Minister working on a greener tourism product

| 28/09/2023 | 97 Comments
Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan

(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan has said he is working on minimising the negative environmental effects of tourism. The theme for this year’s UN World Tourism Day is “Tourism and Green Investments”, and in his address marking the day on Wednesday, Bryan said that while tourism allows people to learn about and appreciate different cultures, we must also be mindful of the impacts on our natural resources.

“As hundreds of thousands of people visit our shores each year, it is crucial for the government and businesses to work together towards a sustainable tourism industry, one that minimises the negative environmental effects and maximises the benefits for local stakeholders,” he said.

Bryan said the PACT Government is committed to investing in renewable energy, eco-friendly practices and sustainable infrastructure to reduce Cayman’s carbon footprint.

“I support these types of initiatives as it will ultimately bring a balance to maintaining our islands’ status as a world-class destination, and it attracts environmentally conscious tourists,” the minister added. “My ministry is also committed to promoting responsible tourism and green investments. We are consciously assessing the best ways to promote the Cayman Islands, and we are tapping into new markets, all while working to be prudent in our spending and responsible in identifying potential environmental effects of the future developments.”

In his message, UN Secretary-General António Guterres noted the threat to the survival of some destinations in the face of global warming.

“Today, the climate emergency is threatening many travel destinations and the very survival of communities and economies that depend on tourism,” he said. “And many developing countries that are severely affected by a changing climate are also facing a growing investment deficit and a cost-of-living crisis… Governments and businesses must invest in sustainable and resilient tourism practices.”

Guterres said the world must adopt zero-emission pathways, lower energy consumption and leverage renewable forms of energy. “And everyone must protect the biodiversity and ecological balance of all destinations,” he added.

See Minister Kenneth Bryan’s full video message below:

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Category: Business, Science & Nature, Tourism

Comments (97)

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  1. Anonimous says:

    Puerto Rico

    Wave after wave of austerity policies stripping the territory of resources and tearing an already frayed safety net.

    When manufacturing cost for prescribed medication material along with other cost for Pharmacies to operate, that reduced corporate profits

    American Pharamchutical Companies in Purto Rico that went threw various manditory US FDA Testing for side effects, moved to cheaper countries with less side affect testing restrictions and less or no testing for side effects at all

    The scarce job opportunities became even scarcer after Hurricanes Irma and María in 2017 and the 2020 earthquakes.

    The Covid-19 pandemic, therefore, comes as just the latest misfortune to hit an already battered island, compounding the problems that existed long before.

    The cost of living crisis seems as though it has lasted an age.

    Although inflation is easing slowly, people have faced prices rising at rates not seen in decades while their wages have not kept up. 

    That’s where this story comes from:

    In the past year, this writer explains that many of there friends have taken up sex work as their primary source of income. 

    The closure and lost of Pharamacuticle Manufacturing Companies jobs in Puerto Rico, cuppled by the devastating hurricanes and the Covid-19 impact, have left many families sturggling to survive with few options available to get by

    Every government department and agency has its own set of plans and procedures.

    That guidance includes information on how many employees would get furloughed, which employees are essential and would have to work without pay

    How long it would take to wind down operations in the hours before a shutdown, and which activities would come to a halt.

    Those plans can vary from shutdown to shutdown.

    Let me explain.

    7 Best Soapy Massage Parlors In Manila

    There are many reasons why the massage parlors in Manila are so popular:

    It’s the most discrete way to have sex with a Filipina girl (no one sees you in public and you will avoid the “walk of shame” in your hotel), they are easy and quick (no need to buy drinks for the girl like in the bars or waste time talking and dancing with her like in the clubs), the service is safe (compared to freelancers who could potentially steal from you while you take a shower) and in some places it’s also cheaper compared to the bars.

    However, they are not always great value.

    Especially in Manila.

    Most sex massage parlors are found inside the big KTV complexes, and you probably know that the KTVs are the most expensive “entertainment” venue in the Philippines.

    The US Internal Revenue Services & HMCR are now offering a very impressive technological advanced Tax Payment Plans to better be able to collect the governments income or revenue to be able to continue to pay government employees

    This impressive Payment Plan to collect individual and business taxes is a modern version of the processes and strategies thats usually used by banks and collection agencies to collect outstanding or unpaid money

    This new simplified technolohical process reduces tideous manual labor intensive payment collection efforts, reduces time consuming past due or outstanding payment discussions and follow-ups that efficiently improves the IRS Tax Payment Plan Collection Process and HMRC Services that appear to be very customer friendly

    Wooow, thats all i can say……..

    Congratulations should be expressed to the IRS & HMCR and there hard working employees for simplifying the Tax Collection Payments Process and making Tax Payments easier and customer friendly for government employees to continue to recieve a monthly salary and pay check

    This is very impressive ………………

    Welcome to the future……………….

  2. Anon says:

    get rid of
    sunscreen sprays ✅
    cruise ships ✅
    plastics ✅

    and introduce emissions testing for all vehicles that isn’t corrupt… including those buses spewing all that black smoke while filled with tourists ✅

  3. Anonymous says:

    Please start by fixing the garbage at public beach, its disgusting and there is more and more every day. How gvt can not deal with this is beyond me.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Start with the basics, ban vendors at Public Beach and all their related plastic garbage. Remove all the rental chairs and other crap. Also ban the jetski rentals for those that are not licenced with proper insurance.

  5. anonymous says:

    What a complete and utter jokes this idiot is. This bunch of bandits can’t even get a single use plastics ban done aft 2 years. Kenny is too scared to lose a vote. Every week he comes up with a new idea that is compete lips service and fool the people. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE.
    Kenny if you care about the environment why the hell are you ‘investing’ our money in a CAL route to Barbados that i understand has NO passengers. Those regional ministers saw you coming. Are you that delusional you thought they wanted you to head the regional effort for your brains and knowledge? Wake up – they only want to be on the Cayman gravy train and have Cayman taxpayers foot the bill for you stupidity. Boy they saw you coming. #endPACT now and stop the hemorrhaging of OUR money

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair the route to Barbados will allow onward travel with Virgin to the UK. If they can make transit in BGI seamless an alternative to bl***y BA is very welcome!

      • Anonymous says:

        There is onward travel on Virgin available from Nassau already if yo really need it and don’t want to fly BA all the way, why go through Bridgetown? BA via Jam as well.

      • Anonymous says:

        Very well let’s just keep a crappy BA monopoly.

      • Anonymous says:

        All the flights that go to Europe from Barbados goes from Jamaica as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a long time tourist, if you want to give me a greener tourist product, stop paving over every green area in the Cayman Islands.

  6. Green Hornet says:

    No more cruise ships! YES!!!!!

    Electric bus fleet with first world scheduling and solar powered & cooled bus stops! YES!!!!

    Limited diving areas! YES!!!!!

    Restrictions on visits to stingray city and starfish point! YES!!!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Never has the saying ’empty vessels make the most noise’ been truer than describing the former cocaine dealer, expat marrying (but hating if his constituents ask) Kenneth Bryan.

    • Anonymous says:

      the empty can rattles the most….

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly.. It is a complete waste of time even reading what this narcissist fool says……..let’s stop being fooled.
        He only throws out words to go along with his picture.
        There is no substance to the nan, or any intent beyond getting re-elected .

    • Anonymous says:

      Nah dude. Kenny’s constituents include a lot of folks who weren’t born here. The immigration reforms he wants are to boost that electorate. Not a real expat hater like Alden.

    • watcher says:

      I have done a lot worse in my life; probably so have you, yeah? If a person has paid is some way for their acts, they should be forgiven. If they haven’t balanced the scale, that is theirs to weigh someday, but not ours to judge.

      That said, I see a young politician who has gleaned that worshipping at the Church of Climate garners many, many dollars. I wish for REAL conservation, meaningful and measurable, salvation of our waters, land and air.

      That begins with cleaning up our current messes. That’s not nearly as exciting as talking about EVs and carbon credits, but is far more meaningful to our existence here. Clean up the dump and create sustainable recycling and waste management. If ONLY that were accomplished, it would be worthy of a several MP’s dedication to service.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is similar to the highway robbery at the grocery stores. They charge customers .05 cent for every plastic bag they need to carry the groceries in. Yet, the items are all in plastic so tell me how this makes any sense other than charging the client more?

    Now ken wants more tourist but a greener island yet they tearing through forests for more roads to facilitate these tourists. Make this make sense.

  9. Elvis says:

    Kenny on the green bandwagon now lmao

    • Anonymous says:

      He thinks that everyone of us is as dumb as he is- many of us are but not all of us. He said privately (as if anything is private) that his plan is to come out with these “feel good” headlines to keep himself relevant and we the people happy.

  10. Anonymous says:

    This guy is a parasite. An entire new terminal for billionaires but not even a lounge, a decent bar, a decent restaurant or a decent duty free for us f****g commoners.

    Christ man. Christ. It’s over.

    It makes my blood boil with anger listening to this absolute amateurs words on Youtube. He’s a loser, a relic, a washed up nomark, a hasbeen, an antique, a fake, a fraud, a convicted drug dealer, a sleaze bag, a grease pole climbing, jamrock loving horror story.


    • Anonymous says:

      How dare you compare him to an antique, antiques are usually worth something.

    • Anonymous says:

      He is all that -apart from being a loser. He won GTC with one of the largest majorities on the island. And he will win again. And he will continue to spend tax payers money on whatever he wants – he may not be moral or have the countries interests at heart, but he has worked out how to work the system and absent some miraculous change in the intelligence or composition of his constituency, he is going to be with us for some time. He is Mac’s natural successor. And as for it being over – well, government has a razor thin majority – or is arguably hung. What price do you think Kenny is negotiating to put the last nail in the coffin, because sure as shoot it will end up in him still being in cabinet at least – after the next election.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well done 7.54
      You have said it all with a modicum of restraint, and in printable words…..but sadly, due to the quality of his equally reprehensible voters, we are stuck with his parasite for many elections to come.
      But thank you for saying everything everyone thinks about this low life self important puffed up criminal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, but I don’t need a ‘decent bar’ at the airport, or a ‘decent duty free’ at the same. I guess my priorities are different than yours. Not surprised why you are not getting ahead or educating your kids, your priorities are alcohol and duty free – YOUR words!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Hey Kenny, fix the damn dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kenny not going to fix anything.
      It’s clear now that all he does is introduce or suggest and get publicity for some project for “His people”….making sure his picture is prominently displayed…
      then he moves on to the next publicity stunt.

      Think about it, in all the time we’ve been paying that Narcissist his inflated salary, tell me ONE thing his big mouth has achieved.

      • Anonymous says:

        He blew millions of public money on a piece of land.

        • Anonymous says:

          don’t worry the Tourism not so attractive Board will manage it, like they do at Pedro Castle and the not so Crafty Market. wha’ happened to Notch Bobo?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Did he abandon the Public Transportation transformation project❓

    Bryan plans to ‘transform’ public transport.
    “I am committed [‼️] to making the necessary amendments to regulations and legislation that will empower the Ministry of Transport to operate more effectively, with respect to traffic and public transportation in general”

    “Bryan said the most important thing [‼️]to do, before any restrictions are placed on cars and driving, is to address public transport.

    • Wa ya say says:

      Sorry 6:04 and “others” y’all need to keep up, the transport ministry is now under Minista Jay.?

  13. Anonymous says:

    How about starting with a single use plastic ban which the Bahamas has already put in place? They have been talking about this for too long now. Low hanging fruit and the Cayman legislation is already available and ready. They just need to put it through but worried about the effect it will have on Cayman small businesses. Lots of talk.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bruh, if you hate plastic that much, Mocs to the Bahamas. Be sure to check in and let us know how that goes for you.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The whole world has gone cashless, and touchless, including much of the third world, yet Cayman’s foreign-owned bank license holders are allowed to shaft merchants and consumers with all their obsolete hardwired thermal paper POS terminals and backend tech from the 1990s. No bank’s cards support Apple Pay. No Clover. No other touchless. Even with tap, and a chip, it asks for pin. Over $25? Please insert! 5th biggest banking center on the planet. Make it make sense. Pact should order all class A banks to phase out this ancient tech by Dec 31, or find another jurisdiction to scalp. Same for telecoms…where is 5G? Pact need to start advocating for consumers or they’re done too.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’ve pissed off the shills mate. No Visual voicemail. No same day instant transfers intra or between banks.

      This place is a crooks paradise. It always has been. A sunny place for shady people

      This was in 1989. By our honorable Governor who knew what was good for us.

      My Favourite. And ive tidied it up from the dammning report from our Governor.

      13. I seized the opportunity given by the election to
      re-organise the four lected Members! portfolios ain the
      Feecutive Council, emphasising health and social services
      on the one hand and educaticn (and the cultural heritage)
      on the other. Further, I introduced the concept of a ‘National
      Development Plan’ to be drafted on the basis oF the rolling
      Five Year Economic Development Plan. This is a still sensitive
      Subject, though less so than in_- the seventies, when the
      idea of planning the physical development of Cayman invited
      if not actually stones, at least oral missiles

      14 On Christmas Day, an Executive Council member REDACTED fire his pistol in a public place, in
      the close vicinity of REDACTED. Apart from the legal consequences, if (as
      in any normal society, he would) he resigns from Executive
      Council, an election for his vacancy must take place in
      the Legislative Assembly. In a 7-5 situation, the balance
      of power could shift. ‘This may have political and constitutional
      consequences at present quite unforeseeable.

      WHA’T NEXT
      15. Which leads naturally to the question: “what next?”
      The underlying considerations remain the same: the intensity
      of human relationships in oan isolated community, which
      has recently attained prosperity but is still liable to
      schism in economic, religious and colour terms, presenting
      many potential Flash points. Yet perhaps the process of
      maturation has now achieved more than a mere veneer. Caymanians
      rightly believe that compared with the rest of the Caribbean,
      there is something different about them, based on their
      history and on their economic achievements. They are however
      smug in their reluctance to accept that thetr prosperity
      depends on factors they cannot control (global economic
      conditions, hurrricanes, and ALDS for example); that rapid
      development necessitates tinported labour and the potential
      Joub-nombhe ring

      3. The first attempt to produce national income figures
      since 1972 shows that with imcone per capita of US$18,200,
      Cayman is slightly behind Bermuda but ahead of Canada and
      the United States. There ais Little yenuing poverty, and
      continuing community help for the feeble-minded, the elderly
      and disabled.

      No Poverty to speak of. And here we are only 30 years later.

      6. The out-turn tor the 1988 budget will show a handsome
      surplus, revenue be ing flush from Customs duties, land
      transfer taxes and other fees. There is no need even to
      consider that bug-bear or Caymanians, the introduction
      of income tax. The draft 1989 budget (to be taken in the
      February meeting of the Legislative Assembly) Shows” that
      netwithstanding expanded departmental expenditures, projected
      revenue will comfortably cope

      A Handsome surplus long before the 2008 depression and Covid and we are only just breaking even.

    • Anonymous says:

      The whole world has not gone cashless. Thankfully. That is just a way to keep tabs on everyone. I like the cash.

  15. Anonymous says:

    We should only accept electric cruise ships and we should have already ordered the electric version of the B737.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Only thing green about Kenny is his envy for Wayne.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yup, he is trying to steal Wayne’s thunder. Instead of working together he prefers to be in competition. If he starts all the things on his list of headlines promises he would be busy for the next 60 or so years!

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair he has learnt from the master in uttering statements about protecting the environment which he has zero intention of actually implementing. He will be wearing one of those UN 17 sustainable goals pins next. Or knowing Kenny, he will contract with some unheard of designer to produce some at enormous cost to the tax payer.

  17. Anonymous says:

    that’s it!…i’m taking kenny off speed dial!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Everything was pristine during covid lockdown, start with banning cruise ships.

    • Anonymous says:

      maybe ban diving too?….only destroys reefs over time

    • Anonymous says:

      Kenneth perhaps you should make some changes to our seven mile beach. You and your minions are working hard to destroy the ‘greenness” there and turning it into a ghetto. Don’t say one thing and do another.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth will have CAL paint the planes green and there you go just like that he’ll have his greener product.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I wish Kenny would start focusing on entering another pageant to utilise his narcissism instead of cluttering up the news reels with bingo select Govt addresses, – watching week old weather forecast reruns is more relevant 😶‍🌫️

  21. Anonymous says:

    I wish he would go away. Can we not send him to Haiti to be the ambassador to Cayman?

  22. annoying says:

    “Working on minimizing the negative environmental impacts of tourism”??? Maybe I am mistaken but was there not a recent article of possible future plans of a Airport runway extension into the North Sound to go along with the new rich folk terminal?

  23. Anonymous says:

    If by green tourism he means weed, then count me in KB. Great idea! Ignore all the bad things I said about you. You are special and the bestest MLA.

  24. Anonymous says:

    LOL. Cruise ships burn the best part of 100,000 gallons of dirty fuel oil A DAY! This guy talks about “a greener tourism product” but all he has done as tourism minister is squander the golden opportunity covid gave us to move away from low/no value add mass cruise tourism back to as many ships and overweight bodies as possible buying an overcooked burger and a Chinese t-shirt. On a busy day our “tourism product” is burning 500,000 gallons of fuel just getting here and sitting in port!

    • Anonymous says:

      And Kenneth , as you “consciously strive to improve tourism in the Cayman Islands”
      I suggest you put on some rubber gloves and get down to the restrooms at the Public beach, where your “tourism product” is spilling over the toilets.

      This man’s luck that his voters can’t read or write , is Cayman’s misfortune.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nothing compared to what CUC uses a day to keep empty condos and hotel room cool.

      • Anonymous says:

        Innumerate nonsense. CUC supplies a total of about 700 GWh/year at roughly 20kWh/gallon so 35m gallons/year or less than 100,000 gallons a day.

        100,000 gallons a day… in total, for all electricity, for everything.

  25. Anonymous says:

    How about taking another look at the George Town Revitalisation plan which does nothing to address renewable energy, recycling, visual clutter or upticking the green environment and the effect on the harbour front. It is simply a plaster on an infected wound.

  26. Anonymous says:

    just look at mount thrashmore…the perfect monument to the failures and incompetence of caymanian mla’s and their attitude towards the environment.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Do we actually know what are carbon footprint is in order to measure a goal or are we just adopting a hopeful impact without ever knowing its effect? asking sincerely as this is something we should have been looking at 20 years ago!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is probably close to net aero. Mangroves are the highest absorber of CO2. Our biggest contribution could simply be to preserve our mangroves or plant more and not EV’s

      • Anonymous says:

        Hey Kenneth, 2 mature trees can absorb 10-40 kg of CO2 in a year and provide 3 times as much oxygen. If you want to help out with the greening go plant some trees.

    • watcher says:

      We should be focusing on conservation — cleanup of the water, air, soil, fixing the dump, not buying into the carbon credit scheme. Those are values which will preserve and augment our wildlife, marine life and sustainable lives here. Politics should NEVER be melded with science.

    • Anonymous says:

      More like a toe print

  28. Anonymous says:

    ywan….cayman the place without a glass crusher…..zzzzzzzz

  29. Anonymous says:

    yeah…from a place that puts restrictions on people using solar technology……zzzzzz
    welcome to wonderland.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Until Kenny puts up a big 8 x 10 billboard stating that he supports Green Tourism nobody is going to believe him. We all know that if it’s important it deserves a large billboard.

    • Anonymous says:

      He should put a large billboard next to his other large billboard. With his face on it just to appease his massive ego.

    • Anonymous says:

      He can put up unlicenced billboards all he likes with impunity. All they do is feed his bloated ego and affirm his narcissistic tendencies. You’d be a fool to believe his billboards are anything but a canvas for political cliches.

    • Anonymous says:

      A Large Illegal Billboard!

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait until he has a billboard protesting against illegal billboards.

  31. Anonymous says:

    what a bunch of cut&paste waffle….
    the minute you hear an mla mention the term ‘stakeholders’ it’s time to turn off…..zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  32. Anonymous says:

    Talk is cheap Kenneth

  33. Anonymous says:

    Those who voted for him obviously have no clue.

  34. Anonymous says:

    The fact that anyone is still listening to this fool only shows the poor education standards in the Cayman islands.

  35. brackattacka says:

    Here we are, offering free refunds to a friggin tiktoker that left a bad review and is now milking the attention.

    Meanwhile, Turk’s & Caico’s tourism minister somehow has Drake (top 1 musical artist if you live under a rock) as their brand ambassador just because he likes it over there.

    Welcome to absur-

    • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        He called in to cmr show and offered to fly the tiktok guy she hosted back for free because he didnt see cayman culture..

        well here we are

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, Kenny doesn’t even realise that some people have to pay to fly on CAL, so he probably thought it wouldn’t cost anthing. Hell, they are providing him a plane to fly to Barbados for meetings – flying in a tiktoker is probably more positive than that.

        • Anonymous says:

          He dropped another 10 grand last week on his Aunt’s charity, to make Cayman a “Dementia Friendly Jurisdiction” apparently.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Illegal billboard capital of the world.

  37. Anonymous says:

    he’s not wrong. Is he capable of executing that philosophy effectively? I doubt it. I’m so disenfranchised low standard, the lack of transparency, professionalism etc etc, that even when the say something that sounds right you still end up doubting their motives and or means to accomplish it. But i guess bravo for the lipservice.

    If political and educational reform are not on your ticket I’m not voting for you next cycle. I hope others share that sentiment and pressure your reps.

  38. Anonymous says:

    I think he maybe confused about what a greener product actually means. The colour of his so called tourist products seem to span the rainbow. He started by selling a very illicit tourist product and now he’s promoting a greener one. Does he mean to make more money off one because tourism by it’s very nature is not considered green?

  39. Anonymous says:

    An example of talking loquaciously about nothing

  40. Anonymous says:

    So, KB, how is this accomplished?

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s not part of the soundbite.

      • Disappointed in people says:

        He said it. They are building a green space in GT Central. And they are doing the studies for the airports runway that was recommended by the DEpt of environmental health. And they doing work on littering now.
        I swear you can’t please any body.
        And I’m reading posts in here that basically say get rid of tourism? And how will you survive? Huh? You do the best you can to balance what you have but looks like some of you “haves” don’t really understand what the “have nots” have to go through every day to survive. The man is trying for goodness sake.

  41. Anonymous says:

    He should work on packing up his desk. I have no confidence left in this government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not to worry – Kenny is already working very hard on bringing the government down. Of course, his solution s to replace it with one run by Kenny, but that’s a different story.

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