MPs mislead the country about conservation law

| 19/12/2023 | 123 Comments
Widespread clearing of mangroves is causing environmental concerns

(CNS): The National Conservation Act was targeted by several MPs in parliament over the course of the Finance Committee hearings last week, some of whom misled the public and other members of the House by suggesting, incorrectly, that it has hampered development. Some MPs, including McKeeva Bush (WBW) and Chris Saunders (BTW), as well as Cabinet Ministers Dwayne Seymour and Jay Ebanks, spoke about the National Conservation Council and the Department of Environment delaying projects, which is completely untrue.

Since 2019, only 12% of submissions by the DoE were not delivered to the Central Planning Authority or the Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Development Control Board within the agreed three-week response time. In most cases where the DoE submissions were delivered beyond that time, it was because the DoE had asked applicants for additional information necessary to carry out the review.

As the committee began reviewing the planning department budget, the planning ministry’s chief officer, Eric Bush, answering questions by Deputy Opposition Leader Joey Hew, said that in 2022, there had been 683 applications, of which 463 (around 68%) were approved. This had dropped to 522 applications this year, as of the end of October, of which 333 (around 64%) were approved.

Bush offered no explanation for the decline, which could be due to any number of factors. The approval rate varied by only 4% from this year to last, and reasons for refusals relate to many more things that than the environment.

He also failed to explain to ministers that, since the courtroom battle between the CPA and the DoE over an application in Boggy Sand, possible delays in the process for applications that could impact the environment might be the fault of the CPA. The way the board is now choosing to interpret the conservation law is complicating the issue and causing unnecessary delays in the application process.

It has been apparent for the last five years that the passage of the NCA has done very little to impede development but has, in some cases, made some projects greener and slightly less damaging than they might have been in its absence. But in the ten years since it was unanimously passed in parliament, the pace of physical development has not slowed down. Of the 4,000 planning applications reviewed since 2016, the NCC has directed refusal for just 0.23% of them, such as one which was refused for a private car park in a protected area.

But despite that statistic, McKeeva Bush described the NCC as “the big problem” as he criticised the lawsuit the NCC was forced to bring when the CPA defied its direction to decline a planning application to redevelop a house and a two-storey glass cabana on Boggy Sands Beach in a marine park. The NCC won at the judicial review level and again when the CPA appealed.

The board, which sought to pursue the matter, was recently refused leave to appeal to the Privy Council in the UK by the appeal court here. The CPA still has the option to make a direct appeal to the London higher court but has not confirmed that intent.

Regardless of the actual figures, Chris Saunders said a large percentage of planning applications seemed to have to be assessed by the NCC and suggested that the DoE was hampering development “big time”. The DoE is one of six agencies that regularly comment on planning applications; others include the National Roads Authority and the Department of Environmental Health.

“Where does the CPA draw the line with regards to that counsel, because it has been impacting development, big time…?” Saunders had asked. He even suggested that the NCC and CPA merge, illustrating how little understanding he has about the process or the law in relation to where the environment fits in CPA decisions.

Showing his own misunderstanding of the process in an area he is responsible for, Planning Minister Ebanks said the DoE comments on “just about every application that goes into planning”, even when “it’s just for land clearing”.

The need for the DoE to comment on land clearing in the absence of planning permission for a specific development is obvious. Land clearing usually occurs in untouched habitat, such as dry forest and mangrove wetland. It is often speculative and much land has been cleared and then never developed, causing unnecessary loss of biodiversity and important habitats as well as the myriad ecosystem services provided by them.

Following the Finance Committee meeting and the misleading comments by its members, CNS contacted the DoE and NCC. A spokesperson said that long before the National Conservation Act was passed, the department was consulted by planning along with other agencies like the Water Authority. The DoE told CNS that there had been no real delays to the planning process as a result of the DoE’s input, which is typically advisory to assist developers to go easier on the earth.

The NCC does have the power to direct a refusal in very rare circumstances where projects adversely impact a protected area or the critical habitat of a protected species with no chance of mitigation. One of those occasions was the application in Boggy Sands that drew criticism from Bush. But the courts found that the CPA did not properly follow section 41 of the NCA, and so its decision to grant permission was unlawful.

“Representatives from the NCC and the DoE met with the Central Planning Authority and sought to agree a way forward which would bring both of our processes in line with the Court of Appeal’s judgment,” the DoE told us. “However, it appears that the CPA has introduced a process requiring multiple rounds of meetings and adjournments and which does not appear to be in keeping with the Court of Appeal’s judgment.”

The DoE noted that the NCC has drafted updated Guidance Notes to reflect that it cannot pre-emptively issue directions but that the originating entity must first seek its approval. Those notes were approved by the NCC on 6 December and were due to be published on 18 December.

Speaking about the issues raised in parliament, the DoE’s technical experts told CNS that the department and the NCC have been in discussion with the CPA and planning over how to facilitate the reviews as expeditiously as possible.

“Previously — and the NCC and DoE remain of the opinion that this process could substantially continue — when a planning application review was initiated on behalf of the CPA or DCB, the DoE provided a single reply encompassing impacts to the environment which we felt met the requirements of both the development and planning and National Conservation Act. However, it now appears that the CPA is choosing instead to conduct a Planning Act consultation first, then initiate an NCA review and then, based on the outcome of that, if necessary, request an NCA s41(4) assessment,” the DoE explained.

As a result, the complexities and any additional consultation appear to be caused by the board. Rather than relying on the consultation triggers provided in the notes, it appears the CPA is inviting applicants into their meetings in order to seek their views on whether their application may fall under one of the examples of “adverse effect” provided in the definitions section of the NCA.

“Again, the DoE and the NCC see this as unnecessary and time-consuming, particularly when the NCA was specifically drafted to remove the burden of consultation from the applicant or members of the public and onto the decision-making entity where it logically belongs,” the DoE stated.

“However, we must stress that these are CPA processes over which the DoE and NCC have no control, and while we remain guardedly hopeful that an integrated… process can be worked out to their satisfaction, it is for them to identify the adaptations on their part which will allow that to happen and their customers to again benefit from an integrated and fast permit review process.”

The environmental experts also stated that they were more than happy “to discuss the process with any parliamentarians or members of the public who wish to understand it as well”.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The crooked developer owned POLITIONS have exposed their calculated coruption.

    The MPs statements expose their gross corrupt incompetence. The many times amended conservation law was the subject of much debate over many years.

    It was dishonest for MPs to say they were tricked.

    Unless of course they may not have read the final draft or they do not have the ability to comprehed what they read.

    Either way the MPs are not earning their very overpaid important governance position.

    Us Caymanian people are not getting value for money.

    MPs stop stealing our money RESIGN so that qualified MPs are elected, we demand value.

    The Cayman Islands people are in big problems most of the MPs in all groups and independents working for the big developers and not the voters.

    The MPs are destroying the future of our grand children.

  2. Independent of prosperity says:

    For all those who foolishly believe this about these @$$wipes betraying the former premier this is bigger than Wayne Panton they are betraying Cayman it’s environment and Caymanians who under their last 7 administrations have now become a minority and are now being displaced and disenfranchise by their greedy and very corrupt decisions and if that is not scary enough look at who they want to emulate JAMAICA who’s state of emergency status is down to a daily basis not only catastrophic disasters but horrific drug & gun crime political violence and poverty .Why in the world would anyone want to emulate that !

  3. Anonymous says:

    Jay Ebanks dosent know the difference between council and counsel. The man is a farce and is totally sub-standard

  4. anonymous says:

    As they say – follow the money. These MPs calling the shots Mac, Bryant, Ebanks, Seymour, are simply doing what is required of them by the people who funded their runs and provided the ‘stick together not matter what’ payments. If you take a look at the planning applications being blocked by the NCC you will see why these 4 need to take the power away from the NCC. One might wonder why the leader at one of Cayman’s big law firms has a musician hubby leading a development company? Why a prominent Caymanian businessman says he will build a retirement home on pristine mangrove lands. Its payback time for the greedy fool MPs who never dreamed the cost would be so high. Lets see the spin they come up with for this one. UPM = UDP Open your eyes and just watch

  5. just me says:

    Face facts Cayman islands. You come from third world and your more comfortable with third world leadership and way of life period. It’s OK. We understand. Change is hard for anyone. Take your time.

  6. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s be real here….

      The ‘environmentalists’ are slowing things down and are at the least making it hard for property owners to protect their land e.g Boggy Sands case.

      …in favor of ‘managed retreat’ more like ‘managed idiocy’ or ‘guaranteed retreat’

  7. Anonymous says:

    The voters are the ones that’s STUPID FOOLS.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then next election remember the uneducated self serving fools doing this…and it ain’t the PPM.!

      • Anonymous says:

        Paid for by Progressive Development Unlimited.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t be so sure. The PPM led the outre of Wayne Panton/PACT, and are only quiet now because their donor handlers are satisfied having greased their interests with both the PPM and CDP camps. They are cut from the same cloth.

      • Anonymous says:

        At least PPM candidates can read and write, have jobs, don’t have criminal records and don’t need to steal.
        Their voters find those qualities attractive, and that therefore says a lot about those who vote for Kenny, Mac Seymour and Saunders.
        Keep importing and giving voting rights to 3rd world economic dependents, and you’ll be ruled by 3rd world politicians.
        Next elections remember that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Easy to say that when we literally have no other options running. So what do you expect people to do? Why don’t you run for next election and give us someone new. What we need is our next generation, who have been educated, to rise up and run. Look at how many of our school leavers have returned with Bachelors, Masters, and PhDs. I know of 15 off the top of my head.

      • Anonymous says:

        A “masters” from say California coastal university ain’t worth the paper it’s written on, just like Mac’s “doctorate” .
        In any case, young people with recent degrees and education , will not have any experience in running anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is ridiculous that people can be lifelong politicians but when they are the only ones who run. We have to try snd pick either the Devil me know or the lesser of two evils. Not a win/win situation

  8. Anonymous says:

    The easiest way to sell the public on a positive surplus, is to avoid discussing the stealing of tens of millions from the Environmental Protection Fund, drawing it down to just $37million.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am surprised to see no article on this yet. I might recall wrong but I think this is not the first, but the second time environmental funds were misappropriated. The last time I think (memory fades) was under Big Mac?

      • Anonymous says:

        They need to enact ALL of the National Conservation Law segments. Currently sections 46 and 47 have not been enacted…..guess why!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Governor, errr… HELLO?

        • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

          6:07, The Caymanian people and Sir Alden effectively stripped the Governor of powers over the past 10 years, but you expect the Governor to do something.

          Time to put on your big boy pants Caymanians, and take action.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The 4 musketeers are pretty creative since none of them can read.

  10. Two Cents says:

    I actually watched this last night on YouTube.
    It was amazing how Eric Bush had those numbers for applications and approvals for 2022 and 2023 right on his tongue. Those numbers fit the narrative that they had seemingly colluded on bringing.
    Eric didn’t mention one word about the dollar value of them.
    And not one of the 18 shining stars asked. Just as he didn’t mention one thing that even vaguely linked the National Conservation Council to the change in numbers.
    I’m sure that the recent judicial rulings have seriously upset the developers ‘dolly house’ since the buck no longer stops exclusively with the CPA which they have managed to ‘control’.
    And the irony of it all is that many of these MP’s are where they are because the PPM was seen my the public to be too cozy with the developers.
    Not surprisingly, these pro-developer sentiments align precisely with the pedal-to-the-metal development policies that had continued under PACT.

    • Anonymous says:

      You poor fool. They are given the questions in advance, otherwise this whole charade would be an even bigger waste of time than it already is.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is much easier for them to lie than to do their research and speak the truth. They don’t have enough “living brain cells” to do so! That and of course too many of the voters are too dumb to ask the right questions and demand the truth. All they want is “a lil hand out”

    • Anonymous says:

      they probably reviewed it all last week over lunch. when I saw them together.. bush and hew.

  11. Anonymous says:

    No government in the last 25 years has given a damn about the environment. When you elect clowns to the house they dont become representatives the house becomes a circus.

    • Anonymous says:

      The Act is a farce, and so are you. You would not be breathing clean air if our government did not give a damm about the environment. Get real, stop following the crowd.

    • Anonymous says:

      11:22 – The only thing they care about is their damn pockets and what they are going to eat for lunch.
      You would think that our little island being only 22 miles long and a few miles wide, our government and past governments would cherish and protect the environment. They simply don’t care, and they don’t care for their children or the future generations to enjoy it.
      The mangroves are basically the lifeline of our seas and islands. It not only is a home for fish, crabs,lobsters,birds,etc but it also reinforces our shores and protects us from storms.
      As a Caymanian I am truly saddened to see the amount of destruction to our environment, from the clearing of dry forests and wetlands, the declined numbers of fish, declined numbers of land crabs, our glow bugs have completely disappeared,our butterflies are slowing going too, along with many other things – all due to lack of protection, management and enforcement.
      We don’t even have a proper mangrove restoration program in place and the few people that try it get little to no support from our Government. it’s horrible how “progress” is raping our islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. But who is taking credit for electing clowns?

      • Anonymous says:

        good point, but when you have the same politicians term after term with barely any new blood, It leaves little to no choice…..we need fresh minds in there now.

        • Lomart says:

          The new blood that was elected last time didn’t help at all. Made things worse actually . Only exception was Andre Ebanks. We need more of him.

    • Anonymous says:

      The word “environment “ was imported in the early 80s when foreign wives of the wealthy decided to do some “good”.
      The National trust was then emboldened to interfere with everything and anything that remotely smelt of commerce and enterprise.

  12. The Real threat says:

    When you clear down the mangroves who act as a filter to convert Saltwater to fresh water you destroy the foliage and the environment from the ground up our young people get it or greedy and corrupt political bast@$#% either don’t or they just don’t care or both. They now pose a threat to not only the environment but to our existence Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      10.43..Do either of our water companies know that “Mangroves convert salt water to fresh water”.?
      You sure about that , or do you need to fact check and come back on that one.?

      • Meh says:

        Exactly. I just rolled my eyes at the level of ignorance.

        • Get Hooked on Phonics nah ! says:

          Unlike the two of you the mangrove has three Membranes which enable the first layer to extract salt from saltwater allowing only freshwater to flow through it unlike you who can not convert Your ignorance so it flows straight threw your brains and your mouth and @$$! Must be family to either Jay or Jon Jon !

          • Anonymous says:

            Thanks for the mangroves education, and speaking of education, it’s “through”.

            • Anonymous says:

              Aaaaaaaw got your feelings or ego hurt you know the trouble with ignorance as it goes along it picks up confidence! suffering from overconfidence star seek help immediately! Call Jay or Chris or Jon Jon Group therapy works?

        • Anonymous says:

          Many understand what the OP was getting at and are rolling eyes at your level of ignorance my friend. Mangroves need fresh water, so they filter out and secrete up to 90% of the salt, to get the water they need to survive.

          Ripping out mature mangroves causes irreparable damage to the environment and places islands and people at significant risk.


          – sequestrate carbon at least 3-10 times faster than mature rain forests, and seagrass.
          – Filters sediment and pollutants, storing massive amounts of carbon underground. Between 2000-2015, up to 122 million tons of this carbon was released due to mangrove forest destruction.
          – as the roots mature and extend deeper they strengthen the ground beneath them. Mature coastal mangroves and vegetation are our single, valuable defence against storms, tidal waves and erosion.
          – mature mangroves provide the perfect, biodiverse breeding and nursery environment for fish and other marine life.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes and over 2000 years ago, some guy turned water into wine, and they’re still talking about him.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I am voter who never voted PPM. At this point I wish I had. I hope that the people who used to criticize the PPM over their supposed pro-development policies recognise that it was the PPM that put the NCC in place and it is now this UDP/UPM/rump of PACT that is actually doing their best to sell out the country to developers and to destroy the environment in the process. Follow the money to the politicians involved.

    • Anonymous says:

      So too it was the PPM/Unity that awarded the dump to ReGen without a qualifying proposal. It was Alden’s government that expressed commitment to FCCA to build a new cruise port. It was Alden that ignored the voter-initiated petition. It was the Unity/PPM that approved the airport expansion project and cost over-runs. It was the PPM that bought 4 new Max8 planes for who knows how much, in a private lease deal. It was Tibbetts’ PPM that signed the NRA giveaway – hundreds of millions in crown land given away. It was the PPM that created the deficit with John Gray High School and Clifton Hunter..shall we continue down memory lane? Or do you want to stop? Never again PPM.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you are a developer/paid agent who is pi$$ed off that the PPM created the NCC – I get it.
        BTW – you forgot to mention that the PPM gave us a Constitution with a Bill of Rights, and an Anti-Corruption Law that the UDP/PACT saw fit to significantly undermine a few months ago in order to make it much harder to prosecute corrupt politicians – shall I go on?

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t be fooled. The PPM has been in bed with developers for ages too. PPM/UPM and PACT are two sides of the same coin. It’s honestly impressive how Cayman hasn’t descended into societal chaos like Jamaica or Cuba at this point; we’ve been lead by fools for decades. But 2023 has shown us that there’s cracks in the system, Cayman’s 1st class status is thinning day by day. The veil is being lifted.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was Wayne who got through the NCA when he was in the PPM.

      Then Wayne left and the PPM started this fake damsel-in-distress, “save me from the all-powerful, extremist environmentalists, oh brave CPA!” narrative.

      Somehow, anything less than 100% control & approval (even in protected areas) is not enough for the CPA. Smh. It really is only Wayne that cares.

      • Anonymous says:

        It was also Wayne who tried to pass the Legal Practitioner law which it was discovered to have been drafted by a private individual who was paid by one of the big firms. Imagine that they wrote a whole law and handed it to Wayne and told him go get this passed in parliament. If the opposition at the time didn’t put up a fight our financial services would be in the hands of the law firm king pins who don’t even live in the Cayman Islands and who wanted to control the industry from all the way across the Atlantic! Dress him up all you want, Wayne is still a sellout!

      • Anonymous says:

        Why did he leave PPM again? Do remind us.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m like 7-UP, never voted for the PPM and never will..

      Never again should we ever make them get in charge of this country.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Would someone please explain the developer fee structure? Do they pay their mouthpiece politicians per speech/rant/lie or by project approval or by some combination or is there an annual retainer?

  15. Anonymous says:

    headline should just be

    MPs mislead country

    or just plain old
    MPs mislead

  16. Anonymous says:

    Compulsive liars are gonna lie. This is why the public must have mechanisms to view and verify EVERYTHING they represent as truth. There needs to be a public safeguard to remove and disqualify those with criminal records and/or facing serious criminal charges (again). Colour me surprised. /s

  17. Anonymous says:

    If I put in an FOI request can I find out how much it costs to buy a politician? How about a Cabinet Member?

    • Anonymous says:

      Senior civil servants are less costly…… expensive red wines and flattery invitations to glitzy parties. Then dumped when no longer needed.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you could buy them for what they are worth, and then sell them for what they think they are worth, man oh man what a business you would have.

  18. Anonymous says:

    What we dont know is how many aplication do not make it to the submission stage because of the requirements of the Conservation Act. Im sure many do their research and decide its not worth even applying.

    • Anonymous says:

      IMO that is good. It shows that the projects was not taking enough notice of the environmental effect.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s why buying senior civil servants is so much easier.
      They can monitor and ‘assist’ the journey through all stages up to planning, and they don’t cost cash.
      Ongoing invitations to sit with the rich of the land and enjoy expensive wines is their reward.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:28 am you hit the nail on the head. There are some with projects in the pipeline waiting until something is done about this stupid law which has a single person (a civil servant) calling the shots against a Cabinet-appointed statutory authority. And she decided (ON HER OWN….ie without even ratifying with her Board) to take the CPA to court. In what real world properly governed nation does that happen?

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you will find that the civil servant, to which you refer, is stating what the cabinet appointed NCC board are indicating.
        By the way, WHY do you feel that the country needs more development projects at this time? The country is not coping with the effects of the existing projects. I am wiling to bet that you also complain about the traffic volume, lack of housing, etc., etc. OR is it simply about the money for you?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Greetings from South Africa, we, the thinking people, are unstoppable. We shall never surrender to the corruption.

  20. Fed up says:

    Are we surprised? These clowns we call MPs barely have a brain!

    • Anonymous says:

      Good thing they don’t have a brain.
      A verse from a Cayman politicians’ song,
      to the tune of “If I Only Had a Brain” from the Wizard of Oz:

      I’d while away the hours,
      dreaming of more powers,
      and monetary gain.
      Oh, the avarice I’d be scratching,
      And, the scams I’d be a-hatching,
      If I only had a brain.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This article is written by someone with 0 understanding of development. The NCC is holding up numerous projects across the island (including ones on already cleared, filled and vacant land.. all in the name of the “environment”. Enough is enough ! Keep pushing to bring back the good old days when Caymanians could get projects completed without the worry of their site becoming a void in the every changing landscape Cayman MP’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      How come the land is cleared without PP?

    • Anonymous says:

      As long as it’s Caymanians doing it, you’re happy with environmental destruction?

      FFS, we need better infrastructure to cope with what’s already built, rather than tearing down mangroves to build luxury apartments.

    • Anonymous says:

      Name 3 projects being “held up” by the NCC. The good ole days when Caymanians could rape their land with zero regard for current or future impacts?? Oh that’s like, today.

      • Anonymous says:

        10:06 am Projects aren’t being held up by the NCC because the NCC are just Gina’s puppets. They rarely meet. She acts on their behalf and then tells them after-the-fact to accept her recommendations which she thinks comply with the National Conservation Act. As for projects being “held up” by this poorly drafted legislation, go online and read the CPA minutes starting in September and count up how many applications have been referred back to the NCC under Section 41(3) of the NCA. That would be your answer and it’s way more than 3 !

        • Anonymous says:

          it is like you didn’t read the article

          Representatives from the NCC and the DoE met with the Central Planning Authority and sought to agree a way forward which would bring both of our processes in line with the Court of Appeal’s judgment,” the DoE told us. “However, it appears that the CPA has introduced a process requiring multiple rounds of meetings and adjournments and which does not appear to be in keeping with the Court of Appeal’s judgment.”

          • Anonymous says:

            7:49 pm Oh I read the article a few times, as I’ve read both the Development and Planning Act/Regulations and the National Conservation Act. Just because Gina says it doesn’t make it gospel much less legal. She has NO CLUE about the planning process or the actual outcome of the court rulings.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tell me…10.06
        Why couldn’t Caymanians do what THEY liked with THEIR land..?

    • Anonymous says:

      10:03 pm You are absolutely correct.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I suspect that the common perception regarding the NCC is one of the DoE’s own making in its approach to engagement and communication under delegated authority on the part of the NCC.

    The sad part is, the substance of the communication is generally fairly simple and relatively acceptable on the part of developers to modify or otherwise manage their projects accordingly. But the manner in which it is provided detracts from the likelihood of constructive engagement or partnership. Frankly, this stems from the top. I had the misfortune of being in the GAB lobby just a couple of weeks ago and overheard Gina and her colleagues as they were waiting to enter a meeting. Let’s just say it’s little surprise they find such resistance to their inputs.
    I genuinely believe that with different leadership and tone from the top, the DoE and more generally the NCC would find far more success in their respective activities and that a significant proportion of the adversarial approach would be better managed.

    • Anonymous says:

      You wouldn’t say that about a male Director.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would 100% say the same. Gina’s gender has nothing to do with her approach to engaging with other persons. If you enter a discussion guns blazing, is it any surprise that you don’t find receptivity? This is true regardless of what’s between your legs.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tone?? Misogynists unite! How dare the Director of Environment be angry about people continually rationalizing their blatant disregard for the law! How DARE SHE! So if there were more pleases and thank yous that would make your little fragile ego feel a little less subjugated? GFY

      • Anonymous says:

        Off the high horse, Tonto. Tone from the top is a common and standard phrase denoting the guiding values and business climate created by the management team.
        Considering its origins within the accounting and consulting world, statistically it would have been far more probable to be related to men.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is apparent that the phrase “different leadership and tone at the top” should be read as ‘people that can be bought’? That is what developers actually want.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gina still fails to understand that it is the income from developments that provides her salary, and allows her staff to play with boats.

      • Anonymous says:

        11:27 am EXACTLY correct !! Her department generates NO revenue yet sucks the life out of the Caymanian economy. The Government had to take money from the environmental projection fund just to cover her budget !!

  23. Elvis says:

    So called MPs misleading their people. Nahhhhhhhh? U serious?

    Who would ever have thought that could happen. Wow.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe that anyone still even listens to Mac anymore. He has been convicted once and facing further charges and court dates. Is is irrelevant and should not even be given the time of day. by anyone.

    • Anonymous says:

      It seems they only understand physical development and place no emphasis on the development of our people.

      Time for new blood.

    • Anonymous says:

      Evidentially his good buddies Seymour, Saunders & Ebanks are tight like two coats of paint with him. Guess they all have visions of more high power & influence. What an example of high quality leaders!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Eric Bush again??!!

  26. Anonymous says:

    We have some monumentally stupid ministers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Some? Can you name one who isn’t monumentally stupid? And before you type “Andre”, ask yourself if it isn’t monumentally stupid to associate your good character with this government?

      Show me the company you keep and I will tell you what kind of man you are – Miguel Cervantes 1547 – 1616.

      • Anonymous says:

        I mean, yeah, I take your point, but it’s like switching jobs or schools, and you find all of your new colleagues or classmates are absolute dickheads.

        Andre can be in or out of the government, but I’d rather he’s in it. Drinking 95% bleach has to be slightly less deadly than drinking 100% bleach, no?

  27. Anonymous says:

    I hope everyone can see these politicians for what they really are. They do not care about country, people or the environment. It’s all about the money, special interests and self.

  28. Un-Fit says:

    Bush, Saunders, Ebanks, Seymour. What a gallery of dimwits.

    Perpetually hankering to drag Cayman down to the Hinges of Hell.

    • Anonymous says:

      You forgot Kenneth Bryan from your dimwit list.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ironic that they do it while preaching about heaven. Even Saunders now has jumped on that bandwagon. I guess his feeler rant the other day – where he admitted he isn’t a christian – must have really landed with the church-money-laundering demographic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not dimwits – When asked why they robbed banks Bonny and Clyde apparently answered “That is where the money is” – the same answer that politicians who sell out to the developers would give if they were honest

  29. Anonymous says:

    the ‘Alternative Facts’ crew, – fricking idiots

    • Anonymous says:

      Not idiots – fricking or otherwise – follow the money and see who has a new $500,000 boat in the yard

  30. Anonymous says:

    Wake up Cayman- do you think these guys give a f$&k!

  31. Anonymous says:

    The Dept of Planning itself is the cause some of the stopping development or “hampering development” within the Islands.

    The DoE have / had couple 100,000s of dollars to spend on a new office building in Cayman Brac.

    DoE went thru the procurement process and had two medium-sized contractors selected and ready to start construction from August 2023.

    The delays by the Planning Department not issuing the Building Permit (most likely for spite against DoE and NCC), so construction could start, has caused these two local contractors to lose out on this couple 100,000s+ opportunity.

    All because of the spiteful behavior of the Director and Dept of Planning.

  32. Not surprised says:

    The four muskaters will always be misleading us for their own benefit. Please don’t vote back in


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