Utilities fuel soaring cost of living

| 20/12/2021 | 97 Comments

(CNS): The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 6.4% in the third quarter of 2021 compared to the same period last year as all twelve of the divisions assessed to measure inflation in the economy recorded increased prices. The new report from the Economics and Statistics Office also shows a spike from the 0.2% rise recorded in the spring.

Housing and utilities caused much of the price pain for ordinary people, with electricity increasing by over 31%. That was compounded by an increase of almost 16% in the cost of water. The official figures reflect an increase of 2% in rent paid by tenants but the index for imputed rentals for owner-occupiers which went up by 8.6%, suggesting that some people are paying much more in rent this year than in 2020.

These increases came alongside another surge in fuel costs of 20% between June and September. The ESO also recorded a 3.3% increase in food prices, though this does not reflect the reality of continued price increases at the grocery store over the last couple of years.

The spikes in some food prices, such as a more than 11% hike in the cost of meat during this quarter, follows a similar price rise in the spring. The 10% increase on the price of fruit during the third quarter this year comes after a 10% increase in the second quarter, compounding the problem that inflation presents for ordinary families on low income or retirees on fixed incomes.

Meanwhile, as the man in the street struggles to make ends meet, the economy grew throughout 2021 by 1.4%, fuelled largely by the construction sector, which grew by 13% as Cayman’s dependence on development and its worrying consequences becomes evermore apparent.

While the workforce becomes dependent on building for jobs, the cost of land increases as developers focus on luxury products to sell to overseas investors. The total value of property transfers increased to $722.9 million from $325.5 million compared to the previous quarter.

But as developers profited from the construction boom, 59 families lost their homes through foreclosures valued at US$16.4 million.

See the latest reports on the ESO website.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yet through all you babbling, i don’t see the brilliant alternative you have in mind to collectively change people perception of the current financial system. Like it or not, money (from seashells, spices, tulips, etc..) has been a part of our society and if you don’t feel like competing for it then find a suitable forest to go roam free and be one with nature.

  2. Anonymous says:

    For some reason regular people are of the belief that this is the only way we can about our lives, which is completely depending on the current financial system. I am of the belief that this finacial system is completely fraudulent. Money makes the world go around because of what it can get you > Corporatism focuses on the most efficient way to acquire money which is all just numbers on a screen. Now those who follow corporatism have acquired the most money and can change and shape the way which we live.

    Why do we continue to pretend that this is the only way we can live life? Slaves to numbers on a screen when most of us are 1 paycheck away from complete homelessness. An entire system was erected on the idea that currency will represent work yet that currency is backed by nothing. Absolutely nothing sits behind a dollar note, yet here we all are fighting and killing ourselves and others for it in order to buy more things and put ourselves into debt.

    Most of us cannot grow our own food or build the things we need in order to live, but we spend money on comforts and other unimportant items. We desperately try to acquire currency, which a group of organisations control and can make or delete at a drop of a hat because its backed by nothing. Merely a number on a screen. Then they weave all these mathematical calculations and formulas into it and say “this is the reason why we need to raise interest rates and why we need to print another billion”

    Again, why are we pretending that this is the only way to go about life?

    • Anonymous says:

      The rest of us don’t want to feed you just because you hate working for a company and therefore have no money to buy food. Go about life in your own way, but don’t expect the rest of us to put you up in the spare room.

  3. Anonymous says:

    GLobal hyperinflation is a real threat on the near horizon, the central banks know this as do the Bank for International Settlements, the WEF, and some governments. The richest among us are already hoarding cash assets (not borrowing) in the anticipation of a massive run on retail banking combined with out of control inflation, global supply chain gridlock, massive unemployment, and US$ capitluation as a genuine reserve currency.

    If you have any loans or similar obligations (mortgage, credit card, boats, students, health, anything) you have less than 8 years to unshackle yourselves, and probably as little as 18 months.

    If you cannot afford the home you live in without a mortgage, you should sell it and buy something smaller with your cash balance. The majority of permanent residents in Cayman (ie not the second home vacationers) are mortgaged to the eyeballs and are facing a reckoning – once hyperinflation runs, your $ value collapses, your mortgage payment skyrocket – your wages will not.

    If you own your land or home or boat or anything debt free, congrats…you will be fine although you;ll be wondering how the f*ck you can afford to live here as everything will skyrocket.
    You’ve been warned.

    Have a lovely Xmas!

    • Anonymous says:

      If you expect hyperinflation, borrow all you can and buy real estate. Your advice is exactly wrong.

      • tom says:

        nope. your buying opportunity will be a couple years after, when the over-leveraged people can’t afford the rising interest rates that are inevitable in this scenario.

    • Anonymous says:

      The smart money is on the sidelines right now, waiting for the downturn to arrive, interest rates to climb, and capitalize when the housing and stock markets dip.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why would “the smart money” be in cash if you think there’s going to be hyper inflation aka a loss of faith in cash as a store of value. Dear me. Lol

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol. Did you get your economics degree in a cornflake box?

      • Please No More “Advice” says:

        I was going to point out the numerous fallacies in this idiot’s post but I’ve decided it’s not worth the time. Clearly someone this confused isn’t going to be swayed by logic.

  4. Anonymous says:

    We have 65000 people that have the burden of keeping the yearly profits of 3 companies up. CUC, Rubis, and Sol all have the same profits they hit every year. If you keep your house warmer, drive less, get solar, no matter what you do, they will be hitting the same profits. Meaning their margins must increase the more people cut back and save. There is no way around this as long as they must hit those same profits every year. You keep your house warm, you will pay the same amount in CUC in the long run. You drive less, you will pay the same amount in fuel in the long run. You get solar, you will move your portion of their profit to other people that have to help make sure they hit their profit. There is now way around this with the current model.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Even with the outrageous price gouging by the likes of Kirks/ALT/car and boat dealerships/Flow/Digital etc (ps CUC isn’t all that expensive) at least we don’t pay income taxes. Imagine losing half your salary in tax each month! How can I buy something in the US. Fly it in individually, pay shipping, duty and air freight and still get it for 50% of the price these shysters here want shipping in containers of goods? Pure greed.

    • Anonymous says:

      I went to a kid store the other day to purchase a gift for Secret Santa at my sons school. Saw something I liked but the price tag CI$59.99 for some silly lightening mcqueen toy. (I did not purchase) Out of curiosity I checked both Walmart and Amazon where the toy retailed for US$17.00. This is why I do not shop local, only groceries and utilities. It is still more cost effective to pay freight/duty and get more variety shopping online. Majority of the local businesses rape consumers for massive profits.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t buy power tools from ALT as they are huge rip off! I still save 30 to 50 % by import myself than pay ALT.

        • Anonymous says:

          Right? How can it be possible to buy retail in the US, shipping to freight forwarder, shipping to Cayman, port fees, forwarder fees, duty on everything and still get it for half the price local merchants who are buying bulk and shipping containers in charge? The mark up is obscene.

      • anonymous says:

        We found the same thing with lego. It is sad when kids get ripped off. The other problem is that many people do not have the ability to order on line.

  6. Anonymous says:

    With inflation prices spiralling out of control especially in the property market Caymans biggest export will become the intelligent qualified educated young caymanians very sad that a small number of selfish wealthy individuals can ruin people’s lives.

  7. MB says:

    The government is busy with ribbon cutting and other ceremonial matters at a time when the majority of voters are suffering under the increased cost of living.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is just catching up to the rest of the developed world. The big issue now is are we educated enough to keep up with an international job market and our parents keep electing ju ju. We ve really been hung out to dry

  9. Anonymous says:

    If you don’t own Bitcoin, I feel sorry for you.

    Become your own bank, become free.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Remember this means that if you don’t get a payrise of at least 6.4% this year,you are actually getting your pay cut. All while the economy booms, and a small minority suck all the added wealth away from the rest of us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Capitalism wins again.

      • Anonymous says:

        People really don’t seem to understand what is behind this statement. I for one, do not want socialism or communism in any form, but I am starting to hate capitalism and what is has become.

        As someone who grew up in the 90s, I was always seeing on the TV the benefits of capitalism. How people who once had nothing, found the means to own the fruits of their labour and start to buy assets and bring themselves up. The true nature of capitalism is owning what is yours and the right to do with it what you want.

        Now, its transformed into something much different. Big busniness’ buy off politicians who collude with each other to get more money at the expense of everyone else. The numbers on a paper mean more to them than where their kids will have to raise their kids. We witness unimaginable waste of food and resources by a those who have plenty while stating its ‘inefficient’ to find ways to distribute the ‘waste’ to those that could use it. Along with ridiculous examples of corporate greed, all of this is labelled capitalism.

        Those profiting from this system will still use labels like free market and capitalism while those who do not profit, see the harsh reality for themselves. Yet some people are upset that the kids coming up despise capitalism. I mean, what do you think they are seeing? They are living through something and one side of the debate is steadfast on using the same terms without acknowledging how its changed and pretending this is the only way. Corporatism has taken over capitalism.

        Our financial systems are all a farce and do nothing to better the lives of people, yet we are all supposed to pretend like this is the only way to do it.

        Again, I stand firm in my belief that the private ownership of property and the rights to do what you want with it is fundamental, but when you couple that with a fraudulent financial system that everything needs to be based on, I say F&*$ capitalism.

  11. Anonymous says:

    They say if America sneezes Cayman catches a cold. Well thanks to Biden and his horrible policies, we caught the cold!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ummm..not really., central banks all across the world during 2020 (key under last US administration) created trillions by a method called quantitative easing. The object was to get money moving because it wasn’t because we were all ‘locked up’ in the house. We can look much closer to home for defective stimulus or the lack of a proper stimulus which should have been turned over to the people to spend before diluted by what 7%.

      • Anonymous says:

        This bubble is like any other, in that it will bust soon. The Biden administration restarting payment of student loans is the start of that debt bubble bursting.

      • Anonymous says:

        First, the Obama administration was in place when QE was really ramped up. Secondly, the Federal Reserve is the entity doing the QE and it operates separate from the US Government – the President, or Congress can make requests on what they do but it is not obligated to do so.
        The interest rate and QE are set to start tightening in 2022 – it is doubtful that they will actually do it as it will truly disclose the madness of our fiat fiscal banking system.

    • Anonymous says:

      3:25, No we did not catch a cold but COVID.

    • Anonymous says:

      FFS..please stop with this Trump/Biden Crap….Yesterday Trump admitted he has taken both Pfizer shots and “yes’ the booster as well. Now go get vaccinated as your God Trump has ordained it..Hopefully that news sneezes on his supporters in Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Eh? What has Biden to do with the Cayman economy? Try looking at the grocery cartels, rip-off greedy landlords, extortionate utilities, exorbitant cost of Internet, stifling of competition….Cayman’s economy woes are homegrown.

    • Anonymous says:

      Trump belched and the whole world threw up. Thanks to him and his stupidity we are now feeling the effects of his “decisions”.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Checking the CIREBA website yesterday I see that nice waterfront houses in North Side/Cayman Kai are listing at $1000 per square foot. For us thats a 250% increase over our cost of land, construction and furnishings over the past 8 years or so. About the same as the stock market. There has been a lot of money sloshing around in the world looking for a place to go. But, interior land and cheap construction hasn’t gone up very much, and what you can’t afford now you couldn’t have afforded back then either. The only real answer is to make yourself more valuable as an individual and start building a little capital. This is not taught in school, on purpose I think.

    • Anonymous says:

      20 @ 3:17pm – A lot isn’t taught at school on purpose! The Mushroom Theory! Truman’s style still intact!

      Note the politicians we have and majority of the electorate!!

  13. Boomer Collateral Damage says:

    Zero effort from generations of politicians and civil servants to ensure a fully fledged system of domestic distributed solar renewable energy for our people, and not enough effort being made to ensure a truly sustainable level of food production on an island very vulnerable to supply chain disruption and foreign market fluctuations (and local price fixing by a few large retailers). Two of these things alone as a start could make great inroads to a sustainable domestic livable economy with reductions in the cost of living.
    We can thank older and current generations for continuing to extract as much wealth as possible from future ones, with our reckless consumption and profiteering attitudes.
    Previous governments made it clear by their actions that the plan is turn this place into a country for the global 1% – as long as they get a penthouse too, rest of unna can enjoy your Christmas hams or go somewhere else.

    • Anonymous says:

      No because many of the politicians are landlords.

    • Anonymous says:

      Speak to Mr. Tibbetts at CUC.

    • Boomer Mike-drop says:

      Spoken like a true entitled ‘half-educated dim-wit’ who has a paper degree and absolutely no clue of real world economics or an appreciation for the struggles and sacrifices of the previous generations that have enabled you to have the lifestyle you both show such disdain for and take for granted. You are able to look down BECAUSE of the foundation laid down by the very generations you so arrogantly despise. You stand on the shoulders of greatness, our achievements. The very technologies that give you your false sense of superiority is the product of our sweat and tears. If you want better then pull you head out your a**, stop whining like a b*** and get to work.

      • Anonymous says:

        way to ignore the point ‘mike-drop’.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Product of your sweat and tears….???

        Ok boomer. When you need to learn how to use the next search engine or can’t figure our why your WiFi on your laptop or phone isn’t working, jsut remember who you have to call to sort that out for you.

        You talk about entitlement and no clue of real world economics.. have you realized that millenials and Gen Z’ers have a dim future to look forward to? What should we do.. Go get a corporate job to give you life away and never be able to pay off a house or land? Prices and money determine our way of life, yet we can’t make enough to even move out of our parents’ house or take on responsibilities. Every raise I get at my Big4 job is eaten away by inflation and cost of living. Despite what you think, the world doesn’t operate on hard work anymore. It runs on people accepting the fact that they need to be employees who give up their lives in order to give more than the required agreed hours per day in order to show work ethic, in return for a salary that can barely cover living expenses. Do you think we will celebrate that ‘opportunity’?

        The Boomers and the early gen x’ers that think because you ‘struggled’ doing the jobs you did and got in on a system before it started not benefiting anyone, that those below should suck it up and keep things afloat until you pass away is true entitlement. Seems like you think the younger generation is just there to serve your interests.

        I want you to remember, we are the ones building technologies. We are the ones coding and finding solutions. You will be replaced eventually and until that day, I am under no obligation to keep your investment portfolio afloat.

        How about you change and adapt… oh wait, how could you? You can’t even fix your own computer without our help.

        Pick up your mic and go back to your old home.

        • Anonymous says:

          As a proud boomer, I take exception to your bs. I am completely adapted to the present and foreseeable future. I wish you luck, but your attitude will keep you trapped back in the coding pit (or your parents’ bedroom) while others of your own generation pass you by. Happiness is mostly a state of mind. Cut back on social media, and think about how to be happy. We boomers are happy, you can be too.

          • Anonymous says:

            I was born in the 50s and was building computers and coding in the eighties. I can run rings around most IT people I have encountered. They are mostly fairly useless ‘help desk’ people. IT these days is so focused on security that they just put barriers up to those who want to be productive and the so called ‘training’ they provide could be passed by a five year old. Hard work still matters.

    • Anonymous says:

      Domestic distributed solar has not lowered the cost of energy (except for those few that can afford to put it on their roof). It’s not only more expensive, but the application is inequitable and regressive. There are better ways to do this that don’t transfer more wealth to the wealthy.
      Local agriculture, broadly speaking, isn’t much better. Some simple crops, particularly with vertical farming applications, sure. But sufficient levels to actually reduce general dependency on supply chains is wishful thinking at best.
      The idealism is laudable, as it’s clear your end goal for reduced costs of living is important, but you’re chugging a lot of kool aid that doesn’t pan out for small island nations the way it’s been popularized in regionalist movements for much larger countries.

      • Anonymous says:

        It hasn’t reduced cost of living because we have made no effort to make it a nationally distributed grid, and have outsourced that kind of investment to the private land holder. Obviously this and restrictions on grid sizes and kwh pay back has meant that it has ended up as a poor pisstake in which the private land holder is now subsidizing an increase in CUC profit margin. Again, you have missed the point,generations of politicians and civil servants have curtailed equitable energy distribution and maneuvered themselves to extract endless capital from the public instead of democratizing energy production. The fact that energy prices have remained high is a direct consequence of boomer profiteering mentality stopping equitable development for the Caymanian people.
        As for food production, your comment in response is laughable. If we really invested in sustainable domestic food production costs would absolutely be reduced, and we would not be as beholden to the supply chain, inflationary, and price fixing measures the Caymanian consumer is subjected to. Nice try, but your negativity and ‘conventional wosdom’ is actually borne of selfish ideology and an inability for you as a fish to see the water you swim in. Cayman deserves better than to be bullied by visionless profiteers like you.

        • Anonymous says:

          I look forward to how you will have single-handedly turned the whole of economic knowledge on specialization and diminishing marginal costs through scale on its head through your clever insights.
          Go read up on the unique challenges facing small island nations, most predominantly the oversized impact of opportunity costs as compared to larger and more geographically diverse countries, then come back with an informed opinion.
          What you suggest would absolutely make Cayman less dependent upon external markets and supply chains, but would most certainly raise the cost of living and lower the standard of quality experienced by most.

      • Anonymous says:

        Installation of solar is crazy expensive. I just took bids and it’s more than twice the US cost (they tell you the opposite, but it’s easy to check And get the truth). It would basically take 30 years for the savings to pay off a system that probably died 20 years before. Artisan farming is fine but you don’t have much good dirt and you are building more houses on it every day. Cherish you financial industry and get your kids educated well enough to succeed elsewhere as expats. Otherwise your surplus Caymanian population is going to be more than you can support (just like pre-1960.)

  14. Anonymous says:

    Whatever became of the member that was pressing the past government for adjustments to the fuel prices…cant remember his name right now…some Sanders..Suanders or Saunders…or something of the likes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha he caught the cabinet amnesia, happens everytime they make it to cabinet, they suddenly find excuses to not keep promises. Pretty sure it’s a grand old Christmas as the Saunders homestead though. Lots to eat and drink. Especially when you don’t even have a constituency office, or can’t bother to return phone calls.

      • Anonymous says:


        Explain to me why we keep propping up this current system when it never does what it says it will?

        Why is it so taboo to discuss alternative options out loud?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Inflationary pressures go beyond pricing and cost of living. It’s also value for money, and the road to get there. How many more times do we need to pay or expend our energy to achieve a professional outcome? Not having an accountable government, or a better business bureau ratings and normal modern-day consumer recourse systems, are also part a bigger inflationary-friendly environment. From vendors not answering their phones, or showing up, to doctor’s chronically overbilling insurance providers – having widely low standards and expectations of competence are all systemic inflationary factors that drag on the economy, and exhaust the patience of everyone with cosmopolitan expectations.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I’m glad I’m middle aged and already have made inroads into a mortgage, career and saving. If I was just starting out, I’d be gone in an instant. You’re looking at significant earnings needed to even start off modestly. How the hell do young people afford land or a property when they’re currently renting upwards of 1.5k for a small one bed? How do they save for a down payment? How do they feel being chained to a gargantuan mortgage, knowing they’re spending power erodes way faster than they can get pay increases.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a young person, I wish I was in your position. It feels like everything is against us right now. Even with a post graduate degree, certifications and a “decent” job in the financial sector it feels like a struggle. Last year I managed to save enough for a down payment and entered into a contract for a plot of land further East than I would’ve liked, before prices really skyrocketed. Then the developer and real estate agent (hint EV) refused for months to provide the company’s Certificate of Good Standing for closing on the property, which is a bank requirement meaning no sale should go forward without it. Knowing this I was willing to wait on said certificate but after 8+ months I requested back my deposit only for the property to have a drastic price increase and be sold soon after. I figured out the plan when the real estate agent tried to show me new properties while I was waiting on the certificate…I called around for advice on what to do before withdrawing my offer, but short of suing them to sell/perform it seemed like there was no option and Cayman just has no consumer protection. I’ve since decided to take advantage of my dual citizenship and just leave which sucks because Cayman is what I know and love. But I just can’t feel optimistic about life here now for the reasons in your comment.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yay for the CIREBA slugs. Getting rid of this cartel would go a long way.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, a dishonest agent/seller. A better offer came in and they screwed you. It can happen anywhere, but particularly in Cayman because reputation just doesn’t matter here.

        • Anonymous says:

          Dishonest is putting it mildly lol. I accepted the full price August 2020, didn’t beat them down 1 cent so I guess someone came in above offer after the fact. I have emails in October 2020 promising the Letter as the only thing holding up the sale. I held out until March 2021 to get back my deposit after one too many BS reasons (old slow secretary & months long registrar backlog which a friend was able to disprove). Worst thing is they kept going along with the extensions as if they were intending to go through with the sale.
          After our phone conversations and me submitting the signed offer via email I dropped off the deposit check in person. I guess a young black female isn’t what was expected based on my voice and profile, so not even 10 mins after I dropped the check the agent called reconfirming my place of work, etc. which I found strange as he already had my money. It was bad vibes since then, but so it go. I don’t wish them well and hope karma gets their asses.

        • Anonymous says:

          This happened because this and successive governments have accepted campaign donations from CIREBA’s real estate agents and the Dart group so no one has the courage to stop the rape. They have the power to act but prefer to watch as it happens.

      • Anonymous says:

        20 @ 4:58 pm – I feel for you. Unfortunate though it is, at least you have the option of taking your skills elsewhere. Your situation is better than most. Good fortunes and success if/when you leave. Shame that Cayman has to lose aspiring and hard-working young people like you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Good luck to you. I fear the same for my children who are getting towards the back end of their education over the next few years.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe you could have requested a Certificate of Good Standing directly from the Registrar of Companies. If not, tell the Minister involved and try to negotiate work from anywhere solution.

        You may even consider working from a 3rd country such as Costa Rica or Panama which will reduce your tax rate esp if your dual citizenship is from a G7 country.

        • Anonymous says:

          I walked into the government building (if I recall the registrar is first floor on the right) myself and requested the certificate, to which I was told only the business can request it. Made no sense to me because if we the general public want to check that a business is in good standing for piece of mind before conducting business with them we should be able to..? Right? But trust me it wasn’t a lack of effort on my part especially after paying for the valuations, getting the life insurance policy & everything else whilst renting. I’m not sure if the kind lady at CNS remembers the young woman who called asking for advice on this earlier this year but I even reached out to them…but it worked out for the best (after I got past the disappointment lol) and I got a great job opportunity with a salary increase elsewhere doing what I do here on a larger scale. I wish I could own a slice of my home but maybe in a few years time. I found out that the guy behind the company is some big shot lawyer here so little old me wasn’t gonna attempt to fight it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The borrower is servant to the lender.
      Borrowing creates stress. Don’t do it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    We saw this years ago and many of us have taken the appropriate measures to be self-sufficient in the event of the inevitable financial meltdown. We were called mad then, now we are frickin’ geniuses.

  18. Anonymous says:

    been here 20 years and have never seen one budget with any macro economic long term plan or measures for cayman….. all i have seen is ever increasing public spending and ever increasing size/cost of the underperforming civil service.

    • GT Voter says:

      I beg to differ.
      Hon. Marco Archer was very conscious of future risks and brought our debt under control.
      Sadly the denizens of GT Central saw fit to turn to a representative who could promise handouts.

      • Anonymous says:

        And Mr. Archer delivered four consecutive surplus budgets while keeping his promise of no new taxes. He even provided some tax reductions on fuel along the way.

        • Anonymous says:

          But how many supporters did he get on the $1,500 per month tourism stipend, plus a Christmas bonus, despite their never having worked a day in the tourism industry?

        • Anonymous says:

          easily done with a booming international economy.
          he still kept increasing spending which is the real timebomb when things go bad.

          • Anonymous says:

            I was there at the time and will say that he always insisted that the budget increase not be greater than annual inflation (to avoid increasing real expenditure) nor projected economic growth (to avoid taxing the economy to fund expenditure). It was clearly evident that Marco understood what he was doing and cared about people. He was a pleasure to work with and not being re-elected was a great loss for Cayman and Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are far too busy writing vision, mission statements and strategic plans with no strategic thinking. Most budgets I have seen have the lowest amount for training. But management will always say their employees are their biggest asset, because it is ‘trendy’ when in reality they do not put their money where there mouth is.

  19. Anonymous says:

    lucky pact are planning for a rainy day with their prudent spending plans and plans for $300m+ borrowings……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  20. Anonymous says:

    Not unique to Cayman. This is currently worldwide.

    • Anonymous says:

      That may be so, but officially Cayman is
      still the most expensive place to live on the planet.

      That’s nothing to be proud of.

      • Anonymous says:

        spot on….plus the scary prospect of the hoardes of poorly educated local kids from the working classes trying to find a way of living here….

      • Anonymous says:

        We’re also the price gouging capital of the world, it’s like the pirates are still here. Oh wait, they never left.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most expensive or greediest?
        Both perhaps? You tell me.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cost of living index takes no account of taxes. Cheaper goods and services don’t even come close to covering the cost of income taxes.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not if you’re in the US. 30% income tax is ok when literally everything is 50% cheaper. This is why you haven’t seen many US citizens buy Cayman citizenship since Dart.

  21. Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

    Can we start a CSSI (Civil Service Salary Index) to include annual cola increases to their pension entitlements?.

  22. ELVIS says:

    Cayman soon priced out of everything.

    • Anonymous says:

      Which will increase the class size of the poor and downtrodden to serve the elites in their McMansions

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