Archive for February, 2023

Cop denies cruelty charge over death of K9 Baron

Cop denies cruelty charge over death of K9 Baron

| 28/02/2023

(CNS): Police Officer Timothy Alexander Munroe appeared in Summary Court on Tuesday, facing a single charge of cruelty to an animal in relation to the death of the police dog, Baron, last year. Munroe, who pleaded not guilty, graduated from police training in March 2022, one of two recruits to be awarded ‘Most Outstanding Student’. […]

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Dixon’s story ‘a complete concoction’, says crown

Dixon’s story ‘a complete concoction’, says crown

| 28/02/2023

(CNS): Javon James Dixon (29), who is on trial for the murder of his friend, Jovin Omar Fuentes (32), last summer lied to the police about many things, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Candia James-Malcolm said Tuesday. As she summed up the crown’s case against him, she said that his story was “a complete concoction” […]

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Cash strapped gov’t unit fundraising for teen mothers

Cash strapped gov’t unit fundraising for teen mothers

| 28/02/2023 | 111 Comments

(CNS): The Family Resource Centre, a government unit under the Department of Counselling Services and part of the health ministry, is asking the private sector to donate money during March as part of the annual Honouring Women’s Month (HWM) for its Young Parents Services. The FRC supports teenage mothers between the ages of 13 and […]

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CIG buys Mariners Cove for wellness park

CIG buys Mariners Cove for wellness park

| 28/02/2023 | 103 Comments

(CNS): The Ministry of Health has confirmed that the Cayman Islands Government has closed a deal to purchase the site of an old oceanfront resort that was destroyed in Hurricane Ivan and never redeveloped. Mariners Cove in Prospect, Health Minister Sabrina Turner’s own constituency, has been abandoned since September 2004, and despite various private sector […]

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Cayman faces rising, warmer seas and bigger storms

Cayman faces rising, warmer seas and bigger storms

| 28/02/2023 | 55 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands are facing a complex range of risks from climate change, and the government will need to make some significant decisions in the short term if it is going to protect the country in the long term. Key threats from rising, warmer seas and bigger, more intense storms, identified by researchers in […]

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COVID centres to close as test requirement dropped

COVID centres to close as test requirement dropped

| 27/02/2023 | 4 Comments

(CNS): Three years after Cayman confirmed its first case of COVID-19, which resulted in the first death here as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the government-run testing centres across all three islands will close on Wednesday as the mandatory requirement for people to take confirmation PCR tests has been dropped. The Public Health Department […]

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Drive begins to get over 3,900 people on voter roll

Drive begins to get over 3,900 people on voter roll

| 27/02/2023 | 82 Comments

(CNS): The Elections Office is launching a voter registration drive to encourage qualified electors to take part in the government referendum on gambling and ganja that is expected to take place later this year. Although a date has not yet been set in law by parliament, in order to make the electoral roll by 1 […]

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Clinic gets OK for JR of DPP’s failure to prosecute ex-CMO

Clinic gets OK for JR of DPP’s failure to prosecute ex-CMO

| 27/02/2023 | 64 Comments

(CNS): Doctors Express and its related companies have been given the green light by the Grand Court to bring a judicial review of a decision by the director of public prosecutions (DPP) not to institute criminal proceedings against the former chief medical officer, Dr John Lee, and customs officer Holly Schneider for perjury, attempting to […]

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FATF still concerned by Cayman’s failings on action plan

FATF still concerned by Cayman’s failings on action plan

| 27/02/2023 | 80 Comments

(CNS): The Financial Action Task Force has expressed concerns that the Cayman Islands is still failing to complete its action plan to address the “remaining strategic deficiencies” by demonstrating that all types of money laundering cases are being prosecuted in line with the jurisdiction’s risk profile. Officials here were hoping that the FATF would have announced […]

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Bocelli confirms he will sing at Cayman fundraiser

Bocelli confirms he will sing at Cayman fundraiser

| 24/02/2023 | 140 Comments

(CNS): Andrea Bocelli, the famous blind Italian tenor, has confirmed that he is interrupting his official world tour to do a fundraising concert in the Cayman Islands on Saturday evening. The special charity event has caused a stir on social media over the last few weeks as people called into question the validity of the […]

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Dump truck and rental car crash at ETH roundabout

Dump truck and rental car crash at ETH roundabout

| 24/02/2023 | 79 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating a collision on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway Roundabout by Lawrence Boulevard yesterday lunchtime involving a dump truck and a rental vehicle. The emergency services were called out at about 12:10pm after the truck and the car, which were both travelling north, crashed at the second exit. The Cayman Islands Fire Service […]

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