Mailer commits to carry on work of late NCC chairman

| 17/08/2023 | 8 Comments
Stuart Mailer (photo courtesy of the National Trust)

(CNS): Ahead of the first meeting of the recently appointed National Conservation Council later this month, the new chairperson, Stuart Mailer, has said he is committed to continuing the stellar work of the late chairman, McFarlane “Mac” Conolly, who died suddenly last month. The appointment term of all members of the previous council, including Conolly, ended in February.

Mailer, who was a member of the previous board and a former environmental programmes manager at the National Trust, is a well-known botanist and an expert on local flora. The NCC is one of only a few public sector boards that must include at least four non-executive members with relevant scientific or technical expertise.

No official reason has been given for why it took six months for Cabinet to appoint a new NCC, though it is understood that the ministers disagreed about the makeup of this critical board.

In a press release about the appointment of members, Premier and Minister of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency Wayne Panton paid homage to Conolly’s legacy.

“As a member of the very first NCC in 2014 and the council’s chairman from 2018 to February 2023, Mr Mac’s legacy lives on in this important governmental body,” he said. “I know the newly appointed council members will discharge their duties with integrity, staying true to the mission of the NCC, which is to promote the conservation and sustainable use of Cayman’s natural resources and biological diversity.”

Panton noted that the NCC plays a fundamental role in the protection of Cayman’s unique species and habitats, as well as in the environmental impact assessment process. “The council members, under the leadership of Stuart Mailer as the new chairperson, have a lot of important work to carry forward, and on behalf of the Cayman Islands Government, I thank them for their willingness to serve,” he added

Mailer said he was honoured to accept the seat as chair and would miss the former chairman. “Over the next two years, I will follow our constitutional mandate to ensure that all of our decisions have due regard to protecting an environment that supports the health or well-being of present and future generations,” he added.

The NCC will hold a general meeting later this month.

The agenda and minutes for NCC meetings can be found on the NCC website.

The public can also watch the meetings live on the DoE’s YouTube channel.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well now I am curious as to what you say he stopped. I know he put in place the beautifully landscaped park between College Close and Milton/Rina which is called Jackson Wall Park. I know live just around the corner. Are you sure that someone hasnt sold you a cheap story?! You should be more careful as to what nonsense you repeat.

  2. JC says:

    But does it have any teeth to do anything? Seems that powerful people just go get approval from Planning or another department and just start digging.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I hope he supports and encourages electric vehicles and speed reductions on Little to help save the SIRIs. Eaten by cats on one end of their life cycle and run over by vehicles on the other. Not a lot of hope for them in that situation. Good luck with your work.

  4. Anonymous says:

    NCC’s efforts similar to plugging a leak in the Hoover Dam with your finger.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Of course cabinet would fight over who gets appointed. Naturally they don’t want anyone who would want to come in with a mandate to do some good to benefit the people and the environment. I am wondering if Wayne will do antything to secure the Jackson wall in Newlands after he stopped previous plans to do so.


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