Officials reveal over 1200 active COVID cases

| 02/11/2021 | 163 Comments
Cayman Islands health worker conducts COVID-19 test

(CNS): More than five days after government last released a set of figures relating to the current level of COVID-19 transmission through the community, at 6pm on Tuesday evening officials finally revealed that there are currently 1,205 active cases of the coronavirus across all three islands, an increase of 659 cases since the last report on October 29.

However officials said that there were 437 new positive cases since 8am last Thursday up until 8am Monday, 19 of which were in travellers among the 3,693 PCR tests conducted since the last report on Friday. Eight people are now in hospital suffering more serious symptoms of COVID-19, with one patient requiring additional oxygen, but the current total of symptomatic people has not been disclosed.

With concerns in the community about what appears to be uncontrolled spread of the virus, despite the high vaccination levels and consistent claims by the government that it was ready to handle this anticipated surge, the public is angry about the vacuum of data on test results and information about how the community is managing the unsustainable isolation issues.

It fell to Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez to address the complaints about the delayed COVID-19 data, or the complete lack of it, from Public Health over the past week.

“The large numbers of positives necessarily lead to a great deal more work in processing results, because each result is checked for accuracy,” he said. “Each test is checked to ensure that it is not a duplicate from someone already previously tested. This has meant a change in systems in order that up-to-date results will continue to be supplied regularly.”

The numbers reported Tuesday evening, however, are based on the situation 36 hours ago. The figures do not include all of the data points, such as the number of positive cases who are vaccinated or the number of people in quarantine and isolation.

The total number of cases recorded in the Cayman Islands since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 now stands at 2,241 and around two thirds of those have been recorded since the community outbreak started less than two months.

Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee apologised for the delays but again blamed the volume of tests and asked for patience as the HSA has conducted almost 3,700 tests over the last three days.

“Just to give you some idea of the magnitude of these PCR tests, since 8 September with our first community outbreak this year we’ve done 44,248 tests in all,” he said.

Dr Lee explained that none of the eight patients admitted to the hospital needed to be on a ventilator and the one patient who is being given supplemental oxygen is “having a little bit of extra oxygen other than room air. So that is good news.”

Some of the hospitalisations might not be deemed strictly necessary in other jurisdictions, he said, but the patients were admitted because the Health Services Authority (HSA) was taking a cautious approach.

“I need to say that, on the whole at the George Town Hospital, we often admit people… in order to make sure that we can watch them and monitor them. I think perhaps in even up to half of the cases that are currently admitted, in many countries these people may well have been managed at home. But we have erred on the side of caution to keep them safe and comfortable and under observation in the hospital,” he said.

Health Minister Sabrina Turner said that she understood how some people would be concerned by the number of positives, but that it was not unexpected based on Public Health modeling and projections.

“We undoubtedly remain fortunate in the effects COVID-19 has had on our community. As the premier pointed out in his message last week, we are not seeing high rates of hospitalisation or severe disease as compared to the overall number of infections. The vast majority of cases continue to be mild to moderate, with many being asymptomatic. We are well covered and well protected by our high vaccination rate, and just have to remain aware and vigilant with regard to our prevention practices.”

The minister asked people waiting on test results to be patient because it can take up to 72 hours for a result to be returned, and notedd that the testing volumes had increased drastically.

However, she said nothing about how the rapid testing will work, which has still not been explained, or the issue of trust in reporting or the shortage of the tests, especially for families that are now using them as way of not having to isolate.

Officials told CNS that in households where everyone is vaccinated and one family member tests positive while others are negative, they can use lateral flow testing to go to school or work, but this does not apply to families where parents are unvaccinated.

Meanwhile, as of Saturday, the national vaccination rate for at least one dose of the vaccine is now at 80%, or 56,661 people, and 77% of people have completed the two-dose course. An additional 4,352 people have had a booster shot.

See Dr Lee’s full video below:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Dear Hon. Turner – please release the COVID infection models for Cayman so the public can know what to expect and stop worrying unnecessarily. – Thanks

    “Health Minister Sabrina Turner said that she understood how some people would be concerned by the number of positives, but that it was not unexpected based on Public Health modeling and projections.”

  2. Anonymous says:

    The percentage of people who get COVID-19 that are vaccinated (or unvaccinated) is not the relevant number because there are four times as many people vaccinated than unvaccinated. If vaccines didn’t work you would expect 80% of the cases to be vaccinated people – but that’s not happening. What the figures show is unvaccinated people are at least six or seven times more likely to test positive for COVID-19. More importantly however, the vaccine has been proven elsewhere to prevent serious disease or death at a much higher rate than those who are unvaccinated. We will start to see this more as the unvaccinated cases progress and increasingly end up in the hospital – and some start to die.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone is catching it whether or not you are vaccinated. For the love of all that is good, GET OVER IT and live your damn life. Ffs

    • Anonymous says:

      This means that you are six or seven times more likely to get covid from an unvaccinated person then.

    • Anonymous says:

      None of this is relevant as so many people are now just doing their own testing (or no testing) and not reporting. Deaths is the only relevant info at this point….

    • Anonymous says:

      Loving the downvotes!

      Most people here are vaccinated. Yet this minority of unvaccinated are the majority of the cases. Only 14% of cases are kids. So… that’s a whole heap of adult people that the grim reaper is currently choosing from.

      Within a couple of weeks there will be severely ill people, or more professional daisy pushers.

    • Anonymous says:

      How did you figure that the unvaccinated will be six or 7 times higher to test positive.
      If the percentage is not important.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where a friggin mask

  3. Anonymous says:

    More damage will be done to our children by nonsensical house arrest than by Covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      More like the parents who can’t handle being with their OWN children. YOU CHOSE TO HAVE THEM!

  4. Anonymous says:

    When countries around the world saw surges in positive cases the length of time it took to get results increased. No matter how prepared for the surge, we could not have staff just sitting and waiting to be busy during the surge. We were beyond spoiled in the past to have immediate access to testing and a very quick turn around of results. How did we become so entitled to think it should be business as usual? That no matter what we should have immediate access? And at the end of the day – how important is it to an individual to know how many positive cases there are in Cayman? Assume everyone is positive, wear your mask, social distance, practice good hand hygiene.

    • Anonymous says:

      You may be right. So perhaps CIG should publish what the wait times should be then. So we’ll all know what to expect. Otherwise why should people not expect that when you say you are prepared for the surge it means that you are prepared to offer the same level of service (turn-around time) you previously did even as the numbers surge?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Blaming the community spread to north side only is utter rubbish.

  6. Anonymous says:

    People that say “Only a small amount of people are hospitalized” 🤡🤡 Try getting covid multiple times a year, vaccinated or not lets see what happens.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Bet anyone there’s more vaccinated with Covid than unvaccinated with Covid

    • anonymous says:

      And whats the point? Is this another way to try to indicate that the vaccinations don’t work and the unvaccinated are just as safe or safer. It was never staated that vaccinated would not cathc the virus. Simply the vaccinated are far less likely to spread it, get hospitalised and die from it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The unvaccinated only are only 20% of the population but make up 60% of the cases. So you are wrong. Go get vaccinated so you reduce your chances of getting covid and giving it to the rest of us.

    • Anonymous says:

      61% of people with COVID are unvaccinated. 56,000 people vaccinated and 4500 unvaccinated. This means that so 2/3rds of the peeps with COVID are unvaccinated. 732 people with COVID are unvaccinated and 468 are vaccinated.. So less than 1% of the vaccinated have COVID and 16% of the unvaccinated have COVID.. Meaning that you are 16 times more likely to catch COVID if you are unvaccinated.. We also need to bear in mind that the majority of new cases are young school kids who are unvaccinated due to not being able to and not by choice…

  8. Anonymous says:

    The lack of rapid lateral flow test kits in the Cayman Islands is deplorable. If there was any fault to be attributed to PACT, it would be that they failed to secure millions of rapid test kits for the entire population…

    People are willing to pay and they sell out in minutes…

    You CANNOT mitigate the spread of a virus if you don’t know you have the virus!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Our “Health” Minister (clearly Wellness was a total misnomer) stated that government had modeled this outbreak and the current infection levels are ‘not unexpected’. Would she please now state the number of Caymanians and other residents who will die based on their modelling? How many debilitating cases of long Covid does their modelling predict? Those numbers will help us understand why they decided to let Covid spread out of control in Cayman in order to put money into the pockets of the developers and hotel owners.

  10. Anonymous says:

    VACCINATION does not stop the spread of COVID. Lets start there.

    Sick travellers are the least of our worries when our own government cant controll the community spread now…. Like they said they could. Wow shocker there (not really)

    CITA!! … Because tourists want to come to an island that will soon be under a travel warning for COVID. Level 4 coming soon?

    Why not kick the border open now cause in 20 days it will be a sh*t show (sarcastic). Need get my shopping on in Miami.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your numbers don’t scare most of us. We are used to hearing 1,000 of cases a day. We don’t worry so much about cases, it is the hospihlizations and deaths. We wear masks and social distance and stay out of large groups. We have been doing this since 2020.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Exactly right. It was reported that 2.5% of recent cases are from travelers meaning 97.5% are community spread. The effort to protect the community from outside infection is irrelevant now.

  12. Anonymous says:

    My, that is a lot of breakthrough cases!

    • Anonymous says:

      Those who broke quarantine regulations and irresponsible selfish spreaders should be seriously punished for the social crisis we are facing.

      • Anonymous says:

        They can’t prove who did it or I’m sure they would have charged them. And in any case, what’s the difference? We would have been in the exact same place on November 20th when quarantine is dropped.

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no number of breakthrough cases in the above, what are you talking about?
      Breakthrough cases means people who are vaccinated but get covid nonetheless. Its not the total number of cases!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Imagine how many cases we’d have if the vaccination rate was lower!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Well, the silver lining with regards to the borders is this:
    Clearly there are currently over a thousand active cases that we know about. Which means in the few days prior all these people would have been walking around out and about and spreading the virus. Don’t forget that they’ve linked this all back to the northside case (which I’m sure originated with a “dominos breach”.)

    Now, comparatively the number of positive cases arriving by airplane would not necessarily be that much higher. Travelers continue to show around 1-2 positive cases per flight (give or take, on average). Even if there were 10 cases per flight and 10 flights per day (which are both steep) we would be nowhere near introducing the virus at a higher rate from travel than we currently are just from within our own community.

    What’s bananas to me is that we put Skyler Mack in jail for her offence but appear to have not done so for the dozens or more breaches, one of which must be responsible for the original north side outbreak.

    Regardless, the cat is out of the bag and spreading like wildfire. Do what you can to stay safe, get the vaccine and wear your mask. The issue of the border is now a very moot point.

    The government does need to get their heads on straight and fast about the rapid test issue. It all feels very vague. I understood every policy as it came out this entire time until this one.

    • Miami Dave says:

      100,000 new cases of children in America getting COVID and 16 children died last week.

      Get ready parents with children. Get vaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lets stop with the scare tactics. How many of those 16 had cancer or another serious illness? There are 73 million children in US. 4k die from car accidents each year. That would mean roughly 5 times more children died last week in a car accident. First, make sure your kids wear a seat belt, then get them vaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did the children die from drunk drivers?

        Ban alcohol

        • Anonymous says:

          or, heavily prosecute drunk drivers so that they, and others choose not to drink and drive.

        • Anonymous says:

          Banning cars would be the correct analogy. Being drunk alone wouldn’t case the death of another.

    • Anonymous says:

      The dominoes breach and the 5 day quarantine are hand and glove. Slack procedures.

    • Anonymous says:

      “What’s bananas to me is that we put Skyler Mack in jail for her offence…”

      Everyone involved in Skyler Mack and Vanjae Ramgeet imprisonment must be ashamed for themselves. Her Grandma was right, the authorities here did make “an example” of Skylar. From the Governor’s office to hundreds of Joes Blow spewing hatred toward Skylar and her Grandma must be ashamed for themselves. Embarrassing moments in Cayman history.

      • Corruption is endemic says:

        Or she was treated appropriately and they looked the other way at a bunch of other people for some reason…

      • Anonymous says:

        Why should they. It’s embarassing that you defend people who blatantly broke the law without regard for anyone else. Had more people done that we wouldn’t have enjoyed 18 months of covid free life.

        Sure, other people likely broke the law but your precious Skylar and VJ were so stupid that they went to a giant public event and even the inept authorities were able to prosecute them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes wear your mask when you go to a restaurant, but remove it when you sit down, cos the virus doesn’t affect you while you are eating.

  14. Anonymous says:

    For all those protesting the opening of the borders because of the COVID spread, the spread of the virus is community spread not from incoming travelers. Get vaccinated, take precautions and get on with life.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your comment ‘get on with life’, is that also aimed at those in our community who are now sick enough to be in the hospital?
      All this ‘learn to live with covid’ BS is from PR exercises put about by those who stand to benefit financially from reopening (at the cost of human health). Not from the vast majority of us who have nothing to gain from that and plenty to lose.

      • Anonymous says:

        So what’s the solution to a world wide pandemic that will be with us for years? Possible decades. Complex questions need complex answers but I guess you are in the simple answer brigade that will shut the borders and reimpose 14 day quarantine?

        • Anonymous says:

          Abandon the reopen cabal plan. Impose a temporary lockdown and strict enforcement on public buildings to completely sanitize everything with rigid guidelines and impose fines on businesses that do not follow recommended safety guidelines.Stay closed as long as it takes to get through this wave, or allow the cabal to risk health and safety for profits.

          • Anonymous says:

            And Covid will still be waiting when all that is finished. Your simple solution does not answer the complex long term question of living with Covid. Horrible disease that kills – life often isn’t fair but thinking we can avoid it for ever is just a ridiculous notion.

      • Anonymous says:

        @9:29am – Okay, so what do you propose is the way forward? Put everyone in lockdown again? We already did that remember? COVID isn’t going anywhere.

    • Anonymous says:

      Right 9:00, so no concerns about ‘travellers’ contracting the virus whilst here then and going home with a positive test and quarantine once returned. ‘Thanks for coming, we’ve got your money, now pi$$ off’ – Caymankind 🙄

    • Anonymous says:

      If you had half a brain instead of an agenda of pushing border opening, you’d appreciate that the spread is not coming from travelers only because of the quarantine in place. Spread will increasingly come from incoming travelers once the quarantine is dropped.

      Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should abandon the reopening plan, but the point you’re trying to make here is nonsense.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I would like the HSA to disclose the exact number of people (if any) who are intubated; to me, that is the 🚩.
    All that each of us can do, is to observe our personal safety protocols to the letter.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes! Now what matters is the number on ventilators. Hospitalisations out of an abundance of caution is fine, but we need to have an indication of whether the disease is still asymptomatic and if not, to what degree.

      • Anonymous says:

        Once one is intubated, he or she has only 30% chance to survive. That is The FACT.

        What matters now is Early Pre-Hospitalisation Treatments that Do Save Lives nearly 100%. The time frame for that is 1-3 days from the onset of symptoms.

        And this is exactly what you should be asking your doctor if you get symptoms AND in the high-risk group. Sadly, many are not even aware of the Early Treatments and wait until it is too late.

    • They have says:

      the number is ZERO

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the article!

    • Anonymous says:

      If you get to ventilator stage you are just being saved from imminent death. Ventilation damages the lungs – permanently. Perhaps should have a slightly lower bar before being concerned.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately Dr. Lee is uninformed about hospitalizations . but then again he doesn’t see patients. he comes from a system where persons requiring hospitalizations are not able to have them due to a overwhelmed system. very disappointed in his poor professionalism.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone on this forum explain how a person can take a flight if a test takes 72 hours to return a result? Is priority given to a person who will be travelling?

    • Hotel California says:

      …you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

    • Anonymous says:

      Both HSA and CTMH refer to booking an appt but their websites are not working and they are not picking up the phone.
      I have to travel friday morning (48 hours), just informed by head office, and it’s a race to find a testing place let alone worry about when the results are back!
      Govt needs to look at this .. people can’t get to work, and tourists will not be able to leave.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe you’ve stumbled upon the govt’s plan? Tourists won’t be able to leave and they’ll have to spend more time here refilling the tourism coffers. You couldn’t make it up!

        It is a ridiculous situation.

      • Anonymous says:

        No need to worry 9:16, just stick with the plan

    • Anonymous says:

      World class

    • Anonymous says:

      You tell them that you are flying and they prioritise the test over the people who should be in isolation anyway. I left recently and they turned it round in 7 hours because I was flying the next day.

      • Anonymous says:

        The last time I was travelling they lost my results for several hours, and it was touch and go!

    • Anonymous says:

      Jamaicans do it all the time.
      Their fren dem arrange it .

  18. Anonymous says:

    CDC level 3 or 4 now? Asking for a friend.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Let’s open the borders and double everyone’s risk of infection — great idea. NOT. CITA are you paying attention?

    • Anonymous says:

      how could it double anyone’s risk of infection if our positive rates are higher?

      • Anonymous says:

        More people, more interactions, more customers etc. If the rate of infected people is 1%, then if you see 100 people a day, you have a 1% chance of catching covid. If we open up to tourists, and sudddenly your business is seeing 300 customers a day, even if their infection rate is still 1%, you now have met 3 people today who are positive instead of 1. Hence, a greater risk of infection through interacting with more positive people. #Maths

        • Seriously says:

          What will the rate be on incoming vaccinated travelers who have tested negative for Covid-19 in the preceding 72hrs?

          It is much lower than 1%. Given that we have community spread here now, the additional impact of vaxed and tested travelers will be minimal.

          It isn’t zero but people coming from places with less Covid-19 than Cayman, which as of today is the entire f’n World, have much more to worry about from us than we do from them.

    • Anonymous says:

      the daily new cases per 100,000 people in population are the worst in the entire world right now. Look it up, the information is out there. See: informationisbeautiful and you can see each country by cases per capita. We’re not on the list because we’re not a country so do the math yourself.
      So by definition it can’t get any worse than we’re already doing. Open the damn border and stfu

  20. John says:

    Why not provide incoming with LFT tests to avoid quarantine ? I came in on Friday and was not tested at the airport and had to travel with 6 other incoming passengers in the taxi to my quarantine location. No social distancing in that cab !

    • Anonymous says:

      Social distancing went away months ago here, friend. Stay out of public spaces as much as possible for the foreseeable future and trust no one.

  21. Anonymous says:

    “Health Minister Sabrina Turner said that she understood how some people would be concerned by the number of positives, but that it was not unexpected based on Public Health modeling and projections.”

    So, if it wasn’t unexpected, why is the system struggling with the testing and releasing the data? Hoist on her own petard!

  22. Anonymous says:

    “The large numbers of positives necessarily lead to a great deal more work in processing results, because each result is checked for accuracy,” he said. “Each test is checked to ensure that it is not a duplicate from someone already previously tested. This has meant a change in systems in order that up-to-date results will continue to be supplied regularly.”

    This is not a valid reason (excuse). The healthcare system has had months to prepare for this foreseen outbreak of the disease. It’s clear, despite the hyperobole, Cayman is NOT ready to open; to deal with the ever rising numbers of +ve cases and hospitalizations. I believe CIG is now resigned to a healthcare disaster.

  23. Anonymous says:

    And yet, the reopen cabal and their lackeys continue to press for the elimination of quarantine and a return to their sense of normal, which is based solely on their profits with no regard for the risk to the people. Congratulations to the cabal for the coming highest threat level for travel from the CDC. Is this what the business world would call “the cost of doing business”?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Why is there a difference between the new 659 active cases and the 437 reported? Any theories, CNS?

  25. Anonymous says:

    High vaccination doesn’t “control spread” of Delta as it might have hoped to have done with Beta. Avoiding non-essential interactions, staying 6 ft apart, wearing a mask, and washing hands does. The border can and will open, but we need to understand that any tourists that come here will be expecting DELTA-era public safety courtesies that haven’t applied here at scale for over a year. We need to get with the program to lift the surge and preserve hospital capacity.

  26. Anonymous says:

    #Cymancompetence… I think not

  27. Anonymous says:

    Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee apologised for the delays but again blamed the volume of tests and asked for patience as the HSA has conducted almost 3,700 tests over the last three days.

    The question is would Dr John Lee be satisfied with a similar response if BA makes him sit it out for three days with no updates about his plane ride come Jan 2022 ✈️

  28. Anonymous says:

    The government needs to admit that their management of the COVID-19 monitoring and suppression measures and their management of the border reopening process has been less than competent. This continuing approach where the government is not being fully open and honest with the residents of the Cayman Islands needs to stop immediately. The government was clearly caught off guard and unprepared for the surge in infections and their response has resulted in a loss of trust and confidence that will make it difficult for the public to believe anything that they have to say going forward.

  29. Anonymous says:

    And I thought my Tesla had good acceleration.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Compass also reported in the latest figures that 61% of cayman positives are unvaccinated, and we have hit 80% national vaccination rate.

    Let’s do the maths – of the 71,000 population vaccinated (56,800), if 39% of the 1200 cases are vaccinated, that’s a 0.8% covid positive rate amongst the vaccinated people in cayman.

    For unvaccinated, that’s a 5.2% positive rate.

    Suggests in Cayman that you are 6 to 7 times more likely to get covid here if you are unvaccinated, which is similar to what we hear from other countries.

    • Anonymous says:

      hmm, except a huge number of positive tests are in childers who are ineligible for vaccination.

      • Hubert says:

        Yeah and the numbers of children in America getting COVID are going up fast. 16 children died in America last week directly related to COVID.

        Unvaccinated parents better get vaccinated soon.

      • Anonymous says:

        That doesn’t change the positivity rate though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone I know who is positive is vaccinated.

      • Cayman is ground zero... says:

        Everyone I know is vaccinated.

        My friends are not dumb… if they were not vax they certainly wouldn’t be out wandering around or hanging out inside bars.

        We have the highest rate of per capita spread in the World. If that doesn’t make you want to get vaxed I don’t know what would.

        If you are old, fat, or sick please get the shot and then hunker-down for the next few weeks until this wave crests and passes.

      • Anonymous says:

        How many of them are ill? Not “symptomatic”, actually ill.

    • Anonymous says:

      Use how many people got tested
      Then divide into the 2 groups
      How many are vaccinated and unvaccinated
      Then how many from each group are positive
      Are we assuming the 80:20 ratio
      The results will be different

    • Anonymous says:

      The positive case number is not the sample size.
      The number of people tested is the sample size and then this is further broken down between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
      Without the test number (sample size) broken down, we cannot truly calculate the percentage.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Health Minister Sabrina Turner said that she understood how some people would be concerned by the number of positives, but that it was not unexpected based on Public Health modeling and projections.

    BS!!!! YOU expect us to believe that?! A novel virus, which has spread across the world in less than year but it wasn’t expected? Who do you think you people are?
    Who do you think you represent?
    You all better stop lying to Caymanians that voted you in.

    We put you in and we can take you out. Stop lying to the Caymanian people.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you are confused about what “not unexpected means”

      But the bigger question is if she had access to modeling that said we will have hundreds of positives each day, why did we get Humpty Dumpty Panton sitting on a wall telling us about rainbows and unicorns of readiness, but leaving out the results of their model?

  32. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to the “Covid Islands” should be the slogan for the greedy sob’s who supported the idea of opening in the first place.

    • Anonymous says:

      You prefer those who wanted to remain closed with 14 day quarantine and the economic chaos that would bring? Shortsighted and naive. Covid is a worldwide pandemic that is impossible to hide from for ever in a sustainable way.

  33. Anonymous says:

    If the government cannot keep up with the test results, how are they gonna keep up with the growing cases.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Turner’s message is well crafted and appropriate. It should have come earlier, but ok. . I am not buying the “we’re too busy” excuse from Williams-Rodriguez. This is a matter of public health in a situation where many in the public are panicking. Enlist more help or work overtime, but that number isn’t really that high that reporting results takes five or six days.

  35. Anon says:

    I’m not sure that I agree that abundance of caution hospitalisation is a good idea. Surely staying at home, in isolation, wherever possible, is safer for hospital staff & other patients?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Credibility gone. The “numbers” at this point are whatever the minders approved for disclosure.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Since you have modeled this, and it is not unexpected Sabrina, perhaps you can tell us how many are going to die as part of this safe reopening strategy? Best we not be taken by surprise on that.

    Seems strange that our systems are already buckling under a strain that was not unexpected. Especially after we were tile Government was ready.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Unnecessary hospitalizations – are you kidding me???

  39. Anonymous says:

    They just come up with some or the other excuse as the numbers rise – this time saying that the people are admitted because of abundance of caution, and that in other countries they may have been managed at home. The reason for that is in other countries with progressed state of COVID, there is no room left in hospitals to monitor everyone. So, is Cayman waiting to reach that threshold? Wonder what would be their excuse when the numbers are revealed next, which may well be after a week!

    It was said that Dr. Lee would not be announcing the results any more, but they still made him do it today. Because this govt. knows that people will calm down to a certain extent only when Dr. Lee says this kind of a message – and I guess he is just a messenger, just saying what he had been told to say.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dr. Lee has been done for a while. He’s just wheeled out to reassure us like he did in the lockdown days.

  40. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    This is not news. This is what should be expected.
    Get rid of the fear mongering for once and for all.

  41. Anonymous says:

    I am not sure I feel undoubtably fortunate.

  42. C'Mon Now! says:

    The missing raccoon has been captured so at least that is a win for the CIG.

    Unfortunately not much else is.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Seems like it’s about time for vaccine passports. And all businesses should be stepping up and making sure all staff are either vaccinated or submitting test results weekly.

    • Anonymous says:

      YES that would help, I’ve been staying in to avoid even though I’m vaxxed. I’m confident I won’t die, but I heard from others that have it that it was still a rough ride, so just imagine what it would have done to them if they weren’t vaxxed.

  44. Anonymous says:

    It’s kind of at a point when you have someone new helping you, you know they’re pretty much useless from the get go but for some unexplained reason you keep them around anyway. 🧹

  45. See was that so hard? says:

    Not sure why they had to take so long off reporting.

    They continually make confidence destroying choices that they don’t need to…

  46. Anonymous says:

    That number is only those who chose to report it. HSA give the option! The real number probably double. This is a shambles.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Next up, we’re on the red-list for travel from North American and other regions.

  48. Anonymous says:

    That rate is far too high. We are about to overwhelm our healthcare capacity and people will die. Is this what reopening safely looks like?

    When will we have vaccine passports and other measures to dampen the rate of spread?

    • Anonymous says:

      How will a vaccine passport assist with this? It shows you are vaccinated, people who are can also transmit the disease. Vaccine helps with severity should you catch Covid.
      Get vaccinated and boosted if eligible
      Wear a mask
      Practice social distancing
      Keep good hand hygiene

      Take personal responsibility for your own and others well being rather than expect Govt or anyone else to do it for you.

      • C'Mon Now! says:

        So it works like this, anything that provides a break in transmission is good.

        Social Distance
        Staying home
        doing things outdoors
        etc etc

        But if people are out and about having vaccine passports that eliminates the ability of unvaxed people who are 5-7x more likely to catch Covid-19 from mixing indoors and at public events where Social Distance is hard to maintain. This slows overall spread by eliminating the most likely to be infected from higher risk activities. They can shelter in place and order their food and groceries.

        Or in even more basic terms if the virus is a Cheetah and we are a herd of Gazelles it is as if some game warden has taken all of the weaker animals (old, sick underlying conditions) and kept them off the Savannah so the Cheetah can’t get near them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Vaccinated persons are only about half as likely to carry and transmit the virus. Accordingly, excluding unvaccinated persons from the riskiest activities (indoor dining, working in an office etc.) will substantially reduce the rate of spread. Always remember we have limited ventilators etc. we have to make sure that the number of persons needing them never exceeds our capacity to provide necessary care.

  49. Anonymous says:

    61 per cent of positives unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      And 80% of the population is vaccinated. Your number is proof vaccines work, even before we have to consider its effect on the severity of illness.

    • Anonymous says:

      A large percentage of the unvaccinated are our precious children who are not eligible for vaccines. Take them out of the equation and give us real numbers please.

    • Anonymous says:

      And 39 percent vaccinated. Hmm

      • So you are bad at math says:


        Just because some people die in car accidents while wearing a seatbelt, does not mean that seatbelts don’t work.

        This isn’t a hard concept.

        • Anonymous says:

          My dog has four legs, all dogs have four legs. My table has four legs, therefore it must be a dog. Syllogisms rarely make a good argument.

      • Anonymous says:

        The percentage of people who get COVID-19 that are vaccinated (or unvaccinated) is not the relevant number because there are four times as many people vaccinated than unvaccinated. If vaccines didn’t work you would expect 80% of the cases to be vaccinated people – but that’s not happening. What the figures show is unvaccinated people are at least six or seven times more likely to test positive for COVID-19. More importantly however, the vaccine has been proven elsewhere to prevent serious disease or death at a much higher rate than those who are unvaccinated. We will start to see this more as the unvaccinated cases progress and increasingly end up in the hospital – and some start to die.

        • Anonymous says:

          Keep on believing that. The unvaccinated in this case are kids of positive parents. All the positive I know are vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      This needs more context. As it includes the entire age range, a good percentage can’t yet be vaccinated. A better indication would be the number of adults who have it, who are unvaccinated. The same information relating to those hospitalized would be good too.

      Let’s be clear, as this will get to vulnerable, unvaccinated people in greater numbers, there’s going to be deaths.

      Get vaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        And risk reckless side effects and long term unknown ones? No way. I’m with you though. Let’s recklessly open the borders and see how good your vaccines are.

  50. Anonymous says:


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