Cayman Brac to host next LA meeting

| 01/08/2018 | 44 Comments
Cayman News Service

District Administration Building, Cayman Brac

(CNS): Members of the Legislative Assembly and staff will be travelling to Cayman Brac for the next meeting of the parliament in early September. A short three-day meeting it is expected to begin on 5 September at the Aston Rutty Centre on the Bluff. Cabinet will also meet on the Sister Island the day before the LA sitting, and that will take place at the District Administration Building, officials said in a release. The last time the country’s politicians went to the Brac to deliberate was in March 2014.

So far this year, legislators have sat in parliament for just six days, plus one day dealing with Finance Committee. And this will be yet another very short meeting with a full agenda, as government is expected to be presenting a number of bills, including significant changes to the immigration law to pave the way for the new WORC Agency. There are also several private members’ motions to be carried over from the last short meeting.

According to the release, both Radio Cayman and CIGTV will broadcast the audio of the proceedings so that everyone can still listen in.

Cayman News Service

Aston Rutty Centre, Cayman Brac

“Once again we are taking the Legislative Assembly to the Brac to allow the public on the Brac and Little Cayman to see how their parliament functions,” said Premier Alden McLaughlin. “We held a Legislative Assembly meeting on the Brac during the last Progressives-led Administration and we want to continue that practice under this Government of National Unity. It gives us great pleasure and satisfaction that while we live in a country that is a global leader in the financial services industry, we remain small enough to bring the business of the Legislative Assembly to the people who do not live on the main island,” he said.

The LA is expected to reconvene on Grand Cayman the week after the Brac meeting but just to deal with Finance Committee.

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Category: Laws, Politics

Comments (44)

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  1. Anon says:

    All of this back and forth is just a manifestation of racial hostility imported from the USA and Jamaica . Every native Caymanian is descended from two British soldiers, Watler and Bodden, who came to Grand Cayman after they were discharged from Cromwell’s army in the 1600s. Every native Bracker is desced from Grand Caymanians who rowed over in the 1830s. That is 400 years of becoming one people. Brackers and Grand Caymanians, white, brown skinned, and black are all of the very same kith and kin in different proportions. Why don’t you start acting like it instead of letting a bunch of foreigners sow discord. 3 islands, but One people, one blood, one nation!

  2. Anonymous says: Care to comment… people of Grand Cayman on this. Cayman Brac don’t have this type of crap going on.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Everyone in GC
    We on the Brac have a culture of education and looking out for each other.
    We are one thousand and you are sixty thousand with more space and more opportunities.
    We are a gregarious and can do bunch.
    We built our own hospital and started our own electric company. We work hard and we are respected.
    Thank you LA and Government for recognizing us as a real voting block.
    It will be a great thing for the LA to come to the Brac. I bet they will want to come back more than every five years?

    • Anonymous says:

      We built the Hospital/power &Light Co. but that was way back then, i worked many weeks for free at building the hospital (when i was home vacation in between ships) and was never late for work, worked hard with others hard working men, working for free, but today, Brackers has become lazy, never on time and in the stores snacking or during their weekly shopping on Govt. time and some is home on so call sick leave more than at work,(check the post Office) getting paid and complaing about life is so hard, they don’t know what hard life is about.,

  4. Anonymous says:

    10 01
    Are you sure that GC does not have a few welfare recipients also. The Brac really has the good the bad and ugly and beautiful too. We just own up to our problems where you on GC are in utter denial.
    Plus 10 00
    Well, spending money in our Brac economy employs others. We are voters over here also and a viable part of the system. Have you ever been to the Brac? Do you even know of the lovely new homes on top of our Bluff. You are on low land and might need to humble yourself to accept housing from us if you get flooded out again?
    Do you even remember a lil monster called IVAN? Another one could come.
    The Brac is here and we are able to help you even though you treat us badly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you. Life rafts don’t contribute anything but extra weight to the ship, that is, until you need it. Then you’re glad you brought it along for the journey.

      These people who complain fail to understand that the population over there is 20x less than Gcm.. What taxes are you having to pay for them? Even if brac generates 20x LESS tax overall, it evens out. People in the brac pay double the price for groceries and more expensive gas. You aren’t funding their luxury, get over it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    They staying atThe Alexander Hotel or Tiara Beach?

    • Anonymous says:

      10 25? We get your lil dig with your put down of words like
      Tiara Beach and
      Alexander Hotel
      Seriously you and I are calling this out and putting this on the table right now.
      They are closed but we have one Hotel now and it has expanded with more rooms and has lovely accommodations, food services and a great beach setting. We are not GC and we are ourselves and stand tall with our lovely, clean and new International Airport and what facilities we have. We are not GC and we don’t want to be. We do not make fun of other places!!!
      We have a few other places for rent and we are a fantastic lot for just us thousand or so souls.
      We get along just fine and we will improve as we strive to do a great job every day.

  6. Anon says:

    Why are you all in GC so negative and despising of Brackers!!!
    Cayman Brac has no traffic jams like you all have now. We are not crowded like sardines in a can.
    The Brac is a crime free place.
    Maybe you are all jealous of us and our quality of life.
    The LA meeting with us will be a great thing.
    Time to accept the 21st Century that we live in and maybe you do not because of your lifestyles.
    We are not in a ghetto like you are over there so get over being jealous of our acceptance as a real destination.

    • Garwin D says:

      That’s why you keep coming down here all the time try hush wid ya foolishness Crime free cause ya drunk and doped up all day !

    • Pointer says:

      Welfare Junkie and moses’s disciple not good old buddie!

      • Anonymous says:

        Pointer? Yes I am a disciple of Hon. Moses Kirkconnell. You know, he serves his community and donates alot. What do you do for your community? Complain and talk?
        Hon. Moses is our Representative and we support him. We do not always agree but he goes over to GC all the time. Are you willing to give up your time, attend meetings and serve on Boards for your Island?

    • Anonymous says:

      As a GC resident I can admit I am jealous! Brac is the bomb!

      • Anonymous says:

        I wish I could afford a little place on the bluff next door to Ms. Martha Scott, the Queen of the least I think so!

  7. Passmeda Rocket-Launcher says:

    I trust they wont all be on the same plane, (like the Royal Family). You know, so if it went down with no survivors…. I mean, Jeez what would be the fallout if the entire Cayman Government was wiped out in a single cataclysmic event?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Pathetic waste of money.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully they can get stuck there like the NRA equip for over a year. What a useless bunch

  10. Anonymous says:

    Oh boy, I’m sure their lives will improve greatly because of this.

  11. Anonymous says:

    So much negativity. You all must have a really beautiful life. Smh!

  12. Anonymous says:

    No paved driveways here. Move along. Off you go.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Great move …we are islands.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Jesus, this lot of bobo the clowns can waste money.

  15. Anony says:

    Much needed fodder for the bored and the miserable. I bet we are going to see some sensible comments about this topic.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Who makes the money here?
    Who ownes most hotels in the island ?
    Who is not enforcing the collection of hotel tax ?
    Who is minister of tourism ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Whose family will be selling all the watches when the cruise ship dock is built?
      What is a conflict?

  17. Anonymous says:

    wow…braccers will have to look they are working on that day…

  18. Anonymous says:

    tokenism and a total waste of money…..

    • Anonymous says:

      5 25
      This is not tokenism. The Brac is a real civilized place with educated people. We do not have to apologize to you. We deserve the respect of our leaders coming over to do business for a day.
      It is good for business and maybe everyone will spend money on the Brac that day also.
      A little fresh air by our Bluff lighthouse will give them new energy and a fresh perspective.
      As to you that wrote that we will have to look busy? Shame on you trying to cut us down to size.
      We Brackers retain our integrity and command International respect in our clean island, professional hospital and all of the services and hard workers on our island of Cayman Brac.
      So come on over and you all on GC can book a hotel room, get a rental car and find great places to have your meals at.
      There will be a lot less traffic on our Island and we bet you will really enjoy the low stress of that experience!

      • Anonymous says:

        how can wasteful spending of taxpayers money be good for the economy?

      • Anonymous says:

        keep drinking kool-aid….
        cayman brac is a welfare state the contributes little or nothing…always has…always will be.

      • Anonymous says:

        How about you lot stop getting deductions on duties to subsidise yourselves and start only spending tax dollars at the same rate as on Grand Cayman? No? Thought not, welfare junkies.

        • Anonymous says:

          10 04? …….No thanks. We do not accept your snide comment that we are welfare junkies!!!!!
          You on GC? I am sure you have welfare junkies and other dysfunctional and assorted problems too.
          Show me a place that has no challenges? Are you volunteering up at your Pines or visiting the sick for your church? Do you go to church and help mentor the youth? What are you doing to help your community. How about taking the logs out of your own eyes before trying to castigate the small community of Cayman Brac. We boast high scores with our students and doing our best in praying for you all on GC too.
          Have you read a book lately about self help or self esteem?
          There I go again maybe casting pearls before you GC swine?
          We do not accept your negative remarks as we are busy moving up in all areas of our lives and helping each other.

        • Anonymous says:

          How about you lot pay the extra shipping and plane fares that we do?

      • Anonymous says:

        I coming soon! Save me a spot at the bar! GC resident

        • Anon says:

          11 41? You are invited to attend church with us. We do not invite you to a bar.
          If you are sick we have a great hospital on the Brac.
          We are all spiritually sick and need help so do not forget to attend church. We are all imperfect because I am there.


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