Archive for September 17th, 2018

Police ask for help to find stolen boat

Police ask for help to find stolen boat

| 17/09/2018 | 26 Comments

(CNS): With concerns that stolen boats are often used to smuggle contraband, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service is asking the public for help tracking the latest vessel to be taken from a canal in Snug Harbour. The RCIPS received a report about the stolen 19ft Ribeye A600 RIB (Rigid-Inflatable Boat) Monday morning. It was last […]

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Carter retires from CS, ministry confirms

Carter retires from CS, ministry confirms

| 17/09/2018 | 43 Comments

(CNS): Roydell Carter, who was on some form of unidentified paid leave from his job as director of the Department of Environmental Health, has retired from the civil service, health ministry officials finally confirmed Monday. Chief Officer Jennifer Ahearn told CNS in response to inquiries that Carter had “opted to retire from the civil service”, […]

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Rivers found guilty of murdering Seymour at Super C’s

Rivers found guilty of murdering Seymour at Super C’s

| 17/09/2018 | 22 Comments

(CNS): It took a jury less than three hours on Monday to find William Ian Rivers (39) guilty of murdering Mark Travis “Hubba” Seymour in January 2017 at a West Bay restaurant, after the local man had denied murder claiming diminished responsibility. Rivers had admitted shooting Seymour but claimed it was manslaughter, not murder, because […]

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Passenger robs bus driver at knife point

Passenger robs bus driver at knife point

| 17/09/2018 | 11 Comments

(CNS): A public bus driver was stabbed and his takings were robbed at knife point by a passenger he picked up in West Bay on Sunday evening. Police said a tall, slim man in his early 20’s, wearing a white t-shirt and dark coloured shorts, who was sitting in the front of the bus pulled […]

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Mega ships are red herring in cruise project

Mega ships are red herring in cruise project

| 17/09/2018 | 199 Comments

(CNS): A list of cruise ships that will be delivered to the cruise lines over the next ten years, compiled by industry experts Seatrade Cruise, reveals that only 15 of more than 100 ships in the pipeline will carry more than 5,000 passengers. The document indicates that many of the leading cruise lines, such as […]

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GT teenager charged with 4-month-old WB burglary

GT teenager charged with 4-month-old WB burglary

| 17/09/2018 | 0 Comments

(CNS): An 18-year-old man from George Town has been charged in connection with a burglary in West Bay back in May. The teenager is suspected of breaking into an undisclosed business on Birch Tree Hill Road on Tuesday, 15 May, and stealing several items. He was expected in court on Monday. Meanwhile, a 28-year-old man […]

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Pirate tour boat crushed coral colonies

Pirate tour boat crushed coral colonies

| 17/09/2018 | 17 Comments

(CNS): A number of small coral colonies were damaged when The Jolly Roger, a pirate-themed tour boat, ran aground in the George Town Harbour last week. Following a survey by marine researchers, the Department of Environment said that two colonies of starlet coral (Siderastrea sidera) and four colonies of brain coral (Diploria strigosa), as well as a […]

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Couple arrested over ganja and whelks

Couple arrested over ganja and whelks

| 17/09/2018 | 0 Comments

(CNS): A 35-year-old man and a 37-year-old woman from Bodden Town were arrested on Thursday morning after police found a number of jars of ganja in their truck as well as a bag of whelks during a search at the Kaibo Public Beach in North Side. Marine officers from the Department of Environment began the search because […]

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Balboa Beach makes booze bid

Balboa Beach makes booze bid

| 17/09/2018 | 45 Comments

(CNS): The new package liquor licence, designed to give clarity to the business of selling alcohol on Sundays, has seen applications from a variety of retail establishments and new ventures in the Cayman Islands, including plans to sell booze to tourists on the Balboa Beach site in George Town harbour. The small, developed commercial beach […]

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Consumer hit with US$25,000 water bill

Consumer hit with US$25,000 water bill

| 17/09/2018 | 0 Comments

I just received a whopping US$25,000 water bill from Cayman Water due to a water pipe break on the outside of my home. I contacted Cayman Water to ask why they did not bother to contact me when they saw my bill increase from the normal $80 average that I pay per month and why couldn’t […]

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