Masked armed man robs Red Bay food truck

| 16/05/2023 | 41 Comments
Cayman News Service
Al La Kebab truck in Red Bay

(CNS): The Al La Kebab food truck on Selkirk Drive in Red Bay became the latest local business to be robbed on Saturday night in yet another spike of commercial stick-ups. The truck was held up at around 11:50pm by a masked man, dressed all in black, who brandished a firearm, police said. The robber demanded cash and escaped on foot with an undisclosed quantity from the register.

The suspect was of medium build and about 5’6″. No shots were fired and no one was physically injured during the robbery.

This was the fourth armed heist in the last three weeks. Burger King on Shamrock Road was robbed at the end of last month and the Esso gas station was robbed on 5 May, both nearby this latest robbery. The Esso gas station in George Town on Sheddon Road was also robbed last Thursday.

Anyone with any information about this latest robbery or who may have witnessed anything suspicious in the area around the time is asked to contact 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (41)

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  1. Cheese Face says:

    I really is time to do away with (the majority) of cash transactions. Take away the bait and the fish won’t bite.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That truck has been robbed at least six times and its always some lone gun man who escapes on foot – this is obviously the same loser and he lives in selkirk drive or very near by!

  3. Cheese Face says:

    20 years for gun possession, 30 for armed robbery, no discounts.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I thought they have security and cameras in place since they have been robbed before 🤷‍♀️

    • Anonymous says:

      They do. Several of them. Doesn’t mean these a—holes won’t rob them again.

      • Anonymous says:

        I guess security was playing games or chatting on his phone if there was one on duty that night as they get too relaxed and stop paying attention to their jobs🤦🏽‍♀️

  5. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    We are not safe. RCIPS can only respond after the fact. CCTV appears to be flaccid and fails to rise to the occasion, over and over again; a cohesive operation could track the perps from the crime to their arrest. What have/are we paying for?

    We are going to have to start pulling together, apparently, because the system is failing. We are going to start watching out for each other, and taking steps to track and sus out who these criminals are. I am NOT espousing vigilantism. Nope. I am espousing the togetherness of community which we all enjoyed not two decades ago.

    • Fed up says:

      People need to work with the police as someone knows who it is! look what happen in Brac, community work together with police and they found and arrest the person within days. police can’t work on their own.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Until the employers start paying a decent wage to us common workers this will continue and get worse. Stop treating us all like slaves so you rich people can live the high life.

    • Anonymous says:

      na today bobo

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      You have to earn it like the rest of us — working from the bottom up, through diligence, personal sacrifice and integrity. Personal innovation and/or marketable creativity, musical or athletic talent is also an option. I have never been even close to rich.

      I can’t recall a single time in all my years where I sat on a corner and waited for someone to give me the money due me. Good thing, right?

      It starts with reSPECT for yourself and others. Good luck and God bless.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you big monies people won’t pay it then it will be taken. Always the same old song yet you love the cheap prices.

        • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

          I’ve been all the way down to the bottom, further down than you, as evidenced by the fact that you own a computer or phone. Unlike here, I was in a big city and there was no NAU to help me. There was me and the street, and I clawed my way up, one branch at a time.

          I am not even close to rich. After COVID, I am in a place where I can again pay my bills. You want to play the victim, fine, go for it. Those that realise that they are ultimately responsible for their own situation, eventually can make their way out of it.

          Wish you the best. I have helped a lot of deserving people. I don’t have much to give, so I give time and skills. Maybe you will choose to do the same.


        • Anonymous says:

          big monies people? Maybe you should try to start earning the big monies by going to school first before stealing it.

    • Orrie Merren 🙏🏻🇰🇾 says:

      Both citizens, as well as specifically public officials and all three arms of government (legislature, executive and judiciary), have legal (as well as moral) obligations to “uphold the rule of law” (see, in part, s.107, Constitution read together with ss.19(1), 24, Bill of Rights).

      Any civilized democratic society governed by the rule of law, at its very core, must abide by civilized democratic values (including respecting fundamental human rights and freedoms) — theft and crimes are unacceptable, which subvert (and dilute) the rule of law.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I don’t advocate armed robbery but the real robbery is Al La Kebab’s prices. $15 for a Beef and Lamb Shawarma??

    • Anonymous says:

      How much for a fried fish dinner? Make it yourself. Can’t afford it, make it yourself then.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not even real shawarma, thats the pity in all this.

      Please someone who knows what they’re doing from Lebanon, open up a shawarma joint here!

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Robbery is goods or money being taken from you against your will. If you don’t want to pay Al La Kebab’s prices, then go somewhere else. To characterise that as “robbery” is almost “criminal”.

      See what I did there? Does how you make a living involve exchange of money for goods or service? Of course it does. If someone thinks you are overpriced are you a “robber”?

      You have a CHOICE, so be self-determining and choose, and stop whinging about it. We are all struggling here.

      • Anonymous says:

        their food is good but it’s way overpriced, and yes, I dont eat there anymore. I agree with your statement but I think it’s also a crime how overpriced food is on this island. I hope the perpetrator is caught and pays for his crime.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dude, it’s a joke, nobody thinks they’re being robbed by Al la Kebab. Lighten up.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Should have asked for a kebab, it’s probably worth more than what he took.

  9. Anonymous says:

    bout time.
    over $12 bucks for kebab thats the real robbery.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Another reason for cashless transactions ?

  11. Anon. says:

    Cheap imported labour from crime ridden countries, governmental and parental apathy towards public education, lax border controls, illegal immigrants. All contribute to the increase in armed criminality in this country. In such a tiny but prosperous and resource-rich nation, we should be seeing the majority of our citizens becoming well educated and successful contributors to our society. But the reality is, only those citizens with resources far over and above what the government can provide in terms of education and opportunity, those are the only ones that prosper. Pathetic. Every single everyday citizen is this country should be outraged.

    Our political leaders want to model this country after Dubai and Monaco, but those countries help their citizens to become prosperous. We do not do nearly enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      …and this is just a piece of the story.

    • Anonymous says:

      All the fat cats want are cheap slave labor and now it is backfiring on them. This has been brewing for years but the rich can not understand and the politicians do not care as long as they get for themselves.

  12. Anonymous says:

    so not too fat, not too skinny guy about 5’6. got it. that should narrow it down to a few thousand people

  13. Anonymous says:

    I seem to remember the rcips saying

    “we know who these criminals are and we are closing in on them” or something to that effect.”

    that was last year, I think.

    but yeah, let’s arrest and prosecute ppl who say “fuck” in public.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I pray the staff are not too shaken up by this

    And I pray Al le Kebab do not put up their prices again because of this!

  15. Anonymous says:

    When caught, brand his forehead with big tatoo that says armed thief.

    Double his sentence and deport if not Caymanian.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Police has lost against the criminals. When criminals can commit armed robbery at will with complete impunity, this is not a losing battle, it’s a lost battle. So much for the effectiveness of the ridiculous weapons laws. Bring in US cops that know how to deal with this situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can’t breathe

    • Anonymous says:

      Well in order to do that, all officers must then carry a gun as that is your US officers’ sole means of dealing “with this situation”. Since they wake up in the morning with a list of how many of the poors they will deal with that day … well, I guess it does solve a few problems. Sure bring em.

    • Anonymous says:

      God no, they are uneducated power trippers there. Get more from the UK


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