Bush opens parliament with warning about rules
(CNS): Speaker McKeeva Bush opened Parliament on Wednesday, laying down the law as he made the most of his increased power that has come with the increased independence of the House. The speaker’s position is now more than just a referee between the two political sides of Parliament. During his address Bush also warned the media not to report “scandalous words if they happen to fall from the lips of members”, implying that transparency rather than the behaviour of MPs would be to blame for any fallout.
After short comments on the troubles in the region in Cuba and Haiti and the impact that might have on the Cayman Islands, Bush turned his attention to the rules. The member for West Bay West, who was returned by only the narrowest of margins and found himself back in the speaker’s chair as a result of the post-election political horsetrading, took the opportunity of the first meeting of the PACT Government to stamp his authority on Parliament.
He warned members to follow the rules and not to abuse their privilege. But he was quick to berate the press for past reporting and implied that both selective or even full reporting could leave reporters in breach of the rules.
Bush made it clear that he would not allow any of the Hansard to be used outside of Parliament, even in the courts. He also pressed home that committees drew their power from Parliament and he was in charge of those, too.
During the last meeting Bush clashed with Ezzard Miller, the former chair of the Public Accounts Committee, when he had challenged the speaker’s decision to withhold a report from that committee without legal justification.
However, after outlining many of the rules of procedure, Bush ended his address by pointing out it that was the Standing Orders and not necessarily the speaker’s orders that the MPs should always follow.
Parliament is now sitting in order for the government to deliver the Strategic Policy Statement. The proceedings are being carried live on CIGTV below:
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Category: Politics
Baby Trump gonna baby Trump.
Don’t you get it?
Wayne is not the actual Premier.
Wayne is purely token merchant class to please those who really run this little place.
MacKeeva remains the “Real Premier”.
So sad, people wanted a change from Bush and got a double dose of Bush.
2 questions for CNS to consider for the next press conference – assuming that there is a next press conference:
1. Whatever happened to the Code of Conduct that the Premier constantly promised around the time of the appointment of the wig in the big chair?
2. Is it possible to move the big chair to a corner or possibly into the lobby for the next 4 years?
No one is out to ‘get’ him. Most of us want to rid a respectable office of him.
From the photo it looks like he is getting more attention than is deserved. Although to be sure I can’t tell whether Roy has his eyes open.
I’m starting to think that he only says incendiary things like this to try to remain relevant and in the news. He likes to be talked about and apparently he doesn’t mind whether it is positive or negative. He just wants to be talked about full stop.
Plus, this way he can say “See??!! They’re out to get me!”
‘There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about’.
Oscar Wilde
@12:23 If I may, this probably sums up your post.
It is a bizarre state of affairs when any unflattering reference to the contemptible may be inferred to be a contempt.
Instead of using his name in future articles would it be possible to simply say ‘A man in a wig’ did or said whatever?
I copied your comment for emphasis! It needs to be stated again!
“It is a bizarre state of affairs when any unflattering reference to the contemptible may be inferred to be a contempt.”
The Gardener General of the Caymans
In other words dont report word for word of the clownshow they run to get paid rediculous salaries.
Signed leader clown with the wig.
The Irony is hilarious – Bush and trying to enforce rules! lol – i.e. thou shall not steal, assault woman, be corrupt, a sleezebag, etc
So what have we learned?
Not all clowns wear big red false noses – although many wear silly wigs
We have also learned that the majority of the Parliament still supports this STAIN on Cayman as the Speaker of OUR House.
We have also learned that these same individuals will continue to perpetuate this attack on OUR image.
We have also learned that these power-drunk individuals will continue to sit in our House and let Mac read these attacks into OUR Hansards.
Is there any end in sight?
PACT please ACT.
It is still early days but so far PACT is behaving more like NACT – No accountability, competence or transparency.
Anybody seen the mythical Code of Conduct or is it in the pasture with the unicorns?
You missed our Honourable Premier’s announcement in CNS? Take you head out of the sand your Arse is bare!

That is correct! He should be in prison.
How does a tirade against the media being able to report what happens in Parliament co-exist with section 11(1) of our Constitution are certain people beyond any such requirements:
11.—(1) No person shall be hindered by government in the enjoyment of his or her freedom of expression, which includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference, and freedom from interference with his or her correspondence or other means of communication.
Fine print
Right at the bottom it says “unless Mac say so”
Don’t forget “to whom this does not apply”.
Families with certain surnames
Mr. AG. I know he gave you status and all, but really, as the government’s lead legal advisor, you sat quietly through that crap? Can we expect a corrective statement from the Hon. Speaker, or is is blatant contempt of the courts (and wider society) to be accepted? Do we have a King all of a sudden? Has anyone told Her Majesty?
Umm the PPM out that in place last term
Poster 8.41 Right. PPM ‘out’ that in place last term.
Hmmm…Mr. McSpeaker, any comments about the proposed Standards in Public Life Regulations?
Whats that I overheard from a man in a funny wig – something about when pigs fly
CNS – Perhaps instead of the name or the position you could simply write, that “XXXX” – or just use the acronym.
CNS: I’m sorry I couldn’t post that. It made me laugh though.
It would / should be tough for any self-respecting and law abiding politician to be told by this thug to observe the rules. I’d be embarrassed.
Yes, but he had enough votes from brain-dead voters to get him elected. Cayman – you are a wasteland.
Take another look at the lead image.
This house deserves no respect and this country has no legitimacy on the international stage as long as McKeeva Bush holds high office. Do not forget what he did and the arrogance with which he attempted to avoid responsibility.
MAC – You deny the very basis of the democracy and the balance of power you are sworn to uphold. Governor, WTF?
Governor????? We have a governor????? Where is he?
‘After short comments on the troubles in the region in Cuba and Haiti and the impact that might have on the Cayman Islands,’ – Cayman has and is already been impacted by his dictatorship ways, Cayman be careful.
Yep, Mac B has done far more damage to Cayman than anything in Haiti or Cuba, or anywhere else!
He should crawl under a big rock in shame….but of course he won’t. He has no shame! Christian my behind!
Bush is the black mark on Wayne’s tenure.
The second one so far, right after his “plan”. Many more to follow.
Bush is a cancer on the Cayman Islands! He would fit in better with some country with no schools or courts…….. or prisons.
The King of Caymanians has spoken. Give unto him all that is Caymanian. As for the rest of us, only a fool follows a fool.
14@2:07pm – The “King of Caymanians”, “…all that is Caymanian”…. your inferences are inaccurate, divisive and simple-minded. Most of this “King’s” followers/supporters and many voters are NOT Caymanian by birth. Fact! You’d be surprised at the large number of Caymanian expats who support him. Conversely, as to the “rest of us”, there are many Caymanians in that category also.
Today’s lesson: don’t generalize!
So the voters are expats? Or ex-expats? Caymanian expats? I am not surprised.
Todays lesson: Not all Caymanians are Caymanian to all Caymanians unless your an expat but not an ex- expat or Caymanian expat and he is still your King. Bought and payed for. Unless your simple minded of course.
You dingdong @ 14/07/2021 at 5:36 pm If you think that he got woted in by paper Caymanians, you are even dumber than he is. Are you new here??
No 12:22pm, he is just smarter than you.
Smart enough to know fact whilst leaving you clutch on to your false narrative.
12.22 Voted not woted.
That’s really rich coming from that buffoon.
Someone (who?) needs to call him on the points he made about the Hansard. PUBLICLY
EVERYONE needs to know that he is full of BS.
But what do you want to wager that NOBODY stood up and advised him that he cannot make those rules. This isn’t his personal playpen even though that is how it’s been run for the past 30 years.
Wayne needs to do it, or the government is untenable.
What a choice – untenable or not credible
Bush has form on this. There have been other occasions on which he tried to have members of the press expelled from the public gallery, using excuses such as their use of laptops or phones. Fact the proceedings are televised seems to have escaped him.
I wonder if he is inspired by Trump and will take-on You Tube for streaming live CI Govt TV.
Still waiting to hear from Heather as to her thoughts about the holder of this position.
No one in her constituency has heard from her so don’t hold your breath.
Every day more and more the people of Savannah and Newlands realize they were duped !
I’m guessing you don’t live in Savannah. Even when Heather wasn’t in the house she was well visible and in touch and she still is today..Stop lying.
That is not true. Ms. Heather as been and still is involved with her constituants. Which district are you in btw? Too bad you’re allowed to make such comments under ” Anonymous”.
I wouldn’t worry so much about Heather..Barbara, Julie, Tara had their opportunity to speak up and get rid of him. They instead decided for their political expediency they would follow Alden and Gang and not say a word. Only after Barbara was worried about not getting elected and was already out of the house did she make a comment and then instead to using the opportunity again to condemn him she used it to condemn another woman completing in the elections and indirectly Mckeeva for her own politically expediency. The time for her to speak was when she was in the government not when she was out on the campaign trail.
Heather fell in line when the stupidity happened with Isaac and Sabrina. If Julie and those two had come over from the start Mckeeva would be sitting on the backbench next to Alden.
Mckeeva on the back bench? Well, maybe……. if they have one at Northward.
Rule numba 1: Dont wack women when your drunk.
Or ever?!
any comments mr governor???
Why should the Governor be asked to comment? Aren’t we proud of how we can rule ourselves without the English always interfering? That’s what we’re always being told by those “scholars” like the regulars on OC’s morning show
After being called a cockroach, why would the Governor risk his low density beach front residential privilege to hold Mckeeva or any of the enablers to account?
McKeeva is power drunken buffoon that is a disgrace to the Caymans. He is not the only one. His type and lodge brothers are also leading or in senior civil service positions.
We are the Cayman Islands
We are Sparta!
What an egotistical, self-centred, uneducated nincompoop!
…. and that’s being polite…
The hypocrisy of ppm politicians and their loyal supporters online is laughable
You have been in distress for far too long. What the hell does PPM have to do with any of this?
Have you ever considered taking a Rorschach test? I bet we all know the results.
You must have forgotten PPM did nothing to hold him to account while he was in their government. In fact they called an early election so they didn’t have to face up to their responsibility.
Did it not occur to you that calling an early election got rid of him?
For him to return as Speaker he had to huge hurdles to climb. One, he had to get elected, which he managed by the skin of his teeth. Two, he had to be appointed Speaker again, and that honour goes to the PACT government.
Why don’t you go way back and blame Benson for encouraging him into politics?
Everything! Hence our new response a govt for the people and by the people! Shut up sit down and keep your foot in your mouth!
Bush made it clear that he would not allow any of the Hansard to be used outside of Parliament, even in the courts.
So the public record of what is said in Parliament can’t be made public? Let’s sing together, “Back in the U.S.S.R….”
Sounds like someone wishes to be a dictator. Be careful, Cayman.
Well he has been to Cuba and China a few times so what were voters expecting, that he’d come back with some wisdom or wah?
One only has to read George Orwell’s Animal Farm to see where this is going. All animals are created equal but some are MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. Be careful what you wish for you might just get it.
5.08am “All animals are created equal but some are MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS” That is why Caymanians should keep the animals from ever being put in power, because they already think they are more equal than us.
One of them is don’t get drunk and assault someone.
And the second is like unto it, don’t get drunk in a casino and grope your server.
I believe you can be and the Speaker has been arrested for breaking both of these rules.
We used to think there was a rule against charging personal expenses or taking cash advances on a Gov’t credit card but it turned out that wasn’t really a rule just a guideline.
How can he stop anyone from using the words in Hansard in courts or for news stories? That’s what they are there for!
Also, how on earth does he expect to try and control what the media can and cannot say? Is there such a law? If so, this is truly a step backwards for democracy.
I’m having second thoughts about supporting Panton now.
He doesn’t have the power to stop ANYONE using Hansard. It’s scaremongering nonsense. I find it highly unlikely he knows what Hansard actually is or can read it anyway. We have really taken a step back having him back in Parliament.
Hi CNS, where can I see what powers the Speaker/Members of Parliament have in Cayman?
CNS: Here.
Thank you, much appreciated
Wayne was becoming premier worth having Bush back in that position?
The answer is obviously no. But as you well know, there was no pathway to forming a government without the Bush.
The desire for power can compromise all morals and ethics.
Sad isn’t it? If Wayne was doing it so he could actually make a difference in our futures we would have seen it by now. It was all talk so he could be the powerful one.
Yeah, I mean why hasn’t Wayne solved all the issues in 3 months that PPM didn’t solve (and largely created themselves) in 8 years? /s
Get a grip.
he is the shame of a nation
Alongside those who appointed him.
PACT appointed Speaker Bush, don’t forget.
Never forget the PPM did the exact same thing.
The golden rule is a politician will do whatever it takes to get or keep power in the Cayman Islands.
PPM and PACT lost the moral high ground the minute they jumped into bed with Mac Bush because he knows he now owns them both.
He and JUJu is like a lucky penny- they show up any and every place.
A bad penny!
So did the Progressives led UNITY government headed by Alden, Moses, Joey, Roy, David, Barbara, Juliana, Tara, Austin, Dwayne and Eugene in 2017. Know your recent history and facts before you judge
It was Kenny who blocked the motion. Selective memory I see.
The point was who appointed Mad Mac as speaker.
The facts are both PPM and PACT appointed him so there’s nothing selective about stating known facts. Try google.com
The facts are that only one of those two groups appointed him after he was convicted of assault in a court of law.
Perhaps you should try a different search engine.
Umm – he was the opposition member who didn’t support the opposition motion. Don’t seem to recall the government voting for it…Selective memory indeed – just like yours apparently
It is hard to read this line without laughing. “He warned members to follow the rules and not to abuse their privilege.” That is all he does is break rules and expects his position gives him the right to do so.
Perhaps you should follow his advice CNS, and not mention him at all – or is a failure to report his words of wisdom also a contempt of parliament lol. Or perhaps just refer to him as the Speaker – no name – that would prick his ego no doubt.
Very good suggestion.
How about, Bushy Gushy Lushy Pushy