Search Results for 'mangrove species protection'

Ministers back development in central wetlands

Ministers back development in central wetlands

| 18/08/2022 | 161 Comments

(CNS): Deputy Premier Chris Saunders and Transport Minister Kenneth Bryan have thrown their support behind the development opportunity that the East-West Arterial Road extension will facilitate once it’s extended to Frank Sound. Even though this means developing in the Central Mangrove Wetlands, the ministers backed the construction of homes there and told Caymanian owners in […]

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Climate scientists impressed with local engagement

Climate scientists impressed with local engagement

| 31/05/2022 | 35 Comments

(CNS): The scientists visiting from the UK to help the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency with a climate risk assessment for the Cayman Islands said they were really impressed with the local engagement on climate change issues. The ministry is hoping to maintain that engagement since public consultation is a critical part of the […]

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Expert to advise on merging nature into economy

Expert to advise on merging nature into economy

| 25/04/2022 | 19 Comments

(CNS): Economist Ralph Chami, the assistant director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and co-founder of Rebalance Earth, which advocates for integrating natural capital into economies, will be visiting the Cayman Islands for five days, arriving on Sunday, Premier Wayne Panton has announced. While here Chami will be participating in various events and engagements, sharing […]

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Conservation consultation is important opportunity

Conservation consultation is important opportunity

| 10/02/2022 | 23 Comments

(CNS): The National Conservation Council is inviting members of the community to nominate natural areas for potential preservation. This period of public consultation allows a fresh perspective to consider land that could be protected for future generations.

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POF activists target reef conservation

POF activists target reef conservation

| 28/07/2021 | 2 Comments

(CNS): The local students behind one of Cayman’s most effective environmental advocacy groups, Protect Our Future, are launching a new campaign to get the country to focus on protecting the reefs around the Cayman Islands. Following a trip to Little Cayman, where they documented an area of coral reefs that are still some of the […]

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WB wetlands immersed in plastic pollution

WB wetlands immersed in plastic pollution

| 24/05/2021 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Local activists are raising the alarm about pollution in the West Bay wetland area after they discovered this weekend just how much plastic is finding its way into the remaining mangroves in the Safehaven area. Plastic Free Cayman, which organised the clean-up to mark World Biodiversity Day on Sunday, were joined by volunteers from […]

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Phasing plan needed for sub-division in wetlands

Phasing plan needed for sub-division in wetlands

| 04/05/2021 | 24 Comments

(CNS): A proposed subdivision for more than 430 homes that encroaches into the Central Wetland Mangroves, which is a critical habitat for the future survival of Grand Cayman’s natural resources and ecosystems, has not been refused by the Central Planning Authority, despite the serious environmental threats it poses, but is now subject to a phasing […]

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After-fact primary habitat removal to be approved

After-fact primary habitat removal to be approved

| 29/09/2020 | 77 Comments

(CNS): Yet another after-the-fact application for the removal of primary habitat on a site off the Queen’s Highway is set to get the green light this week, with the landowner facing no more than a $1,000 fee for the unlawful clearance. The planning department recommended that an application by Eric James Bergstrom-Grant Management for the […]

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DoE battles threat posed by developments

DoE battles threat posed by developments

| 02/09/2020 | 50 Comments

(CNS): The Department of Environment has made several submissions for the Central Planning Authority to consider when it hears applications today, in a bid to save critical habitat and encourage developers to mitigate the environmental threats their projects pose. DoE concerns about some of these applications include swimming pools that will erode beaches and unnecessary […]

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NCC and DoE urge move to green economy

NCC and DoE urge move to green economy

| 16/06/2020 | 60 Comments

(CNS): As Cayman emerges from the social and economic shutdown in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, local environmental experts are urging government to make it a “truly sustainable economic recovery” and use this opportunity to reset. Cayman needs to turn away from traffic-gridlock, over development and mass tourism towards climate-sensitive and resilient systems, according […]

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Plan devised for key pond habitat

Plan devised for key pond habitat

| 19/12/2019 | 19 Comments

(CNS): The National Conservation Council has approved a much needed conservation plan for Meagre Bay Pond, one of Cayman’s oldest protected areas. The conservation law provides for management plans to protect important habitat and allow public access. Meagre Bay is in need of help to restore the water quality and the surrounding black mangrove forest, […]

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