Ministry refuses to release OBC for Brac school

| 27/12/2023 | 122 Comments
Layman E. Scott Sr. High School, built in 1966

(CNS): The Ministry of Education has refused to release the Outline Business Case on which the UPM Government has based its decision to build a new high school on Cayman Brac for an estimated $50 million. Tens of millions of dollars of public money have been allocated for the project in this year’s CI$1billion spending plan, but the public is still not being allowed to see the justification for the school. The number of students on the Sister Islands, primary and secondary, is fewer than 300.

After the new school facility was given the green light by Cabinet and parliament approved all of the funds needed to complete the project in the two-year budget passed just before Christmas, CNS made a freedom of information request for the document but the ministry has declined to release it.

In September, the ministry told CNS that the report would be released after it was approved by Cabinet, but in a letter responding to our request, the information manager claimed that the document is exempt under the law because it “holds commercial information” and any release at this stage would be prejudicial “as we are, and will be, in procurement until at least July/August”.

CNS has asked the ministry to conduct an internal review and, if necessary, to release a redacted version of the report to provide the public with some understanding of the need for the school and what other less expensive solutions could have been explored to provide a modern learning environment for students on the Sister Islands.

According to an inspection of the Layman E. Scott Sr High School in October 2023 by the Office of Education Standards, which rated it as a ‘Good’, the school has just 155 students aged between 11 and 17. A planning application for the project revealed that in addition to the high school building, the ministry plans to build a new gymnasium, all on a 59-acre plot of crown land on Sunshine Drive on the Bluff.

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Comments (122)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The average cost ,per student, to build a US High School is 49K ,per student, for a 500 student property…let Dart build it, staff it and manage it.

  2. Anonymous Peggy says:

    Ok a shut your eyes type of decision and stand by your belief-I would be ok if everyone had the great experience and competence across from the floor not bashing and whilst those big words do get thrown around sometimes action requires logistical thinking …I then agree the Minister for the ports can do the same for the needed dock in the Town -where have you ever gone in the Caribbean and not seen your Main Dock in your town-unless we asking the GT area and businesses to close down and those extended nearest. I’m not expecting overnight solutions but some of these have been on the table-and closing your eyes to make decision on a smaller island is the business of the day-it should be for everything else (pun intended).

    Some investment into Research & Development Nationally would definitely help these adhoc, irresponsible, seeming not transparent moves-whats the rush?

  3. Anonimous says:

    Cayman Brac Un-Tapped Natural Resources

    Why can’t we open up the Brac Hospitality & Tourism Industry?

    With international Tourism vacation media news marketing and advertising natural atteactions on the island about where Pirates use to hide out with there treasure chest full of treasures

    Cayman Brac has a huge untapped natural Tourism Business and Employment Market with there Caves that could be turned into business opportunities by the Pirates Week Committee if they introduce things like kids teeasure hunting inside the caves with a Pieates Week Treasure Chess filled with Kids Pirates Week Treasurers like educational programs and school assessories like School Back Packs that is made in the Cayman Islands from the Cayman Islands Flag material for kids and computer tablets with educational programs etc….

    Note Book Legal Portfolio that is made in the Cayman Islands with the Caymanian Coat of Arms on the front cover for adults

    Varnished Wooden Clocks in the shape of Turtles, Dolphins and Sting Rays made in the Cayman Islands covered with underwater wrapped pictures of Sting Rays at the Sting Ray City

    Other Cayman Brac business and employment opportunities could include T-Shirt and Souvioner Shops located outside the Cayman Brac Caves, small restaurants, Hot Dog, Hamberg, Chicken n Chips and Jerk Chicken Stans for visitors to have a meal after treasure hunting to have a lasting and memorable vacation that could result in increase loyal return visitors to the island

    Up to a Quarter of Jobs Expected to Change in Next Five Years

    • Some 23% of jobs are expected to change by 2027, with 69 million new jobs created and 83 million eliminated

    • Fastest-growing jobs are AI and machine learning specialists, sustainability specialists, business intelligence analysts and information security specialists; largest absolute growth is expected in education, agriculture and digital commerce

    Governments and businesses must invest in supporting the shift to the jobs of the future through the education, reskilling and social support structures that can ensure individuals are at the heart of the future of work.”

    Approximately 2 million new digitally enabled roles are expected, such as e-commerce specialists, digital transformation specialists, and digital marketing and strategy specialists.

    At the same time, the fastest declining roles are also being driven by technology and digitalization, with clerical or secretarial roles including bank tellers, cashiers and data entry clerks expected to decline fastest.

    The Future of Jobs Report 2023 suggests that tasks are seen as no more automated now than they were three years ago when the report was last published.

    About a third of tasks (34%) are currently automated, just 1% above the 2020 figure.

    Surveyed companies also revised down their expectations for further automation, to 42% of tasks by 2027, compared to 2020 estimates of 47% of tasks by 2025.

    However, the largest absolute gains in jobs will come from education and agriculture.

    This project aims to learn from the lessons acquired during the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting processes of social and economic recovery that include measures to support local communities, safeguard livelihoods, and strengthen sustainable tourism.

    This is part of a transition towards a more versatile and resilient management of World Heritage.

  4. Anonimous says:

    School readiness support

    These programs can help when you understand the importance of ensuring children are ready for school at age 5 and recognise that a child’s play and learning experiences in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances

    Here are some kids tv Barney program that can be watched online

    It’s a very cheerful program kids of all ages love to watch

    You might want to watch it for yourself and see if you like it and if you’d like your kids to watch them

    The program aims to encourage kids with things like learning the alphbeths and learning good manners and good behavior, to doing household chores like keeping there kids playing area clean

    It’s a great program; my kids loved to watch Barney and he inspired them to learn the alphabeths, spelling and to learn good manners and behavior

    Hope you like it, it’s a very cheerful program for kids of all ages

    Am not sure how old your children are, or if you have friends or family with kids between the age of 3 to 5 years old

    But below are some other kids Home Schooling Programs that may your child/children or other family and friends kids to speak, read, write and spell words in English fluently as well as doing Elementary Math

    Its an American Elementary Home Schooling Program

    Its a really great program, i got it for my kids 25 years ago and it helped them to do very well in school

    The programs can be downloaded on a Cell Phone, a Tablet or a Computer

  5. Rodney Barbett says:

    What are they hiding? If you think nothing, you are either asleep, or dead.

    Which is it?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Money should be spent in paying teachers better salaries so that the children of Cayman can be elevated; building schools is good but if you dont have good teachers then what is the use; Also why is it that the same design and cost consultancy team keeps getting all the CIG contracts – it something going on as we all know how the cost quickly increases and its the same people involved

    • Anonymous says:

      public education in cayman is basically a sunday school. nothing more than an extension of the church.

      teachers are selected based on their faith and the capability of brainwashing vulnerable kids.

      their educational skills are irrelevant.

    • Anonymous says:

      Building schools isn’t good if the budget is totally disproportionate to the actual needs to deliver the new or improved infrastructure to educate 155 children.

  7. Anon Caymanian says:

    When will the realisation strike that everything will change when we accept the reality of rising sea levels? This will happen in the lifetime of some reading this and that of many of our children. It’s not “if” as many are claiming. This will change everything and we need to start funding accordingly.

    • Anonymous says:

      When will the realization strike that despite who you vote for from the tiny pool of eligible and enthusiastic candidates for election, we are still going to get screwed over by whoever gets elected as they trade that election success for personal gain and power irrespective of the long term results for Cayman and its people. We desperately need Caymanians who are prepared to put personal gain to one side to run for office, and perhaps the more difficult hurdle, Caymanians who will vote for them despite promises of favours from the candidates irrespective of the long term interest of our islands.

  8. Concerned. 🙁 says:

    I personally think that this $50 million would be better spent investing in proper policing and reducing crime.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Dart built CIS for $20M. K-12 Grade..Alden built Clifton Hunter for $100M, Julie is building, the O’connor Connolly High School for just 150 high schoolers..

    The math ain’t mathing…

    • Anonymous says:

      In 10-20 years average Caymanians won’t even be able to rent in GCM

      I never agreed with Ju ju but I can see the foresight here – she’s making the Caymanian reserve early so that we can complete the gentrification of grand cayman.

      Build it and they will come – luxury condos for expats on grand and cheap housing / school on brac for caymanians.

      At this point we’ll allow them to vote too so that we can make them ban turtle meat to top it off.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh ho, so is this the plan? To run all the locals from GCM and confine them to the Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Reservations? Who agreed to this?

        BTW when else in history was this done?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I hope there is some space for me in the trough.

  11. Anonymous says:

    To be fair there’s no ‘T’ in UPM 😐

    • Anonymous says:

      Whatever they call themselves makes no difference.
      They are a Mac inspired UDP rabble who are taking us all down the slippery slope of ignoring laws, regulations and established protocols of civilized government.
      Self interest and remaining in power is clearly all that matters for these people who know that they will never find employment outside of the trough they are protecting.
      Surprised that Andre is going along with all this .

  12. Anonymous says:

    $50 million is a lot of money and to earmark that amount before even putting the project out for tendering gives construction companies an opportunity to price gauge and raise the costs exponentially.

    Given the project is in the Brac will increase prices bc all products will need to be shipped in and all labour will need to be housed on the island when it’s being built.

    That said I don’t see how a school for that many children could ever be justifiably built for that kind of money unless it serves multiple purposes outside of just a school for example a hurricane shelter, a medical/dental clinic, church, etc.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Go Juju – build $50 million dollar high school – yes.

    Get replacement planes, especially for the always breaking down SAAB.

    Continue to pave and repave everything you can on Brac.

    Keep building parks, toilet blocks and government offices.

    Yes, yes yes Juju – spend it -yes.

    Can I get an Amen

  14. Anonymous says:

    Huh – and here I was thinking that only totally corrupt governments did this kind of thing – does anybody think that I was wrong to think that?

    • Truth says:

      It’s all a matter of perception. You see them as corrupt. They see themselves as only the smartest of the Caymanians. I see it as your both right but I could be wrong.

      • Anonymous says:

        With the exception of Andre, the whole party is suffering from the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

      • Anonymous says:

        The smartest of the Caymanian’s are/have been overwhelmed by the dumbest of the Caymanian’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      No – you were right. We fail the litmus test. If it walks like a duck and squawks like a duck – refusing to release the business case on something that looks to the outside observer as a massive overspend and one in which is not only in the premiers constituency but will also bear her name….At a multiple of the cost of Cayan Prep or CI or St Ignatius. Again – looks like a duck….But hers the thing. Ju Ju doesn’t care. The governor doesn’t care. Its flagrant, but no one, not least the robots that keep electing Ju Ju, cares. o one cares because we have an apparent surplus on money. No one cares that the needy don’t get what they need. No one cares that if the financial services industry ever hits a hiccup we are royally screwed because we spent money like its water. Everyone shrugs and looks the other way because they don’t understand its a choice. They are spending borrowed money which we need to repay, and which could be spent on other things, like supporting our indigent or providing training opportunities – but we just sit here and watch our political class act like Roman emperors.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The question we should be asking is “what is the problem that this $50m investment solves?”. How on earth could it possibly move the dial that much on educational outcomes for 150 kids?

    The standard of business cases is normally very poor and conducted by most civil servants as a check the box exercise rather than a proper analysis of options for solving a problem.

    We don’t need to see the business case to know the public purse is being pillaged by the PACT.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dude, PACT is long gone and this is what it was replaced with. We are going to be begging for PACT by 2025.

      • Anonymous says:

        PACT you ask for will still have the same players other than Panton…No thank you.
        Andre needs to leave them and form a strong team of principled and educated Caymanians , and set a new standard and example of political leadership.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not for 150 kids – most caymanians will have no choice but to move to the Brac in the next two elections. They are thinking ahead

      • Anonymous says:

        Absolutely right, I’ve already bought my land there ..

      • an says:

        sadly, i agree.

      • a says:

        While I agree with your logic, those that can migrate to the Brac are those with means ($$$). Those left behind on Grand Cayman will be those that don’t have the ability to move… Hence a ‘ghetto island’ – I pray not, but see the potential. Willing to entertain other opinions.

      • Anonymous says:

        They are building these new $600k and up apartments and condos for wealthy expats, not the dead middle class, no matter where you are from.

        Pirates Week is 365 days a year. Rent, real estate, food, medicine, petrol-modern day piracy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask that question in 20 year’s time 12.16…

  16. Anonymous says:

    Well at least this is consistent with the recently gutted Anti-corruption Act and the “Lack of Standards in Public Life Act”

  17. Anonymous says:

    any comment mrs governor?
    fco needs to step in here asap…..cayman is being spent in bankruptcy….

    • Anonymous says:

      The fintech and finserve PEP disclosures leave a lot to be desired when those declarations are incomplete or deliberately missing by omission. Self-approving Ministers are buying end-to-end cooperation by some mechanism of silence. Is it land? Is it crypto? Is it cash or other in kind comp? Whistleblowers are still being disincentivized and threatened in Cayman, due to implicit multi-levelled corruption. There are supposed to be many overseeing watch guard authorities and agencies, before the Gov/FCO stage (including SIPLC, Dep Gov, ACC and FCU), that might make these illicit arrangements inhospitable if there was a credible Will to do so. So far, it still seems to be the opposite. Regardless of Cabinet, there remains persistent systemic end-to-end corruption that they can bank on, running on the backend.

      • Anonymous says:

        The chief officers stand by and watch to preserve their well paid jobs.
        A senior foreigner had the guts to stand up to her minister, and was vilified as “Driftwood”.
        Caymanians will look after each other as well as their own interests , and dare not speak up …even if they see wrongdoing and financial waste …most keep quiet because they too enjoy trips abroad and all the accompanying benefits and adoration of those seeking favors.

        • Anon345 says:

          No dear. Not all Caymanians look out for each other. You have to be in a certain tax bracket, so to speak, to get those privileges. most keep quiet because they have too much to lose, while the rich Caymanians live the good life.

        • Anonymous says:

          Someone else recently stood up to that now former Minister at the HSA and had to pay a similar price after being forced out. The more things change the more they stay the same, that is why so many Civil Servants stay quiet and toe the line to preserve their livelihood.

    • Anonymous says:

      Taylor was the last Gov to step in when the UDP/Mac were using Govt. funds as their personal piggy bank.
      He put a stop to the piers contract being cancelled by Mac, in favor of illegally awarding the contract to the Chinese CHEC… Govt were sued and quietly paid the first (deprived) contractor $2.4 Million…as they didn’t want details of the Mac deal to be revealed.
      Hope the Gov and FCO are similarly keeping an eye on our Current UDP government’s activities.
      Panton similarly gave Saunders a slap on the wrist for cancelling a properly awarded Covid contract, and again Govt paid $seven figures to settle.

      • Sir Humphrey says:

        The reason the Governor stepped in was because the Chinese CHEC was a Chinese state entity so ultimately it impacted on British foreign policy.

        • Anonymous says:

          Agreed but it was also a “behind closed doors” deal…otherwise why not go with the first awarded contact to the Dutch consortium ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do you stupid people ask the Governor to comment on everything?

      This is not 1965. She does not have the power to do anything anymore. SirvAlden stripped the Governor’s powers very effectively.

      • Anonymous says:

        she can still comment or is she just a smiling puppet ribbon cutter?

        • Chamberlain says:

          11:31, A comment is a political statement for the Governor.

          The last thing London wants is for her to jump into the political arena as she is basically a diplomat here stripped of all her power by Sir Alden and his gang when they were in power.

          Too bad really, though I do wish we had direct rule to clean up all the nonsense which goes on here and is not getting better.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Here’s a novel idea. Let’s reject all the bids and downsize the project and then rebid it – LOL. This school will be $70M when it’s done with Julie’s name on it in gold letters🤪🤪🤪

  19. Chris Johnson says:

    We are short of a few other business cases including the infamous Cayman Airways route to Barbados, the Smatts land acquisition and the airport extension.
    The deathly silence leads me to believe that they simply do not exist.
    It will be interesting to see if our esteemed leader bothers with any proper and legal tendering process on any of construction projects.

    • Anonymous says:

      All of the above have one thing in common…Kenneth Bryan.
      Very much doubt that the “Smatts land” will be anything other than small vote buying contracts, each below the $250k threshold for PPC review..!

  20. Anonymous says:

    So the business case hods commercial information.
    The only way a business case holds commercial information is if it is a single source meaning the contractor has already been selected for it or is in a competitive market such as CAL.
    A government high school is not, and the business case should have nothing it in remotely commercial.

    So three options
    1) There is no business case
    2) The contractor has already been decided (Illegal in this
    case under the procurement law)
    3) someone is lying

    Over to you Madam Governor and Madam Auditor General.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Not a penny budgeted for chicken eradication and always behind the ball on MRCU funding.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Most likely because there isn’t one.

  23. Anonymous says:

    JuJu has agreed to drive the paving machine herself (at least while the cameras are there) thereby reducing the original estimate of $100 million to a mere $50 million. What a leader!

  24. DANIEL says:

    We’re going to spend 50 mil, and it’s no ones business on how and who is benefiting from it.. It’s your money, and well, typical Gov’t response. None Ya..

  25. Clarity Please........ says:

    I am curious as to how the bids are being reviewed and determined? From my understanding that in itself is rather sketchy…….go figure where’s all this transparency we are always hearing about? Has anyone looked into the 40 so-called low-income houses that are to be built as well with the High School? My understanding is that the bids are being accepted for both and will be awarded to one company………Can anyone clarify this for me? Thank You CNS for yet again bringing things into focus that others are trying to sweep under the rug!

  26. Anonymous says:

    $100 billion, lol

  27. Anonymous says:

    You got to have a fancy building to put a large sign on with your name.

  28. Anonymous says:

    This is one of the main reasons Wayne is gone.

    Many of Cayman Bracers already know that Julie broke ground on this months ago.

    Julie doesn’t need a business case. She was taught under the tutelage of the greats such as Alden, McKeeva, and Kurt Tibbetts. Tell the people what they want to hear, usurp the power and do as you please..

    Remember she told us this would be her last term and that she was going to legalize weed..Poor old Elvis still up ya suffering and Julie still running..

  29. Anonymous says:

    Can you also try and obtain the business case for the general aviation terminal that is going to be built in the swamp.

    CNS NOTE: We already did that one. The details and links to the OBC can be found here

  30. Anonymous says:

    Btw and I know it’s separate from this issue but why is there no reporting on the fact that Triple C school has again been reported as “ weak” by the inspectors? Is it because it is a Christian school and we mustn’t criticize it because of this? But the media and the public love to hammer the government schools all the time so why the silence about this failing private, church school?

    • Anonymous says:

      Do?? The recently reactivated government subsidies to private schools will correct the problem.

  31. Anonymous says:

    This is not good for Cayman Brac.

  32. Anonymous says:

    A lot of information is publicly available so I’ll give you the shortcut. It’s not a school…but Cricket Square Phase 6 had a public price tag of $45m and that’s a six story 100,000 sq ft class A luxury office building with plenty of bells and whistles. The notion that a school for 155 students needs to cost $50m is criminal. There’s nothing commercially sensitive about the business case as the case should be able to stand on its own two feet regardless of procurement specifics. The business case for something that expensive will have a bulk cost to use as the case for investment.

    The reason they won’t release it is because THERE IS NO CASE TO BE MADE FOR IT!!!

    • Anon says:

      Re: Anonymous 27/12/2023 @ 5.54 pm
      Cricket Square Phase 6 had a public price tag of $45m???

      How many years ago was that?
      Did that include the cement and steel?
      A fully fitted out commercial building cost about $695 to $1,000 per sq. ft. to build today!

      • Anonymous says:

        Completed in 2019. An of course it’s apples and oranges but the point is that this school shouldn’t cost that. Your figures are way off unless you’re ripping off your clients.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only for non-tendered contracts that include $250 per sq ft for bribes to politicians and cronies and another $250 per sq ft profit.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you were to build a commercial office building from scratch (shell and core) and fit it out with offices (fit outs) in today’s market, $600 per sqft is a high ball estimate. So not as drastic as you claim.

        Also, the $45M for Cricket Square in the poriginal post was just the shell and core…it did not include fitouts. So more drastic than they claim.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow – that is a really powerful comparison. I’m not sure that a $50mil budget for this school could be approved without corruption in the mix? And parliament approved this with no questions asked? Are we to assume that they are all getting a slice of the proverbial pie then?

    • Anonymous says:

      Cricket Square is a cheaply built dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      Way too much money to waste to build something that only two and a half bus 🚌 loads of children attends .I guess this is another piece of family land sold and probably family get the contract to build it. What a way to get rich quick.
      Any updates on when the West End Cemetery will get its expansion along with the West End Park looking forward to that too since we found a piece of land🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  33. Anonymous says:

    successive governments have never been forward thinking, but instead, reactionary. For a change we have a governments planning for the future, and yet people complaining.
    After Ivan, lots of children were sent to the Brac for school. Why not build a school on the Bluff where it is less susceptible to storms?
    However, I agree it should be value for money, simple design, and not another architectural mess like the Frank Sound school

    • Nautical-one345 says:

      If what you claim are the reasons, then providing a “business case” (even if redacted) should be easily justifiable and so provided.
      This is the peoples money / business!

    • Anonymous says:

      The school will be on the Bluff.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Corrupt governments don’t explain themselves to constituents. Over to you governor…

  35. Anonymous says:

    How does Parliament unanimously approve a $100 Billion spending plan from revenue of $1 billion and think they’ll keep within the lines on FFR?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Thank you very much CNS for pushing the authorities for this information. We would also be very grateful if you could please continually follow-up on your requests until the information gets released.

    The public deserves to know the justification for a new $50 million high school for a population of just 155 students. And if there has fraudulent or negligent use of public funds, the perpetrators need to be held to account.

  37. Pohan says:

    seems like the correct decision by the FOI manager. to release the document before a contract is awarded would be a disaster.

    Well done CIG

    • Anonymous says:

      Go on then. Explain why a business case for a new building would give a commercial advantage to a bidder in a competitive tender situation? Go on. It’s not the contract after all. Or the invitation to bid, which would in any case be available to anyone wanting to bid. Us lesser intellects who think it’s all BS and the OBC case is not being released either because it doesn’t exist or because it unfortunately points out that refurnishing the existing school would be a way cheaper option would love to know.

    • Money Talks says:

      Does Juju and her band of UPM merry men pay you per post for the nonsense you post like your previous employers the PPM or did you get an increased fee for being their luddite too?

    • Anonymous says:

      Pohan is a proper moron likely rewarded for posting nonsense in the hopes of distracting readers from the real issues. Obviously a bored civil servant

  38. Anonymous says:

    You’re dealing with the UDP here.
    Mac trained and inspired them to do as they wish with government money, with no explanation or adherence to any laws or regulations.
    You must be so proud of the unprincipled uneducated rabble you elected.

  39. Anonymous says:

    They think this cannot hit the media in UK and elsewhere.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again, this lot are so predictable…now let’s put a stop to their nonense!

  41. Anonymous says:

    $50 million for a school in the Brac is excessive. The ministries decision to not release the documents requested under FOI is disgusting. They are spending the people’s money we have a right to know!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree $50Million is excessive.
      But the Brac does , and will , need a new school safely located on the bluff.
      The population will grow, especially as Grand becomes more difficult to live in , and the Brac can develop as the civilized island, having learned the lessons of rampant 3rd world uncontrolled immigration .

      • Anonymous says:

        LMAO – the notion that developers and their bought and paid for politicians and civil servants will leave any remnant of civilization or civility on the Brac is hilariously naive.

      • Anonymous says:

        That rampant 3rd world immigration is but a symptom of unending construction of luxury abodes for more wealthy expats in finance and law.

    • Anonymous says:

      You suckers can just stop crying because this is your government and they will do as they dam well please.

  42. MERVYN CUMBER says:

    With a resident population of approximately 1500 people, does it warrant this sum of money being allocated for a CI$50 million dollar school?. The population will increase with the migrant workers brought in to build the school! Refurbish and expand the Layman Scott High School.

    • Hubert says:

      We build incredible and beautiful public educational institutions here, but turn out so many students who cannot do basic math and reading. We have all our priorities wrong here.

      We should be laying far more emphasis on educational outcomes rather than building monuments to Caymanian politicians.

      • Anonymous says:

        Spend some money on first world teachers if you don’t want 3rd world outcomes .
        Cayman was a very different/better place when we had UK teachers and curriculum.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly!!! Focus on the quality of the education (the teachers, the resources) and not the “lavish” structures.
        Clifton Hunter High School needs some interior walls between the classrooms! Children can’t even focus because of the overflow noise from other classes. Whose bright idea was THAT design?! Seems to me it’s all about ego and bragging rights…

    • Anonymous says:

      2:26 pm. which rock you been living under. Brac 1500 population, it’s like 3,000 people here at all times

    • Anonymous says:

      What are the other 20,000 Caymanian voters going to do about it? File an injunction? Petition?

  43. This stinks says:

    Do you think they may be trying to hide something? I wonder what it could be.

  44. Anonymous says:

    “Business Case” for CB High School = Juliana wants it!

    It will be named the Hon. Juliana O’Connor High School

    • Anonymous says:

      Business cases are written by the ministry promoting the project.
      They are not arms length impartial documents , and therefore always conclude in support of the ministers wishes.

    • Kit says:

      You forgot “Saint” in the name…..

  45. Anon says:

    Was this the reason the now premier needed to “pray and fast” to become premier?


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