PACT commits to free health cover for kids and elders

| 11/05/2023 | 95 Comments
Healthcare provision for children and seniors in the Cayman Islands, Cayman News Service
Minister Sabrina Turner responds to Chris Saunders’ motion

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has committed to introducing free healthcare provision for both children and the elderly as soon as it can afford to do so, though it has not given a timeline for when this will happen. In parliament last month, during a debate on a private member’s motion, the government said that in the meantime, it would do a better job helping those in need access the support that is already available for the under- or uninsured.

Former finance minister Chris Saunders MP (BTW), who brought the motion, argued that the current mandatory private sector insurance system has failed and the Health Services Authority should go back to being a public hospital because its costs are increasing year on year and it is spending too much on chasing debt.

Saunders called for an update on the Cayman Islands’ entire medical plan, as he outlined the problems that have developed under the current regime that have increased the costs to the government as it tries to ensure that all Caymanians have access to affordable healthcare. He said the private health insurers had been allowed to cherry-pick who they cover and profiteer instead of spreading risk, and as a result government picks up the tab.

“We have created a system in this country… where we have allowed private sector insurance companies to come inside here, cherry-pick, make a ton load of money and leave the Caymanian people to turn off the light on the people who truly need help,” Saunders said. “The purpose of insurance is to spread risk, but the risk is not being spread. It is being borne solely by the Caymanian people, and we cannot continue to kick this can down the road.”

The government accepted Saunders’ motion, but Premier Wayne Panton explained that they could not commit to a hard and fast timeline, as stated in the motion, to begin rolling out the provision starting this year. He asked Saunders to amend the motion removing the dates.

The premier said the CIG wanted to meet the spirit of the proposal, but doing so in this budget cycle would likely make the government fall foul of the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility. He noted that, in response to the government’s Strategic Policy Statement, Saunders had himself raised concerns about the current levels of public spending.

Panton said that while there is support available, there are some gaps, and the government needed to look at how much it would cost to fill them.

“There is no doubt that every one of us would want to be able to do this,” Panton said. “Our problem is that there are so many challenges, so many things out there that we want to be able to do for our people. We can’t do them all.” Noting the expected revenue in the budget, the premier said the government would work towards the proposal.

Health Minister Sabrina Turner said she supported the “essence of the motion” and that healthcare provision for the elderly and children was a priority for the government. But the minister said there were already things in place that offered access to both groups.

Turner told the parliament that the health ministry is currently working on a survey that will be looking at the barriers to healthcare and what data is needed to make policy judgements about access to healthcare.

The government already provides a wide range of primary free healthcare services to Caymanians who are not insured or underinsured, and the mandatory system means that children of parents working in the private sector should already be covered. The minister said the CIG should not be required to cover the children from affluent families for free when it’s not needed.

Turner listed a number of programmes that ensure that all Caymanian seniors who are not insured or underinsured have access to healthcare. “The government budget includes 26 line items that speak to the provision for children, seniors and other vulnerable groups totalling $104 million, which does not include… the indigent care budget that ranges from $25 to $40 million annually. Those numbers are huge,” she said, adding that was why her ministry is now focusing on preventative care.

The health minister said that implementing the proposal, even if it is only for Caymanians, would increase operating costs by an estimated $12 million over the next three years. The government currently spends around $130M to $150M annually on healthcare and ensures that primary healthcare is available to residents, Turner said.

See the presentation of the motion and response on CIGTV below:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is not going to happen, period. This is just pre-election period hyperbole: vote catching.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Every single “free” healthcare system in the world requires direct taxation on income.


    Because every single government in the world are incapable of running a healthcare system without bankrupting it perpetually over and over again and over again. That means in order to be able to bankrupt a healthcare system repeatedly, they need direct access to your income without restriction.

    Very simple.

  3. Corruption is endemic says:

    The problem with Cayman Health Insurance costs is massive admin costs and profit margins for the locally licensed (Class A) insurers.

    You are mandated to have insurance from a licensed on-island provider. But these providers do not actually insure your risk. They simply sell the policy, take a massive cut and sort of do a decent job of administering. (Cayman First excluded for non-payment of providers).

    For example Britcay offers health insurance from Aetna and International Medical Group. You could go online right now and buy coverage from both of these Companies and others that would pay for Cayman Healthcare services at a fraction of the cost that Britcay charges for the same or inferior coverage. But you or your company are not allowed to do that under Cayman Law.

    Cayman is too small in population to have the cost of multiple different insurance plans. This gets further compounded by the healthy margins that our local insurers are generating for not taking on risk.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The medical establishment needs to be blown up and completely restructured.

    Reduce or eliminate the role of the Rockefeller Foundation and the AMA type goons that control licensing of doctors snd accreditation of medical schools.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’d like to see actual health care provided that eliminates diseases and prevents them from occurring.

      I’m talking alternative medicine as primary care. Naturopathy, accupuncture, chiropractic, nutrionists, etc.

      Much cheaper and a healthier alternative.

      Power to the people.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t this the type of policy that has brought many other countries to the brink of bankruptcy?

    • Anonymous says:

      Sweden, Germany, Denmark?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, and since Cayman cannot print money or go into interminable debt, the only solution is substantially more taxes. This, of course, is what the US and the EU would like to see as they know it would destroy the economy here.

      Be careful what you wish for. In the US, the politicians thought it was a great idea to tax luxury boats. Why not? Those people have plenty of money. The unintended result of this tax was the decimation of the luxury boat industry, which still hasn’t recovered 50 years later. Rich people decided not to buy boats.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Then you can die on the wait list like with the NHS.

    • Anon says:

      no one dies waiting on the NHS. You are prioritised according to your risk. Not defending or saying the NHS is the all powerful, but it is run on a as needed basis instead of being upsold and an inhaler that costs $10 being charged $350 for like the US system.
      Yes, there could be better wellness and preventative measures, but you should never die because you are on a wait list.
      A very Republican thought.

      • Anonymous says:

        People who have died from missed cancer screenings or delays in treatment would disagree with you there 2:26.

      • Anonymous says:

        My uncle died of a heart attack at a train station. He’d been on an NHS waiting list for 2 years waiting for cardiac care. Happens all the time. People are left in pain, disabled and even dead because of waiting for essential care.

        • Anonymous says:

          Should have got himself some private insurance then. Perfectly possible and affordable.

          Get the best of both worlds. Save millions of lives a year for the poor and don’t have to mix with them either.

          Win / win.

    • Anonymous says:

      Factually incorrect.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should try critical thinking for a change.

  7. Anonymous says:

    No such thing as free; someone will pay for this. If parents are employed, their children should be covered by health insurance. This new initiative would be good for children of unemployed persons and elderly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who are already covered if they apply via NAU, this is a feel good “vote for me”initiative that will drive up public debt that you and I will pay for, but more importantly, our children and their children will pay for.

      If Sabrina was even doing her job correctly she would have pointed this out but she just joined the “vote for me” morons and supported it.

      Absolutely scary stuff coming from the PACT administration. Being led around by the guy they just fired!

    • Anonymous says:

      Free health care will completely BANKRUPT Cayman, as Cayman does not have the ability to assume hundreds of millions of dollars in ever increasing debt to fund it. The idea that only children and the elderly will receive free health care is a lie. The intent is to offer socialised health care to everyone. This will require significant increased taxation, and the types of taxes required will ultimately destroy both the financial services and the property/tourism markets.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wait, doesn’t the UK, Canada and other financial services countries offer free health care?

        • Anonymous says:

          UK and Canadian systems are continually out of cash and cannot deliver care to its citizens, thankfully for them, they have a direct feed into everyone’s income bloodstream. It it was a commercial healthcare, they would have been bankrupted 100 times over.

  8. Anonymous says:

    just means test all recipients…if not, you are opening another huge black hole of liability.
    but this is classic no-plan-pact who just write checks….

  9. Anonymous says:

    Ignorance prevailing once again!

  10. Anonymous says:

    If there is no date, there is no commitment. This is what is now known as ‘wayne waffle’

  11. Rod says:

    All people mostly see is FREE, but not one part of it is free, we all going to pay for the free for all when it fully starts, it has started in a small way but not fully.

  12. Anonymous says:

    if the bill ultimately falls back on Govt then why not mandate Caymanians pay into a national insurance plan?

  13. Anonymous says:

    We’ve already got the ‘socialism is bad’ comments.

    What’s wrong with people? is it so hard to recognize that universal health-care should be something a modern society should strive for?

    Of course old and young should have access. I think everyone else should too. We have a crazy system here that has genuinely seen insurance costs rocket of late, to the extent that many people cannot countenance a routine visit to see a doctor. Of course, for the many Caymanians in CIG, this isn’t a problem, but for everyone else, except the wealthy, health insurance affects quality of life.

    No system is perfect, but we can do much better.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sadly, the anti socialist cretins have been jedi mind tricked by Murican’ culture.

      They have no idea what socialism actually is, and the same for communism. The smooth brains think both are the works of the devil.

      • Anonymous says:

        Usual leftist name-calling. Got anything useful to say?

        • Anonymous says:

          Try reading history booka without confirmation bias and learn empathy for your fellow human, regardless of income bracket and class status.

        • Anonymous says:

          In my experience, most righties deserve to be called names (Hilary’s usage of “deplorables” didn’t come close to accurately describing the bigoted dimwits that make up the majority of the US Republicans’ so-called “base”). And also in my experience, it’s the righties who resort to calling people childish names (emulating their leader, no doubt).

    • Anonymous says:

      Says the person not living in a socialized healthcare system

      • Anonymous says:

        Lived in one, liked it. Great to see serious illnesses not condemn people to bankruptcy.

        • Anonymous says:

          11:57 Go back to it then if it’s so great. We don’t want it here thanks. People come to Cayman trying to change everything insisting that they know better

          • Anonymous says:

            What the heck are you talking about. Not paying for medical care is the Caymanian national pastime. You just need to look at the amount of the HSA’s accounts receivable written off every year. Caymanians love socialized medical care, and frankly, I see it as the least this country of great wealth can do for them.

          • Anonymous says:

            What, so ex-pats mustn’t make suggestions on any part of Cayman’s infrastructure? Great attitude.

            • Anon says:

              They really shouldn’t.. Also, why bother? They can’t vote, so their opinion/suggestion doesn’t count.

    • Anonymous says:

      Socialist healthcare is not the answer for a population that has this level of obesity. I don’t want to pay into a system that has to subsidize people’s bad life choices. The NHS in the UK isn’t exactly in great shape these days.

      • Anonymous says:

        if the physical shape of the MPs is representing the populace, we will have ballooning costs.

      • Anon says:

        Unfortunately we are living in a very Americanised culture and the obesity rates have to do with our relationship with food. I would dare to say our diet is even worse than the Standard American Diet.
        The thing is that really people will be treated here no matter what, it just means they have to spend more reasons chasing debt. Cayman used to have this and we didn’t run aground from poor health choices.
        The government does need to encourage healthier choices, but I guarantee if they start to raise duties on heavy sugar items like sodas or limit smoking etc then there would be an uproar. This is a great option so that people are not worried about their health.
        Part of this is to provide wellness checks and allow people to actually take control of their lives.

      • Anonymous says:

        Since the NHS has been underfunded for years, that’s not a surprise is it?

        Unfortunately, bad life choices are something many make. Still, let’s hope you don’t get a rare form of cancer with expensive treatment, cos I don’t want to subsidize that.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Cut back on unnecessary projects like the “Disney World park” in Scranton.

  15. Anonymous says:

    There is a fundamental flaw in understadning what “health care” is. Not just in Cayman, but in general.

    Health care is erroneously equated with health insurance, with an ability to pay for medical services.

    Health Care is Caring for Health so one remains healthy. Nobody ever talks about prevention other than eat right and exercise (and check your cholesterol, sugar and BP). Too many factors affect ones health besides food and physical activities.

    In Cayman in particular, environmental pollution of air, water, flora, fauna, sea, soil etc. is catastrophic, if one bothered to measure. This creates more illnesses and deaths than a proverbial hamburger or lack of physical activities.

    Nobody ever talks about real prevention and the entire focus is on the ability to pay for medical services (health insurance). This is as unsustainable as it could be.

    Growing environmental pollution => more people get sick => more medical services needed => more money needed to pay for it => bankruptcy. This will continue in perpetuity.

    Cleaning up environmental pollution in Cayman will take more than money. It will require people in CIG who understand the problem, have a vision and a strategy to achieve that vision.

    Meantime mangroves are disappearing, public access to green and clean unaltered natural environment is impossible (it doesn’t exist), more development, more hospitals, more doctors, more waste, including hazardous, infects and radioactive. And still nobody is talking about Radiation safety and incinerator(s) pollution control in accordance with 21st century standards.

    And of course there is The Dump!

    I’ll bet dioxin levels in Cayman, especially in 5 miles radius of The Dump are very, if not extremely, high. Accumulation of other toxic chemicals is probably off the chart as well.

    💁🏼I am flabbergasted why NOBODY talks about environmental pollution in Cayman. General statements are made but nobody pays attention.

    Why no privates citizen or groups conduct an independent PROPER testing/analysis of the levels of harmful toxins in the environment?
    Quality testing for hazardous chemicals in the environment (indoor and outdoor) is an extremely complex process that starts with the proper collection of samples that is affected by many factors.

  16. Anonymous says:

    For years we have paid medical insurance when we were young. What did the insurance company do with the premiums they collected? Why have they been allowed by law to cherry pick? The question has always been the same year after year, why are they allowed to get away with it? Why doesn’t Government collect one premium from everyone in the country especially seniors? At the end of the day they will pickup the tab anyway. Would it not be prudent to do it that way since at least money would be made to offset the loss? Come on guys this is not rocket science. Government NEEDS to collect the premium not profiteering private insurance companies. Insurance companies have offered premiums of up to $8000 and more per month. Are you kidding me, the timeline is past due. D. Miller

    • Anonymous says:

      I have been paying health insurance all my life, had good health and just one short stay in hospital for a minor illness, no surgeries or anything major. Now I would like to retire but the $1000 a month pension won’t work and when I am most likely to need healthcare I would not have insurance. Canada is promoting euthanasia for old sick folks maybe we should do the same here because that is all we will be able to afford.

  17. Anonymous says:

    It may seem a noble act but there is no such thing as ‘Free’. We, the people of Cayman, are footing the bill. I’m all for helping those who genuinely are struggling but it’s not the job of Cayman’s population to pay for others kids welfare. If you cant afford to have kids don’t have them. Plain and simple! Personally I’d love to have children but I’m not in a financial position for them atm. They take sacrifice and a large amount of money. Government already has free schooling for Caymanian children along with other benefits. Parents need to take responsibility. Also look at our local level of childhood obesity. Stop going out clubbing ladies and wasting your money on new phones and manicures and give your kids a good life. Also stop shacking up with wastemen who gon’ leave you the moment you ask for commitment. I don’t want to pay for your bad life choices.

    • Anonymous says:

      No worries. No one is coming for your Audi Q, F-150, Jeep, BMW, or Tesla.

      • Anonymous says:

        8:19 Yeah you’ve seriously overestimated my lifestyle. I don’t have that money. Hence why I don’t like the idea of everyone getting handouts.

        • Anonymous says:

          You have been convinced that capitalism and right wing austerity measures are gospel.

          So sad. Read books.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a horrible thing to think of fellow humans. You working class buddy? Better tie your tubes cus you don’t deserve a child.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t have kids if you cant afford them. Im working class you moron. I am just being sensible about it. Cant afford them don’t have them. It’s not others responsibility to support your progeny

  18. Anonymous says:

    He said the private health insurers had been allowed to cherry-pick who they cover and profiteer instead of spreading risk, and as a result government picks up the tab.

    How many years in government before he noticed this?

  19. Anonymous says:

    “The Cayman Islands Government has committed to introducing free healthcare provision for both children and the elderly as soon as it can afford to do so”

    That would be never. They haven’t even accounted for or accepted the $billion unaccounted for health care liability for government employees.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I think Saunders is a pretty awful person and wouldn’t vote for him but his description of local private health insurers and the system in general is spot on. We followed the American model which is well known world wide to be the worst rip off system there is.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Saunders proposing stuff that would leave Cayman outside the parameters of the FFR? Could never be.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Lol. It’s already free. HSA can’t deny care.

    • Anonymous says:

      HSA deny care all the time. The last 3 times I needed treatment there they asked me to pay for it in full before it was carried out. Therefore no pay = no treatment.

  23. Anonymous says:

    you ever wondered why people in socially developed countries (finland, denmark) are happier than in countries with extreme capitalism (Usa, cayman)?

    • Anonymous says:

      You suggest Cayman introduce the tax levels that Finland and Denmark have and you will be laughed off the island. It’s their level of taxation that allows them to have all the “free” services”

      • Anonymous says:

        In addition, the types of taxes required for free health care are the types of taxes that will destroy the two main industries in Cayman, tourism/property investment and Financial Services.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s the Kool-Aid. Works great.

    • Anonymous says:

      ((Socialism)) and ((Empathy))

  24. Anonymous says:

    Also doing something about childhood obesity might help, but seems you want to just keep pandering to the health insurance industry don’t you?
    This is tantamount to rewarding a bad habit in the case of obese kids. They will learn to grow with their problem thinking everything is normal and paid for and become a further burden on the system into adulthood.
    I guess everyone’s premium will go up just so health insurers risks are covered. How is this sustainable for the average healthy citizen?

  25. Anonymous says:

    These politicians just love spending other people’s money. I’m convinced they are addicted to it.

    This is what’s wrong with us here. No personal responsibility.

    Let someone else pay for us because we’re Caymanian as we pound our individual and collective chests.

    I don’t want socialism here and I don’t believe others do either.

    • Anonymous says:

      That Caymanian education shining through yet again.

      By the way, Jesus was a socialist.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey bro, we are a British Overseas Territory and yet, have no free healthcare system like most industrialized countries other than America.

      You’ve been brainwashed into believing every man for himself is the best path forward.

      The American form of crony capitalism and oligarchy has broken that country and created divisions that will never heal.

      Be more British. Use your brain. Be more kind.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a transparent vote getting trick.
      “We don’t know when we can afford to give you all everything you want for free, but if you don’t vote for us you’ll never get it.”
      Saunders now enjoying grandstanding too without any responsibility for getting anything done.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t believe they are talking about socialism.

      Let us look at insurance for the elderly. If they were government employees, then they continue with the golden ticket version of CINICO. Everyone else, they can pay $250 per month for Silver CINICO, which covers a paltry $400 per YEAR of outpatient costs. It does provides decent emergency care.

      The elderly have already ‘paid their dues’. They should be fully covered. Nearly everyone knows elderly who don’t receive full care, simply because they can’t afford it.

      We need to nationalise CINICO. I truly believe this. If properly enacted, it would cost less with more benefit for everyone, including WP holders. Yes, that would crumble the five insurance companies who are currently struggling for no apparent reason, who have been gouging us and raising our rates every time we use the insurance.

      It wouldn’t be socialised medicine, but proper medical insurance.

    • Anonymous says:

      You clearly have no idea what socialism is, just what Fox news tells you it is.

      Crabs in a bucket.

      • Anonymous says:

        The people that oppose this are the same ones that don’t want the poor to ever make it to the middle class.

        Caymanians holding other Caymanians down.


      • Anonymous says:

        Socialism is what they do in the UK, no?

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s right, no more give a ways, these people have enough free stuff. If they can not pay for things let them go without. We have to keep the rich happy so they keep things rolling along.
      Hey maybe we could save a lot of money by cutting free health for politicians? Cutting back on all the government workers may save something as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Third world hyper capitalism is Caymankind


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