Contractors at liberty to drive neighbours crazy

| 03/03/2022 | 113 Comments
  • Cayman News Service
  • Cayman News Service

(CNS): Developers and contractors have been working through the weekends, including Sundays, while during the week work goes on late into the night and in the early hours of the morning, disturbing people living in these neighbourhoods.

But there are no laws or regulations that prevent contractors from working anytime, day or night, or curb the noise generated by heavy equipment and the enormous spotlights required to illuminate the worksites at all hours.

CNS was alerted to a complaint last week from a resident in West Bay close to a condo project on Conch Point Road, where developers apologised after their contractor had huge spotlights and heavy machinery running at 3:00 in the morning.

But the neighbour has questioned how the developers, Vida Cayman, were able to secure planning permission without any restrictions on when work can take place. She told CNS that she is living in an area currently surrounded by development, with at least five projects underway or about to start, and now has very grave concerns about the impact of so much construction work, with the resulting noise, traffic, lights and pollution, but without any legal remedy to give her family a break.

This is just one example of dozens of complaints that CNS has learned of over the last year, especially in West Bay, where the number of construction sites in once quiet residential neighbourhoods has exploded.

Eden Hurlston, a local community activist who also has problems with development in the once peaceful community where he lives, is frustrated by the disregard of contractors, and by extension developers, for the people living near their worksites. But he is even more frustrated by the lack of any regulation that would prevent this from happening or give residents a course of redress.

Hurlston told CNS that he had documented many complaints by his West Bay neighbours about construction work in various parts of the district, which takes place at all hours and is ruining people’s peace of mind for months on end, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Complaints to the planning department are futile because planning officials have confirmed there are no laws that control when construction can take place.

The police can pursue noisy neighbours when loud music and partying becomes a disturbance and seize sound equipment, but CNS can find no documented case in the public domain where a contractor or developer has been prosecuted for making life hell for their neighbours.

CNS has contacted the planning department with questions about this situation, but the senior officers we contacted have ignored our questions. However, the people who complained about the Conch Point Road development were informed by a planning officer that while there is currently nothing they can do to prevent the contractors from working in the early morning hours, the issue has been raised with the Central Planning Authority, which has asked the department to prepare a report for the ministry regarding construction hours.

Hurlston said that he, too, has been told that there is nothing planning can do about construction disturbance.

“I’ve been a musician for twenty years in Cayman and couldn’t play on Sundays except by special exemption, even if people wanted to pay to hear live music at a music venue,” he said. “But construction can happen, even in quiet residential neighbourhoods, at any hour, on any day, impacting people who don’t want it happening there at all. I’m sick of the hypocrisy.”

He said people building homes or commercial developers are allowed to pound, saw, drill, jackhammer and do machine work on a Sunday. He noted that he is not allowed to work on Sunday because of the law, but now he and many more like him are not allowed to enjoy the quiet peaceful day that the music and dance law was enacted to protect.

“Sundays are supposed to be ‘sacred’ and ‘holy’ in our Christian country,” he said. “But it’s okay to make any sound you want, at any hour, as long as you have a building permit, even in a quiet residential neighbourhood.”

The amount of development underway in West Bay is unprecedented, and there is much more to come. There are concerns, too, that with so many contractors working flat out to meet over-extended contract commitments, there will be even more workers on more sites around the clock.

This will compound the frustrations and resentment of regular people over the excessive development of buildings they could never afford to live in, which block their beach access, change the character and aesthetics of their communities. The peace they previously enjoyed is now being ruined for the benefit of a handful of contractors and developers who profit handsomely from their misery.

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Comments (113)

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  1. SM says:

    Court Action in the tort of nuisance inhibiting your right to private enjoyment of your property. Seek an injunction placing limits on working hours until CPA can rectify the rules for this and all developers/construction projects.

    • Anonymous says:

      You got $50,000 to spend to protect a basic right? Government, through its various agencies, has an obligation to do this for you!

  2. They paved Paradise.... says:

    BS. Neighbours have the right to enjoy their homes in peace in a residential areA. Try making construction noise 24×7 beside the Ritz and see what happens.Construction noise should be limited by the CPA. PACT please act.

  3. Mumbichi says:

    I wonder wonder how many of us would have to show up at the Governor’s house to make a difference.

    wonder wonder.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good question. Probably none. HE Governor is fulfilling his 3-year appointment, which is coming to an end.

      I have tried to e-mail HE Governor relating to the rule of law being subverted to no avail.

      HE Governor seems to have a somewhat pleasant disposition, but he’s really a foot-soldier for Britain just serving his masters.

      Not sure HE the Governor will be of any use. I’ve seen him stand by persecution and oppression of the Caymanian people.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman, fighting with COVID for 2 years, didn’t even notice that it’s been occupied by contractors.

  5. A.J. says:

    When I hear one of those leaf blowers fired up first thing in the morning, I want to take it out of his hands, shove it up his azz & crank it full blast.

  6. Mumbichi says:

    The people who put up with the incessant din are the ones truly “paying” for it. Nobody compenses them for the noise and those making a huge profit are not even in the area.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Progress? K

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. JoeMakeEmTakeEm says:

    There may be nothing under the Development and Planning Act specifically governing working hours. However, the Central Planning Authority has the power to impose conditions on approvals. Whether they are desirous of doing so is another story.

    For reference; Development and Planning Act (2021 Revision) s.15(1)&(2)

  10. Anonymous says:

    Money talks, ohooo, money talllkkkss, dirty cash I want you, dirty cash I need you ohhhhh. Now everyone together, money talks….

  11. Anonymous says:

    I work in construction, have for over 20 years, and I’ll guarantee you that very few, if any of these workers are being compensated properly. There is very regularly no overtime pay to work “off hours” (all night) often many of these workers are forced to pay for their own work permits and health insurance, which are both completely illegal, and to regularly undertake tasks that are unsafe and would not be tolerated in a jurisdiction with a functioning health and safety regime. But because there is ZERO enforcement of any laws on this island, many of these unskilled construction laborers are essentially slaves. My message is to go after the developers and not the workers.

    • Anonymous says:

      One of the law societies should tale on the labor cases pro bono.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am a lawyer and I have personally, pro bono, taken on the plight of poor foreign laborers who have had their pension monies stolen. Deducted from their salaries and then used by their employers to buy shiny things. In one instance, a BMW. The thefts and frauds involved were reported to the police who outright refused to take any action whatsoever. Any pretense of accountability and enforcement here are too often a sham.

  12. Anonymous says:

    There are also Caymanian landscaping companies instructing their indentured menial-labour permit holder crews to deliberately work jobs running leaf blowers and gas tools before 7am since the beginning of time, even abutting areas zoned Residential. Cops won’t leave their clubhouses to intervene, even when quoted the chapter and verse from Towns & Communities Law.

    • Anonymous says:

      04 @ 9:01 et al – I would bet that most of the commenters cursing leaf-blowers at early hours reside in complexes, where the leaf-blowing is arranged by their stratas, or next door to something similar. I would venture that private homeowners are not the majority of complainants.

      In which case, curse the strata not the man with the leaf-blower.

      • Anonymous says:

        I do not reside in a complex and own my house, however, I do complain! I have also told the company that I use, not to send gardeners with blowers or any noisy machinery/tools before 8 a.m. it’s called being a good neighbour.

  13. Anon says:

    There is a legal remedy. You can look for an injunction under the law of nuisance (which is a tort). Everyone has a right to a quiet life.

    If a few people banded together it wouldn’t be so expensive, and you might recover some costs from the developer.

    • Anonymous says:

      The police have an obligation to keep peace. They are paid to do so. They are failing in their most basic duties.

      • Anonymous says:

        The police need the laws in place to be able to enforce them. If you read the article the laws are inadequate to allow enforcement. The lawmakers are all in the pockets of the rich developers so that is unlikely to change. That puts us in the same place we are with enforcement of registered right or ways. Our leaders continue to refuse to stand up to the money men at the expense of the lowly Caymanian working class.

        • Anonymous says:

          Bullshit. The Towns and Communities Act provides them with all the power they need. As does the Common Law.

          • Mumbichi says:

            If the Town and Communities Act had an actual decibel numerical limit, that would give RCIPS the tools to be able to measure it, and enforce it. Without a decibel level limit, it is entirely subjective as to whether the noise level is excessive.

            This is a can that has been kicked down the road for decades. The bar/club and other business owners are against establishing an excessive decibel level, so it doesn’t get done. That simple thing could allow enforcement on all nuisance noise across the board.

            Common Law. You mean the Penal Code? I think the DEH laws have some mention of industrial noise, however as I recall they are more in line with enforcing the availability and use of PPE for employees who are exposed to industrial noises.

          • Anonymous says:

            Exactly. Go and fire up a jackhammer outside the Commissioner’s house tonight and watch what happens. The police would have all the powers they need, as if by magic.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, if someone wanted to, they could block access to the construction site with rocks, a fence or whatever. The police have already said actions like that are a civil matter and not a police matter…

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone certainly has the right to a peaceful night’s sleep. The Town and Communities Law adequately speaks to noise and nuisance, if not to construction work specifically. There shouldn’t be any pre-dawn power tools or jack hammers, nor 4am fireworks. Unfortunately the police feel they have wide discretionary powers when it comes to enforcement of many of the laws on the books.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I lived next to construction site for a year, they worked 7 days a week and seemed like they saved all of their nosiest work for Sundays. Contractor was a complete a hole and the homeowners had no regard for the disturbance they were creating for everyone around them. The work started at 7 in the morning sometimes earlier. Yes the island is doing well but let’s have a little respect for each other.

  15. Mikey says:

    Next party I have in my yard I will invite a few construction men over and set up lights and have a full on project taken place….. the show must go on lol

  16. Anonymous says:

    It’s like the Wild West when it comes to businesses doing whatever they want to do and breaking whatever laws they want to break. This is the story of the Cayman Islands. Weak governments that refuse to represent the interests of the people and instead always put big money and big business first, last and always.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Same thing in Savannah at that new Savannah Green development off Shamrock Road. Construction noise and heavy equipment going in and out literally every single day of the week, early AM to late PM. Also had NRA running some pipes across to that development in the wee hours of the night earlier in the week as well. Have a conscience man, people need their sleep!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Neighbors has a Private nuisance under Law of Tort (civil) by Seeking relief thru a civil injunction to prevent this activity. Step one: send the contractor a letter of notice before action. Failure to desist then seek a court injunction to stop the activity after certain unreasonable hours. Everyone has a right for peaceful enjoyment of their property and NOT be subjected to unreasonable noise ( nuisance).

    • Anonymous says:

      Problem is the home owner may not have the money to litigate this in court. While the rich developers have plenty to draw it out in the courts. All while government continues to give the developer concessions on the projects.

      Quess who controls the country. A hint: not the people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Very true. Cayman has an access to justice problem.

        It can’t be fixed overnight. Many people, who have legitimate claims, will never get them heard.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Although it’s true that contractors are noisy during the weekends and sometimes outside of normal working hours, I am much more annoyed by the constant use of leaf blowers – they pollute an extreme amount and are very, very noisy and annoying – why not subsidize purchases of electric leaf blowers? Please?

    • Anonymous says:

      Or why not just let nature do nature? Leaves drop, decompose, the soil then improves.

      No leaf blowing needed. Instead, have the workers pick up the trash that disgusting humans have left on the ground.

    • A.J. says:

      I hate those damn things as well. In Cuba they use rakes & brooms. No noise.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why blow leaves anyway? And to where, the neighborliness property who will also have to blow them « away »?

    • Gray Matter says:

      Ok I will bring my electric leaf blower and Gas Generator to plug it into for it to work.

    • Anonymous says:

      The guy that works and drives a department of sports truck starts blowing at the Truman Bodden sports complex at 5am! The sound resonates for miles. There is absolutely no good reason to start that early, blowing leaves from one end to the other only to repeat it the next week!

      • Anonymous says:

        I was very disappointed to observe leaf blowers in use on the Parrot Reserve Bight Rd boardwalk in Cayman Brac. Completely inappropriate for a wildlife sanctuary. Totally unnecessary.

    • Anonymous says:

      Went to Governors beach early this morning hoping to get some peace and quiet.

      Leaf blower guy fired it up in the Governors yard as soon as I got there.

      I left. Sick of hearing them!

    • Anonymous says:

      How about use rakes & brooms ? They work pretty good too.

  20. Anonymous says:

    So we can have very loud music at home after 10pm if we have a cement mixer running in the background?

    • Anonymous says:

      Only if the cement mixer is louder than the music. LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Or if the mixer is running the music! Let’s jam!!

    • satirony says:

      The low-hanging fruit are the excessively loud marl trucks and leaf blowers, noises which carry for two miles or more. It’s time for our laws to be changed, along with increased enforcement. Noise pollution does great damage to the quality of life here, second only to traffic, and it’s a recognized source of stress, which itself is so damaging to human health.

  21. Anonymous says:

    There are delays within the supply chain and they got make that $$$, screw whoever is impacted.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Someone had to tolerate your construction noise, when the place you are living in was being built.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes Bobo, but during business hrs – 8 AM – 5 PM.
      Evidently you didn’t read the article to understand your illogical response.

    • House owner says:

      My builders had to contain all of their work to 800-530pm and none on Sundays.
      They respected it too

      • Anonymous says:

        Rich area maybe your lucky foreigner…crystal harbor? The highlands? Maybe even Brittania? Or oh oh… Olea Bay? oops nvm that one junk.

    • Mumbichi says:

      No they didn’t. Not on most of our homes. Most were built with pride and by people who lived in the community and had respect for others.

  23. anonymous says:

    These are my neighbours, and while I’m just far enough away to not hear it,I know we need to address this because guess what? It’s going to be on my and your doorstep soon enough!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Modern day slavery!!

  25. Anonymous says:

    The island is running way way too fast. When you fill a place with work permits most of them send money home so want to work 7days a week. This needs to be managed better in the planning process .Even as a sub contractor, the demand is breaking the business and the end product we see on many job sites from cheaper subs willing to work 7days is terrible mainly due to developers pushing deadlines and schedules to the breaking point. Not one contractor adheres to the Labor law and workers sometimes doing in excess of 80hrs per week. What happened to the law?

    • Anonymous says:

      not to mention the quality of work…slipping with every project. I wouldn’t buy new construction at this point.

      • Anonymous says:

        Def not…I looked at a few of the ones almost completed – as someone who worked in construction it was appalling to see how bad it was.

        I’m sure there are a few good ones out there – I just didn’t see them.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I have to put up with people playing music so loudly on a different road from 3 pm my windows shake .. the police won’t do anything until midnight! I have to sit with headphones on to try and block the noise I have. Even dealing with this since 2020 but apostrophes it’s their right to have parties! Nobody cares about peoples right to quiet enjoyment of their homes be it construction or music!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Towns and Communities Act. Sections 11 and 13. The answers are easy. If only we had a police force.

    Governor, when are going to get a police force? Sadly at our population size I think we have reached a stage would be helpful to have one. 10 cops should be enough. If we enforced the law strictly, most miscreants would fall into line.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Agree, however the weakness in the T&C Act is that an excessive decibel level was never established. There is another section of law which talks about ‘statutory nuisance’. I think it’s in the Penal Code, but can’t remember for certain.

      We shouldn’t appoint a committee to study it. We should directly emulate UK laws regarding noise. Then, after gazetted, we could tweak it to fit our specific circumstances.

      I would be eternally thrilled if our statutory nuisance level were set NTE 35 decibels, as is the case in the UK. Wow. What a wonderfully peaceful world that would be. Of course, it would have to be enforced.

      • Anonymous says:

        Might help, but……

        Public Health Act

        S7 Statutory nuisances
        7. (1)
        In this Part —
        “to abate” includes to take all reasonably practical measures to prevent recurrence.

        (2) For the purposes of this Act any —


        (w) noise or vibration (other than noise or vibration caused by an aircraft) which is a nuisance,

        is a statutory nuisance.

        S8 Service of Abatement Notices

        (1) The Chief Environmental Health Officer shall, if satisfied of the existence of a statutory nuisance, serve notice on the person through whose act, default or sufferance the nuisance arises or continues or, if such a person cannot be found, on the occupier or owner of the premises on which the nuisance arises requiring that person to abate the same within the time and date specified in the notice and to execute such works and do such things as may be necessary for that purpose, and if the Chief Environmental Health Officer thinks it desirable, specifying any works to be executed.

        • Anonymous says:

          The next logical question is, “do we have a Chief Environmental Health Officer”, and if so, “who is that”? The answer is: Mr Richard Simms 949–6696, or at least it was circa 2017 when website was last updated.

          While we’re at it, here’s the link to report a complaint about the dereliction of their website for two full election cycles:

        • Mumbichi says:

          Yes, it does help, however like many of our laws, it is somewhat nebulous and interpretive. We need measurable standards. Not to Exceed 40 Decibels. Period. From any distance in residential zones. Permits can be applied for that exceed that in areas which aren’t residential. For concerts at the like.

          We need firm, fixed standards in which the RCIPS can receive a complaint, arrive on scene with a calibrated decibel meter, and affirm that the nuisance does or does not exceed the established standard.

          Sort of like they did with Calico Jacks. A standard was set for the folks that lived in condos nearby and it was overseen by the Liquor Licencing Board Inspectors, and others. It led to a resolution that everyone could live with, at least until Calico Jack’s was shut down.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not needed. We have a fair and reasonable standard in our laws already. Our courts and lawyers and the Caymanian people understand it. American hoteliers, Canadian contractors and Jamaican Police officers are the ones who do not.

  28. Anonymous says:

    This is both bigger, and more nuanced, than contractors. It needs one rule to catch everyone, as the musician suggested.

    Perhaps: no pollution from your property – noise above background decibels, light above background lumen, vapour/exhaust/smoke or liquid runoff or physical material (like construction Styrofoam debris) – without a special permission. Who you need to get permission from may vary, e.g., Planning can give some, public lands commission can give some, Liquor & Dancing can give some, DEH can give some etc. And whether these are time-limited (a concrete pour) or ongoing (a jerk stand’s smoke) can also vary. As well as the conditions, e.g., bar noise to X decibels until 11:00pm in residential, midnight in residential/commercial, 1am in tourism/commercial; or whatever. But the one commonality should be that, like a planning permission, your affected neighbours must be notified and have a chance to object. Anyone who is affected but not consulted, i.e., your impact is going further than you claimed, has the chance to file a complaint for an automatic fine (if proven) so people are discouraged from underestimating their impact. All of the above impacts can be tested with fairly simple equipment so equipping the police to enforce this as they do with breathalysers is easy. Once the Parliament sets the limits that apply to everyone everywhere at all times.

  29. Industrial Noise says:

    Check the undeveloped island in Redbay / Prospect, currently a Heavy Equipment Repair Yard 24/7. Comical that people just don’t give a shit..

    • Anonymous says:

      Its and environmental disaster over there. Plus people who fish or do whatever work from there leave all sorts of garbage.

  30. Rodney Barnett says:

    Oh Please.

    Stop your whining. After all, it was you, the voters who elected a government that is all about the MONEY. Not the people’s rights to a safe, clean, and relaxing environment.

    Many developers do not live in the neighborhoods of their projects, and some even don’t live on the island. Only their money does.

    • Mumbichi says:

      No we didn’t. Not really. We elected individuals based upon their platform — their wobbly promises — and then they recombined into a government which pays little credence to their prior platforms.

      It seems almost pointless to me to vote. I know, I know. I can’t believe I’m saying that either. I wish we’d do away with the party system and give us all two votes — one for our district MP and another for Premier.

      • Orrie Merren says:

        I agree. We need to consider three votes during elections:

        (1st) one National vote for the Premier;

        (2nd) one National vote for the Speaker; and

        (3rd) one vote for the Constituency representative (i.e. our District MP).

        The first two take the politic wrangling and horse trading out of the equation.

        We need to let the executive branch focus solely on running the Cayman Islands.

        And, let the legislative branch focus on oversight of the executive branch, as well as to concentrate on legislating and representing their constituents.

        • Anonymous says:

          No disrespect intended but you don’t want a UK system parliamentary government anymore? Might as well just go independent whilst you’re at it and then see where we end up.

          Things need to change but your solution, points 1 and 2, are not viable.

          Island wide elections would be most sensible with small, and I mean small, district bodies for purely ‘local matters’ with very limited local code (if at all) and economic discretion.

        • Mumbichi says:

          Well said, Mr. Orrie. That’s looking forward.

          To keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome…. well, you know the rest. ;o)

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      McKeeva Bush’s West Bay.

  31. Anonymous says:

    There are laws to prevent this. Our corrupt and/or inept authorities (which cost us millions) refuse to enforce them. #worldclass.

  32. Anonymous says:

    The common man or woman has no place here. Priority and preference are given to a few at the expense of many.

    If you want to look at quality of life, why does the CIG still make it’s people suffer due to the traffic from east to west? It’s bordering cruel continuing to make us endure that.

    • Hubert says:

      Developers and their friends rule in the Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      What? do you have a solution to the traffic? I do, stop driving and take the bus. and by the way, nobody is ‘making you endure that’, get a job in the east, then you won’t have to commute. Take a look at a map, there is no more room for lanes between Prospect and LP hwy, so no matter how many more lanes they add on either side, it is still going to be the same bottle neck wherever lanes merge. If more people park their car and take the bus, the more buses they will add and fewer cars will be on the road.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh you mean the unreliable, sweaty little buses? No thanks. Now if the CIG were to introduce fairly priced, air conditioned, regular buses not driven by lunatics then I would take one.

  33. Anonymous says:

    just wait until they start building a 10 storey hotel in Crystal Harbour.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Looks from the photos like the builder was doing a large concrete pour this doesn’t happen every week and unfortunately the best time to do these is when there is little to no traffic so the concrete trucks are not stuck in Cayman traffic. Some large pours can take 18 to 24 hours and if there is traffic delays would only push it longer. Luckily this wouldn’t be happening every week. Unfortunately that is a downside to living near construction.

    • Anonymous says:

      03 @ 11:09 am – Your point has merit but you hollowed it out with your last sentence. With the incessant construction taking place all over the island, what is a home-owner to do when construction comes to their neighbourhood – move??

    • Anonymous says:

      11:09 am Excellent and valid points. Doesn’t happen often and doesn’t last long, but necessary unfortunately. Perhaps a neighbourly thing to do would be to send notes to nearby neighbours letting them know when it’s happening.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Unfortunately that is a downside to living near construction.”

      Lol, the construction came to them. They most probabbly didnt chose to live next to it.

    • John Smith says:

      concrete cures better when poured in the cool of the night. Unfortunately due to the heat here if your requires you to meet a certain specification you don’t have any choice.

  35. Anonymous says:

    A Department of Environmental Health (DEH) official pointed to several laws that cover noise pollution, but acknowledged that the various regulations “may make it a challenge to properly address”. The rest is in this link

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s cause their families blast music until 3 am in residential areas so they won’t ever make a law to retaliate.

  36. Anonymous says:

    I have a similar complaint about large, marl-laden trucks competing with school traffic in the mornings. They are often poorly maintained so fill the air (and lungs) with “black soot” and are sometimes so poorly loaded they spill rocks or wet marl onto the vehicles to their rear. It is not surprising that too many motorists risk life and limb to overtake them on what are already dangerous roads.

  37. Colonel Kilgore says:

    I love the sound of leafblowers on a Sunday morning…and the smell of burning leaves.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not just in west bay that this has been happening. PACT you read I know just don’t turn a vblind eye to this .

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad that we have to have laws that require common decency towards your neighbors.
      When building my house I went to my neighbors to let them know.
      I had the contractor agree no start before 7am.and no work past 6pm.
      No work on Sundays and Saturday afternoons.
      Contractor was required to respect neighbors , no trash, loud music etc.
      Simple acts of caring for the interests of others have sadly disappeared, yet so easy to restore.

      • Mumbichi says:

        Bless you for thinking of your neighbors.

        Your outlook, regrettably, appears to be relegated to that time which we now call ‘the good old days’, where most people were respectful and considerate, and the RCIPS walked through bars and clubs and chased parking-lot partiers out after closing.

    • Anonymous says:

      City of Naples amended its Noise Ordinance to prohibit the use of gasoline-powered leaf blowers in in the City

      Can Cayman “towns” do the same?

  38. Anonymous says:

    Noice Ordinance does exist in Cayman. Light and noise pollution are disturbing circadian rhythm and is a serious health hazard.

    • Leafblower hater says:

      Hi all, i have called and met with DEH several times to complain about leafblowers and showed them recordings with Db meter and showed them the noise ordinance. However they told me this noise ordinance is not a law. Once i have my new sound system installed i will terrorize my neighbours all day long if they still use leafblowers. We will make it a war. Also I bought some good noise cancelling headphones to block them out. Maybe Cayman at some point will enforce the noise ordinance but then they should enforce against leafblowers and construction noise also!

  39. Anonymous says:

    How about a one paragraph law from parliament prohibiting night work without a special limited permit? Could be done if they tried.

    • Robert Mugabe IV says:

      Comical!! Wake up ffs. Who do you think would be granted all these special limited permits time and again ?
      Money and greed always wins over the common man.

      • GT East says:

        It’s the Wild West right now the rules book is out of the window Health and Safety is non existence in most places and token in others
        Labor law and enforcement is a disgrace and and permit holders basically labor brokers

  40. Anonymous says:

    Common sense is not applicable in Cayman anymore and there is no respect for quality of life concerns

    • Anonymous says:

      My Sundays used to be a peaceful day when I could sit out in my garden and listen to the birds whilst reading a book. Since the development next to my house was built and occupied my Sundays are spent listening to leaf blowers, cars racing up and down the road and loud nasty music.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Greed!!!… will come crashing down in the face of out hreat grand kids…that probably have to move somewhere else to survive….

  42. Anonymous says:

    Anything goes when GREED is the driver!!!

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