Bush out as speaker after U-turn on departure date
(CNS): Speaker McKeeva Bush has finally agreed to leave office immediately, even after insisting in a speech Monday night that his exit date was entirely at his discretion. The veteran West Bay politician had planned to stay in the prestigious job until the end of next month after being pressured into resigning following allegations of sexual harassment. But Panton issued a statement Wednesday that Bush had already stepped down with immediate effect and Kathy Ebanks-Wilks would take over until a speaker is elected by members.
“Subsequent to his resignation last week, and upon conclusion of the recent meeting of Parliament, Mr Bush has confirmed by a letter to the clerk his agreement to bring forward the effective date of his departure from his position as speaker of parliament to today, 12 October 2022,” Panton said.
“As the deputy speaker, Hon. Katherine Ebanks-Wilks will assume the role of acting speaker immediately until the new speaker is selected by members of parliament as the first order of business at the next meeting of parliament,” he added. The next meeting is expected to be in early December.
Panton said the issue that had offended the opposition and prevented them from doing the people’s business is over, as he appeared on Cayman Marl Road’s show Wednesday morning. Panton said he had taken steps to protect the reputation of parliament and Bush had agreed with the minimum amount of fuss to leave now.
“I hope this puts an end to the speculation,” Panton said, adding that it was a constructive way of dealing with it. “I believe strongly, going forward, the actions we have taken… getting this done… will be viewed in future as a constructive approach,” the premier added, saying he had “appealed to his better nature”. Panton said he made no implicit threats and had instead successfully persuaded Bush to step down immediately.
There was no comment from Bush, who has served as a West Bay representative for almost 40 years, currently representing the constituency of West Bay West by a narrow margin.
Although MPs voted to accept Bush’s resignation letter on Friday night, it appears that pressure has mounted for Bush to leave office immediately, given the scandal that continues to surround him. He is accused of being drunk and behaving, at the very least, inappropriately with as many as four women at an official government event on 13 September. A police investigation is said to have been completed and a file passed to the director of public prosecutions after allegations relating to potential sexual harassment were raised.
But Bush has not been arrested or charged in relation to any crime and has denied any wrongdoing. The controversial politician has an existing conviction for assault following a drunken altercation with the manager at Coral Beach Bar in February 2020.
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Category: Politics
I must say I am so glad this man is slowly on his way out, He has fooled so many people over the last 40 years. He may have done some good for all but any good for us was great for him! How often does the Parliament meet? I swear it seems like a week a quarter with this new government and that is unacceptable for the money they get paid. We have major issues heading our way on every front and they need to be getting ready.
The global economy is a mess and no one is addressing any of the issues here related to business.
They have started up the flawed pension payments again without fixing it! We have had 2.5 years to sort our pension system out so it makes sense for all, but they did nothing!
The cost of living is insane as of late and the little refund was cute but it time to cut our dependence on fossil fuels for current, lets get more solar and use diesel as the back up.
We should look at the duty rate on shipping as well, shipping rates have skyrocketed and we are still paying the full duty rate on them, government has money for a reason! 20% of 15,000.00-30,000.00 is alot more than 20% of 6,000.00-9,000.00
Development is out of control to the point the inspectors can not even keep up and surely things are getting missed, which will result in major risks and liabilities. How can a development or complex be issued any CO when there is major construction and heavy equipment onsite? I have seen several complexes that make people close on the unit and the swimming pools are not even done, that giant hole in the ground is dangerous to anyone on site especially children.
Lets get it together people and hold our MLA accountable throughout their term not just during the elections and that goes to all of them no matter the party!
He never did anything “good” unless it somehow worked to his advantage.
a flip-flopper till the end.
Please tell me he dropped the mic at least.
Dear Premier Wayne Panton,
It is clear to us – the electorate – that you and the government you have thrusted on us by any means necessary is unfit to continue leading our country.
From an inept, ragtag band of independents who don’t know which way the wind is blowing, puppeteered by external forces who have an axe to grind with Progressives because of a dock that was built in a very wealthy neighbourhood (yeah it’s that stupid), allowing McKeeva to stay within the government ranks following his resignation from the Speaker’s Chair (again, because of said external machinations), to legitimising one woman’s opinionated, biased, non-factual mouthpiece as a credible source of news for the people – the same person who has instigated near riots outside people’s homes and meetings in order to get the government YOU want and are desperately trying to hold on to, you have demonstrated that you are unfit to continue to be premier and run the affairs of the country. Even the pieces of legislation rushed through, of what real note or consequence are they? There is only one that I see that can have any ounce of beneficial impact to a group of people – the Financial Assistance Act, and even that in the grand scheme of things is a drop in the bucket and has the potential to go awry if it is not executed properly and has the right set of regulations to accompany it.
Is anyone else petrified of the massive global recession knocking on our door and the fact that we have possibly the worst administration ever to steer us through it? Is anyone else worried about our Public Finances and the way the funds are being spent and the debt we are going into?
Please, at this stage, do the right thing and call an early election. Please let the people go back to the polls, and this time be HONEST about who you are aligned with, so the people have a better sense of where their democratic right of a vote is going.
Do the right thing. Put your ego aside and your desire to hang on to the premier title. Call an early election.
PS – Governor Roper, we do hope you are watching and will step in to force an early election if that is possible under your remit. At the very least, the UK can apply pressure, it knows very well how to do that.
Governor Roper we can’t afford anymore of your PPM government’s pillaging so stay out.
OK, an early election… Please suggest WHO will stand for office, their qualifications and why they would be better than those slated in the past. I see so many calls for early elections, but there is not a hint of a better slate of candidates. Simply reshuffling the deck of the current 30-40 puppets and puppet-masters (currently serving, recently past or more sinister – silent in the shadows but well known and feared) will not do anything.
The cancer in Cayman politics must be CUT OUT! This is only possibly by identifying (1) Educated Caymanians; (2) Ethical Caymanians; (3) Electable Caymanians; (4) Unbribeable Caymans. Then there is the problem of the electorate in districts where votes are bought. Where education is lacking and poverty is present, corruption festers and will control it’s own stability – hence Ministers who should have never, ever been elected or re-elected.
1,2 and 4 are incompatible with 3 in a system where gifting the electorate is expected and absolute necessity in several jurisdictions.
A large part of the problem for Cayman is that there is only a very small pool of eligibility to stand for election in a population of 70,000. Parliament sits for a ridiculously small amount of time and when it does sit nothing gets done – leading to delay after delay in progressing Government work and decision making.
The result is that we elect mediocre representatives with their own vested interests – a town or parish council with limited skills who act as if they are equals on the world stage.
Make being an MP a full time job and open the voting eligibility to British nationals resident in Cayman – which after all is British – and you will see capable representatives who can get things done.
Well……. That would be much better than what we’ve had for too long. Let’s try it!
Term limits solve 90% of our issues around these politicians. 3 terms and that’s all, Once your terms are over you get no more free medical and your pension is just like those of us in the private sector get, 1300.00 a month until it is gone. We need to get rid of the parasite politicians that bled us all dry.
I’m with Jay!
So I’m done voting for women…first it was useless Tara Hairdo and now Katherine Wilks-Ebanks-McBush…..I’m kind of hoping that guy who rides bike with iguana rod runs.
I hope you’ll excuse me for pointing out that this isn’t a women’s issue, it’s a people’s issue. I am disappointed in all MPs who’ve allowed and perpetuated this situation, regardless of their gender.
Doing the right thing isn’t gender dependent.
I agree to a certain extent but somehow women who don’t speak out against or pursue termination and arrest of MacCaveman are the worst offenders. Barbara Blah Blah and Steamroller OConnor Connolly are also in this group.
Yes, I agree. While it may not be a gender specific issue, the women who remained silent or allowed this disgrace to remain have earned special scrutiny. They have shown their colors for all to see. BUT, does their electorate care?
Somehow we expect better from the women.
I am original poster and wasn’t going to vote again for Tara if she ran last election and won’t vote for Katherine next…..still hoping Winston starts a party with like minded caymanians who care about their country and people.
Winston Churchill?
Woo-Hoo! Fix the dump!
Damn it!
Seems like a lot of people were watching CMR yesterday and the PPM supporters are very upset because their leaders weren’t getting any traction on Radio Cayman.
This speaks volumes that instead of going on Radio Cayman and listening to the PPM they all went on CMR to listen to the Premier and then complained that the Premier should have went on Radio Cayman even though he couldn’t because the PPM had already announced that they would be there….You can’t make this shit up..
Let’s face it, OC is Alden’s riding buddy and Dwayne is the mouthpiece for the Anti-vaxxers. It is not like the PACT Government is welcomed over there.
It’s the governments radio station stop talking crap
What an ill-informed, stupid, ignorant comment
Let’s face it, 82.7% of CMR viewers/commenters can’t vote. Even less can read.
They sing the Caribbean keyboard.
10.06an We wish they couldn’t vote. The problem is they can after the Status giveaway. On the reading part, some can but don’t understand what they read.
….actually, its 87.2%……
I don’t care about all of this waffle.
PPM boycotted Parliament until “that sorry little man” left the Speaker’s Seat.
He has left.
I care now that PPM goes back to Parliament and force more positive changes to this “Cat-ron y aqua de coco excuse for a government”.
This Premier has no class! Why issue a statement like this on CMR instead of a proper briefing or official statement.
Hold on there……. Don’t you know that politicians will do whatever they think is best for them?
8:30 pm Exactly !!
Has CMR replaced GIS?
No. We are paying for both now.
Two things hit home today.
1. Wayne Panton is having CMR do his dirty work and spread his propaganda. She has done a 180 degree turn on her position with Mac. When it was the PPM working with him, she was calling up the devil from hell, but now its PACT and she can see no wrong. I wonder how much that level of (dis)loyalty costs?
2. Wayne thinks we are stupid, Mac steps down to join the Government back bench and will likely soon be appointed Parliamentary Secretary and get a pay raise close to that of a Minister. He will be able to take certain developers proposals to caucus and orchestrate deals (I don’t need to expand on what that will mean) and he has voting support in Chris, Jay, Kenneth, Jon Jon, Julie, Kathy and likely Andre who knows Mac still has influence in West Bay. Wayne really things he is sooo smart SMH
This Government is possibly the most inept we have ever had, they have no class and are relying on the ignorant among us to keep them in power. I used to think Caymanians were better than this sort of thing, but I guess we have diluted the voter pool with status grants to the point where to get elected you just need to operate like Mac has done for a few decades. This is really really disturbing and a supposedly intelligent and educated person like Wayne Panton who says he detests Mac is surprisingly operating just like Mac has done.
8:08. Very true. Don’t forget moxam with his selective ridiculous criticism.
Don’t forget his partner is Premier’s strategist – a political appointment.
You have no clue what you trying to say Yohan not business about any of that. He has been calling it as it is for a long time
That’s not relevant to anything Moxam says. She is a first class professional. Keep speaking the truth Mox!
@ Anonymous 7.23am
Stating facts that are well established in the public domain to counter all the spin and selective outrage on display in the name of politricks is necessary in the current environment.
Thankfully, the majority of the public see the hypocrisy of the Progressives for what it is on this and many other issues. I do not hide behind anonymity and can stand behind anything said on any public platform you should try it…
Have a great day and good luck in understanding the purpose of using these social media platforms in the age of deflection and spin.
Johann Moxam
Your concept of “facts” and actual facts are two entirely different things.
When Mac was speaker for PPM you religiously referred to their Government being ‘propped up by Mckeeva Bush’. Funnily I haven’t heard that term since he helped prop up PACT.
8:08 pm Best summary of this entire fiasco. You hit the nail on the head. Thank you.
8:08 pm Excellent and just to follow-up on the point re Premier being “supposedly” intelligent and educated, I remember what a long-servicing Caymanian politician once told me. “Mac is the smartest uneducated man I’ve ever met”….I would take it a step further and say the current Premier is the stupidest educated man.
The fact that Wayne chose to make this critical announcement on the CMR tells you everything you need to know about the Marl Road Gov’t. Even when a caller chimes in with a comment that is factually correct, but doesn’t fit the PACT narrative they are cut off instantly (DW).
We need to stop the intimidation and bullying in the Media. Someone needs to put that motion forward. Mac threatened to do that from his ‘throne’ on Friday in the LA. Maybe he will, although now that he is full on PACT member I doubt it.
He may no longer be speaker, but he will be gunning for the big job in short order
As many people that are commenting on here about the Premier on CMR this morning it is clear that they listen to that show more than they do Radio Cayman.
The PPM were on Radio Cayman this morning and not one soul seems to have known this. I’m guessing everyone was expecting the Premier to demand that OC kick the PPM off his show so that he could come on. Of course that would have been another condemnation..
As far as Denny, he needs to go get his own Radio show. Every time he calls in with his hair brain ideas, he will not give up until you either say he is right or just ask him to leave it alone. I stopped counting how many times he called in just this morning alone..sickening, give other people a chance to speak.. He has to understand that he is not always right and he cannot force people to believe he is right..He reminds me of the Jordanian on another show..
Why don’t people just not listen to these stupid call in talk shows? The level of contribution from very many callers and panelists is pathetic, puerile and harking back to supposedly wonderful days long long ago and in the case of one show, full of the host’s anti foreign heroes, frequently xenophobic.
Those of us that are working cant listen anyway!
Hey, some of us that are “working” are Civil Servants you know!
Civil servants have to work? What do they do?
So you actually think MAC is the one to control the media? He can’t even control his own drunken behavior! Sounds like you’re pissed because CMR has such an amazing following! Good for her – A Caymanian WOMAN who achieved this amazing feat in 5 years. KUDOS.
Caymanian women who profits off of other peoples misery and pain. She is symbolic of the low our collective self respect has achieved, she is no better than pond scum
And don’t pretend she isn’t being paid very well for her propaganda
at what cost to the islands though anonymous? she’s created divide, confusion, allowed hatred to foster on her platform.
Someone paid off her court judgment debt! It’s just a matter of who!!
As someone who was one of her numerous victims in the past, I certainly would like to know.
She has an amazing following because she targets the lowest common denominator. She is tabloid-style, gossip-mongering masquerading as journalism with none of the controls or ethics that a journalist is subject to. It is no surprise that the trashiest websites and magazines have the highest following.
Yes honey chile
Prison would be the best place for him.
Wondering if Heather Bodden still thinks that “PACT is intact”
She can think? For herself?
bush good guy mon…so was rockafella
Bush has NEVER done anything that would not first benefit himself personally.
What’s in this for me
What’s in this for me
What’s in this for me.
The UDP mantra.
My Nonna once met Mussolini. She said he was a real solid guy.
Sure they are….. and don’t forget Al Capone and H.H. Holmes!
Do you suppose if I looked up “self-satisfied smirk” in the dictionary, I’d see the above photo?
Also if you looked up reprehensible slime.
What is the ETA on Byrne getting their criminal file to DPP? Coconuts grow faster.
If only Mac were an 18 year old blond tourist. Then the police could act with all appropriate urgency and effectiveness. The whole pretense of the rule of law around here is a scam.
Maybe the turd of November.?
ETA on First Cayman Bank? Stan Thomas? Cabinet Grants?
Your not giving him enough credit. You forgot:
Inappropriately importing dynamite,
turtle farm spending fiasco,
Cohen jet to Bahamas casino,
Nation Building (slush) Fund,
using government credit cards in casinos,
inappropriately touching a waitress in casino
assaulting waitress in Cayman only a year ago,
And these are just the ones we hear about!!
Wow wow wow 9.37, Any ONE of those wrongdoings would have caused the removal of any other person in authority at the publics expense.
The rap sheet is a disgusting shameful record of the low life we have had to endure.
Hope WBW woters do the right thing.
If we support the human rights of other issues in the Cayman Islands we must support the HUMAN RIGHTS of WOMEN also. It is women’s BASIC human right to be in public or to exist and be safe. If we cannot possibly reasonably, reasonably, be expected to feel this way in public amongst especially our politicians who we have voted to represent us and let us feel safe then what do we have left? A predator a sexual offender no matter how mild the behavior is breaching our basic human rights as women to be existing and out and about and not sure if we can feel safe among certain people. Our government on both sides must remember that this is what they should be representing when they are looking at the conduct and behavior of anyone that is sitting amongst them on either side of the table. Nowhere else in the world do we see this kind of behavior taking place from a politician and he/she continues repeatedly year after year position not being able to be removed or unseated.
i smell $$$$….lol..
3.02pm It’s the custom in the Civil Service for those who have done serious wrong to be “required” to retire and given a humungous “golden handshake”. Neither the reason for the “retirement” or the amount of the “golden handshake” are ever revealed to the taxpayer who has funded these miscreants. In this case we know the reason, but not the amount of $$$$.
More money taken from the people of the Cayman Islands.
Caymanians never forget who the “Pharaoh’s” of George Town were
If you do not know have a quiet talk with McKeeva I am sure he
will never forget.
Why does Panton legitimize Cayman Marl Road?? “Panton said the issue that had offended the opposition and prevented them from doing the people’s business is over, as he appeared on Cayman Marl Road’s show Wednesday morning.”
“attempt” to legitimize.
Would it have been better if he had kicked the PPM of OC’s show which it seems they have high-jacked for the last couple of weeks..
I wouldn’t call it legitimizing but at a point this morning when one person questioned the host as to why the Premier was on her show and not on Radio Cayman, she showed the amount of people watching on CMR which was over 400 and then switched it to Radio Cayman which showed 40 people watching…Something tells me he was reaching more people on CMR and kicking the PPM of Radio Cayman would have just caused more raucous and innuendo about the Premier taking their spot.
That right there really sums the mindset of a huge segment of our population. The Premier should have shown a little respect for our national radio show even if only one person was watching.
The National Radio show hosts have shown nothing but contempt for the people vote the funds to pay their salaries.
Very well said 7:02.
Why? It was the opposition’s paid day – if he bumped them you’d hear another theory about that too.
Guess what? He was scheduled to be on CMR this week. Good for her for booking him regularly and being able to take advantage of such relevant news when it happens as a result.
She doesn’t book him, he books her
that’s online viewers not listeners on radio which is really really high
Source: trust me, bro
But all the cars with Japanese radios have to listen to radio Cayman…
Nope … that’s a fallacy … mine ben stuck on Z99 since it arrived
Sandra, thanks for enlightening us on that!
400? 350 of them at least were in Jamaica.
because she’s their press secretary. It’s ridiculous and should be on every post they make for transparency, but here we are. Our government’s official press secretary and main outlet for communication is a rumour page on Facebook run by a vile human.
The Catron led government remains untenable.
We need an early election called now!
The Premier should have had a televised press briefing to advise the country of the pleasant turn of events., but I guess he had to play it safe just in case anyone dared to ask him an “inappropriate question” as they say politics make strange bed-fellows.
Bye, Mac.
Anyone who thinks it’s time for “Bye, Mac” just hasn’t been paying attention these past many years!! The Teflon Politician if ever there was one!!
He is not going anywhere. Educate yourself. He will sit down comfortably shoulder to shoulder with Wayne and his PACT fledglings. People should be frightened at the lack of experience and knowledge at the helm right now. We really do need an early election called.
Dishonorable Rascal, just go, you brought enough shame to the LA, Speakers Chair, and Cayman.
Your poor family, they must be so proud!!!
I agree. There is no pride in the MacBeater’s service to Cayman. Sadly, I suspect he is/has been still scheming to stay relevant instead of crawling into a hole as he should.
The sad excuse that he is leaving to attend to the ‘health of his family’ is another travesty! Did they become ill last week? Last month? Last day? He had no regard for their ‘health” prior as he drank himself stupid and in all his glory was recorded beating an employee in a drunken rage; so this is an ill presented excuse for his disgraceful partial exit.
Cayman – he is a stain on our history. His electorate – YOU ARE COMPLICIT, and it won’t be forgotten! This disgrace should have been voted-out many terms ago.
Just wait – bet there is an agreement that he has stepped down from presiding (even though the next meeting of parliament is after November 30 anyway) but will draw Speakers bonuses and have access to the Speakers expenses budget until his formal replacement in December.
Ezzard for Speaker. Get it done PACT.
What you say Jay Jay?
Ezzard would be an excellent speaker.
Intelligent, knowledgeable and straight.
But on second thoughts, those are not qualities embraced by UDPact.
Who gives a xxxx what Jay thinks.
Kirky busy?
Sue Winspear for Speaker, the first person of undoubted integrity in the House of Parliament!.
to 4.46 Because she’s not local. You are so biased
Hope he gets to keep the wig so he can wear it to Back Room on Friday night.
I think we should make it to be surgically implanted, so he has to wear it for all time. Everywhere.
Sorry to say, this is not much of a punishment at all. He should be straight out of the house entirely.
Its not meant to be a matter of punishment. That’s for the RCIPS and DPP. Its a matter of the credibility of Parliament and of Cayman when our politicians behave like this. But then when we happily elect people with criminal records and with a track record of embarrassing public behaviour, what do we expect. You want to be able to address this kind of situation by removing people from Parliament, then we need to pass a Recall MPs Act like they have in the UK. That would have triggered a by election as soon as he was convicted. But the turkeys we have in power will never vote for Christmas
Forget by-election because Wayne needs Mac and Jay to keep his government rollin’. Give the people back their faith and trust and call an early National Vote now.
Does this mean that the PPM will no longer get to enjoy their extended paid vacation?
All of them except the ministers are now having a vacation until December anyway. Never mind the PPM – why do we pay these people a damn fortune to turn up for work a handful of days a year.
What a stupid comment. You truly never understood the seriousness of what was happening in the House if you post an unintelligent comment like this.
We need an early election, that is becoming more and more apparent. For love of country my backside. What this country has been subjected to with PACT is more like ignorant abuse.
Well to be fair….the p!ss poor agenda didnt call for much to show up for.
The last resolution PACT alone passed in this sitting of Parliament on Monday was to give themselves months of holidays. They will not be back until next year at the earliest.
PPM did the right thing! This fell squarely on Wayne Panton’s shoulders; if he’d done what he needed to do and was respected by his PACT of wannabes, PPM would not have had to make such a move. I applaud PPM for calling the lack of confidence motion in the speaker and boycotting Parliament while he remained in the Chair!
Bush is a blister on the taint of Cayman!
Whoever is reading these comments to Mac (and Kenny), please be sure to explain to them in detail what a taint is.
Wow Wayne finally found his balls!
Nope, they are still firmly planted up his rear end, as Mac is now an active, voting member of his Government.
Yep, at least when he was speaker, he couldn’t mouth off so freely, but now we’ll be treated to his rants and other uneducated drivel.
His hands is clean and his heart pure .
Or the next government lol. He is as flexible as Ju Ju, and carries more than one vote. There is a reason Roy’s no confidence in the Speaker notion only got lodged days after the one in the government was lodged – when it became clear that mac had cut a deal with Wayne.
He is still CMR’s puppet.
Is the only issue sexual harassement? Did Bush have any ‘close’links with any of the property developers?
Michael Ryan has got to be at the top of the list.
Wish this was true but sadly not so. He still collects a paycheck and will be safe in the arms of PACT on the government bench where he gets to play footsies with Wayne.
If he has resigned with immediate effect, the paycheck stops now – unless he negotiated something.
The resignation was only as Speaker. He is now an active voting member, free to bring Private Member’s Motions and vote on bills, and wax poetic on the floor. And we have two pitiful groups to thank for this: the West Bay West electorate who voted him in, and the PACT government for keeping Mac safe within their ranks so they can still have the majority and Wayne can hang on to Premiership for dear life.
Couldn’t have said it better!
He collects a paycheck as an elected government member.
That is disgusting! He should be sent to the South Pole and get a new job.
He would still receive his MP salary but the additional responsibility salary will be removed.
Kathy in all her brilliance (if she is kept as Speaker) will collect this now.
1.49pm She will collect it anyway until December for sitting at home doing nothing.
Yep. So Mac vacates the Chair only to join the government bench!! He is not going anywhere.
Shame on you Wayne and PACT. We want to go back to the polls asap. If you have any dignity left, please call an early election and let people know up front who you plan to form a government with if you are successful with no more back-a-yard, micky mouse games of horse trading.
We want an early election!
Any dignity left? When did they have any to begin with?
Agree with another election. Wayne wants to elect a new speaker we will do one better and elect a new government hopefully not inhabited by nitwits and loons suckling on the government teet while nothing gets done…
Golly, I can’t remember when it HASN’T been inhabited by the people you mentioned. When was it different???
So who are you going to vote in? Who is any better, more ethical? It’s great to demand early elections, but for what slate? I suspect you just want a re-run and shuffle the known miscreants. Shame on you unless you have better candidates to offer. Put up or shut up. Cayman needs an entirely new, younger, more educated, more ethical slate of Ministers experienced in government policy – not those beholden to the generation that sold out our territory for quick cash, ignored the waste in resources, ignored our environment, ignored the need for a diversity of income… yes, I could go on for many more. But hey – that type of candidate is far and few in Cayman. Who qualifies? I am truly asking!
This is not something Premier Panton wholeheartedly wanted. His Govt was shaky since forming and now he can not keep Mr Bush ‘at bay’ in a ‘neutral’ position and his Govt is going to feel many tremors from now on.
Everyone knows that Mr Bush was the piece everyone needed to form a Govt because of the seats he also brought with him. So at this point, I think everyone should truly claim this a Bush-led Govt.
There is a theory that the change in date is because he is possibly going to be charged soon – we obviously won’t know until we know.
Get the popcorn gents, it begins now.
We want an early election called now!!! This Mac-led government is not what the people voted!
Because that is what this is – a Mac-led gov’t. Wayne in his desperation to hold on to the Premier hat is sending this country into an abyss with the hapless PACT and with Mac sitting and holding hands with him on the government benches.
Call an early election!
40 years in Government!
Does anyone else think one of the Cayman dollar bills should have Big Mack’s face on it in remembrance? Perhaps the $100 bill because Big Mack always gives 100% of his effort.
It behooves me to say this would be a nice gesture for the community. $100 Big Mack Blue Iguana bills sounds dandy.
I’d be fine putting his face on toilet paper instead.
I agree!
LOL many times… I understand that you are drunk, stoned and stupid. BUT, you are funny!
Clearly you’re not clueing into the sarcasm of $100 Buck Mack Blue Iguana bills.
West bay deserves so much better than Bush and also Wilks. What was she doing supporting him? She needs to go too – and soon, otherwise you all see she be the puppet with Bush pulling the drunken strings!!!
So Wayne has now accepted him with open arms as an active member of caucus then.
So what exactly was he supposed to do with him, hand him over to the PPM? I’m sure they would welcome him with open arms to get one more person voting on their side..
See, that’s where you are wrong. They have made it abundantly clear that he is not welcome, hence we have the PACT shitshow.
I’m not convinced they would not welcome him back for his vote. What they say and what they do are often very different.
They actually stated specifically when trying to form the Govt after the 2021 elections that they would NOT form with Mr Bush and such lost seats.
Mr Bush was also not a factor for the PPM when speaking with the PACT members who wanted to leave and cross the floor.
And you believe them? Very virtuous.
They don’t want him which is why we are where we are.
He could be opposition without being PPM.
Like when Kenny-Doesn’t-Play-We’ll-With-Others had to go sit in his own little corner last time around
Buy that man a dunce cap.
Take this lesson to heart Cayman, sustained public pressure can overcome obstinance and narcissism in public office.
Hold our elected officials to account, if they live with the fear that they are temporary, they will be forced to behave.
But are they temporary? Where do you see Mac going? Into the loving arms of Wayne and PACT spineless cronies?
PPM made it clear Mac is unwanted. The south-east corner for independents with no alliances has some empty seats in the House. That is where Mac SHOULD go. But, for some strange reason, he is still sitting as a government backbencher with full voting rights. He is a part of PACT. Wonder which lucky PACT members get to sit next to him at the next House sitting?
Yup and Wayne certainly has not got the balls to do anything about it! He has no choice but to keep Mac on board. Only Wayne Panton could not see this was a sinking ship the minute he signed up with this bunch – all for the sake of him being Premier!
Wayne has finally been pushed by ppm into dumping Mac. Will Kenith, Jay or Chris be next?
Expect Wayne has not dumped Mac, he has invited him to caucus.
It’s pretty obvious his change of “heart” is connected to his file being transferred to the Director of Public Prosecutions. It is now up to the DPP to do his duty.
Sounds too good to be true that he may one day be prosecuted… not holding my breath as he has friends who will “look after him”.
Jon Jon for speaker! Give us a giggle in these strange times.
It’s clear you’re trolling, but I don’t think Mr “12th of Gaypril” should be going anywhere but an asylum
Only if he promises to speak in a different language for each session.
That’s funny. Mind you, I struggle to understand him even when he is supposedly speaking English. Anyone see his posting to followers encouraging them to attend Parliament?
But full moons and donkeys?
Good riddance! I wish it included his constituency as well!
But sadly, he’ll remain to taint the PACT and poison the well.