Tag: Public Lands Commission

Beach access issues not ‘clear cut’
(CNS): The historic lack of enforcement of registered beach access points around Cayman has thrown up some challenges for the Public Lands Commission (PLC), which is attempting to get all of the registered points cleared. Responding to CNS’ enquiries about the latest problem on North West Point Road, the commission’s chief inspector, Winsome Prendergast, said […]

Beach sign denying access removed
(CNS): The Public Lands Commission has confirmed that it requested the removal of a sign which recently appeared on Seven Mile Beach denying access to beach-goers. Responding to CNS enquiries, the commission said that the landowner was contravening the Prescription Law and the Public Lands Law. CNS checked the area between Calico Jack’s and the […]

Sign appears on 7MB denying access
(CNS): As beach access issues continue to remain a priority for many people in the community, a CNS reader alerted us last week to yet another sign on Seven Mile Beach which incorrectly states that an area of beach almost at the water line is private. This latest hand-painted offending sign at the side of […]

Lands Commission OKs 7MB fencing
(CNS): The Public Lands Commission has confirmed that there is nothing unlawful about the fencing that has been erected on Seven Mile Beach in connection with the musical festival taking place at the weekend on Dart-owned land to the east of Seven Mile Beach and north of the Kimpton resort. Public concerns were raised yesterday […]

Concerns raised over fencing on 7MB
(CNS) UPDATED: As organisers of the forthcoming music festival complete the preparations on the site owned by the Dart Group, a long line of double fencing has appeared on Seven Mile Beach running parallel to the location. The festival organisers have now responded to CNS inquiries claiming that permission for the fence was granted as […]

Land commission plans to signpost over 100 access points
(CNS): The Public Lands Commission plans to signpost all of the registered beach access points on all three islands in order to ensure that everyone can enjoy the beach, as is their right under the law. There are 121 registered public rights of way to the sea in the Cayman Islands — 108 on Grand Cayman, […]

New beach signs erected but access issue rolls on
(CNS): The newly formed Public Lands Commission has begun rolling out beach access signs across Grand Cayman as part of efforts to address issues concerning beach access. This includes owners of oceanfront homes continuing to deter the public from using beaches in front of their property. Local activist groups are nevertheless still trying to get […]

Beach access activists finally secure legal aid
(CNS) UPDATED: After a long and protracted battle to secure funding for a legal challenge against government over its failure to register and protect beach access rights for the public, activists have been granted legal aid to press their case. In his ruling Acting Justice Alastair Malcolm said the applicants’ case had a fair chance […]