were inciting or causing violence by lobbying people they had voted for to honour the views of the electorate. Given that no one had been the subject of any violent acts, comments on social media and CNS and other online forums reflected public anger that expressing opinions was being twisted by the authorities. In the meantime, another peaceful protest was planned for 4pm Tuesday outside the House of Parliament in George Town.

Roper’s own Facebook page has been bombarded by voters expressing concerns about their voices being silenced. Almost 300 comments questioned his statement and the hypocrisy of implying that public calls for independent candidates to support Panton and the PACT could be described as bullying and harassment. Many challenged the bullying and harassment of LGBT groups, women’s groups and even journalists by many elected officials over the last year.

There were also more than 115 comments on CNS, most of which raised concerns about the position taken by the governor and expressed the popular sentiment regarding the inconclusive election result, namely that it was a vote for an independent led government.

Frustrations over the Progressives’ position that it was a vote for the status quo continued to fuel both the online and street protests that were expected to continue Tuesday. In light of similar allegations of bullying coming from the PPM-Alliance leader, Roy McTaggart, aimed at PACT supporters, the governor’s statement appeared biased, despite the constitutional requirement that he remain out of the political fray.

There were concerns Roper appeared to be reaching beyond his role here, as nothing had been said about a police investigation into the behaviour of the Progressive candidates on the campaign trail, which were also recorded and documented on social media and considered by many as intimidation and bullying. In the wake of the election, this was allegedly followed up by off-line intimidation of some candidates away from the glare of social media and the public spotlight, which Roper has so far rejected.

Meanwhile, at the time of posting, there had been no official updates regarding PACT’s planned government or the position of the PPM-Alliance that if McKeeva Bush joins PACT but is given the position of speaker, the Independents will still not have the majority in the House.

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Category: 2021 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (75)

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  1. Sportsfan says:

    We should be mindful of the highly authoritarian society the governor was raised in. His propensity to “call the police” is a natural reaction to any protest that moves the needle at all away form complete calm i.e. “law and order”. He brings to mind the mindset of the magistrates who caused : The Peterloo Massacre took place at St Peter’s Field, Manchester, Lancashire, England on Monday 16 August 1819. Eighteen people died when cavalry charged into a crowd of around 60,000 people who had gathered to demand the reform of parliamentary representation.

  2. Anonymous says:

    On the campaign trail, Alden was singing Sammy Dead and referring to his political opponent Sammy Jackson.

    Is this bullying or threatening language?

    Where is HE Gov statement on this behavior?

    Has the HE Gov also joined the PPM Alliance?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Roper needs to take his own advice and stay out of local affairs just like he did with the Mcbeater situation. Roper you have outstayed your welcome. Go home!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      seems to more of a guideline…like “stay out of local affairs unless they conflict with UK’s mandate.”

  4. Anonymous says:

    Now the bullies are trying to bully the Governor?
    This is nor CaymanKind…

  5. Anonymous says:

    The Cubans were just protesting too and then they took a boats and it’s crew hostage. Trump supporters were just protesting too. The Governor had to say something to try to calm people but throw a rock in a pig pen and the Sandra Trump supporters will squeal. He corrected erroneous information in his calm manner on numerous occasions.

    • Anonymous says:

      In all fairness, looking at the two ‘groups’ vying for power, Trump refused to concede which is more akin to the PPM supporters, so I think the Trump analogy can’t be used with Sandra and supporters for Wayne’s proposed government.

      Plus the PPM team is more like Trump’s in the sense that their MPs are affluent business people for most part.

    • Anonymous says:

      Alden acted very much like a Trump-style bully on the campaign trail, and now the Progressives are desperate to cling onto power despite already having 8 years. Also, people have the right to peacefully protest. Sorry it makes you uncomfortable to see Caymanians unite and protest against corruption.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If Mr Roper is so concerned about bullying why has he made no comment about the Honourable Speaker assaulting a young lady half his size?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sorry, I think people overstepped boundaries going to the man’s house. I’m all for peaceful protest but don’t take it to the family’s home.

    • Anonymous says:

      It wasn’t the family home. It is a rented house for the purpose of having a residence in the district.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cool in that case it’s ok to threaten and intimidate.

        • Anonymous says:

          Moron. None of the protesters were threatening him and they surely can’t be looked at as intimidating. I know Arden wouldn’t have been afraid to face them or anyone else.

        • Anonymous says:

          Thank you PPM!!!
          What about when your leader Alden was making fun of Sammy and the other independents? Go down to Camana Bay and cry to your Daddy – oh guess you will only be able to see the handlers now!

        • Anonymous says:

          What about Jon Jon bulling Wendy, then answering stupid about riding donkey, as far as i can remember the Governor was right there He never said a single word on that.

      • Anonymous says:

        It doesn’t matter. Stop acting like mobs in America! Too much CNN perhaps?

    • TheTideIsHigh says:

      It’s a NEW MESSAGE to the MPs . If we can’t reach you in Govt Office or MP office we will be peacefully coming to where you live . You are now a WELL PAID Public Servant. TIME FOR ACCOUNTABILITY.

    • Anonymous says:

      When you enter public life you give up privacy to a very large extent.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The two are not mutually exclusive

  9. Anonymous says:

    A very precarious and dangerous arrangement Mr. Panton! You could’ve done much better by swallowing your pride and encouraging 2 PPM to join your coalition. Alden/Roy would’ve been grateful for 2 seats on Cabinet, no matter how much in denial they are.

    Meanwhile, you run the risk of having a lame-duck Government. Depends on what mood MacSpeaker wakes in on any given day!! For example, what’s going to happen when your Indy Government supports “scaling-back” certain development or “protecting” an environmental issue and development-hungry PPM & Mac (both already stated their intentions on these subjects) vote 10 against your Government? How is that furthering your Government’s interests and delivering what you/they campaigned on and what many voted for?

    Anyway, you shouldn’t suffer too long; Chris Saunders will soon depose you!!

    Wayne, say bye to your political career after this!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne tried. Did you miss that in the news? PPM refused.

      • Anonymous says:

        I believe the accurate statement is Wayne and Roy talked and neither agrees to each other’s terms. Then Wayne went to McKeeva, hat in hand. But you go ahead and pretend it went otherwise.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wayne did meet with Roy but there were also overtures to Moses and Julianna at the minimum. So you get yourself informed before continuing.

        • Anonymous says:

          Just because you believe it is accurate doesn’t mean it it accurate.

          • Anonymous says:

            Unless you were in the room, I suspect the only statement of fact is that they met and didn’t come to terms. The rest is hearsay, despite what you would like to believe.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is also a very worrying situation for me. This sick influence we have here – we must to get rid of it.
      I for one is going to be watching closely. Wayne is very smart – I implore him to not fall prey to these demons.

  10. Concerned Caymanian says:

    Does anyone here know what the democratic process is to have Martyn Roper removed from office and sent back to England?

    The PPM found a way to get rid of Anwar Choudhury back in 2018 when he was making noise about the civil service.

    Why can’t the people get rid of XXXXX Roper???

    • Concerned Caymanian also says:

      So the man tries to calm the hysterical masses and you want to ship him abroad.
      Is there any surprise that we are labeled a banana republic and have people calling for direct rule.
      Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are a part of the problem or of the solution.

      • Anonymous says:

        How is a peaceful protest “hysterical masses?”. Laughable, look overseas if you would like to see hysterics. You are clearly part of the problem, wanting people to just stick their head in the sand and not stand up.

        It is okay if you can’t buck up, just shut up and leave it to the big kids.

      • Anonymous says:

        “hysterical masses”??!! Isn’t that rich!
        The Caymanian people, who normally sit back with their head covered, are finally waking up to what is going on, have a PEACEFUL protest and you call that hysteria? Better turn on the TV to see what hysterical masses are like.
        Government now realizing that they cannot keep them stupid all the time. This has been a long time coming.
        I despise name called but YOU are the moron here.

    • Anonymous says:

      5:03 glad someone else is questioning it.
      I would also love to know how to go about it.
      Anwar saw all of the corruption so PPM had to get rid of him. This gov feeds into their narrative.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps the Governor should demand the police do their job all day every day. If he believed they did that then he would not have felt any compulsion to ask them to investigate, would he?

    Anyone opened a file looking into any of the cabinet status grants yet?

  12. Candid says:

    This Governor makes so many rookie mistakes. Mistakes which are uncommon even among low-level civil servants. But remember that the Governor is not neutral: Tempura, civil partnership, etc.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The fact that his statement comes after that of Roy McTaggart is VERY telling.

  14. Anonymous says:

    When successive Cabinet Ministries handle/mishandle hundreds of millions in ill-accounted public dollars every year, the stakes for transparency couldn’t be higher. Surely the UK has some skin in the game and would want to ensure good governance?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Roper last bed for free in a house in the most valuable piece of property in Cayman

    Wayne’s first move should be to relocate him to a caymanian cottage in bodden town, the original capital, and give the governors house back to the people…demolish it and create a 999 year lease to the people so that we can get real beach back, adjacent to the tiny governors public beach all of a sudden we would have a proper beach again for the people

    And Wayne’s 2nd act should be to halt all planning approvals above 5 stories until further review, especially in the waterfront anywhere on the islands and certainly north of the limit on or south of the Wharf

  16. Here says:

    In a Westminster style democracy, MPs do not have to listen to the will of the voters. Once elected what they do is up to them and if people don’t like it they can vote them out. Talk of “honouring the views of the electorate” just does not grasp the constitutional position.

  17. Anonymous says:

    How about investigating the allegations of vote buying, corruption in the horse trading and the bullying by the Premier during his campaign!!!???

    • Anonymous says:

      That will never happen as the governor is a good buddy of Alden and wanted the boys back in power. Need to ship him back to jolly old England, maybe he can take Alden with him too!

    • JKK says:

      Do you mean making campaign promises?
      Truly you don’t understand how elections work. You don’t deserve a vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you think that was unique to the Progressives? The new Government and their special interests are lilly white, eh?

    • Anonymous says:

      4.13 Because it is all made up mischievous rumours intended to smear the reputations and having absolutely no substance. The spreaders of rumours are unable to back up their lies.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Tried to hush supporters of the independents…is there enough to hide that they request direct rule if they don’t get in? Keep an eye out for the navy.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry, but I have never been so ashamed to call myself Caymanian. CMR, social media and their fake news have caused untold harms to these islands reputation, yet there will be no repercussions. and yes turning up and abusing candidates is most definitely bullying CNS. I genuinely felt threatened when I approached them to ask them to remove their behinds from my drive.

    • Anonymous says:

      Really, you felt threatened by women and children holding signs and shouting their pleas. What were they going to do, cause you to have a paper cut from their sign.

      Caymanians are protesting, they are not being violent and they have not harmed anyone.

      I was in EE and the only ones their threatening were the Isaac Rankine supporters.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ahhhh it’s the harsh words online that are embarrassing you as a Caymanian…not a young woman getting publicly beaten by a senior politician being supported in silence by the rest of the government? Well isn’t that interesting

      • Anonymous says:

        Hold all you nay-sayers I think I understand….if the senior politician had beat the poor woman on Anonymous 3:19’s “drive”
        3:19 may have felt more ashamed. Alright then…its all about the drive.

      • Anonymous says:

        And appointed as Speaker by the proposed new one?

        • Anonymous says:

          As PPM voluntarily did before and gave the popular government no choice this time…hey why dont you put on a wig and beat the girl mirror.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh Please, which world do you live in? People all around the globe speak up for their rights, have you not observed the protests in the UK? if you are s Caymanian with your head buried so deep, that you don’t recognize what is happening here, I feel sorry for you. Try pulling your head out and educate yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should be ashamed to even post such a comment. Thank you for all who are standing up for our people including CMR!! You need to go sit down and hush!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ohhhh so Billy for Colours can protest, do marches, wave his signs and shout out her rights (which Gov applause), but Caymanians doing so, protesting against what appears to be corruption in East End really troubles you??? What next, youre going to arrest them?!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Roper needs to investigated the rumors of the millions of $$’s allegedly paid to certain candidates.. corruption, corruption.

    • Rick says:

      How about investigating the idiots who make such allegations without merit? Either they step up to the plate and say how and what they know, or retract. I hope the candidates involved sue them.

  21. Anonymous says:

    mr roper…any comment on a convicted woman beater being chosen as speaker of the house???

    • Concerned Caymanian says:

      lol you will get the standard PR response

      “The office of the Governor does not comment on ongoing legal matters in the Cayman Islands”


  22. Anonymous says:

    Governor totally overstepped his bounds on this one. Appears partisan. Bad move.

    • Anonymous says:

      Governor has an obligation to oversee the Elections!! The investigation of bullying of Elected Members or potentially Elected Members is totally within his remit!!

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