Police and DCI clamp down on illegal sessions

| 11/09/2018 | 10 Comments

Cayman news Service(CNS): Following complaints to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service from members of the community about illegal sessions and late night, loud after-hours parties in George Town, the RCIPS has joined forces with the Department of Commerce and Investment to undertake proactive patrols and clamp down on those breaking the law. Inspector Courtney Myles, head of the Community Policing Department, said the partnership with the DCI was in response to concerns in the communities around Rock Hole and Washington Boulevard.

“While people do have the right to gather and socialize, the laws are in place so that the rights of others in the community to peace and quiet are respected,” he said.

 Officers have conducted a series of proactive patrols in the areas to speak to the organisers of these events to ensure they are aware of the legal requirements for such gatherings, and potentially prosecute them for any violations.

“We know some people are ignorant of the laws, so we are taking this opportunity to educate. But those who are found knowingly in breach of the laws will be dealt with accordingly,” Myles added.

During one such patrol on Saturday, 8 September, a few locations were found to be playing loud music and those responsible were warned to desist under section 12 of the Town and Community Law, with which they then complied. DCI officers explained to one person how to apply for a licence to host an event.

Shortly after midnight officers also attended a location off Godfrey Nixon Way and disrupted an after-party that was planned there.

“As the entity responsible for granting trade and business licences, liquor licences and other related permits to the public, we are happy to be working closely with the police,” said Claudia Brady, head of Compliance and Enforcement at DCI.

She said the goal was to make sure that any event that requires a licence is not conducted without one, and that once someone has obtained a licence they abide by the requirements and conditions that come with it. If not, they will be prosecuted according to the law, she said.

The DCI is reminding the public that anyone conducting trade or business on the island must have a trade and business licence, which includes events where food is sold. And under the Liquor Licensing Law, the disposal, exposure for sale, or offer for sale of any intoxicating liquor can only be carried out by someone who holds a liquor licence.

Anyone needing assistance or information on how to obtain a T&B or liquor licence can visit the DCI counter at the Government Administration Building.

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  1. BeaumontZodecloun says:

    So, the fact that they were disturbing the peace wasn’t the reason for being braced by the DCI and the RCIPS. Nope. It was because the DCI hadn’t been paid for a permit. SMH. How about we establish a decibel level to complete the Town and Communities Law and then we’ll all have peaceful lives.

  2. Sparks says:

    Just take out his electricity meter and dump it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    These nasty sassions happen any day any time, police not doing crap.

  4. Anonymous says:

    great job rcip!????

  5. Anonymous says:

    prohibition does not work. this is all a result of caymans nonsense liqour laws where grown adults are not allowed to dance and drink after midnight on a saturday……zzzzzzzzz

  6. anonymous says:

    Have the police ever heard of Windsor Park? Apart from the all night sessions there is one resident just off Walkers Rd,, who broadcasts over amplifiers night and day, a selection of either sermons, music, or his own caterwauling. Complaints to the police result in silence for 30 minutes after they show up and then he starts all over again. He has been doing this for the last 30 years and has made fools of the police for the last 30 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed 8:15pm, the man’s amplifying equipment should be confiscated.

      • Anonymous says:

        He should be put in a sound-proof room with large speakers blaring 24hr so he gets some of his own medicine.

      • anonymous says:

        8.56am you are right, this is what the police do in the UK in similar circumstances. I can only assume that none of our police officers live near Vigoro on Walkers Rd.

        • JAR says:

          In England the police with the aid of council officers used to confiscate equipment and give you a fine, not certain if they still do.

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