Bernie moves to backbench in new UPM line-up
(CNS): Bernie Bush MP (WBN), the former culture minister, has sacrificed his Cabinet post in the new government line-up and will be moving to the back-benches. According to a press release about the new government that was both formed and sworn in behind closed doors on Wednesday, Bush volunteered to give up his ministry to make a Cabinet seat available for his West Bay colleague, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, who has given up the speaker’s chair.
Bush has had a rocky time since joining the PACT Cabinet, losing his original Home Affairs portfolio after accusations that he interfered in the recruitment of a new fire chief, among other allegations. In a more recent firestorm, he was accused of harassing a civil servant over a juvenile joke, though that complaint appears to have been withdrawn.
However, before departing the government’s inner circle, Bush launched a culture awareness campaign to promote and elevate local traditions. He also successfully secured Emancipation Day as a public holiday in Cayman, replacing the Discovery Day holiday in May.
His portfolio has now been handed on to Isaac Rankine (EE), who had replaced Dwayne Seymour (BTE) at the Ministry of Border Control and Labour after he resigned from PACT in September. But Rankine has now been moved in order to accommodate Seymour’s return to Cabinet. Ebanks-Wilks will take on the challenge of Panton’s former Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency.
Panton will not caucus with the new line-up and will be nominated as speaker. However, in his own statement announcing his decision to step down as premier, he made no mention that he would be accepting the job — one which would effectively silence him from speaking out about the dangers posed to the environment from various powerful groups and vested interests.
Alongside her existing large portfolio, O’Connor-Connolly now takes on the responsibility of premier and the various additional departments included in that office, as well as the Ministry of Finance and Economics. All of the other ministers retain their existing areas of responsibility.
McKeeva Bush has returned to the newly named group as a member of the backbench, describing himself in a social media message circulated on Wednesday as being “the people’s watch dog”.
However, Chris Saunders has not returned to the group and remains as an independent member sitting on the opposition benches.
According to the official press release, the new government’s reconfiguration of roles emphasises the group’s shared ideals, though it appears to be more about securing the numbers to regain the lost majority. The group said they would be pursuing five broad outcomes, including improving the quality of life for Caymanians, enhancing competitiveness, improving public sector performance, and future-proofing and protecting Caymanian culture.
Premier Julianna O’Connor-Connolly, whose most important job over the next few weeks is to finish the budget process, said the new line-up was determined to be “innovative”.
“One of the key aspects of this smooth transition is the retention of the existing Cabinet ministers, as a testament to the group’s commitment to continuity and stability,” she said. “The UPM is determined to be innovative and to accelerate the delivery of results for the people of the Cayman Islands.”
Meanwhile, Governor Jane Owen issued a statement saying she was aware that this had been “an uncertain time”. She said she had listened to the debate on Tuesday and was “struck by the level of commitment to country and respect between both sides of the House”.
Owen said she had enjoyed working and consulting with Panton and commended his service, integrity and commitment to the Cayman Islands, ahead of the closed-door swearing in ceremony on Wednesday.
“I have received a clear proposal to form a new government, led by Premier Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and Deputy Premier Hon. André Ebanks. This group enjoys a clear majority of support from the elected members of Parliament,” she said in a short release from her office.
“I have accepted this proposal and am looking forward to working with the new government. We have a busy agenda going forward and we need to focus on that effort in the coming weeks,” she added.
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Category: Politics
Well Julie played they all didn’t she? This really is a banana republic led by a bunch of greedy and selfish politicians. I don’t blame PPM for not wanting to come together with the likes of Kenneth, Jay, Mac, Saunders, Bernie who seem to all have their own investigations and allegations happening. I have never seen so much flipping and flopping, back room underhand deals (Kathy) and skullduggery in my life, and i have been around for a while. I was hopeful that people like Andre would do what was good for the country and not what is good for his future political aspirations. We need to shop this nonsense and have a fresh election. I know who I’m not voting for!
No more a banana republic than the UK or US.
I heard the civil service is celebrating bernie departure. he has done so much damage. bernie makes decisions based on who he likes. if you can’t run a lube business how can you run a Ministry.
bernie resign as an MP you just can’t manage the responsibility.
The photo should be a video with Tina Turner’s song
Simply The Best playing with a slow zoom in.
Best decision bernie ever made. now if he would resign as an MP that would be a stroke of genius.
United People’s Movement- Sounds like a communist party name
“McKeeva Bush has returned to the newly named group as a member of the backbench, describing himself in a social media message circulated on Wednesday as being “the people’s watch dog”.”
Who will be McKeeva’s watchdog??????
B I n g o ! Time for B I n g o to become a watch dog.
Hmm Hame recognize game or doggie ow realizes he is a real one. My word how lovely.
All this did was move the clowns around the clown car. Nothing has changed, its still the same useless government. An election is needed!
We have those, but it simply triggers another reshuffling. Nothing will ever change in Cayman politics without sensible amendments to the Elections Law. We need to agree that Convicted Criminals should not be eligible to stand for office, handle our money or shape our laws. They would not qualify for a job interview in the private sector. Change needs to be voter-led, and needs to happen now, before next election is called.
One good thing came out of it- Bernie is no longer Minister of Sporting activities.
True no more free trips especially to yam da jam . Say it na true!
Couldn’t agree more. How many times has he embarrassed us with his racism remarks.
He is as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle
chocolate teapot…
Tits on a bull.
He should not be allowed within 500 ft of the LA nor the govt. Admin.. Building what does the elected officials code of conduct has to say on the matter ?
You are funny
Roy is banging his head against a wall. Roy’s goal was to oust Wayne, with a view that he would surely get enough crossovers in the turmoil and he would be Premier this weekend.
Well, that basically handcuffs Roy for a year, as he cant soon say Ju needs to resign.
Wayne failed as a leader and the PACT was disintegrating. It would not last under Wayne. The budget needs to get done and this could not be done under Wayne. Parliament was hung and the leadership needed to change. We do not like it but the change had happened. Wayne is gone. The new PACT now need to prove themselves. They have no more excuses.
That was not the case actually. Pretty sure the Progressives are not interested in the radioactive nature of the current bunch in power. There maybe one or two there are genuinely interested in teaming up with in government but the rest, no way.
lmao stop it, you don’t believe that even for a moment, PPM-bot. They tried to promote Frank “Who danfook is dat guy?” Cornwall as a member of PPM – they will take any- and everyone that they can as they grasp for power.
So Kathy thought that relinquishing the Speakership and rejoining PACT or whatever their name is, to allow Mac to continue to have access to power and to run the government from the back bench was in the best interests of the country ? I now question her judgement and motives, looks like she is on an ass saving mission in WB because they are about to vote her out! Disgusting
Isn’t that giving the fingers? (Reverse peace/victory sign)
I don’t think she knows better
Juliana as Premier? This is embarrassing….
CB East y’all screwed up bad. We could have Elvis as our Premier if it wasn’t for you idiots.
We will soon have to have a list of party names to cycle through election periods similar to hurricane names
Can we retire some of the names? McKeeva? Kenny? Bernie?
A legal internal coup by checkmating the King!
Having a Ministry is a bit like having a job. Never been something Bernie has been able to do.
Embarrassing but Juju as finance minister is scary beyond belief.
Hold ya horses yow she can’t and will not do no worse than McBush, she is educated. Teacher and a Lawyer at least give her a chance before ya talk crap idjut!.
The people are crying out for change. Can someone explain to me why no matter who you vote for nothing changes?
Because the electoral system excludes people with sophistication and expertise — Caymanian Status holders. The corrupt sons of the soil are killing off these islands. Why not give a chance to those who love these islands enough to have jumped through all the hoops to be Status holders?
If you think that opening up the system to allow New Caymanians to enter politics is going to result in the election of educated white New Caymanians (and let’s be honest about what you mean by “sophistication and expertise”) then you are delusional and have no understanding of the constituent composition of the New Caymanian demographic.
In this case, probably best to stick, pro tem, with the devils we all know. Not ideal, but better than unleashing a whirlwind from the south east.
No thanks. Only then would corruption and special interest influence increase exponentially.
I rather see cayman improve its own political and education system than import foreigners to lead us. Better the evil that we know than the evil with status.
Not going to happen. If you and your family set up and establish roots here, then your grandchildren can run for Parliament.
It will happen! There are ” grandchildren” old enough to run / stand for election now. Cayman parents it is past time to get your children and grandchildren better educated and political aware if you want them /us to be a part of the Cayman electoral system. Saying it will never happen won’t stop it I acknowledge that we have some very capable Caymanian now but not near as much. The problem is the majority of the population is not well informed on who will make a great politician. The rabble rousers and the unscrupulous are too often chosen. Some of you out there do not expect and demand the right things from your representatives. You only focus on getting top soil, appliances, a few dollars here and there (sometimes more than a few). Too many running for election will promise you the moon but really it is more about their incessant need to be elected and what they can get by whatever means necessary, not to make things better for all of us. They will pay you to vote for them so you take their money and go to the polls and give them your vote and after a year or two your environment is no better, the trafffic is still a mess, the landfill is still overflowing, the beloved Seven Mile Beach is still being over run by undesirables,, all the land is being sold out until there is nothing left for your/our children and grandchildren to buy and build their houses. While I do not have any statistics to prove this but I believe our standard of living is among the highest in the Caribbean, some are making huge salaries and profit on this Rock but too many of us are not doing our part , too many have wasted their lives and are no longer productive citizens but prefer to sit outside the supermarkets and beg and lie to you face when ask why they don’t have a job. We never used to be like this, we would do without before we would beg or steal. How did we get like this. I guess I have rambled on too long so I will just reiterate, yes the Status Holders who are also Caymanians or soon to be Caymanians will enter the election stage and my hope is that when it happens so will our educated, honest articulate of good character native Caymanian. I pray the voters will have the decernment to make the right decision at the polls and elsewhere. Yes, I am a Cayman , so were my parents, my grand parents , and my great grand parents.
Sophistication & Expertise? Most Status holders who now actually pick our Govt are illiterate.
Probably because of comments like the one you just made insulting me and my entire family.
Be careful, your ‘sophistication’ is showing through.
We are in a pickle with that please bear in mind Cayman Status was also screwed up by too many undeserving,undesirables were first in line to get their passports stamped. We have too much to bear with them now so just imagine if they are allowed to vote. How can we f
4.18 They already are voting which is why we have the MP’s we have.
Idiots from prehistoric times voting for pre-historic fossils, with money, gifts, power and the big ego involved.
Because the change the people crying for ain’t possible
The people get the change they deserve every four years.
Garrison politics is here to stay, only a matter of time before the violence follows.
You may recall that Catron took us to the brink last time..
I guess they forgot about Sandra going to people’s house and all. Sabrina had for stay in hiding or wherever she was.
waste of space
Focusing on the positive that the PPM is not in power but still a bit iffy on the inclusion of the MP for Disorderly Conduct (Mckeeva) and the Minister for Lunar Arousal (Dwayne) and the elevation of Her Holiness the Premier, God’s chosen Representative on Earth
Wait, does this mean Bernie not getting his $20Millon swimming pool? Hope that deposit is refundable, eh Bern?
struck by the level of commitment to country and respect between both sides of the House”…
which debate was the Governor listening to? Does she not appreciate that when you utter complete BS like this it completely undermines your credibility when speaking on matters that the Governor can actually control.
Like most governors sent here, on a road to retirement in sunny think they care?
It’s more than that 7:06. We told Britain we didn’t want colonial governors breathing down our rocks, we wanted to do things ourselves to prepare for eventual independence. The likes of Arden, Ezzard and McKeeva openly said they wanted just figureheads, if they had to have anything at all. Britain was happy to go along with this and so has been sending us ribbon cutters for 30 years or so.
Cayman has full responibility and autonomy for itself, yourselves and look at what you are doing. Governor ain’t selling your land. Stand up and do something!
Amazing and horrible. Yet totally predictable. The enemy of my enemy is my BFF. And so here we are. Alden and PPM locked out and Mac directing the old UDP clown car again from the back seat. The door to the Third World 24 hour buffet is now open.
“Show me an honest politician and I will show you a virgin whore” ~ We need to stand up and protest the lack of leadership.
Who will be minted the Minister of Consumer Affairs?
Dart, Kirkconnells, Fosters…same ole
This government is a bloody joke. What have they accomplished? Besides getting their pockets full of money. We need new blood in government, not these old idiots set on their ways.
Well how long you been saying that n still vote the crap in…ball is in your court, take responsibility for it for a change and make a change! It is up to you!
They managed to change the may Public Holiday. Priorities.
So it sounds like WP is not part of UPM as he will not caucus with them, according to this CNS article.
So how many members are making up the current administration? 11 – 8 Cabinet members and 3 backbenchers?
Not sure how much more stable this government is, just takes 2 to bring it to the brink again.
Wait for it no spoilers please
Oh Juliana. It is sad that you are a complete failure in your role as Education Minister and have thrown tons of money at the problem and have achieved poor results with just 30% of public primary school students achieving a satisfactory level of literacy and numeracy. Now you have been elevated to lead the Cayman Islands.
Seriously, this is horrible. You need to retire and give up the portfolios – especially education – because you have FAILED and we DON”T WANT a boondoggle development of a Cayman Brac school that you want to be named after yourself.
I believe you are a shopaholic and can’t help yourself when it comes to spending other people’s money. Please seek help.
She orchestrated the coup.
Shopaholic n still dresses from whatever era n the hats LMAO n we paying for that!
Put lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig
Bernie’s back where he belongs and one step closer to the door out’n
Once these people get in office, they ignore the voice of the people, and we allow them to do it! Do these 19 people pay our salaries, or is it the other way around?! Those of us who voted for change need to come together and initiate a People’s Initiated Referendum demanding NEW ELECTIONS, so that the greedy instigators of this debacle (and we know who they are!) reap what they sowed — at the polls. Caymanians voters vs. crooked vultures. What say you?!
Go ahead, where, how, when, Guy Fawkes day just passed.
To Anonymous 17/11/2023 at 12:43am: I love V for Vendetta, but that is not the purpose here. Participative democracy works best when people… well, participate! We Caymanians prefer to sit on the sidelines, hollering instructions at the coach. Then we get ticked off when we lose the match.
circus continues….
Very expensive circus
Each clown probably gets on average $ 150, 000 per annum
I feel like I am Alice in Wonderland…please let me get off this ride. Call an election!